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About The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1909)
IE HUG STRENGTH ; OF MINERAL WATER In Cases of Djspepsia, Rheumatism, Gout and Nervous Breakdown, is Marvelous. Upon recent investigation by eminent pnysicians, chemists and scientists it has been demonstrated that natural, earth flowing tnineral waters are the most beneficial means for the cure of organic maladies. Paso Robles Hot Springs are at this time the point of interest to most in vestigators, as recent occurrences have attracted the attention of the thinking world to these springs. - " One of their chief points of interest to medical men is said to be that which proves that a pre-eminent chemical action rests in the waters which flow from the earth at Paso Robles, Califor nia. - Paso Robles Hot Springs is making cures daily of rheumatism, gout, stom ach trouble, neurotic diseases, kidney trouble and general breakdown, which proves almost beyond question to medical men that there is some quality in these waters superior to any in this country and probably in the world. It is also claimed for. Paso Robles that the air conditions are perfect. It lies in a small valley protected by : mountain ranges; is 720 feet above sea level and is not assailed by too much sea moisture or an abnormal tempera ture from the hot land winds. r This air condition is thought by some to have almost as much to do with its cures as the waters themselves. i The town, like all health resorts, is filled with boarding houses of all kinds, so that every purse will be' pleased. There are hotels for the rich, where any luxury may be had. Private baths for exclusive patrons who wish to be to themselves. These springs have been known for centuries, for they were used by the Indian to cure his sick and later, the Franciscan fathers performed wonder ful cures here, but it is only recently that the really marvelous ; powers of these waters were made known to the world at large. Nearly every form of organic trouble is 'treated at these hot springs, for the authorities welcome all except those who have tuberculosis or unclean dis eases. For the man who suffers - from over-eating or from -alcoholic -xeesses there is nothing in to equal a week spent at Paso Robles." It straight ens him out with a rapidity that ia won derful, and the best recommendation is that they do away with the. nerve-craving for stimulants because of their peculiar soothing effects upon the nerv ous system. ' - Truly speaking, the study of Paso Robles Hot Springs is one which is giving the medical fraternity abroad and at home much interest, and is pro bably directing more attention to Cali fornia than any other of her patural, gifts man. A small book, neatly illustrated, has been recently published by the manage ment telling the story of the Hot Springs in a most interesting manner and giving complete information Send for it, either to Wm. McMurry, Gen eral Passenger Agent of the 0. R. & N., Portland, Ore., or Dr. F. W. Saw yer, manager, Paso Robles,' Cal. ' EXPERT' PIANO TUNING J. R. CHAMBERS Phone Ind. 2192 - - CALIFORNIA IN WINTER Is'the place to visit. Orange groves in full bloom, tropical flowers, famous ho tels, historic old missions, attractive watering places, delightful climate, make this favored section the Nation's Most Popular Winter Retreat. You can see- this section at its best via. the Shasta Route " AND "Road of a Thousand Wonders" Southern Pacific Company Up-to-date trains, first class in every respect, unexcelled dining car serviee, quick time and di rect connections to all points south. , , Special Round Trip Rate of $55.00 ALBANY TO LOS ANGELES AND , !; RETURN "With corresponding low rates from all other sections of the Northwest, with liberal stop-overs in .each direction ana long limit. Interesting and attractive literature orf the various- winter resorts of California can be had on application to any S. P. or O. R. & N. agent, or from . - - - ' WmI' McMdrray . ' General Passenger Agent .'.' Portland, Ore. GREAT DISPLAY Three Miles of Prize Winning Ears Entered In the Third ; National Corn Exposition at J the Nebraskan Capital.' By WALTON, WILLIAMS. " OW, brains are makinsr millions on the American farms, how meeting the seasons with com mon sense as well as brute force has resulted in giving the world more ana better food, will be graph ically shown at the third National Corn exposition in Omaha Dec. 6-18. ' The United States government and twenty-five states have exhibits in stalled showing how the simplest form of science has produced types of plants for new as well as old lands, for arid as well as well watered regions, for al titudes as low as Louisiana swamps and as high as Wyoming and Montana tablelands 6,000 feet above the sea. . The government exhibit shows what the department of agriculture Is dolne for the people who till the land, what nas been discovered by the bureau of animal industry,, by the office of the plant breeder and those experts em ployed to eradicate injurious Insects and diseases of plants and animals which annually destroy a billion - dol lars