The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, December 04, 1909, Image 3

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We want to excite
your interest in this
superb brand of
underwear as a "busi
ness proposition,
because the pleasant
relations of Merchant
and Consumer are
' furthered through'
brands of unquestioned
Our reputation as
dependable advertisers
is increased when you
buy such underwear
as the MENTOR. . '
Every garment is
thoroughly steamed, a
sanitary precaution, ; ,
and niade non-shrink- ;
able at the same time.
: Prices in women's v
garments run from
35c to 5.00; prices r
in children's garments,
from 25c to $1.00.
WinMiifiiV SIhip
When you see it
In our ad
It's so
Dealer in All Kinds of
Delivered in any Quantity Desired to AU
Parts of City. YARDS: 7th Street, opposite
Benton County Lumbar Co.
Office - and Residence Phone, 1113
CL 'ZEE, IMIerritt
Will be cleaning feathers
and mattresses for a short
time only. '"
Phone 470
or and Licensed Fmbalmer. Suc
cessor to Bovee & Bauer ..Corvallis,
Oregon. Iod. Phone 45. Bell Phone
., 241, Lady attendant when desired.
tx censed embalmers and funeral direct
ors. Have everything new in coffins,
. caskets and burial robes. ' Calls ans-
, wered day and night. .'. Lady .. assist
s ant. Embalming a specialty. Day
phones, ;Ind. Il7 and 1153, Bell, 631;
V: night phones, Ind. 2129 and 1153.
,f Surgeon, c Office in -Burnett. Block,
j overrHarris' Store. ' Residence corner
Seventh and Madison. Office hours:
8 to 9,1 m.; i to 2 p. m. Phones:
Office, 2128, Residence, 404. . -' "
Insure Your Stock
- To Whom It May Concern: ?
.This is to certify that we have
this day appointed Mr.' S. K. Hart
sock, of Corvallis, Benton County,
Oregon, as our representative, and
he is authorized to solicit business
and collect, money for this Associa
tion pertaining to live stock insuri
ance. . :- v ?
National Live Stock Insurance Ass'n
By J. M. OBER, Secretary,
Portland, Oregon, October 28 1909. C
Sheet Music, Musical Mdse.
Prices and Terms to Suit
' . . . t Call in and See Us.
The Mathews Music Store
Corvallis, Oregon -Phone
357 " j
' Capt Geo. Tyler. Mgr.
The City
and Vicinity
All the news all the time in The . Gazette-Times,
50c per month."
Born last -week to Mrs. Fred Hill,
at Scotts- Mills Marion - county, a
daughter. Mr. Hills is a graduate of
O. A. C.
There were exactly twenty-eight
chorus girls in the show last night, and
a dozen men. More could not get on
this stage to any advantage. -
Chief Wells has in his possession a
lady's new belt found this morning.
This is a combination leather and rub
ber belt with pearl fastenings.
Most of the Corvallis stores are now
displaying holiday goods. Many of the
windows have displays of what will
make acceptable presents. The people
: who buy early will have the best
. choice.
The "Land of Nod" company dis
tributed some very novel advertising at
the performance last night, the : kind
that the possessor keeps in his pocket
and shows to the other fellow. It
costs a little more but is always worth
the while.
Since early this morning six or more
inches of snow has fallen. The weather
shows no disposition to moderate or
grow colder, so there is a prospect of
a heavy snowfall. It maybe that the
heavy fall that marked last January or
February will . be duplicated at this
time. Last year's fall, however, ended
with a rain and heavy floods of the
Willamette and Columbia. , .
' At a special meeting ' of the O. A. C
student body,- following the drill hour
yesterday, Coach Sol S. Metzger was
presented with a' gold watch and chain,
and Sol "flunked." Such a.testimoniai
is not" common in the first year of any
coach, and then Metzger had no inkling
of what the student body was up to.
This presentation was certainly a fine
token of the esteem in which Mr. Metz
ger is held. .
i. . ' -
I Albany was visited by a shop ; lifter
yesterday. A woman went around to
i several places helping herself to things.
' At Chambers & McGune she was spotted
: and made to eive . up. what she had
! stolen. Going to her " room at Russ
j House other things were found, and
: she confessed to having taken things
at different places, a fui at Hamilton's
among other things. On ' returning
everything she was . allowed ' to go.
Albany Democat. ' ...
: There is more or less disappointment
among the officials at the size of the
j fine assessed against the bootlegger
j who subscribed himself officially as Ed.
