THE DAILY GAZETTE - TIMES , Published every evening except fly. Office: 232 Second street, Yfcllis, Oregon. Phone 4184 Sun-Cor- Kutared u second-class matter July 2, 1909. fat tb postoffice at Corvallis, Oregon, under act of MMehMSTft. . SUBSCRIPTION RATES DAItY V Delivered by canrier, per week .$ .15 carrier, per month... .50 By mail, one year, in advance ... 5.00 By mail, six months, in advance,,... 2.50 By mail, one month, in advance.... , .50 N. R. MOORE CHAS. L. SPRINGER, . . . Editor Business Mgr. WEST NOT FAVORED. Out of the 28, 941 persons on Uncle Sam's payroll in Washing ton, D..C, just 218 come from the Pacific Northwest, which is seven-tenth of one percent. Of this number, 85 are credited to Washington, 56 to Oregon, 53 to Montana and 24 to Idaho. Cali fornia alone has 264 federal jobs at the capital. Notwithstanding the fact that the places are sup posed to be . apportioned on the basis of population, New Hamp shire, with one-third, the num of residehls"found in Wash ington State; has been able to put 144 persons into different government positions. "Mary lana, with practically the same population as the Evergreen State, has obtained jobs for 2, 192. The total salary list of the 28,947 employes is" $31,541,225 a year, of which residents of the Northwestern States get $267,- S51. This suggests the conclu sion that either the people of this part of the country are too well employed at home to want jobs at the federal capital, or else our representatives in Con gress have not been active enough to get places for more constituents. A report ' just issued ; shows that the- total number of persons employed by the United States government in all departments on July l last, was 370,065, an increase of 64. 924 in two years. There are also minor advan tages such as, having "sidewalks built; street improvements made in the district; the city lighting system extended; and mail de livered at the . residence instead of "on the corner." : One argument against annexa tion will no doubt be the cry of increased taxation. It cannot be denied but that taxes will be higher, but not to the extent that many suppose. ' . Last year, through an error, my property on College Hill was assessed with city taxes. I naturally objected and had the mistake rectified. After taking off the city tax, adding the special road tax of the district and paying a $3.00 poll tax, I had saved just $1.20 by being outside the city limits. I am convinced that the matter of in creased taxes is not very serious. It is more than counterbalanced by the advantages acquired. . Yours respectfully, . G. A. COVELL. To Raise Cran berries in City (Continued from page one ) Favors Proposed Annexation (Continued from page one ) To my mind this is the most important phase of the question to be decided next Saturday. Let us vote for annexation; join with the people of Job's addition in getting a sewer that will be, a credit to the city, "a benefit 'to the territory it serves, and an improvement that will increase the value of every city lot in the district at least twenty-five per ture in the schpol yard. They say it requires a boggy and swampy place to raise cranber ries successfully. I am sure they Will find the school yard all that they can desire tor a cran berry swamp. I The Prof; is a jolly good fel low. tie came up Jaere and laughed himself hoarse "over Miss Rush's misdemeanors. We children or rather ladies and gentlemen of this . school must give Mr. Kirk' a special in7 vitation come and 'visit us oftener or he wont come at all For a while 1 he came pretty oiten, out now he only comes when some one is in trouble. Perhaps he thinks we dont like his looks, but I have heard it said that he is handsome. If he does not come over here to see us oftener we will have to 1 tell him he is offending us. The girls of the seventh, grade are getting very fashionable; some are wearing sweaters, some others wear dresses with ribbon around the bottom of the skirts which looks like' they were losing their belts, and one girl is wearing a. black eye. I suppose you have all noticed by the papers that the maltese angora cat has returned to Mrs. B. W. Johnson. Oregon was Oregon V When O. A. C. was a pup, ButO. A. C will be 0. A. C. When Oregon is gobbled up. Never eat a weeniewurst until you are sure it's dead. ine sixth grade teacher was paid a very fine compliment by the principal of this ' building. and Useful Xm as Presents Among our Splendid Assortment of v BURNT . x ' WOOD " NOVELTIES Free Instructions to those purchasing Outfits PICTURES and PICTURE FRAMING Pretty Subjects . Latest . Mouldings v Prompt Work PAINT and ART STORE Corner Second and Jefferson Streets She told her that she looked very much like the star in the opera "King Dodo." There are several girls in the seventhjgrade whose hair looks til 1 . -r 1 . iiise norseg' tans done up muddy weather. in Narrow Escape From Death .