worth of life and deprive the na tion of that much new wealth. Twenty-five of the states became In. terested in the National Corn exposi tion as a movement which would give W. K. KELLOGG $1,000 TROPHY FOB BEST BAB OF COBN IN THE WOBLD. them an opportunity to demonstrate to some 200,000 farmers how science is solving the problem of getting from the soil the greatest possible profits. Thus the states have Installed their ex hibits, and the farmers of the country who have been applying some of the methods first unfolded by the agricul tural colleges have surrounded these exhibits with grains and grasses pro duced in all parts of the United States during the season of 1909. Three miles of prize winning corn have been entered, the ears lying side by side on the exhibition shelves. In samples of one peck each more than a thousand bushels of thrashed grains wheat, oats, rye, barley, seeds of clo ver, millet, timothy and alfalfa await the scoring of the judges which will divide $50,000 in prizes and award a score of gold Land, silver trophies . to those producing the best of each variety.',-,- ' ' v Chance to Buy Choice Corn. -When the exposition draws - to a close all this prize winning grain, con taining as Undoes the. choicest blood streams of heredity in plant life, will be sold at auction. The influence of this choice seed on next year's crop and on production during f years to come will give the nation thousands upon thousands of dollars of, hew wealth. The state exhibits are espe cially interesting, some of them show ing the results of fifteen years' work by plant breeders in order to secure an improved variety of grain. Wisconsin, for instance, has been working with barley. The experiment stations have secured fourteen varie ties adapted to either feeding or brew ing; Every variety has a pedigree run ning back as far as those of most farm animals. : How these improved varie ties were secured, the parent stock and the grain produced during 1909 are ail shown, together ; with charts demon strating the increased production. - The conservative estimates say' Iowa increased the value of the corn crop $12,000,000 annually by instructing the farmers how to test their seed. " In the exhibit at Omaha the state shows not onlyr the five general soil types with in the borders, but demonstrates how each must be handled to obtain either a profit or a loss. The soil chemist shows the farmers what fertilizers to use on these soils. ' Remarkable new varieties of hard winter wheat secured by breeding and adapted to central Iowa are' also shown, , while the en gineering department has an exhibit dealing with the economic production of power on the farm. ' 'Arkansas has a Held of growing rice in its exhibit, and It Is to be irrigated. WW tWi isllllr i IE Rli ! Especially Instructive Exhibits From Several States Value ' . and Scope of the American ' Breeders' Association. daily just as it would be in the vast fields of the south. Oklahoma shows 200 varieties of cotton and has a cot ton gin to run every . day separating the seed from the lint, Tennessee has a miniature phosphate quarry, a pulverizer- and the machinery for applying this fertilizer to the fields when it Is shown the soil needs phosphorus in its composition. Alfalfa has solved the problem of soil fertility and main tenance, and Kansas shows the effect of rotating this wonderful leguminous plant with corn. . , - Serum For Hog Cholera. By persistent effort Missouri has se cured the long looked for hog cholera serum. By its use one crop of hogs in four is saved from the ravages of the disease. ' In its exhibits Missouri shows how this serum is applied and the Results of its application. : Indiana changes the chemical com position of corn at will, increaslng'or decreasing the oil, starch or protein content. Texas shows how cattle may be finished for the market without the use of corn, North Dakota how the new coming population : may . make - a large profit the' first year. South Dako ta the results of experiments with various rations for cattle, Montana the dry farming systems. Colorado the re sults of breeding to secure a sugar beet with a greater sugar content, Wyoming the acclimating of plants from the lower altitudes, Illinois the results of a sweeping soil investigation and ex periments with crop rotation, Delaware how a family can make more 'than a living on one of the small farms of little Delaware, and Minnesota the re sults of spending $10,000 in breeding wheat 1 . j- Prominent Men to Speak. . Besides seeing the exhibits, the vis itors will have an opportunity -to," hear' many authorities and thinkers, a pro gram having". been arranged for each day. Among the speakers are James J. Hill, builder of the northwest; Wil let M. Hays, assistant secretary of BEST EAB OF COBN IN THE WOKIiD.EXHIBIT ED AT THE NATIONAL COBN EXPOSITION. agriculture; Gifford Pincbot, chief for ester of the department of the interior, and John , H. Worst, president, of the North Dakota Agricultural college.? '; Several foreign -countries have ex hibits at the exposition. ,'-', Value of the Breeders' Association. A gathering that will be