The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, December 13, 1909, Image 4

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Bow the Former President Stopped
Just In Time the Charge of
a Huge Wounded
TFT N the DecemDer Scribner's ex-
1 1 President Theodore Roosevelt In
II nis article on "African Game
TraUs" tells how it feels to have
fl big rhinoceros charging on one with
nothing between one and certain death
but a rifle. Describing how he killed
the rhinoceros' with two shots, he says:
"The huge beast was standing in en
tirely open country, although there
.were a few scattered trees of no great
eize at some little distance from him.
fcWe left our horses in a dip of the
ground and began the approach. I
cannot say that we stalked him, for
tne approacn was too easy. The wind
(blew from him to us, and a rhino's
sight Is dull. Thirty yards from where
fhe stood was a bush four or five feet
-high, and, though it was so thin that
e could distinctly see him through
the leaves, it shielded us from the
Tision of his small, piglike eyes as we
advanced toward it, stooping and In
single file, I leading. The big beast
stood like an uncouth statue, his hide
(black in the sunlight. . He seemed
what he was a monster surviving
ever from the world's past, from tie
days when the beasts of the prime ran
riot In their strength, before man grew
TV . - - . - V - 'tm- r4 :
, '- - vc '4y , MP Isk -
r K,'.iffft ' - . ;
From Scribner's Magazine. Copyright, 1909, by Charles Scribner's Sons., '
jsu tuuuuig 01 Drain ana nana as to
master tbem. So little did he dream
of our presence 'that when we were a,
hundred yards off he actually lay
Charged Though Badly Wounded.
"Walking lightly and with every
ense keyed up, we at last reached the
bush, and I pushed forward the safety
of the double barreled' Holland rifle
Which I was now to use for the first
stime on big game. As I stepped to one
.side of the bush so as to get a clear
Aim,- with Slatter following, the rhino
saw me and jumped to his feet with
the agility of a polo pony. As he rose
J put in the right barrel, the bullet
jgoing through both lungs. At the
same moment he wheeled, the blood
jspouting from his nostrils, and gallop
ted full on us. . Before he could get
quite all the way round in his head
Jong rush to 'reach us I struck him
-with my left hand barrel, the bullet
.entering between the neck and. shoul-
der and piercing his heart. ... At the
same instant Captain Slatter fired, his
bullet entering the : neck, vertebrae.
Plowing up the ground with horn and
Jeet, the great bull rhino, . still head
toward us, dropped just thirteen paces
irom where we stood." - -r ,-
Hard Animal to Approach.
" In the same article Mr. Roosevelt
sgives the following interesting picture
of the ungainly giraffe as seen in the
.African wilds: ; ; . .
"Of all the beasts in an African land
scape none is more striking than the
jgiraffe. Usually it, is found in small
Tin rHoa rtr In horrta rt fiftoan niBTan4v
or more .inaiviauaia. Aitnougn it will
drink regularly if occasion offers, it is
jable to get along without water for
jnonths at a time and frequents by
-choice the dry plains or else the
vtreicnes 01 open ioresx wnere tne trees
are scattered and ordinarily somewhat
ranted. Like tlie rhinoceros the ordi-
Grajrtiic Pen Picture "of the Giraffe
as a Striking Feature of
the Great African
nary or prehensile lipped rhinoceros
me girane is. a browsing and not a
grazing animaL The leaves, buds and
twigs of the mimosas or thorn trees
iorm its customary food. Its extraor
dinary height enables it to bring into
play to the best Dossible advantn era ltd
noteworthy powers of vision, and no
ttuiuuai is naraer to approach unseen.
Again and again I have made it out
a mile off, or, rather, have seen it a
mile off when it was pointed out to
me, and, lookine at it "thrnnp-h
glasses, would see that it was gazing
steaauy at us. .
looks Awkward Even at Best.
"It is a striking looking animal and
handsome' in its way, but its length of
leg and neck and sloping back make it
appear awkward even at rest. When
alarmed it may go off at a long swing
ing pace or walk, but if really fright
ened it strikes into a peculiar gallop
or canter. The tall is cocked and twist
ed, and the huge hind legs are thrown
forward well to the outside Of the fore
legs. The movements seem deliberate,
and the giraffe does not appear to be.
going at a fast pace, but if it has any
start a horse must gallop hard to over-
take it. When it starts on this gait
the neck may be dropped forward at
a sharp angle with the straight line of
the deep chest, and the big head is
thrust in advance. Giraffes are defense
less things, and, though they may kick
at a nian who incautiously comes with
in reach, they are in no way danger
Jim Jeffries Dreamed Twice That He
. Had Knocked Out Jack Johnson. ;
Jim Jeffries, the pugilist who is
matched to fight Jack Johnson for the
heavyweight, championship of the
world; will knock out the negro pugil
ist in the fourth round of their mill
if dreams are made of real stuff. Jef
fries recently told his parents while
visiting them at Springfield, 111., that
he dreamed twice of the coming mill
and each dream found hiin winner by
the knockout route in the fourth round.
