The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, December 13, 1909, Image 3

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G oves
Perrin's Kid Gloves
for women aire .
standards of quality,
none better to be had
at any price, and our I
stock is complete in all
. the leading shades, and
. we have this superb
grade in all sizes.
We are sole Corvallis
agents for
"Perrin's" Gloves
They are made from,
the best skins and
carefully made by
expert workmen.
When you are
looking for the
Best Quality
for your glove money
it means you'll buy
Perrin's at
When you see it.
In our ad
It's so
p. G. Sutler
,. Dealer in All Kinds of
Delivered in any Quantity Desired to All
Parts o City. YARDS: 7th Street, opposite
Bentoa-County Lumber Co.
Office and Residence Phone, 1113"
Will be cleaning feathers'
and mattresses for a short
time only. " .
Phone 470
or and Licensed Tmbalmer. Suc-
cesser to Bovee & Bauer Corvallis,
Oregon. Ind. Phone 45. Bell Phone
241. Lady attendant when desired. ".
censed embalmers and funeral direct
ors. Have everything new in coffins,
caskets and burial robes. Calls ans
wered day and night. Lady assist
- ant. Embalming a specialty. Day
phones, Ind. 117 and 1153, Bell, 531;
night phones, Ind. 2129 and 1153. ,
Surgeon. . Office in. Burnett Block,
over Harris' Store. Residence corner
Seventh and Madison. : Office hours:
8 to 9 a. m.; 1 to 2 p., m. Phones:
Office, 2128, Residence, 404.
Insure Your Stock
To Whom It May Concern:
- This is to certify that we have
this day appointed Mr. S. K. Hart
sock, of Corvallis, Benton County,
Oregon, as our representative, and
he is authorized to solicit business
and collect money for this . Associa
tion pertaining to live stock insur
ance. .
National Live Stock Insurance Au'n
By J. M. 0BER, Secretary,
Portland, Oregon, October 28, 1909.
Sheet Music, Musical Mdse.
: Prices and Terms to Suit
J Call in and See Us.
The Mathews Music Store
- Corvallis, Oregon
; Phone 357. 1
Capt Geo. Tyler. Mgr. 2-
The City
and Vicinity
Miss Leota Close, of Eugene, arrived
last evening for a visit with friends in
this city. . .
j Mrs. Rosa Lenger Hall , left this
morning for Portland ' where she will
take the steamer next Friday for San
; Francisco, to remain for an indefinite
time. .-. --
I Mrs. N. R. Moore left yesterday for
Oakland, Calif., to remain a month or
more. Her father, Jacob West, who
has been visiting here a couple of
months, accompanied her and will re
main indefinitely,
! Mr. Henry Kleinberg, of Ellensberg,
Wash., who married an Albany girl,
has 18,000 tons of hay on hand, a corner
of it in his country. The result is a
higher price for hay, it has now gone
up- to $22, and it is said that if this is
kept the price will go still higher.
Being kept off the market, according
to the dispatch, has required the ship
ping of hay in from Calif ornia. Albany
Democrat. - '
JDied of diphtheria, Thomas A. Geyer,
son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Geyer, on 19th
and Tyler street, Monday morning,
Dec. 13, aged 10 years. The funeral
was held this afternoon at 2:30, burial
in Odd Fellows cemetery. Rev. Hub
bell officiated in the service at the
grave. The boy was ill less than a
week. The parents have the ; sincere,
heartfelt sympathy of more than their
, close friends. -
i During the Willamette's recent rage
it was reported that Tony Hanson, a
citizen pi tne Monroe vicinity had come
to Corvallis and during a week .follow
ing had not been seen or heard from!
It was thought he was drowned. An
item ia the. Harrisburg Bulletin says:
; There is a feeling m this vicinity that
', Tony Hanson is not drowned. It
is known that he did not make any of
the intended purchases in Corvallis be
fore leaving that place. It is intimated
( that he was somewhat in debt and it
may be that he has taken advantage
j of the natural supposition of drowning
to make for greener fields. However,
1 so long as he has not been seen it must
be remembered that 'all theories ' are
; mere guess . work. At any rate 6ur
I people hope to learn that he is still safe
I and sound.