valuable to the National Corn exposition will be that of the. American Breeders'; asso ciation; which will also hold its ses sions in Omaha. Its members are la boring: to so handle the energy of he redity that the production of the earth in both animal and , vegetable king' doms may be greatly increased. Not to plants alone will the meet ing be devoted, but all those who are working to harness the -forces of he redity create new - plants,, maintain strains of highest 'excellence "in live stock will discuss progress and plans for the future. One committee composed of from five-to ten earnest students and prac tical workers will submit a' report on swine breeding, while members of an other committee will report ' on the present" status of ' apple breedings in America. These are by no means ex treme subjects. The association is al most universal in its scope, '' Another committee will report on breeding of fur bearing animals. Willet H7 Hays, ' assistant " secretary of agriculture, is tfiS" secretary of the American ... Breeders' association' and one of its founders. . For years he has devoted mucu of . his time -and thought to the work . of the association and has just now realized In it a great organi zation of workers who are building np American farm products -by scientific breeding.",-Their- meetings serve as a great clearing house for ideas where the workers it each division may give to those in other divisions the benefit Oi their work year by year. . Thus one can has . not only his own experience, but that of almost 1,000 others, be comes his If he is in intimate commu nication with the American 'Breeders' association. jf!Tf NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION In the City of Corvallis and in the Ad jacent Territory Proposed to be Annexed. : To the electors of the City of Corval hs; and To the electors in the territory adja cent thereto hereinafter described and proposed to be annexed to said city: - Notice 1S hprohv mvan C. . . the18th day of December, A. D., 1909, under and in Dursuancc of : nAi nance No. 2S9 nf tfco est-, r n:. entitled "An Ordinance submitting to boundaries of the City of Corvallis and calling an election therefor," which passed tne iouncil of the City of Cor vallis on the 8th rlav nf MnvomKax ioao and was approved by the Mayor of said Cltv on the 8th Haw nf Nnmnh.. in An - . .7 iwivmici, ttjat a special election of the electors of said V-ny oi orvams ana ol tha electors of the territorv hereinafter r iuu UilU proposed to be annexed to said Citv of rniHTnlKM J11 1 1 1 "t ' . J uuivauia wm ue neia, commencing in said city at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon of said day and in the ad jacent territorv hereinafter at the hour of eight o'clock in the fore- huuh uj. saiu aay ana continuing in said city and in said adjacent territory pro posed to be annexed until seven o'clock in the afternoon of said day without closing the polls, for toe purpose of submitting to the electors of said. citv. and to the electors hereinafter described and proposed to ue auuuieu 10 saia cicy tne question whether there shall he haujau iaj oaiu CltV Of CorvalllS thp fnllmwrnfr IaoawK territory, to-wit: . commencing at a point on the West bank of the Willamette River South 70 deertes 3ft minutes F.n -fmm , C3- . u -1 I'll! a t, which is due South 12.61 chains distant irom tne bouthwest corner of the Do nation Land Claim of John Stewart and Marv Stewart, his wife MKfio-H' Number 949 Claim Number 49-in Town- snip li, bouth Kange 5 West of the Willamette Meridian and Claim Number 50 in Townshin 11. South Rantre A Wocf al nr:n - j t, r . .. 43 , ui me vv niametie ivienaian antl run thence North 70 decrees 30 minutes West to the West side of the County Road leadinc North - fmm the rsr Corvallis, Oregon, being, the Northerly extension of Ninth Street in said City of Corvallis, running thence North along the West sMe of said cnimtir mad tn a point which is due East of the South east, corner property nnej ot Block JNumber.18 in Wells & MeElroy's Addi tion to Corvallis, thence North to the Northeast corner (property line) of mock Number 23 in said addition, thence West along the South line of the road bounding said addition pn the North to the Northwest corner (property lihe) of Block - Number 37 of said addition, thence South along the East side of the County Road to the South side of the County Road leading from Corvallis to Kings Valley, thence East along the South side of Said Onimti intersection thereof with the East line or the Donation Land Claim of Freder ick A; Horning and Mary Ann Horning, his wife, Notification Number , 945, be ing Claim-Number 53 in Township 11, South Range 5 West of the Willamette Meridian and Claim Number 39 in Town ship 12,- South Range 5 West of the Willamette Meridian, thence South along the Easts line of said Donation Land Claim to the center-of the chan nel of Oak Creek, thence down the center of the channel of said Oak Creek to the intersection thereof with the center of the channel of Mary's River, thence down the center of the channel of Mary's River to the most Southerly Southwest corner of the City of Cor yallis, being the point where the West line of said City of Corvallis intersects the center line of the said Mary's River, thence following the several courses of the West and North , boundarv lines of said City of Corvallis to the "Northeast corner of said city, : being; the point where the North line of said City of vorvaiiis intersects, tne center, of the channel of the Willamette River, thence down the center of said Willamette River to a point South 70 degrees 30 minutes East from the place of begin ning," thence North 70 degrees 30 min utes West to the place of beginning. 