The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, December 08, 1909, Image 3

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Perrin's Kid Gloves
, for women are
standards of quality,
none better to be had . ;
at any price, and our ' ;
stock is complete in all ;
the leading shades, and
we have this superb '...
grade in all sizes.
We are sole Corvallis
agents for
"PerrinV Gloves
They are made from
the best skins and :
carefully made by
expert workmen. j;
When you are
f looking for the 4 ' ir
y Best Quality
for your glove money f..
it means you'll buy !;
Perrin's at y
Wffia(aim9s rSl!sip
When you see it
In our ad
It's so
C S. SvLtler
Dealer in All Kinds 'of . '
Delirered in any Quantify Desired to All
Parts of City. YARDS: 7th Street, opposite
Benton County Lumber Co.
Office and Residence Phone, . 1113:
. Will be cleaning feathers
and mattresses for a short
time only. ' ;
Phone 470
or and Licensed Embalmer. Sue
" cesser to Bovee & Bsoer Corvallis,
Oregon. Iod. Phone 45. , Bell Phone
241, Lady attendant when desired.
' censed embalmers and funeral direct
ors. Have everything new in coffins,
caskets and burial robes. " Calls ans
wered day and night. Lady assist
ant. " Embalming a specialty. Day
phones, Ind. 117 and 1153,; Bell, 531;
night phones, Ind. 2129 and 1153. . " 5
The City
and Vicinity
0. M. Locke will ship a car of Ben
ton county cattle to Portland tomorrow.
REWARD for the return of a male
maltese Angora cat. Strayed away last
Saturday. Mrs. B. "WV Johnson, 428
South Third Street. ' 12-6-2t
Dr. Mentor Howard, tie dentist, is
still confined to his home' with a -bad
attack of grip but expects to be at his
office again in a few daysl
The Lady Maccabees wilt give a sale
of home cooked, food. Consisting "of
such articles as you will want for Xmas
dinner and lunches. Nothing high
priced. AH are invited to attend.
Place, Mrs. Ruben Kiger's home corner
4th Washington streets. Date Dec. 23.
. ' Chief Ries, of Albany, was defeated
yesterday for re-election. His - op
ponent, I. A. Munkers, received a
majority of 45 votes. This is a sort of
forerunner to what is going to happen
to Chief Wells of this city if he doesn't
get over being so perniciously active in
enforcing the ordinances of this city.
- A Linn county deputy game warden
has been- emulating Richard Brumfield,
of Benton county. Yesterday he took'
to Albany one George Keeney, charged
with - killing a buck out of season
and a doe. One charge was withdrawn
and Keeney pleaded guilty to the other.
He was assessed $50 and costs. That's
rather dear meat all right, all right. '
The annual bazaar of the Congrega
tional church will be held Friday and
Saturday of this week in the old Star
Restaurant. Saturday evening a deli
cious oyster supper will be served at 25
cants. The display of useful and orna
mental articles suitable for gifts will be
most attractive and ' the best home
made candies will be a leading feature.
! - Polk County Observer "Robert John
son, prune king of Benton county,
retired newpaper man, and all-round
jovial gentleman, is down from Cor
vallis attending the trial of the damage
case of Bailey vs. Benton county. : Mr.
Johnson has a wide acquaintance in
Oregon and is kept busy greeting old
time friends during his stay in the
jCity." - ,
I Philomath will have a number of inter-collegiate
games of basketball this
season. According to a schedule made
by the Willamette valley colleges Phil
omath will get games as follows: Pa
cific College, Dec. 10; Albany College,
Dec. 17; Chemawa, Jan. 7; Pacific
University, Jan.. 21; Willamette Uni
versity, Feb. 11; McMinnville College,
Feb. 18; Dallas College, March 3.
In. yesterday's election at Albany,
Mayor Wallace, a progressive who has
served two terms, was re-elected. By
a majority of 286 it was decided to
erect a city nan at a cost 01 . not more
than $40,000. On the question of pro
hibiting the sale of near beer, the voters
gave a majority" of 205 in favor of pro
hibition. ' Despite the bad weather 724
votes were cast. '
The December report of Manager
Struble, of the Albany Commercial
wud, snows as iouows: 1250 1 new
names of inquirers received" ; from
Portland, 160 from Sunset and 80 from
Pacific monthly during the -the past
month, 466 letters written, 112 papers
sent, 558 conductors pamphlets, 337
pictorial folders, 2240 booklets and 100
to the boys " convention. ; The receipts
for the month were $559.62.
