The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, October 26, 1909, Image 2

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Published every evening except Sun
day Office: 232 Second street, Cor
Vallis, Oregon.
j'PH0liE,4184 K "
Entered M second-class matter July 2, 1909, at
th pMtoffieaat Corvallia, - Oregon, under act of
March . 1878. - . -i: i v '
Delivered by carrier, per week $ -15
Delivered by carrier, per month... .50
By mail, one year, in advance 5.00
By mail, six months, in advance...- .2.50
By mail, one month, in advance. .. .. .50
. " .' . Editor
Business Mgr,
There is none so bad as to do the
twentieth part of the evil he might;
f fcor Way so good as to do the tenth part
01 the good it is. in his power to do.
Judge of yourself by the good you
lnight do, and neglect; and of others,
by the evil they might do, and omit:
Wid your judgment will be poised be
tween too much indulgence lor your
self, and too much severity on others.
' Albany Democrat The blue
print has been received for the
new freight depot. It will have
. & ground floor office 32x24 at the
end. to be on a line with the
West side of Lyon street, and a
warehouse, with six doors on
each side. 192 feet 6 inches
long, making a total length of
217 fAPt fi inches. New double
deck stock yards are being built
on the C. & E., half way to the
found house, which will take
two weeks, when the force of
men will build the freight depot
AH the newsrall the time in The Ga
ZETTE-Times, 50c per month.
Why Not All-Wool
All-wool clothes are honest
clothes. There is no question
about their goodness their
Superior wear and style and
fchape holding qualities.
The only reason that pre
vents , many: men perhaps
yourself from getting them,
is the high prices. .. . ,
y Some men gladly pay the
difference. , ?V .
A signed guarantee in every
Clothcraft- suit or overcoat
makes you .sure 'of pure all
wool. - And you won't need to
pay high prices. :
j Clothcraft Clothes are the
only clothes in the, country
selling at $10 to $18 guaran
teed absolutely pure wool.
? We have them You ought
to have them.
Cluett Shirts
Stetson Hats
Hanan Shoes
Quality Store
He Made Good In South America De
spite His Lack of Training.
William Insco Buchanan, wno died
suddenly in London a few days ago.
served as minister to Argentina from'
1894 to, 1900. He knew nothing of
diplomacy when he went ; to South
America in a diplomatic capacity, but
proceeded to apply his business knowl
edge with such success "that the ad
vantage of closer trade relations be
tween North "and South America be
came known all over the southern con
tinent ' '
One of his most notable accomplish
ments was to prevent war between
the Argentine Republic and Chile over
the boundary question, which had dis
turbed their relations for many years.
The arbitrators named by the two
governments selected Mr. Buchanan
as umpire. His decision was regard
ed as a master stroke of diplomacy,
and it Increased his reputation
Y Kmf- I
throughout South America,.. As a re
sult the Argentine Republic and Chile
negotiated a treaty which provided
for reducing their military establish
ments. Before he left his post Mr,
Buchanan also negotiated an impor
tant reciprocity treaty between -the
United , States and the Argentine.
' When the new republic of Panama
was recognized by the government of
the United States President Roosevelt
and Secretary Hay chpse Buchanan
as the fittest man to handle the deli
cate questions Involving the construc
tion of the Panama canal and the re
lations between Colombia and Pana
ma. His short period of service won
the praise of the administration at
Washington. He also held other im
portant posts..: -
With the closing of the Alaska-
Yukon-Pacific Exposition, Wash
ington State University, on
whose campus the fair was held,
becomes a large beneficiary.
The board of regents inherits
property valued at $1,658,088.
Of this amount. $600,000 repre
sents permanent buildings erect
ed by the state and loaned to the
fair; $207,935 represents semi
permanent buildings put up by
the state now available for the
university and the balance - con
sists of improvements to the
campus ana . structures put up
by other interests, ( which have
been bequeathed1 to the Univers
ity. .; , : .
