C3) Kid Goves For W omen Perrin's Kid. Gloves for women are standards of quality, none better to be had at any price, and our i stock is complete in all the leading shades, and we have this superb grade in all sizes. We are sole Corvallis agents for "Perrin's" Gloves They are made from the best skins and carefully, made by expert workmen. When you are looking for the ' Best Quality for your glove money it means you'll buy Perrin's at THE F. L. MILLER When you see it In our ad Ifsso The Gity and Vicinity c. S. IB-cLtlex Dealer in All Kinds of WOOD and COAL Delivered in any Quantity Desired to All Parti o City. YARDS: 7th Street, opposite Benton County Lumber Co. . . Office and Residence Phone, . 1113 j i. F. L. Price went out to his ranch on j the Luckiamute Saturday to spend a few days. j Dr. MentorJHoward, who has been ill for several days, is now able to be . at his office again. . :' J The beautiful nights and sunny days, ! after the season of rain and ' snow, is greatly enjoyed. Not that the continu ous rain and the snow were bad, but that they were unexpected. j Frank Boulden and wife left Friday morning for Portland for a few days' visit with Mr. Boulden's sister, Mrs. B.' D. Arnold, after which they will proceed on their way to Afton, Wyom ing,, where they will work on a sheep ranch. , Mr. Boulden has a brother liv ing there. J Ferguson Chapter No. 5, Royal Arch Masons, held a very interesting commu nication here yesterday, the R. A. de gree being conferred upon A. K. Russ, Peter Rickard, and a Mr. Anderson, from Toledo. The work lasted from four to eight o'clock and was concluded With a big banquet to which all did full justice. D. P. Mason and B, H. Mar shall, of Albany, were over and took a prominent part in the 'work. I' . At the regular meeting of Modern Woodmen on Saturday evening, Dec. 11, the degrees were conferred upon one candidate. State Deputy Simmons, of Portland made' a short talk on the good of the order, after which they elected officers for 1910 as follows: Consul, M. "S. Bovee; Advisor, ; M. Thompson; Banker, T. L, Davis; Clerk, J. E. Fowells; Escort, H. M. Vance; Watchman, Woodruff; Sentry, John Day; Manager, 3 years, Peter Bilyeu; Camp .Physicians, Drs. . Morris and Farra. A marriage license was issued today at the County Clerk's office for Troy H. Hulburt and Miss Hattie Bullis, two of the best known young people of Orleans precinct. They will be mar ried Wednesday in Corvallis at the home of Miss Bullis' grandparents. Mr. Hul burt is a native of Linn county, being the son of Frank Hulburt, a prominent resident of the western part of the county, and a member of one the lead ing pioneer families of Orleans precinct. Miss Bullis is a daughter of S. A. Bullis, jwho resides near Tangent. Albany 'Democrat. ' .y . . . WANTED Will be cleaning feathers nd mattresses for a short time only. . Phone 470 WANTED TO BUY-Veal and all kinds of poultry. Highest" cash market price paid. Phones Ind, 1168; Bell, 581 Black. Ira Alcorn. 12-12-5t UNDERTAKERS M. 8. BOVEE, FUNERAL DIRECT or and Licensed Fmbalmer. Suc cessor to Bovee & Baner Corvallis, Oregon. Ind. Phone 45. Bell Phone 241, Lady attendant when desired. BLACKLEDGE & EVERETT, LI . censed embalmers and funeral direct ors. Have everything new in coffins, caskets and burial robes. Calls ans ' wered day and night. Lady assist ant. Embalming a specialty: - Day phones, Ind. 117 and 1153, Bell, 531; night phones, Ind. 2129 and. 1153. ; ; PHYSICIANS G. R. FARRA, M. D PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon. Office in Burnett , Block, over Harris' Store. Residence corner Seventh and Madison. Office hours: 8 to 9 a. m.; i to a p. m. Phones: . Office, 2128, Residence, 404, " WANTED-1000 turkeys, 500 geese and ducks between Dec 9 and 22. I can pay you cash for chickens, dressed veal and pork,, eggs and hides at all times. Jack Dawson's Poultry Market. Both phones. 12-9-6t WANTED Experienced dining room girl at the Hotel Corvallis. 12-2-tf Business Pointers. . . These cost money and are wnrtli VAnr aH-AntiAn XMAS GIFTS FOR ALL Toilet 'Cases Smoking Sets Cuff Boxes Collar Boxes . -v Work Boxes Handkerchief Boxes Tie Boxes Traveling Cases Military Brushes Puff and Powder Boxes Manicure Sets Photo Albums Muste Rolls, 65c to $6 , Post Card Albums, $1 to $4 Autograph Albums Fine Holly Stationery Pyrographic Wood and Skins Musical Instruments Phonographs and Records Sheet Music Full Line of Palmer's Perfumes in Nice Boxes, 35c to $2.50 Satchet Powders, 10c AT Graham & Wells' New Express and Baggage. I have just started a new express and baggage deliverv. Promnt service. Phnnn 1211 or leave orders at Hodes Grocery store. John Goos. 12-13-4t Read Miss Armstrong's ad describing her special holiday novelty sale at Miss Christensen's Millinery parlors. 