This evening at 7:30, Father Gabriel
will' give a lecture in the Catholic
cnurcn on some or the wonderful cures
wrought within the last few years at
Lourdes, the sanctuary 'of the Immacu
late Virgin. All, whether Catholics 6r
non-amoncs, tnatwisn to learn; some
, Dress 1
All the
. Weaves and Shades '
at Reasonable
Henkle & Davis
Mrs. John Smith entertained last
night at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Smith, in honor of Dr. Ainslie,
of Portland. After a season of "500"
the evening was devoted to music. Dr.
Ainslie, who is tenor at Dr. Dyott's
Portland church, sang several songs
very effectively. : Genevieve ; Baum
Gaskins, W. F. Gaskins and W. - R.
Boone 'contributed their best. Delic
ious' refreshments were served. The
occasion was greatly enjoyed by the
few fortunate enough to have been
present. . ; .
Wilford McDaniel, a young man who
once "stuck type" for the writer when
in the intermountain region, was in the
city yesterday and today with the crew
of surveyors staking out the ground for
the fine new stone depot the S. P, is
getting ready to erect here, Young
McDaniel left the employ of the Logan,
Utah, Republican three or four years
ago and associated himself with the
Harriman system, and since that time
his rise has been rapid. It is our pre
diction that the young man will be at
the head of the system in less than a
half score of years, but it is doubtful
whether he will ever really make more
money or enjoy himself better that
when with the ' Logan Republican;
Typesetters, or compositors, are prol-
ably better paid than any other class
of workers on the globe considering
what they know and their disposition
to work: Most of them who stick witt
it becomes millionaires by the time the
are thirty and bloated bondholders
a cross-tie ticket to the poor hoi
the time they are forty. 1 This js-i.n
more than most of them deserve.
McDaniel set a few linesat'this I
this morning and helped materia
getting out this issue of "the 1
daily in Corvallis. 'He still retain!
old "last motion" but can aet
type than any of 'em. In "row
Willamette Valley water, here's"
thine about frpnilinp mirnMoa 'mKHtivt i.
: - nr . . w m t i . 0
ourgcup. umix in x timet t xuucjk., r ated bv
over Harris' Stored Residence corner
Seventh and Madison. Office hours:
8 to 9 a. m.; i to a p. m. Phones:
Office; 2128, Residence, 404.' ' -
Insure Youf: Stock;
To Whom It May Concern:
This is to. certify that 'we have
this day-, appointed Mr. S. K. Hart-
sock, of Corvallis, Benton County,
Oregon, as our representative, 'and'
he is authorized to solicit business
and collect money for this Associa
tion pertaining to live stock insur
ance. t.' .. ; --' i -1 sij"
National Live Stock Insurance Ast'n
VlpByV. Ms OBER? Secretary;
Pordand,!-Oregon; October 28, 1909. '
unimpeachable witnesses,' are
cordially invited to- attend, but more
especially medical and other professonal
men. No collection in any shape - or
form.' ' "
Coach Forbes' will not coach the Uni
versity team next year.- The U. wanV
aA JS' .... . . . . . 1
saia, Dut he wants to
quit. Oregon is trying hp land Howard
J ones, present - coach k at Yale. No
coach has been secured, for O. A. C. "
3 ne nme nas again come to feed the
birds. It is not often that it becomes
necessary to feed the little vild song
sters, but now their nature food is
under a .mantle of snow, aid unless
crumbs and scraps from the tale are
thrown out for them they wili all suffer,
and if the snow continues for a Vweek
thousands of them will die. Feed the
birds yourself and tell youf neighbors
to do the same. . No better opportunity
will ever come to teach your children
to be kind to animals thanjnow En
courage the little folks to he
hirds , - 1 .-. ! Ft
WANTED-60 to 120 acre farm
"'"ou " unprovea, witn -r-xt mns
water and on rural mail and milk roit-s,
close to school and convenient toCor
vallis. Give full particulars and.price
in first letter. Address Mrs. MEhm
sen, 3206 Twelfth avenue, We Sta
tion I, Inter Bay, Seattle, Wastf.
ing Claim Jumber 53 in Township 11
South Range 5 Wst of the- Willamette
Meridian aiw Claim Number 39 in Town
ship 12, ScUth Range 5 West of the
Willamette'' Meridian, - thence South
along the- B&st line of said Donation
Land Claiifl to the center of the chan
nel of 0k Creek, thence down the
center of the channel of said Oak Creek
to the intersection thereof with the
center the channel of Mary's River,
thence pown the center of, the channel
of Mark's River to the most Southerly
Southwest corner of the City of Cor
vallis' being the point where the West
line of said City of Corvallis intersects
the center line of the said Mary's River,
thence following the several courses of
the West and North boundary lines of
said City of Corvallis to the Northeast
comer of said : city, being the point
where the North line of said City of
Corvallis intersects the center of the
channel of the Willamette River, thence
down the center of said Willamette
Kiver to a point South 70 decrees 30
f minutes East from the place of begin-
utes West to the place of beginning.
