The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, December 02, 1909, Image 3

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We have
On sale
119 W. B. Corsets
Ranging in price
From $1.50
l To $3.50
All sizes
To Close
For $1.00
Call early -
In order .
To get your size
When you see it
In our aid
It's so
A Great Bargain
We have a few Corinth Woolen
Mills Overcoats left which
will close out at half price.
8. 00 Coats for...'......".
9.00 Coats for... .......
10.00 Coats for.. ....
12.50 Coats for....
16.00 Coats for..........
Also a fine line of water
coats at from $15 to $25.
Dealer in all Men's
corvallis. - ,
or and Licensed Fmbalmer. Suc
cessor to Bovee & Bauer Corvallis,
Oregon. Ind. Phone 45. Bell Phone
241, Lady attendant when desired.
censed embalmers and funeral direct
; ors. Have everything new in coffins,
' , caskets and burial robes. Calls ans-
wered day and night. Lady assist
ant. Embalming a specialty. Day
phones, Ind. 117 and 1153, Bell, 531;
night phones, Ind. 2129 and 1153.
Surgeon, oifice m uuraett uiock,
over Harris'- Store. Residence corner
. : Seventh and Madison. Office hours:
' 8 to 9 a. m.;' 1- to J p: m.
Office, 2128, Residence, 404.
Insure Your Stock
To Whom It May Concern : -
This is to certify that we have
this day appointed Mr. S. K, Hart
sock; of Corvallis, Benton County,
Oregon, as.our representative, and
he is authorized; to solicit business
and collect money for this Associa--tion'
pertaining to live stock : insur
ance. ' ... ". ." ,'
National Live Stock, Insurance Ass'n
By J. M. OBER, Secretary,
Portland, Oregon, October 28, 1909.
Sheet Music, Musical Mdse.
Prices and Terms to Suit ;
Call .in and See Us. :'
The Mathews Musio Store
Corvallis,; Oregon
Phone 357 ,
! CapL Geo. Tyler, Mgr.
The City V
and Vicinity
All the news all the time in The Gazette-Times,
50c per month.
R. J. Smith, the jeweler, haa re
turned from Portland where he had
been to select his stock of holiday
I B. W. Moore, a Linn county farmer,
is missing.,- He started for Portland
by boat on Nov. 21, taking four horses
for sale. Moore is 70 years age, and
no word has been heard from him.
; This afternoon Rev. Henry A. Ga
briel left for Beaverton intending to
return next Monday morning. Mean
while Rev. Father Dimier will remain
in Corvallis and hold the usual services
next Sunday.
: The Cauthorn Hall Club will give
Coach Metzger and the O.A.C.-team a
reception, testimonial, or something of
that sort, next Saturday evening. xThe
Cauthorn Hall bunch never does any
thing by halves, so the affair is cer
tain to be a jolly one. ;
Interest ' in the Jeffries-Johns on
prize fight is more than casual among
some of the lovers of the "manly art
here. The G.-T. has it on reliable
authority that Manager Lowe, of the
Independent Telephone Co., has just
bet Jack Milne five to one that John
son will beat Jeffries before the tenth
round. Mr. Lowe is not exactly, in love
with, the "niggah," but : as an .old
Tennesseean with first-hand knowledge
of the colored man's prowess, he has
confidence that in Johnson . the honor
able Mr. Jeffries will meet his Water
loo, and not his watermelon.
; A stranger said to answer to the
name "Tennessee"" Wyatt will appear
before Judge' Denman tomorrow at 9
o'clock on a charge of carrying con
cealed weapons. The story is that he
has done some tall talking about what
he would do to Chief Wells, and showed
some young fellows an old blunderbuss
with which expected to do his work.
So Wells picked him up.- It is . thought
that this is the fellow who .recently
brought a buggy full of Albany booze
to Corvallis. .
i The' Christian church people, who
. nave made such .- handsome lmprove-
. ments in their property the past year,
are planning to have a gloriously good
t'me at- the church , next Sunday,
They will re-dedicate the church and
' themselves to the Great Cause and will
i have the assistance of: most of the
. ministers at one of the services. The
. Christian church property is now com'
' modious, and attractive in appearance,
a real credit to me city, mi. nuuueu
and his congregation have done a great
and acceptable work.