Just after the articles were signed
Jim dreamed he had won, by a knock
out in the fourth, he "told Sam Berger,
his manager. In Akron soon after
ward Jeffries again dreamed of, the
fight, with the same result. It is a
long swing that is to put out Johnson,
according to the dream stuff. -
' n Our Largest Wooden Vessel.
The largest wooden vessel ever built
in the United States and the largest
sailing vessel of American registry
will be launched from a Bath (Me.)
shipyard on Dec. 14. This hew leader
of her class is the six masted schooner
Wyoming, and ; her official measure
ments give her a gross tonnage of
3,730, thus placing her ahead of the
schooner William L. Douglas, the pres
ent title holder, with a gross tonnage
of 3,708. The Wyoming is 350 feet
long, over. all, 329.5feet keel and 30:4
feet deep. " ' - - - . - ?
siovalne Exploiter's Aim Is to
Lessen Human Suffering.
Bucharest Surgeon, Who Will Demon
strate In the United States Use of
His Remarkable Anaesthetic, Tells of
a Sailor Who Talked While Being
Operated On. -
Professor Thomas Jonnesco. hend
the University of Bucharest Medical
school, in Roumania, who recently ar
rived at New rprk to demonstrate to
imlnent surgeons in the United States.
how a mixture of neutral sulbhate of
strychnine and stovaine injected into-
patient about to be operated on will
produce a perfect analgesia, or Jnsensi-
Dmty to pain, without anv of the had
effects of : the anaesthetics generally
used in surgical operations, says he
has nothing to sell. , His only aim is
that of a humanitarian who wishes tn
increase as far as possible the use of
painless surgery throughout .the world.
tus new analgesia producing mixture
has been used by several eminent sur
geons in Europe recently to good ef
fect.. Professor Jonnesco lavs no claim tn.
the discovery of stovaine for it was
m use long Deiore ne. as head of. the
medical school of the Universitv . of
Burcharest. began to experiment with.
the effects of the analgesia. ; He says.
nowever, that stovaine can be used
to produce analgesia successfully onlv
on lower parts of the body where op
erations are to be performed. Its use'
alone in the upper parts of the body
has been attended with dire results.
But" by mixing the neutral sulphate-
or strycnnine tne stovaine can be used
for producing an utter lack of feeling
in any part of the body.
Patient Not Deprived of Consciousness.
Under his hew method, savs Profess
or Jonnesco, a patient - can undereo
the most difficult operation and remain
penecuy conscious throughout, for the
effect produced by the mixture of
strychnine and stovaine does not de
prive tne patient of .consciousness. It
simply deadens the pain.
It is said -by those who have wit
nessed his operations abroad that a
patient to whom the stovaine .and
strychnine have been, administered can
ana aoes cnat with the surgeon while
the knife is beins used in an extreme.
ly. delicate operation. In the"" case of
a sailor who was onerated m nhmoA
Dr. Jonnesco inserted a 1 hypodermic
needle into the spinal canal between
two of the vertebrae at the base of
the neck. He injected three' centi
grams "of the mixture dissolved In wa
ter.. A few minutes later the patient
was "placed on an operating table, and
nis shoulders were lowered so that the
numbing fluid could D'ast UDward. The
operation to be performed on the sailor
.was tne removal of tubercular glands
from his neck.,, Two. minutes after the
fluid had a chance to spread the oo-
eration was begun. 1
No Pain From Knife Thrust.
When the knife was aDDlied . tne
sailor was asked if he felt any pain.
' 0.' replied the man. Even then
the surgeon's knife was deep in his
neck. "
'Are you quite comfortable?" asked
one of the surgeons. ,
'Yes, quite, thank you," replied the
patient. ;
Professor Jonnesco told of this oner.
ation through an interpreter. One .of
his fellow countrymen, George Soutzo,
acted as the internreter. for Professor
Jonnesco speaks no' English. ' ' "
"This sailor, who was about twentv-
two years ol4,- talked? all ' the way ;
through the operation," said Professor
Jonnesco. "Moreover, he walked-away
from his operatiag'table-after it was
all over.,.; Another operation which was
successfully performed " was on an
irisnman rorty-seven years old, who,
had cancer pt the stomach; He was'
not so active as the sailor after 'the
operation, but both were : successful.