I Wilson Wyatt. It is so hard to catch
bootleggers and so hard to convict them,
1 even when caught with goods in their
possession and record of ., their sales,
that the officials feel a $50 fine is inade-
: quate. , The intent is to make an ex-
1 ample of each convicted man so that
others tempted to engage in the illegal
traffic will cut it out. Fifty dollars isn't
much to a fellow who can sell his booze
at $1.00 a pint and buy it at $2.00 or
$3.00 a gallon.
Following the King Doodlebug show,
the next really great event in Corvallis
will . be . the ' Presbyterian Bazaar.
chicken dinner, and sale of cooked
foods at the told . Gazette -; building on
Madison street, 'December 15. i The
ladies of the church and , congregation
have made a great lot of the finest
Christmas gifts, imaginable, just the kind
particular people like to give, and they
will sell these at genuine bargains
price. The list includes a little of every J
thing from doilies and aprons to hand
worked scarfs, table cloths, hand-bags,,
and all that kind of material. Remem
ber day and date.
The case of Bailey vs. Benton county
comes up at Dallas on Monday for the
second time.;; -Bailey, who lives north
of Corvallis, represents that a culvert
DroKe down witn nun while he was
driving a team, and in the resultant
accident he was more or less injured.
The county offered to pay : him about
$200 but Bailey would not stand for
this. - The case was venued to Polk
county last spring, but " the. pleadings
were , faulty and , the case -,i continued
until now, that the complaint might be
amended. r -Commissioner Smith, Dep
uty Clerk Robert Johnson ajid others
from here will have to go over.
t Coach Metzger has presented loving
cups to the two football men who went
through -the season's schedule of games
without taking out time '- for injury.
The recipients of these coveted trophies
were Captain Evenden . .and ,'' Hawley,
At- the opening of -the' season - Metzger
promised this reward to every man
who would nght through the ,season
without the loss of - a- minute's time,
but expressed a doubt as to any one s
being able '.to.- earn the: reward. The
cups bear the inscription: ."To .the
man who was always in 1 the . game,
At. a., meeting of the ' athletic, board
the omciai athletic msignia was
awarded to the following,. men: Even
den, Dunn, Nelson, Hawley, " Wallace,
Loosley,; Clark, :s Breithaupt, V Hun tley ,
Gilbert, Keck, Enberg, Bergman; Ras
mussen, Rynolda ant) Wolff, .
Big -'Sale;
On Broken Line of
Exceptional Bargains if you
can find your size. A money
saving clean-up sale to make
room for new stock.
We Pay
Highest prices
farm produce -
R. H. Huston and others who bought
cutters last year may get to use them
before the present spell is over. "
Tonight at Waldo Hall Coach Metzger
and the O. A. C, team will be given a
royal good time by the Cauthorn Hall
club. : -
The body of Charles Cochell was tak
en to ' Albany last night and . will be
buried tomorrow at 2 o'clock. Cochell
was a member of Company G, state
militia, and will be buried by that or
ganization. The unfortunate young man
had been braking only about three or
four weeks. Conductor Riley and mem
bers of the train crew will go to the
funeral tomorrow.
Stung For 15 Years
By Indigestion's pangs trying many,
doctors and $200.00 worth of medicine
in vain, B. F. Ayscue, of Ingleside,
N. C., at last used Dr. - King's New
Life Pills, and writes they wholly cured
him. They cure constipation, bilious
ness, sick headache; stomach, liver,
kidney and bowel troubles. 25 cents at
all druggist.
What is Hyomei?
You Have Heard About the Catarrh
Cure Graham & Wells Guarantees.
Hyomei is a wonderful antiseptic, so
powerful that . it promptly destroys
germ life, yet its action on the mucous
membrane is extremely soothing and
healing. ' N It relieves catarrh, in five
minutes: it cures m a tew weeks or
money back.
It is made chiefly of eucalyptus and
eucalyptol taken from the eucalyptus
forests of inland Australia. The medi
cal profession knows that eucalyptus is
an absolutely certain germ destroyer
and with the active, principles of euca
lyptus as a base Hyomei is made 'more
efficient, pleasant and quick acting by
the addition of ThymoL an antiseptic
and disinfectant largely employed in
the Listerian System. Guaiacol and
other' important medicinal agents are
also included in the. Hyomei formula,
which, no doubt, is the greatest de
stroyer of catarrh germs the world has
ever known.
' Hyomei is a powerful, penetrating
antiseptic that is pleasant to use. : It
does not contain a particle of cocaine
opium or any habit-forming or injurious
; Goods
All the .
- Weaves and Shades
at Reasonable
Henkle & Davis .
y Good Clean Apples
For Cooking . , - : . .75c per box
Good Eating . - - $1.00 per box
Packed in Tiers, $1.25 to $1.50 per box
Fancy for Shipping - -.: $2.00 per box
R. F. D..1, ; . Corvallis. Oregon
Phone 9058.