Wallace, star tackle on the O. A. C
team the past season, has been elected
captain of team for next year. This is
the young man's Senior year at O. A.,
A. but he expects to return next year
for special work, hence acquiesced in
the will of his, team b' mates;. Wallace
has played two years and made an' en
viable record. Last year he played at
guard and was a-, success. At tackle
i this year he loomed up in proper shape
and because of his headiness and the
general favor of his mates he was
g i en the position of honor. Wallace
will make good.. . " . '
The Washington. D. 'C, Times, of
Nov. 20 contains " pleasant mention of
Miss Edna James Sheehy,' who is pleas
antly remembered here as a former
instructor in music at O. A. C. Mies
Sheehy has been selected as soprano
for the Washington Symphony Orches
. tra, and at a recent concert demon-
strated her ability to satisfy her friends
. and critics, her success in; her first
number bringing her out . in . Ethelbert
Nevin's charming' folk-song, "Mighty
j Lak a Rose.'.' Miss Sheehy was greatly I
appreciated while here and friends are
ever pleased to read pleasant words of
her. .-
. A telegram has been received from
Rev. Harry E. Mason, of Dayton,
j Wash., : announcing the fact that he
will be here next Sunday to supply the
puplit at the First Congregational
church;, both morning and evening.
Rev. Mason has Just resigned his pas
torate at Dayton ' and comes to look
over the field and advantages here,
; He is spoken of by fellow pastors as
being a man of more than ordinary
1 ability as a speaker, and of command
intr appearance, and it is desired that
he be greeted by a large congregation
'at both services.
1 . One of the bright spots in this sea-
' sons theatrical" calendar will be thepro-
1 duction of Samuel CRork's brilliant
'musical extravaeanza "The Land of
Nod," which 1 will appear at the - opera
house next Thursday, December 9th.
It is a fairy story set to music. It's
heroine, a little girl known as "Bonnie,"
falls asleep in the garden of her. own
home and dreams that . she has 'been
transported to Nod, where she' meets
with many surprising and amusing1 ad
ventures. -The cast to be seen here
is practically 'the same as presented
the piece on Broadway. There is an
unusually large chorus, which is said to
include some stunning young women
who can sing and dance.
Big Sale
On Broken Line of
Exceptional Bargains if you
can find your size. A money
saving clean-up sale to make
room for new stock.
We Pay
Highest prices
farm produce
' Mrs. Lee Anderson, Mrs. George
Irvine and Juanita left today for a few
day's visit with Halsey relatives. ..
Albert Skelton, eight year old son of
Prof. G. V. Skelton,' fractured an arm
yesterday evening while playing at
Rich Men's Gifts Are Poor
Beside this; "I want to go on re
cord as saying that I regard Electric
Bitters as one of the greatest gifts
that God has made to woman, writes
Mrs. 0. Rhinevault, of Vestal Center,
N. Y., "I can never forget what it has
done for me." This glorious medicine
gives "a woman buoyant spirits, . vigor
of body and jubilant health. It quickly
cures nervousness, ' sleeplessness,
melancholy, headache, backache, faint
ing dizzy spells; soon builds up- the
weak, ailing and sickly. Try them. 59
cents at all druggists.
WANTED Experienced dining room
girl at the Hotel Corvallis. , 12-2-tf
WANTED Position as sales woman,
by refined, educated, experienced young
woman, of pleasing address, phone 4276,
- 12-l-3t
WANTED Pantry or chamber work
in hotel, or to help in family. " 303 N.
17th street.. 12-l-3t
WANTEDYoung Udy until after
the holidays, with possibility of perma-
nent position at Kline's.
- 11-29-tf
WANTED By man and wife, with
no children, work on a ranch. Address
W. E; Young, Philomath, Oregon, care
Leonard Wood. 12-3-2t-w
All the
Weaves and Shades -at
Henkle & Davis
Apples !
Good Clean Apples
For Cooking - -- 75c per box
Good Eating - - $1.00 per box
Packed in Tiers, $1.25 to $1.50 per box
Fancy for Shipping $2.00 per box
R. F. D. 1, Corvallis-, Oregon
Phone 9053.
Notice to Creditor!.
Notice is herebv riven that the under
signed has been appointed By the Coun
ty Court of Benton County, Oregon, as
, - 1 1 T . TIT". 1 1' m 1
executor 01 rae iast w 111. ana iesi-
ment of Harriet Adams, deceased. All
persons having claims against the estate
of said deceased are hereby notified and
required to present them, duiy vennea,
wrthtne proper- voucners, witnin six
months front the date- of this notice, to
the undersigned executor of said estate,,
at the office of J.: H. Wilson, First Na
tional Bank of Corvallis, Benton Coun?
ty, Oregon. n , - r ,
Dated Dec 1st, 1909.
y M. L. Adams',
' 1 Executon.
First Publication Dec 3, 1909.. F ,
Last Publication, Dec. 31; 1909. .