The official figures show that
3,740,551 persons passed through
the' exposition gates during ' its
138 days. The gross income to
date amounts to $1,519,438.14,
which will read a million and a
half when all collections have
been made. Admission netted
$1, 096, 475, the remainder com
ing from concessions, revenues
and other rentals. After - all
ueuis nave Deen paia, at least a
hundred thousand dollars will
be left to apportion among the
or.gmai stock noiaers. in re
viewing the silccess of the ex
position, the Post Intelligencer
says: -s "As a simple matter of
justice, it Ought to be said that
the newspapers of . the country
have helped to make it a success;
indeed, no other single influence
has contributed more ' to the
success ' of the exposition than
the influence of the intelligent
and progressive newspaper
makers of the west." ? ; t '' v :
Coffin Makers Propose Raise In Price
of Funerals Too Many Undertakers.
The burial casket manufacturers and
jobbers in convention, in Cincinnati
expressed dissatisfaction because the
cost of dyin has not kept pace with
the increased ,, cost of- living. They
posed to establish uniform prices for
the retail trade in coffins.
We coffin makers want the under
takers to help us out more than they
do," said one delegate. "We want the
undertakers to make stiller bills, and
then we can get more for our goods.
Why should we have to pay double
what we used to pay to live aud let
people die cheaply? It isn't fair and
it isn't logical. There are too many
undertakers. They are cutting each
other's throat to get business, and.
what is more to the . pointy they are
cutting prices. Another thing, the sup
ply of coffins Is greater than the de
mand. That's what makes 'em so
Morosini- Can No Longer Spend
$30,000 a year on Clothes.
Miss Giulia Morosini of New York,
whose inheritance from her father, the
late banker, Giovanni p. Morosini, has
been found to be so much less than
was expected that ' it is figured-, she
will have to cut down the allowance of
$30,000 a.'year for dress, which she
has been in the habit of spending,- un
less, she spends part of her principal,
fcas been known as "the best dressed
woman in New York" through her
father's liberality. She Was the bank
er's favorite child and receives the
greater part of his estate, which has a
net value as shown in the surrogate
court files of only $2,660,509. Her in
heritance Is placed at $1,633,427, the
interest on which at 4 per cent would
be only $65,000 a year. To maintain
the Morosini home in its accustomed
style will cost. It is said, fully $50,000
a year, leaving only $15,000 for the
heiress' clothing account.
Thousand Guests Will Try to Find Red
-.'.Ears In Boston;
Plans for the biggest cornhusking
party ever held in New England are
being perfected. The affair will take
place in Mechanics' building, Boston,
Nov, 5, under the aus'pices. of the Ver
mont association of the city.' ,
The committee will .plan-for 1,000
guests to participate in the program.
A carload of hay will be sent, down
from Vermont, and provisions' will, be
made for a sprinkling of - red ears
among-the corn, which will probably
conduce to energetic '.husking on the
part of each man, since the .finding of
a red ear will entitle him; to kiss with
out ado the nearest fair one. , A Ver
mont band will play for the dance, and
the lunch will include pumpkin pie,
butternuts, apples and cider.
' The Hotel Portland has been
optioned to : Norman brothers,
Spokane, proprietors of the
Spokane hotel. A meeting of
the directors is td be held to
morrow morning when the stock
holders will be notified that they
can dispose of their holdings" to
tne ' bpoKane notel people at a
price - agreed upon between . the
prospective purchasers, and the
dominant owners here. .