.No dosing the stomach when you use
Hyomei. -Just breathe it in through
the small inhaler that comes with each
outfit.". Sold by leading druggists ev
erywhere and in Corvallis by Graham
& Wells. $1.00 for complete outfit.
Cures indigestion
It relieves stomach misery, sour stom.
ach, belching, arid cures all stomach dis
ease or money back. Large box of tab
lets 50 cents. ,1 Druggists in all towns
WAITED Position as sales woman,
by refined, educated, experienced young
woman, of pleasing address, phone 4262.
' ' ! ' , 12-4-3t
WANTED Experienced dining room
girl at the Hotel Corvallis. " 12-2-tf
; ;
FOR SALE-Good four-foot length
fir wood for sale, delivered any part of
city. Phone 2294 or call at 744 north
19th street. 12-2-6t
FOR SALE A fine four year old
Jersey cow. , Will be fresh in two
weeks. Loren Cyrus, Corvallis; phone
No. K 316. ll-29-6t
Business Pointers.
These cost money and are
worth your attention.
A big demonstration next Monday,
Tuesday, and Wednesday, at Hodes
Grocery of Quaker Puffed Wheat, Puffed
Rice, Corn Flakes, Qats, etc. We
would like to have all of our customers
see this demonstration. 12-3-3t
Large stock of roll-top desks on
hand at Blackledge's Furniture store.
; . .-, 12-lt ?
For home cooking, fresh bread, cook
ies, doughnuts, . etc.,: try the Midway
Confectionery, 353 Madison street, Cor
vallis. 11-30-tf
Native oysters direct from the
Willapa Harbor beds, 35 cents pint, 65
cents qt. At Dad's place. 10-29-tf
Eat Golden Rod Flakes,
They are better for breakfast,
Than old-fashioned corn cakes, ,
And five minuets time,
"Is all that it takes
At Kline's. . ' 6-12-tf
In the City of Corvallis and in the Ad'
jacent Territory Proposed .
to be Annexed.
' To the electors of the City of Corval
lis; and !
To the electors in the territory adja
cent thereto- hereinafter described and
proposed to be annexed to said city:
Notice is hereby given that on Satur
day, the 18th day of December, A. D.,
1909, under and in pursuance of Ordi
nance No. 289 of the City of Corvallis
entitled "An Ordinance submitting to.
the electors a proposed change in the
boundaries of the City of Corvallis- and
calling an election therefor,": which
passed the Council of the City of Corn
vallis on the 8th day of November, 1909,
and was approved bv the Mayor of said
I city on the 8th day of November, 1909,
a special election 01 the electors 01 said
City of Corvallis and ' of tha electors of
the territory hereinafter described and
proposed to be annexed to said City of
Corvallis will be held, commencing in
said city at the hour of nine o'clock in
the forenoon of said day and in the ad
jacent territory hereinafter described
at the hour 01 eight o ciock in the lore-
noon of said day and continuing in said
city and m said adjacent territory pro
posed to be annexed until seven o'clock
in the., afternoon of said day without
closing the - polls, for the purpose of
submitting to the electors of said city.
and to! ' ther electors in the' territory
hereinafter described and proposed to
be annexed to said citv the Question
whether there shall be annexed to said
City of Corvallis the following described
territory, to-wit:
Commencing at a point on the "West
bank of the Willamette River South 70
degrees 30 minutes- East from a point
which is due South 12.61 chains distant
from the Southwest corner of the Do
nation Land Claim of John Stewart and
Mary Stewart, his wife,. Notification
Number 949 Claim Number 49 in Town
ship 11, South Range 5 West of the
Willamette Meridian and Claim Number
60 in Township 11, South Range 4 West
of the : Willamette ' Meridian and run
thence North 70 degrees 30 minutes
West to the -West side of the County
Road leading North from the City of
Corvallis, Oregon, being the Northerly
extension of Ninth Street in said Citv
of Corvallis, running thence North along
the west side of said county road to a
pomt which : is due East of the South
'east corner (property line) of . Block
Number 18 in Wells & McElroy's Addi
tion toiCorvallis,' thence North to the
Northeast ..corner (property line) of
Block Number 23 in said aHrtition.
thence West along the South line of the
road bounding said addition on the North
to the Morthwest corner (property line)
of Block Number 37 of said addition.