- "WANTED TO 'BUY Veal and - all
kinds of JjouJtry. Highest cash market
price paid. Phones Ind, 1168; '.Bell, 581
Black. Ira Alcorn. : 12-12-5t
WANTED 1000 turkeys, 500 geese
and ducks between Dec. - 9 and 22. I
can pay you cash for chickens", dressed
veal and pork,, eggs and hides at all
times. Jack Dawson's Poultry Market.
Both phones. 12-9-6
WANTED Experienced dining room
girl at the Hotel Corvallis. 12-2-tf
Business Pointers.
' These cost money and are
worth your attention.
New Express and Baggage. I have
just started a new express and baggage
delivery. Prompt service. -' Phone-
1211 or leave orders at Hodes Grocery
store. John Goos. , " l 12-13-4t
. .
FOR SALE Kansas Flour at Small's
Bakery. , . ll-29-2t-a-w
Read Miss Armstrong's ad describing
her special holiday novelty sale at Miss
Uhristensen s Millinery parlors. .
'.. 12-10-13t
Large . stock of roll-top desks on
hand at Blackledge's ' Furniture store,
Native oysters direct ; from the
Willapa Harbor beds, 35 Cents pint, 65
cents at At Dad's place. . 10-29-tf
Eat Golden Rod Flakes, ,
They are better for breakfast, "
Than old-fashioned corn cakes,
And five minuets time, 1
Is all that it takes ...--i
At Kline's. . 6-12-tf
All the
Weaves and Shades
at Reasonable . -'
Prices. -
Henkle & Davis
xk? AMnrirrv
Toilet Cases '
Smoking Sets
Cuff Boxes
, Collar Boxes f'
Work Boxes
Handkerchief Boxes
Tie Boxes
Traveling Cases
Military Brushes
Puff and Powder Boxes
Manicure Sets s '.
Photo Albums "'."' .
Music Rolls, 65c to $6
Post Card Albums, $1 to
$4 . ' ,
- Autograph Albums
v Fine Holly Stationery
Pyrographic' Wood and
Skins ; . ,
Musical Instruments
Phonographs and Records
Sheet Music"
Full Line of
' Palmer's Perfumes in
Nice Boxes, 35c to $2.50
Satchet Powders, 10c
AT . - ' '
Graham & Wells'
Dr. Lowe, Monday; Dec. 20.
" John Goos was given a license today
by the city authorities to operate an
express and baggage business within the
corporate limits. . .
There1 will be a regular communica
tion of Corvallis Lodge No. 14, A. F.
and A.' M. Wednesday evening, Decem
ber 15. The annual election of officers
will take place and there will be work
in the E. A. degree. A full attendance
is desired.
Dr. Bell says the Presbyterian chicken
dinner at the Danneman house, corner
Third and Madison, next Wednesday is
going to be worth 65 cents and of
course ministers never tell whoppers or
knowingly exaggerate. The ladies are
going to offer that 65 cent dinner for
35 cents. For that one day it would'
seem to be worth while to cut out ,the'
home luneh and get a reaVfeed , at this
Presbyterian affair. - It's up to yon.
Robert E. Moore C. & E. engineer,.
and Mrs. Dora E. Patty were ' married
yesterday evening at 8 o'clock by Rev.
S. M. Wood at his home. Both parties
have been residents of Corvallis a iram-
ber of years, are well and favorably
known and have the best wishes of
many good friends.' Mr. Moore has re
cently built a new house, and it was
furnished ready for ocdupancy by his
bride. Robert Moore has been with
the C. & E. a number of years, his re
cent run being between Corvallis and
Albany. He is one of the popular boys
of the road and his' mates, all wish
him great prosperity and happiness..'
A press notice says: "Willard Mack's
play of ranch life, 'In Wyoming, as
the name would indicate, is a story of
the people living in that picturesque
section of the national domain. The
characters are" typical of the sturdy
civilization of- a new country. Dalby,
a splendid old ranchman who dominates
the Big Horn Valley; his kind-hearted,
but peppery wife; Bob Richards, a fine
specimen of the big hearted cow-puncher;
Hank Jones, a neighbor who is
always sampling wet goods; Willie
Settle, the fresh, young drummer, and
cowboys, as seen on the frontier,- are
the principal types that move' and live
in a play said to be one of the best con
tributions to the American stage. ' 'In
Wyoming' was one of the test given
here last season.' This year's company
is fully up to the standard. . They will
appear in Corvallis December 21st."