LOST Brown leather suitcase oh CI
& E. train Monday, evening. 'Initials
on end; E. L. G.,also tagged on handle.
Phone ; Gazette-Times. Suitable re
ward. . ..
LOST Light gray overcoat, about
August 25 last, on main road between
Jesse Walker's place and Beulah church.
Return to Gazette-Times office and re
ceive reward. 12-2-lt-d-&-w
FOR SALE Good four-foot length
fir wood for sale, delivered any part of
city. Phone 2294 or call at 744 north
19th street. 12-2-6t
FOR SALE Two vacant lots: also
house and lot, on Twelfth street. In
quire of Mrs R. L. Ortell, Ind. phone
3194.. . w-tf
FOR SALE Five grade Jersey cows
ana registered Dun. , wm take young
mare or team m trade. R. N. William
son, Wells, Ore. ' 11-19-w-tf
FOR SALE-A fine four year old
Jersey , cow. Will be fresh in two
weeks. Loren Cyrus, Corvallis, phone
No. K 3)6. . - 11-29 -6t
FOR SALE-$75 Bridge & Beach
Superior steel range, first-class shape.
Elmore Hotel. ll-26-6t
Business Pointers.
; These cost money and are
worth yonr attention. ,
, iiarge siock or. roll-top aesKS .on
hand at Blackledge's Furniture store.
For home cooking, fresh bread, cook
ies, doughnuts, etc., try the Midway
Confectionery, 353 Madison street, Cor
vallis. r ii-30-tf
Native oysters direct from the
Willapa Harbor beds, 35 cents pint, 65
cents qt. At Dad's place. 10-29-tf
Eat Golden Rod Flakes,
They are better for breakfast,
Than old-fashioned corn cakes,
And five minuets time,
Is all .that it takes
At Kline's. 6-12-tf
In the City of Coryallis and in the Ad
jacent Territory Proposed
' to be Annexed.
To the electors of the City of Corval
lis; and-
- lo.tne electors m tne terntory ama-
cent thereto hereinafter described and
proposed to be annexed to said city:
1 .Notice is hereby given that on Satur
day, the 18th day of December, A. D.,
1909, under and in pursuance of Ordi
nance No. 289 of the City of Corvallis
entitled "An Ordinance submitting to
the electors a proposed change in the
boundaries of the City of CorvaUis and
calling an election therefor, " which
passed the. Council of the City of Cor
vn IHr on the Rt.h-av of November. 1909.
and was approved by the Mayor of said
citv on the 8th dav of November. 1909.
a special election of the electors of said
City of Corvallis and of tho electors of
the territory hereinafter described and
proposed to be annexed to said City of
Corvallis will be held, commencing in
said city' at 'the hour of "nine o'clock, in
the forenoon of said day and in the ad
jacent territory hereinafter described
at the hour of eight o'clock in the fore
noon of said day and continuing in said
city and in said adjacent territory pro
posed to be annexed until seven o'clock
in the ' afternoon of said day. without
closing the polls, for the purpose of
submitting to the electors of said city,
and to the electors in the territory
hereinafter described and proposed to
be annexed to said . city the -question
whether there shall be annexed to said
City of Corvallis the following described
terntory, to-wit: - -
Commencing at a point on the West
bank of the Willamette River South 70
degrees 30 minutes East from a point
which is due South 12.61 chains distant
from the Southwest corner of the Do
nation Land Claim of John Stewart and
Mary Stewart,' his wife, . Notification
Number 949 Claim Number 49 in Town
ship 11, South Range 5 West - of the
Willamette Meridian and Claim Number
50 in Township 11, South Range 4 West
of the Willamette Meridian and run
thence North 70 degrees SO minutes;
West to the West side of the County
Road leading North from the City Of
Corvallis, Oregon, being the Northerly
extension of Ninth . Street in" said City
of Corvallis, running thence North along
the West side of said county road to a
point which is due ' East of the South
east corner (property line) of Block
Number 18 in Wells & McElroy's Addi
tion to' Corvallis, thence North, to the
Northeast corner : (property line) ' of
Block Number 23 in said addition,
thence West along the South line of the
road bounding said addition on the North
to the Northwest corner (property line)
of Block. ' Number 37 'of said addition,
thence South along the East side of the
County Road to the "South side of the
County- Road leading from Corvallis to
Kings Valley, thence- East along the
South side of said County Road to the
in teis action thereof with the East line
of the Donation Land Claim of Freder
ick A. Horning and Mary Ann Horning,
his wife. Notification Number 945. be
ing Claim Number 53 in Township 11,
houth Range 5 West of the Willamette
meridian ana uiaim jn umber H in Town
ship 12. South Ran 5 West of the
Willamette i Meridian, thence South
along the East line of. said Donation
Land Claim to the center of the chan
nel of Oak Creek, thence down the
center of the channel of said Oak Creek
to the intersection thereof with the
center of the channel of Mary's River,
thence down the center of the channel
of Mary's River to the most Southerly
bouthwest corner of the City of Cor
vallis, being the point where the West
line of said City of Corvallis intersects
the center line of the said Mary's River,
thence following the several courses of
the West and North boundarv lines of
said City of Corvallis to the Northeast
corner of said city, beiner the Doint
where the North line of said City of
Corvallis intersects the center of the
channel of the Willamette River,, thence
down the center of said Willamette
River to a point South -70 decrees 30
minutes East from the place of begin-
ning, thence North 70 degrees 30 min
utes West to the place of beginning.