1 The form in which said question will
appear upon the official ballot, omitting
the description of the territory proposed
to be annexed, is as follows:
'Shall there be annexed to the Citv
of Corvallis, Oregon, the following de
scribed territory, to-wit: (description
of territory). .
300 For Annexation.
WANTED By man and ;Vife two
rooms furnished for light .usekeep
ing. Address, G. X Gazette-Times
, WANTED-Experiencef
girl at the Hotel Corva',:'
faing room
FOR SALE Good foarlfoot length
fir wood for sale, deliverej any part of
ciLy. rnone zz4 or call .;;a 744 nftrfh
19th street. . V " .
Business Pointers.
These co:4S; mfMj anJ are
yor&jr Mention. '
Largr. . j
hand .? P
i thej '
JWiI - ;,
-jc-t 01 roll-top desks on
Madge's Furniture store
' 12-lt
oysters direct from the
larhor beds, 35 cents pint, 65
celitstft. At Dad's place. 10-29-tf
' Eat Golden Rod Flakes,
: ."They are better for breakfast, ;
i-Than old-fashioned corn cakes,
. And five minuets time,
' .Is all that it takes ;
At Kline's, ........ e.l2-tf-.
301 Against Annexation."
The polling place where said election
will be held in said City of Corvallis is
and shall be the Council Chamber in
the City Hall in said City of Corvallis
and Wm. H. McMahon. A. L. Steven
son and W. R.- Hansell are the Judges
of election in said city, and E. D. Hen
dricks and Grover C. Cate are the
Clerks of election in said city appointed
tor said election
The polling place where said election
will be held in the hereinbefore de
scribed territory proposed to be annex
ed to said City of Corvallis is and shall
be the front room on ground floor of .:
Kennedy's Store" on Ihe North side of
County Road constituting" 'lieX-feesorr of
Monroe Street and located on the South
side of Block one (1) of Wella & Mc- ;
Elroy's Addition to the City of Corval
lis aforesaid, and . Louis Hollenberg, F. .
S. True and W. K. Taylor are the
Judges of election in said territory and
N. Tartar and F. E, Stevens are the
Clerks of election in said territory ap
pointed for said election. v :
The electors within said City of Cor- -vallis,
and the electors within said
above described territory proposed tc
be annexed thereto are hereby invited
to vote upon said proposition by placing;
upon their ballots the words "For An
nexation" or "Against Annexation,"
that is to say, by placing a cross upon
the official ballot between the number
and answer voted for. Electors . in
said City of. Corvallis will vote upon
said proposition at the above named
polling place within said city and the
electors in said above described terri
tory proposed to be annexed will vote
upon said proposition at the aforesaid
polling place within said territory.
Ihe votes cast in said territory proposed
to be annexed will be hrst separately
canvassed and if a maioritv of such
votes are in favor of annexation then
the votes cast within said City of Cor
vallis will be next separately canvased
and said territory will not be annexed to
said city unless a majority of the elect
ors of said territory and also a majority
of the electors of said City of Corvallis
voted at said election for annexation.
Dated November 19th, 1909.
Done by order of the Council of .
Citv of Corvallis.
Geo. W. Denman,.
Municipal Judge of the City of Corval
lis. Date of First Publication, - Nov. 19,
Date of-Last Publication, Dec. 17,
1909. - ' D & W
Farmers in the vicinity of Phu3k
phia, Pa., . do " not readily ; - swallo
Gazette-Times stories about-- the big
squashes - now in the Watters and
Lewis windows, the eight and ten irtei
and four and five pound potatoes on ex
hibition there and at Stevensons, nor -
of the, very fine apples, peaches and
pears raised here. - When told of. the
productivity of the soil here they just
smile and wink the other eye and' tell
Harry Springer that all .such talk is
buncombe, made of gentle western
zephyrs that have found their way - in
to eold type. Mr. Springer ; would like
to have those squashes shipped "back to
him, but considering the fact that they .
would take a freight car he has passed
these up and asks his brother, Charles!
L; Springer, of this paper, to send him
two or three of those ten inch potatoes.