12-10-13t Large stock of roll-top desks on hand at Blackledge's Furniture store. . : 12-lt Insure Your Stock To Whom It May Concern: "This is to .-certify that we have this day appointed Mr. S. E. Hart sock, of Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, as our representative-, and he is authorized to solicit business and collect money for this Associa tion pertaining to live stock insur ance. . . National Live Stock Insurance As'n ByJ. M. 0BER, Secretary Portland, Oregon, October 28, 1909." PIANOS, ORGANS Sheet Music, Musical Mdse. Prices and Terms to Suit t, Call in and See Us. The Mathews Music Store Corvallis, Oregon Phone 357 Capt Geo. Tyler, Mgr. Native oysters direct from' the Willapa Harbor beds, 35 cents pint, 65 cents qt At Dad's place. 10-29-tf I Eat Golden Rod Flakes, They are better for breakfast, Than old-fashioned corn cakes, And five minuets time, Is all that it takes , At Kline's. ' 6-12-tf Ladies' Dress Goods All the NEWEST ' Weaves and Shades - at Reasonable :. . Prices. Henkle & Davis E. W. Wyatt, in jail on a sentence for bootlegging, paid $31 today and Sheriff Gellatly turned him loose. Wy att immediately hiked for a distant clime. ' O'Connell, wrestling master at the Multnomah club who is training O. A. C. teams, bested Strangler Smith again Monday night. It took him more than two hours to get the required two falls. . ; : - ': R. H. Huston, the hardware man, has installed a National cash register that will do everything but talk.' It registers . the sale, the time . of sale, , who made it, adds up the accounts and sales, and presents a card asking you to call again. It does countless other things, too numerous to mention. Bob thinks he has hit on a great Christmas present for himself . . . , Miss Pauline Kline7" entertained the nameless 500 Club Saturday evening and was successful in - keeping the guests so late that most of them failed to get to church the following morning all of which was very bad, of course. But the guests had such a jolly good time,' 'and such generous "helping of good things to eatnat they could not readily leave these bodily thrills for soul thrills on the morrow. At-500, three tied for first place Mrs. McAlex arider, Mrs. W. F. Gaskins and C. V. Johnson, the former being successful in a draw. Stephen A. Carver had such bad partners that he got only as far as the first rung of the ladder and was awarded the eonsalation offering. Before the fun ended, one of the Gas kins was elected president and the club was given the name "Igo Ugo Club." This stands good until the next meet ings at the Gaskins home New Year's eve. Miss Kline is elaborate and gen erous in her hospitality and there are few who find objection to this. Sat urday evening she was ably assisted in serving by Miss Bessie Thorpe. McKenzie's Fun Makers opened their engagement last night at the Palace theatre to a packed house. The four act drama, "The Senator's Daughter," was presented, in which all the charact ers were well sustained and, consider ing the size of the stage, was- as well puton and gave as much satisfaction as many a play that has appeared at the opera house. Robert McKenzie, as the insipid Lord Harry Bresford, had the make-up and English drawl neces sary to make a success of the part. Miss Eva Hazlett, "as June, "strictly up-to-date," made, a hit. Miss Gwynne Sterling as Leucia, the Senator's daugh ter, had the heavy, female role, and while weak in some parts, as a whole gave a good interpretation of the per secuted woman. . The female comedy part, Amelia Higgins,-was taken by Miss Irene Palmer, who captured her audience at the start with make-up- and funnv lines. The work of Richard Lonsdale, as Senator Clay from -Ken tucky,, and Frank Howe, as Colonel Stetson, was good, and Chas. Dale, as the Marquise de la Rochette, was ex ceptionally good. The company will repeat this play tonight, and tomorrow night will present "The . Man From Mexico." ; If the company continues to give the class of plays it opened with last night, , the success of the en gagement is assured. Four first-class moving pictures were shown, the best of which was "The Best Man Wins." This is the story of a race for a bride by a bunch of cowboys and . is exciting from start to finish. "Lines of White on a Sullen Sea'.' jjs a pathetic film and seemed to suit the female portion of the I audience. The other two films are clear The Daily Gazette-Times. 