'V The form in which said question will appe&r 'upon the official ballot, omitting the description of the territory proposed to be annexed, is as follows: ; "Shall there be annexed to the City of Corvallis, Oregon, the following de scribed territory, to-wit: (description of territory). , : 300 For Annexation. . 301- Against Annexation." , The polling place where said election will be held, in said City of Corvallis is and shall be the . Council Chamber in the City Hall in said City of Corvallis and Wm. H. McMahon,- A. L. Steven son and W. R. Hansell are the Judges of election in said city,, and E. D. Hen dricks and Grover C. Cate are the Clerks of election in said city appointed for said election , . . . v The polling place "where said election will be held in the hereinbefore de scribed territory proposed to be annex ed to said City of Corvallis is and shall be the front room on ground floor of Kennedy's Store: on the North side of County Road constituting extension of Monroe Street and located on the South side of Block one (1) of Wells & Me Elroy's Addition to the City of Corval lis aforesaid, and Louis Hollenberg, F. S. True and W. K. Taylor are the Judges of election in said territory and N. Tartar and F. E. Stevens are the Clerks of election in said, territory ap pointed for said election, v The electors within said City of Cor vallis, and the electors within said above described ; territory proposed to be annexed thereto are hereby invited to vote upon said proposition by placing upon their ballots the words, "For An nexation" or "Against Annexation' that is to sayj by placing a cross upon the official ballot between the . number and answer voted for., Electors in said City of Corvallis will; vote upon said-proposition at the above ; named polling place within said city and the electors in said above, described terri tory? proposed to be annexed will vote upon said proposition at the - aforesaid polling place-' within said territory. The votes cast in said territory proposed to be annexed will be: first separately canvassed and if a majority of such votes are in favor of annexation then the votes cast within said City of Cor valliswill be next separately canvased and said territorv will not he atincv fn said city unless a majority of the elect ors of said territory and also a majority of the electors of said City of Corvallis voted at said election for annexation. Dated November 19th, 1909. Done by order of the Council of the City of Corvallis. ; . Geo. W. Denman,' CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR LIEN If seeking the newest jou'll find it at Cbe Style Store From a collar button to a suit of clothes; garters, ' half hose, sus penders and neckwear in fancy boxes, smoking jackets, bath robes, in fact any and every gift suitable for the men folks will be found here. TOILET SETS, UMBRELLAS NEW LINE JUST RECEIVED ' XMAS PRESENTS FOR EVERYBODY " We haye been very careful in selecting a line of Holiday Goods that will please you and, at the same time, be within reach of your purse. We carry no cheap, shoddy goods, but every article is of the very best quality, such as SIMMONS' WATCH CHAINS, ROGERS BROTHERS' 1847 SIL VERWARE, ELGIN AND WALTHAM WATCHES, HOARE'S RELIABLE CUT GLASS, which has no superior. We do. first-class engraving that gives the effect and adds so much to the appearance of your articles. - . - ': ::'' Now Is the Time to Select Your Gifts . Before we are rushed, as we can give you better service. It is our inten t ion to give you honest goods and honest prices.- - SMITH, THE JEWELER, S.'SKST CORVALLIS LYCEUM COURSE Every olxv.iU 1 grgx - Vc peare. , ERICK gyf f enjoys the mysteries of magic; every- one Will eniov the m-Mtest ma m-!an Every One GIRLS; SINGLE ADMISSION TO ALL FOUR NUMBERS WILL COST $3.50. SEASON TICKETS FOR THE FOljR NUMBERS, INCLUDING RESERVED SEATS, NOW ON SALE AT GRAHAM & WORTHAM'S, LET ALL YOUR TROUBLES GO UP IN SMOKE Don't worry over what you shall give your men friends for Christmas THE MOST ACCEPTABLE PRESENT IS A BOX OF FINE CIGARS OR A PIPE . kave be largest stock ever shown here in at tractive Holiday Boxes of 12 to 100 Cigars at prices from 50 per box up. : Pipes to Suit Every Fancy COME AND SEE JACK MILNE'ZtS" Secoiid St Municipal Judge of the City of Corval lis. Date of First Publication, Nov. 19, : 1909.. 1909. D&W CORVALUS. ORe. - .J . CI 1 fw cuiu appreciate onaKes- Everyone should hear FRED- WARDE, Jan 26. -7 J J C - WW glVlUll LAURANT. everyone will hear THE COL LEGE SINGING GIRLS, April 2nd.