While the price at which the
stock is to be taken over has riot
been made public, it is believed
to be about $200 a share, as' the
hotel how pays 16 per cent on a
capitalization of $500,000, and
would be a good paying invest
ment if it were sold for $1,000,
ooo. i; ;:' "'',
The C. & A. is not a link' of the
proposed Welch line from Salem
to Eugene, and is not likely to
be. ; Such is the statemenCmade
by Stephen A. Carver, promoter,
builder and operating president
of the C. & A. Mr. Carver says
that those who imagine such '
things as this are but dreamers,
without aughtto back their judg
ment. The C. & A. is a logging
road and not a link in, or con
nected with, anything When
the road begins to fill contracts
already made it will ;, be a paying
investment, and genuinely worth"
while as soon as developments in
sight are consummated. : The
G.-T. has been 1 shown : figures
that indicate this to be "a verv
strong probability, v
Myriads of Microscopic Animals
Infest the Skin of the
Sufferer ' ;
ing v down the fine cells and
causing festers, thick scales and
that terrible itch. The germs
multiply faster than nature can
throw them off. '
Now,? there is only one way to
get rid of ; these germs they
must be killed in their lodging
places. Dosing the stomach or
trying to cure the blood will not,
of, course, kill the germs, and
that is why all the ; blood reme-j
dies fail in eczema; that is also
why salves which do not pene
trate can do no permanent good.:
Ordinary oil of wintergreeni
properly compounded in liquid
form will penetrate the pores ofT
the skin and kill the ; eczema
germs. If properly mixed with.
thymol, glycerine and other in
gredients (as iir D. . D. D. Pre
scription) this wash will build
up the tissue of the skin and
promote its healthy growth, giv
ing nature a chance' while kill-
ing the germs faster than they
can multiply.
Druggists Allen & Woodward,
of this city, recommed D. D. D
Prescription, also D.. D. Dl
soap. - ' " ' y-':: L':- ' '
wnen tne skm or an .eczema
sufferer itches and burns in un
told agony, do you know what is
going on within the pores of
that skin? ' ' -
Myriads of microscopic animals
are gnawing at the flesh, break
FOR SALE Good Jersvicow; one
3 1-4 inches wagon, with excellent woo
rack; one disc harrow, cheap. J. Ar
Gilkey Ind., phone 100. 10-15w-tf
Will be cleaning feathers and
. mattresses for a short
time only.
Phone 470
To 'Wait Is To.
- . '....- . .... . .
Be Disappointed
Gut of every thousand wjomen who would like to get ;
the genuine Wooltex garments, only eight can be supplied.
Everyopefation in making Wooltex garments requires
skill, care and organization painstaking workmanship
which prevents increasing the output at will.
The makers of Wooltex make. only garments that are
good enough to guarantee for two full seasons of actual
wear. They guarantee every garment they make. .
That is why 992 out of every 1000 women cannot get
Wooltex garments. -That is why the supply of Wooltex
garments dwindles long before the season is over. That is
why only those who are prompt only those who come
now can be sure of getting Wooltex.
Coats Suits Skirts Dresses
t For Well Dressed Women
In charm, iaoriginality, in style, Wooltex stands supreme.
The makers of Wooltex J spend annually $50,000, simply
to maintain theirs permanent style organization.
This style organization is in charge of the famous
Madame Savarie of Paris. Madame . Savarie, four times a
year, comes to Cleveland with trunk after trunk of costly
imported models. V '" -; " y
. Together with the eight master designers of the Wooltex
organization in' Cleveland, - the new ' Wooltex styles are
created. .':Y-v " r-r ' :'l -V -'
The best-ideas of Paris are adapted, modified and
improved to meet the ideals of American women : of
refinement and good taste. ,
Wooltex styles are not Paris
styles, j They are distinctive Amer
ican styles. ...
Makers of Wooltex do more than
any other makers of women's cloth
ing, to secure extra quality ma
terial, extra careful workmanship.
It is not enough that every
piece of material shall be all-wool it must be purer,
better,; finer than the common all-wool of commerce. '
The Wooltex organization of s
designers, tailors and cutters has &
taken twenty-five years to train
-$15.00 to $45.00
$25.00 to $55.00
$ 5.00 to $15.00
WOOLTEX Dresses $15.00 to $35.00
The H. Black Company
up to its present
and to build
And the result is that every
i Wooltex garment coat, suit, skirt
or dress is guaranteed for two
full seasons of satisfactory wear.
For sale by