The mind of your "dam fool".
correspondent seems! to have
suddenly turned from philos
ophising over the tersgiverations
of the Oregonian to stock breed
ing. We suggest that you turn
over his Saturday's letter in the
G.-T. to Prof. Kent, of the dairy-
ing department of O. A. C.,' to
ascertain if he knows if that
calf produced "a strain of bo vines
that gave ' the milk of human
kindness. It certainly never
came the Oregonian's way or it
would not have called E. M.
such hard names.' ,
; , Another dam fhool. '
Vote on Greater
- - (Continue from page one )
present tomorrow facts and fig
ures covering all phases of this
matter.: The; present discussion
will be ended here with , the in
formation desired by the inquirer
representing twenty men" who
want to know what advantage-it
is to the city to annex the Agri
cultural College grounds. It may
be incidentally' mentioned here
that said inquirer and the. twenty
expressed tne certainty that
such an action would place a
burden on us from which we can
never hope to recover."
Inquiry from . the proper
sources (an inquiry that might
have Been made by any one of
the twenty before they arrived
at any such a terrible conclusion)
revealed the fact that there will
be no expense of any sort, no disad
vantage in (any way, in said an
nexation, and there will be the
advantage there is in the city
exercising police powers over the
college ' grounds. In the past
more than a few have escaped
arrest by merely stepping over
on college ground, which is out
of the city limits. Corvallis
would not have aught to do with
the expense of college sewerage,
lights, water or anything else.
The property would be the state's
and the state would have to look
after it as of yore. There is also
the probability that there might
be a more satisfactory feeling
all 'round when it comes to mak
ing contemplated improvements
about the college. An official
utterance on this question will
be printed tomorrow.
Offers Christmas Suggestions
In v Neckwear 'suitable for
Christmas gifts. Put up 'in
single boxes, all new attract
ive styles, at .v
; 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c
Opera Scarfs
Just the thing for a pres
enfc A good assortment of
new things at
- . 75c to $3.00 each .
Beauty Pins, Dutch Collar Pins, Belt Pins, Kid Gloves,
Mufflers, Belts, Fancy Ribbons, Silk Hose, any of
these make a present that will always please.
Make a present of a REDFERN Whalebone Corset.
V Get the style you want and if not satisfactory after
Christmas wewill fit the corset Jor you free of
charge. V' '
Kid Gloves can be. exchanged for the right size after Christmas and have them
fitted if desired.
QjJg You are especially invited to call and see our display of
novelties. It will make your Christmas shopping easy.
Only Ten Days More Until Christmas
You are all most cordially invited to call at the Elite
1 $ Millinery and Ladies' Toggery to see our goods.
1 Saye Money
Your Holiday Gifts
We will give 15 per cent DISCOUNT for CASH
on our ENTIRE stock, with the exception of Hapail
ton, South Bend, Ingersoll and Howard Watches and
Parker Lucky-Curve Fountain Pens. This discount
is given on bur REGULAR retail prices and will con
tinue 'till January 1st, 1910.
This discount is on all lines
of our CUT GLASS, including
"LIBfiEY'S," the WORLD'S
E. W. S.
- Jeweler and
Hand Bags
Something always accept
able for a gift. A large as
sortment of new styles from
50c up to
$7.50 each.
- Novelties
In hand made Christmas goods
such as pin cushions, jewel
bags, necktie rings and fancy
bags, made from a fine qualr
ity of Persian Ribbons.
Back Combs
18 karat gold inlaid. A
grand t display of Beautiful
Combs that always please.
Prices ranging from w
75c to $4.00
Xmas Handk'ch'f s
The always pleasing present
for ladies. Put up one-half
dozen in a box, all different
styles, or by the single hand-,
kerchief from the cheapest
5c to $2.50 each