xiie lurm in wnicn saia question will
appear UDOn the official ballot, nmittino-
the description of the territory proposed
io ue annexea, is as iollows;
"Shall there be annexed to the City
of Corvallis. Oree-on. the following Hp-
scribed territory, to-wit: fdescrintion
of territory). .
ow- - J? or Annexation. .
301 Against Annexation." '
The polling1 place where said election
will be held m said Citv of Corvallis is
and shall be the Council Chamber in
the City Hall in said City of Corvallis
and Wm. H. McMahon, A. L. Steven
son and W. R. Hansell are the JnHwa
of election in said city, and E. D. Hen
dricks and Grovex C. Cate are ' the
Clerks of election in said city appointed
for said election
The polling place where said election
- Until all the best items
look now at our Large Line
Solid Oak Writing Desks - -v -Polished
Oak Music Cabints -Weathered
Magazine Rockers
New line of Oak Rockers, quartered
and with spring seats, from -Elegant
1 oak Polished Library Stand
SCHULTZ, The Furniture Man
.' ... '
125 Second Street
If it is hard for you to settle on what to give, let us help .
you out.. You will .find the solution almost as quick as you
glance at our show cases. In them is a variety. It is not
necessary to buy expensive presents there are plenty of in
expensive presents. -
We are sure to please in the Popular Priced Articles as
well as in the - Finest Made.' Our Prices are right and Our
Reputation speaks for itself.-
Occidental Hotel Building - - Open Evenings
Hamilton, Hampden, Rockford, South Bend, Ingersoll-Tren-'
ton,' Ingersoll, Elgin, Waltham and Howard Watches
(always in stock. All sold under, an absolute guar
antee to the purchaser. . -
From $1 50 Up
f Your Orchard
It is coming time when every practical fruit grow
er will be giving his trees that attention necessary for
them to be thrifty and productive
For we now have a big line of.
will be held in -the hereinbefore 'de
scribed territory proposed to be annex
ed to said City of Corvallis is and shall
be the front room on ground floor of
Kennedy's Store on the North side of
County Road constituting extension of
Monroe Street and located on the Southv
side of Block one (1) of Wells & Mc
Elroy's Addit'on to the City of Corval-
lis aforesaid, and Louis Hollenberg; F,
SJ True and W. K. Taylor are the
Judges of election in said territory and
N. Tartar and F. E. Stevens are the? ;
Clerks of election in said " territory ap- :
pointed for said election. '
The electors within said City of Cor
vallis, " and the electors within said
above described territory proposed to .
be Tinnexed thereto are hereby invited
to vote upon said proposition by placing:
upon their ballots the "words Fer An
nexation" or "Against Annexation,""
that is to say, by placing a cross upon
the official ballot between the Bomber
and , answer voted for. Electors in
said City of Corvallis will vote upom
said proposition at the above named
polling place within said city and the
electors in said above described terri
tory proposed to be annexed will vote
upon said proposition at the aforesaid
polling place within said" territory.
The votes cast in said territory proposed
to be annexed will be first separately"
canvassed and if a majority of such)
votes are in favor of annexation then
the votes cast within said City of Cor-
vallis will be next separately canvased .
and said territory will not be annexed to
said city unless a majority of the elect
ors of said territory and also a majority"
of the electors of said City of Corvallis :
voted at said election for annexation.
Dated November 19th, 1909.
Done by order of the Council of the
City of Corvallis.
Geo. W. Denbian,
Municipal Judge of the City of Corval
. lis. ...... ,
Date of First Publication, Nov. 19,.
i909. '
Date of Last Publication, Dec 17,
1903. D& W
are spoken for. Take a
Holiday Furniture.
$6.00 to $10
5.50 to . 1450
3.50 to
Jeweler and Optician g
......-mn rT f