50c month. Presbyterian chicken dinner 11:30- to 2 p. m. tomorrow for thirty-five cents and you can eat all that time if you de sire. ? Tonight at Shepard Hall the, Bentcn county alumni of 0. A. C. will cut up high jinks. There are about 150 Ben ton county graduates and a great many of these will be present. , There will be, games, music, speeches and refresh ments and any other meanness that can be thought of. The G.-T. promised a legal opinion on the advantage and disadvantage to the city of Corvallis in annexing O. A. C. grounds. That opinion is at hand but of such length that it is impossible to present it in this issue. It will fur nish interesting reading tomorrow, and will be particularly interesting because it is conclusive and incontrovertible. The steamer Pomona, when at a point near Independence Monday morn ing, blew out two cylinder heads and cracked her shaft. This put her out of commission. The Oregona stuck a snag at Coffey chute the Wednesday before and was disabled. The steamer Mascot will now ply between Corvallis and Portland until one of the disabled boats is repaired. . Tony Hanson, the Monroe man re ported lost about flood time, is at San Diego, Calif. Mrs. Hanson received a card from him last week that was writ ten about the time of his departure from Corvallis, but in some way it had not been delivered to her." Mrs. Hanson is now preparing to go to her husband, whom she says did not leave because of. debt. It appears that he had long desired to move to southern California but could not gain Mrs. Hanson's consent be cause all her people are near Monroe. The husband decided to go and from there try to induce his wife to follow him.- The plan has worked, for Mrs. Hanson will go. Had his card not been delayed somewhere, Mrs. Hanson would have known with two or three days where her liege lord had gone. Save Money on Your Holiday NEWEST NOVELTIES HIGHEST QUALITY LOWEST PRICES We will give 15 pec cent. DISCOUNT for CASH on our ENTIRE stock, with the exception of Hamil ton, South Bend, Ingersoll and Howard Watches and Parker Lucky-Curve Fountain Pens. This discount is given on our REGULAR retail prices and will con tinue 'till January fst, 1910. THINK OF IT This discount is on every piece of STERLING SILVER in the store. V E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optometrist I ; THE Offers Christmas Suggestions 8 Novelties Hand Bags Back Combs In Neckwear suitable for Something always accept- 18 karat gold inlaid. A Christmas gifts. Put up in able for a gift A large as- grand display of Beautiful single boxes, " all new attract- sortmentof new styles from Combs that always please ive styles, at 50c up to - - Prices ranging from ' , . ... . - , v - . 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c $7.50 each. V 75c to $4.00 Opera Scarfs Novelties Xmas Handk'ch'f s . T , , . . j The always pleasing present . Just the thing for a pres- In hand made Christmas goods for la(Jies put up one-half ent A good assortment, of such as pin cushions, jewel dozen in a box, all , different new things at r bags, necktie rings and fancy, styles, or by the single hand- , . . kerchief from the cheapest - ' bags, made from a fine qual- 75c to $3.00 each ity of Persian Ribbons. 5c to $2.50 each Beauty, Pins, Dutch Collar Pins, Belt Pins, Kid Gloves, Mufflers, Belts, Fancy Ribbons, Silk Hose, any of these make a present that will always please. Make a present of a REDFERN Whalebone Corset. Get the style you want and if not satisfactory after Christmas we will fit the corset for you free of charge. Kid Gloves can be exchanged for the right size after Christmas and have them . fitted if desired. You are especially invited to call and see Our display of ' novelties. It will make your Christmas shopping easy. - t ...... .. - Only Ten Days- More Until Christmas You are all most cordially invited to call at the Elite Millinery and Ladies' Toggery to see our goods. L. & G. B. ANDERSON I and veryentertaining. . .. r