(Continued from page one ) Absolutely the Largest and Most Complete Stock of Christmas Goods and Presents Ever Brought to CORVALLIS is now on Exhibition" at SMALL'S BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY STORE Their large building is literally filled from floor" to ceiling with Toys of any and every description for young and old, boys and girls, men and women. Then there is the GREATEST variety of Confec tionery to be found anywhere in BENTON county. A visit to the Store will convince the most skeptical of these facts. Try it. were two charged wires on the pole Pilkington ' climed, one car rying 1000 volts, the other 10, 000. Even his red head would not have saved him had he touch ed the heavy wire. His fall was a distance of twenty-five feet. V The boy belongs at Astoria and has gone home. He is said to be one of the liveliest of the live wires among tne students, and has been disciplined. He has a penchant for accidents. Last year he fell through , a brewery skylight into a great vat of malt, which -in ten min utes "would have been boiling hot. ,,,He was uninjured." . : Angell Back (Continued from page one ) t maae inquiry again and was as sured that the armory -could be had Saturday morning. , This seemed satisfactory. From thai; time until a telephone message from Mrs. Angell reached him at Portland Friday evening, Direct or Angell was not spoken to of ficially in regard to the matter. Individuals urged that the cadets be given the armory Friday after i i i i t : i noon xnat mey might have a practice dance. The Social Com imiiee, wmcn nrst passes on matters of this sort, did not re ommend it, and on inquiry stated specifically that such a recom mendation had not been made. In this instance, ' as in all other instances, wherein, the outlined policy of procedure ia involved, Mr. Angell held to' committee ruling. But at no time was he approached by. any one having any right to speak officially. The students could have had their dance Saturday night, he says, out the practice dance was cut out. That the place of the dance was changed and the rough house stirred up, Director Angell attri butes to one seekirier cheatf popularity at the hands of the student body." He has no word of censure for the students, be lieving them to have misunder stood and been misled. ; 1 i here is a Caose So There is a Reason 1 Why ur store is enjoying a good trade Never before have we purchased such desirable merchandise for the Holiday trade anJ this with the prices has been a factor to impress the people that our merchandise is O. K. The O. A. C. Alumni will hold' their regular monthly meeting tomorrow, Tuesday evening, at Shepard .' Hall. It is desired that all members be pre sent as a most enjoyable time is antici pated. ' )';. -';:"v''v' fx"-': j :, - Looking One's Best' , , V V It's a woman's delight to look her bestliut pimples, skin eruptions, sores and boils - rob life of - joy. Listen! Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures them; makes the skin soft and velvety. It glorifies the face. Cures pimples, sore eyes, cold sores, cracked lips, chapped hands. - Try it Infallible for-' Diles. 25 cents at all druggists. : v . ' iLI See our Silk Novelties, Portiers Rugs, Baskets and AH the Newest Fancies to Date - Full line of everything found in any up-to-date dry goods and shoe store. LET US SHOW YOU J. H. HARRIS COME AND SEE Passes ' Partout 'Pictures Medallions Fruit Pictures 'Horse Pictures Christy v Pictures - -v. ...'. FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Take Care Hand Made Christmas Novelties ' -SPECIAL HOLIDAY SALE- From Now Until Christmas At Miss Christensen's Millinery Parlors, Monroe and Third Streets This is an opportunity to secure something new and novel for Gifts. The selection is varied and every ar ticle is a gem. ' A visit to this dis play will convince you that you can find something that will exactly suit your taste. " ; ' Miss J. Armstrong of Your Orchard It is coming time when every practical fruit grow er will be giving his trees that attention necessary for them to be thrifty and productive WE C A N HELP YOU For we now have a big line of SPRAY PUMPS, PRUNING SHEARS and ORCHARD SUPPLIES. Xiet XJs Show You Christ O. S. gold Waltham. 12 gold fiUed Waltham..... 16 gold filled Waltham..... mas Specials filled, hunting 20 year case, Elgin or! open face 20 year case,N Elgin or open face -20 year case, Elgin or 18 gold filled open face 15 Jewel Waltham. ......... 14 karat gold wedding rings, per dwt. . . . . . . . . . .... Matthews, Optician and Jeweler -.. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING 510.50 8.50 8.50 9.00 1 1.00 1 Gazette-Ti tnes Biggest and Best Paper in the Willamette Valley