thence South along the East side of the
County-Road to the South side of the
County. Road leading from. Corvallis to
Kings. Valley, thence East along the
South side of said County Road to the
intersection thereof with the East line
of the Donation Land Claim of Freder
ick A. Horning and Mary Ann Horning,
his wife, Notification Number 945, be
ing Claim Number 53 in Township 11,
fcouth Range 5 West of the Willamette
Meridian and Claim Number 39 in Town-'
ship 12, South Range 5 West of the
Willamette ' Meridian, T thence South I
along the East line of said Donation I
Land Claim to tie cente- of the chan
nel of Oak Creek, thence down the
center of the channel of said Oak Creek
to the intersect'on thereof with the
center of the channel of Mary's River,
thence down the center of the channel
of Mary's River to the most Southerly
bouthwest corner of the Citv of Cor
vallis, being the point where the West
une 01 saia uity 01 (Jorvalus intersects
the center line of the said Mary's River,
thence following the several courses of
the West and North boundarv lines of
said City of Corvallis to the Northeast
cor.-er of said city, - being the point
where the North line of said Citv of
Corvallis intersects the center of the
channel of the Willamette Riverthence
down the center of said Willamette
River to a point South 70 degrees 30
minutes East from the place of begin
ning, thence North 70 deerees 30 min
utes West to the place of beginning.
iiitj lorra in wnicn said question will
appear upon the official ballot, omitting
the description of the territory proposed
to be annexed, is as follows :
"Shall there be annexed to the City
of Corvallis, Oregon, the following de
scribed territory to-wit: ' (description
of territory). :
duo r-b'ar Annexation.
301 Against Annexation."
i The pollinsr place where said election
will be held in said City of Corvallis is
and shall be the Council Chamber in
the City Hall in said City of Corvallis
and Wm. H. McMahon, A. L. Steven
son and W. R. Hansell are the Judges
of election in said city, and E. D. Hen
dricks and Grover C. Cate are the
Clerks of election in said city appointed
for said election
The polling place where said election
mas Watches
Hamilton, Hampden, Eockford, South Bend, Ingersoll-Tren-ton,
Ingersoll, Elgin, Waltham and Howard Watches
always in stock. All sold under an absolute guar
antee to the purchaser.
E W, S. PR ATT, jeweler and Optician
mw riTiTiimaiiTTror -tr-frKMr
: Don't worry over what you shall give
your men friends for Christmas ..
I have the largest stock ever shown here in at
tractive Holiday Boxes of 12 to 100 Cigars at prices
from 50 per box up.
Pipes to Suit Every Fancy COME AND SEE
JACK MILNE, Man ar Second St.
H o l i d ay G i f ts
If it is hard for you to settle on what to give, let us help
you out. You will find the solution almost 'as quick as you
glance at our' show cases. In them is a variety. It is.not
necessary to buy expensive presents there are plenty of in-,
expensive presents.
'We are sure to ulease in the PoDular Priced Articles as,
well as in the Finest Made.
Reputation speaks for itself.
Occidental Hotel Building - - Open Evenings
Take Care
of Your Orchard
! It is coming time when every practical fruit grow
er will be giving his trees that attention necessary for
them to be thrifty and productive
W; E X A N H E L P Y O U
1 For we now have a big line of ,
will be held, in the hereinbefore de
scribed territory proposed to be annex
ed to said City 01 Corvallis is and shall
be the front room -on ground floor off
Kennedy's Store on the North side of:
County Road constituting extension of;
Monroe Street and located on the Southv
side of Block xme (1) of Wells & Mc
Elroy's Addition to the City of Corval
lis aforesaid, and Louis Hollenberg, F
S. True and W. K. Tavlor are the?
Judges of election in said territory andl .
.N. Tartar and a . tu. btevens are the
Clerks of election in said territory ap
pointed f op said election.
The electors within said-City of Cor
vallis, and - the electors within said
above described territory proposed to
be annexed thereto are hereby invited
to vote upon said proposition by placing
upon their ballots the words "For. An
nexation" or "Against Annexation,"
that is to say, by placing a cross upon
the official ballot between the number
and answer - voted for. Electors in
said City of Corvallis will .vote upon
said proposition at the above named
polling place within said city and the ;
electors in said above described terri
tory proposed to be annexed will vote
upon said proposition at the aforesaid
polling place within said territory.
The votes cast in said territory proposed
to be annexed will be first separately
canvassed and if ' a majority of sucn
votes are in favor of annexation then
the votes cast within said City of Cor- 1
vallis will be next separately canvased
and said territory will not be annexed to
said city unless a majority of the elect
ors of said territory and also a majority
of the electors of said City of Corvallis
voted at said election for annexation.
Dated November 19th, 1909. .
Done by order of the Council of the
City of Corvallis.
Geo. W. Denman,
Municipal Judge of the City of Corval
lis. .
Date of First Publication, Nov, 19,
1909. ...
Date of Last Publication, Dec. 17,
1909. D & W
ararw-irgrffliiWHTw'fflwigrir. mm mnriMrr-
Our Prices are right and Our