The comDlete duietude of both dnrinir
the operation was proof that they ex
perienced no pain." . -:
' Professor Jonnesco said that his vis-:
it to the United States was- only to'
give Americans the benefit of his dis
covery free of charge. : ' ' .' - . .
To Lessen Pain His Only Reward.
"Some 750 Datients have nnderenne
operations by the new method since
its discovery in 1908," said the pro
fessor. "Mv reward for the fl)artirrr
is. only this to lessen pain and suffer
ing in tne numan iamiiy. , it is quite
enough reward. Once my method is
adoDted here in America ' it will' he
adopted by the whole world,. for this
is tne country in wnicn great acnieve
ments in the , surgical and medlca
world are sent broadcast and are given
heed to by surgeons- throughout the
worldV !',:.::"-. i -fvV
Professor Jonnesco is on three
months' vacation and has many en
gagements throughout the United
states.,:. ;.-:tOj .:
r ; To Grow Korean Figs.' - v.
California is to try acclimating the
Korean wild fig. The fig, growing on
a- hardy vine, on trees, trellises and
hedgerows to a height of thirty feet,
is a delicious fruit Some of the seed
has - been sent to the -department of
agriculture, California State univeiv
sity. The fig grows wild in "Korea and
fiasp"roved:-f-rea'vaIu.-tiiese. i-V ..
Ia the City of Coryallis and in the Ad
jacent Territory Proposed
to be Annexed.
; To the electors of the City of CorvsO
lis; and
To the electors In the territory adja
cent thereto hereinafter A :i. j j
ucsuiueu ana
proposed to be annexed to said city
Notice is herehw mtrr, ,4. oi
'UV uay 01 December, A. D.,
1909, under and in pursuance of Ordi
nance No. 289 of the TS'tt f n m.
.-4., J AT j . vJ i VAIlVttlllS
entitled "An Ordinance submitting to
the eleptnrs a nmraA i , ,
. . "'"'1" tuauge in tne
boundaries of the City of Corvallis and
canine' an election tknnf. i.-.i-
passed the Council of the City of Cor-
" olu uay oiiNovember, 1909
and was approved by the Mayor of said
citv on the 8th
a special election of the electors of said
City of Corvallis and of the electors of
the territory hereinafter described and
proposed to be annexed to said City of
Corvallis will be held, commencing in
-iu -.ii.jf at ui. nour oi nine o clock in
tne forenoon of said day and in the ad
jacent territory hereinafter described
at the hour of eight o'clock in the fore
noon of said day and continuing in said
city and in said adjacent territory pro
posed to be annexed until seven o'clock
in the afternoon of said day without
classing1 the polls, for the purpose of
submitting to the electors of said city,
and to the elector in the territory
hereinafter described and proposed to
be annexed to said city the question
wftether there shall be annexed to said
City of Corvallis the following described
territory, to-wit: . -
Commencing at a point on the West
bank of the Willamette River South 70
degrees 30 minutes East from a point
which is due South 12.131 chains distant
from the Southwest corner of the Do
nation Land Claim of John Stewart and
Mary Stewart, his wife, Notification
Number 949 Claim Number 49 in Town
ship 11, South Range 5 West of the
Willamette Meridian and Claim Number
5fr kl Townshin 11. South P antra A Ta7c-
of the Willamette Meridian and run
thence North 70 degrees 30 minutes
West to the West side of the County
Road leading North from the City of
Corvallis, Oregon, being the Northerly
extension of Nintli StTimt i-n o!J r;-
........ u. 1 1 1 cam ii,jf
of Corvallis, running thence North along
the West side nf said pniintv r. -n o
:j i.- i. 7 ," ."'v'..
puiiis. wuicn is aue mast oi tne South
east corner (property- line) of Block
Numher 18 in Wella Jtr MnPU,r,'n a aa;
. ' ' i' v. .! 1 o AUUl"
tion to Corvallis. thence North to the
Northeast corner (property line) of
j-uik-k. iNumDer in said addition,
thence West along the South line of the
road bounding said addition on the North
to the Northwest corner I nmnoiir
of Block Number 37 of said addition
thence South along the East side of the
Countv Road to the Si-Hi TV Ol'r.a rv-P 4Iia
County Road leading from Corvallis to v aney, tnence juast along" the
South side of said Cmin tnr P
. . -v.wmxwj J.vuA vu llU
mtersection thereof with the East line
of the Donation Land Claim of Freder
ick A. Horning and Mary Ann Horning,
his Wife. Notifipntini- INJiimKei. OAK. 1
ing Claim Number 53 in Township' 11,
uvuui -.taiigc o t.B-i, oi me Willamette
Meridian and Claim Number 39 in Town
ship 12, South Range 5 West of the
Willamette MeriHian
- - " J HUUXX,L. UUUtll
along the East line of said Donation
T .1 j"n j j i , ... . .