He says he would rather have the pota
toes asked "for than any Christmas
present that could be sent, for he is
determined to convince - thev doub ting
Thomases about him. Mr. ; Harry
Springer, while a' Philadelphian, has a
farm over in New Jersey . and ' takes
some pleasure in disturbing the equili
brium of the bewhiskered gentlemen
about him.' He was here . on . a visit
last summer and saw evidence sufficient
to convince him that any sort of story
about phenomenal growths in these
western valleys " may be reasonably
accepted. The "potatoes ' will go ? to
him all right. -
i ivjv r -VVi'v"; - "A
Sheet Music, Musical Mdsei
Prices antf Terms to Suit
Call in and See Us. , '
The Mathews' Music Store
Corvallis, Oregon 'T' "
, Phone 357
'apt -Geo. Tyler Mgr. ; J V
- That Vou Get Your' Money s -1
Worth in Every Item1' We Show
We have exceptional values in the- followinp;: . . FRENCH
PLATE MIRRORS, 16x24,' OakFrames,H at $4.50; - COMMON
MIRROR 35, 50, 75x; UNFRAMED PICTURES, 5, 10, I5- 25c.
A Large Line of. Subjects to Select From
Fancy Oak Music Cabinet with top drawer, ' $8.50; Weath
ered Wardrobe Stand, $3.00? Weathered Tabourettes, 95c, . ' f
GOLDEN OAK and WEATHERED Rockers,' All Styles
In the City of Corvallis and in the Ad
jacent Territory Proposed
to be Annexed.
To the electors of the City of Corval
lis; and . 1
- To the electors in the territory adja
cent thereto hereinafter described and
proposed to be annexed to said city:
Notice is hereby given-that on Satur
day, the 18th day of December, A. D.,
1909, under and in pursuance of Ordi
nance No. 289 of the City of Corvallis
entitled "An Ordinance submitting to
the electors a proposed change in the
boundaries of the City of Corvallis and
calling an election, therefor," which
passed the Council of the City of Cor
vallis on the 8th day Of November 1909,
and was approved by the Mayor of said
city on the 8th day of November, 1909,
a special election of the electors of said
City of Corvallis and of tho electors of
the territory hereinafter described and
proposed to be annexed to said City of
Corvallis will be held, commencing in
said city at the hour of nine o'clock in
the forenoon of said day and in the ad
jacent territory hereinafter described
at the hour of eight o'clock in the fore
noon of said day and continuing in said
city and in said adjacent territory pro
posed to be annexed until seven o'clock
in the afternoon of said day without
closing the polls, for the , purpose of
submitting to the electors of said city,
and to v the electors in the .territory
hereinafter described and proposed to
pe annexed to said city the question
whether there shall be annexed to said
City of Corvallis the following described
territory, to-wit:
Commeneine at a Doint on the West
bank of the Willamette River South 70
degrees 30 minutes East from a point
wnicn is due south chains distant
from the Southwest -corner of the Do
nation Land Claim of John Stewart and
Mary Stewart, his wife, Notification
Number 949 Claim Number 49 in Town
ship 11, South Range 5 West of the
Willamette Meridian and Claim Number
50 in Township llSouth Range 4 West
of the 5 Willamette.. Meridian, 'and run
thence Worth 70, deerees 30 minutes
West to the West side of the County
Road leading1. North -from the City, of
wjrvams uregon, being the Northerly
extension Of Ninth Street in Said Citv
of Corvallis, running thence North along
me west woe oi said county road to a
point which ' is due East of the South
east corner (property line) of Block
Number lS.fn Wells &.iIcElroy's Addi-r
tion to Corvallis, thence North to the
Northeast , corner 1 (property line) of
Block Number 23 in said addition,
thence West along the South line of the
road bounding said addition on the North
to the Northwest corner property line)
of Block Number 37 of said addition,
thence South along the East side of the
County Road to the South side of the
County Road leading from Corvallis to
Kings Vallev. thence, East alnntr tiiP
, - , m, r - . --fry
Lbouth side of said County Road to the
intersection thereof with the East line
of the Donation Land Claim of Freder
ics A. Horning and Mary Ann', Horning,
If seeking the newest you'll find it at
Cbe Style Store
From a collar button to" a suit of
clothes, garters, half hose, sus
penders and , neckwear in fancy
boxes, smoking jackets, bath
rpbes,Jin factanyand. every
""gift suitable for the men folks
will be found here.
- 1 1 1 COftVAUJS. OAK,
I Christmas Specials
1 O. S." gold filled, hunting, 20 year case, Elgin or toil cn
I Waltham. 9 1 1.OU
12 gold filled open face 20 year case, Elgin or ncn
Waltham U.OU j
16 gold filled open face 20 year ; case, Elgin or ; ncn
Waltham...... ,3.uU
18 goldlfilled open face 15 Jewel Waltham 10.00
14 karat gold wedding rings, per dwt- -. . . ... 1.00
I Matthews, Optician and Jeweler ;
Take Care
of Your Orchard
It is coming time when every practical fruit grow
er will be giving his trees that attention necessary for
them to be thrifty and productive
i, . ' For we now have a big line of
Let TJsa StLOW You
lus wue, Notification Number 945, be-