j-,anu Kjimm io tne center oi tne chan
nel of Oak Creek, thence down the
center of the channel of said Oak Creek
to the intersection thereof . with the
center of the channel of Mary's River,
thence down the center of the channel
of Mary',s River to the most Southerly
Southwest comer of the City of Cor
vallis, being the point where the West
line of said City of Corvallis intersects
the center line of the said Mary's River,
thence following the several courses of
.the West and North boundary lines of
said City of Corvallis to the Northeast
corner of said Vitv.
where the North line of said .City of
rvaiiis intersects tne center of the
channel of the Willamette River, thence
down the center of said Willamette
River to a point South 70 degrees 30
minutes East from the place of begin
ning, thence North 70 degrees 30 min
utes West to the place of beginning,
v The. form in which said question will
appear upon the official ballot, omitting
the description of the territory proposed
to be annexed, is as follows:
"Shall there be annexed to the City
of Corvallis, Oregon, the following de
scribed territory, to-wit: (description
of territory). -
300 - :For Annexation.
' m 301 ' Against Annexation.r
The polling place where said election
will be held in said City of Corvallis is
and shall be the Council Chamber in
the Citjr Hall in said City of Corvallis
and Wm. H. McMahon, A. L. Steven
son and W., R. Hansell are the Judges
of election ip said city, and E. D. Hen
dricks and Grover C. Cate are the'
Clerks of election in said city appointed
for said election . ;
The polling place where said' election
will be held in the hereinbefore de
scribed territory proposed to be annex
ed to said City of Corvallis is and shall
be the front room on ground . floor of
Kennedy's Store dn the North side of
County Road constituting extension of
Monroe Street and located on the South
side of Block one (1) of Wells & Mc
Elroy's Addition to the City of Corval
lis aforesaid, and Louis Hollenberg, P.
S. True and W. K. Taylor are the
Judges of election in said territory and
N. Tartar and F. E. Stevens are the
Clerks of election in said territory ap
pointed for said election.
The electors within said City of Cor
vallis, and ' the electors within .said
above described territory proposed to
be annexed thereto are hereby invited
to vote upon said proposition by placing1
upon their ballots the words "For An
nexation" or "Against Annexation,"
that is to say, by placing a cross upon
the official ballot between the number
and answer voted for. Electors ! in
said City of Corvallis will vote upon
said proposition at the above named
polling place within said city and the
electors in said above described - terri
tory proposed to be annexed will vote
upon said proposition at the aforesaid
polling , place within said territory.
The votes cast in said territory proposed
to be annexed will be first ' separately
canvassed and if a majority of such
votes are in favor of annexation then
the votes cast within said City of Cor
vallis will be next separately canvased
and said territory- will-not be'tinnexed to
said city unless a majority of the elect
ors of said territory and also a majority
of the electors of said City of Corvallis
voted at said election for annexation.
Dated November 19th, 1909.
Done by order of the Council of the
City of Corvallis. -,,'
Geo. W. Denman,
If seeking the newest you'll find it at
Cbe Style Store
From' a collar button to a suit of
clothes, garters, half hose, sus
penders and . neckwear in fancy
boxes, smoking jackets, bath
robes, in fact any and every
gift suitable for the men folks
will be found here.
We haye been very careful in selecting a line of Holiday Goods that
will please- you and, at the same time, be within reach of your purse. We
carry no cheap, shoddy goods, but every article is of the very best quality,
CUT GLASS, which has no superior.
. .... We-do first-class engraving that gives the effect and adds' so much, to
the appearance of your articles.
Now s the Time to Select Your Gifts
Before we are rushed, as we can give you better service. . It is, our inten
tion to give you honest goods iind honesjt prices.
oi. ,1 4 Lt.
VllC neare.
P VV.nri enjys the mysteries of magic; every
Xa V CI y KJLLKZ one will enjoy the greatest ma gician
lie GIRLS;
Don't worry over what you shall give
your men friends for Christmas
1 have the largest stock ever shown here in at
tractive Holiday Boxes of 12 to 100 Cigars at prices
from 50 per box up. ; "
Pipes to Suit Every Fancy COME AND SEE
mmSSr- Second St.
Municipal Judge of the City of Corval
lis. . ' v
Date of First Publication, Nov. 19,
1909. t . -,' ,
Date . of Last Publication. Dec. 17V ;
.OflO' r-. n -r. .
t-k-wkT -.-.-:-. ci.f-.
F.vprvnnp cknnU hoar FRET
WARDE, Jan 26.
everyone will hear THE COL