The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, October 16, 1909, Image 3

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Just in by express "
from New York.
The prettiest street
and evening cape only
Dress Goods
We now have on sale
beautiful dress goods
at prices so low you
can afford to fuy.
These special prices,
will prevail for a
short time only.
Take advantage. ,
Silks - " "
New line of silks now
in stock for waists, ' "
s dresses, etc., at prices
in accordance with our
usual low prices.
For children in all
sizes, 2 to 6- The
largest line in the city
to make selections
142 Second Street
That have not been played
buy from . ;
Graham & Wells
We do not allow anyone to
handle our Records but our
clerks. . ' '- 'J ,. ''
o. r. farra,"m. d., physician and
Surgeon. Office in Burnett Block,
over Harris' Store. Residence corner
Seventh and Madison. . Office hours:
8 to 9 l m.; I to 2 p. m. Phones:
. Office, 3128, Residence, 404.
Jewel Baking Co.
New and up-to-date
Best Bread, Buns, Pies and
Cakes in the city.
341 Second Street' '
Telephone 132
Deliveries made to all parts '
of town. . ' -.a
Suits and Overcoats
rM. 00 a one
r ruin iu yu
The season's latest styles and
choicest fabrics.
Dealer in all Men's ' Furnishings
We sell cheapest because we sell
for cash. . .
- or and Licensed Fmbalmer. Sue
cesser to Bovee & Bsner Corvallis,
Oregon. Ind. Phone 45. . . Bell Phone
241. ' Lady attendant when desired..
r 1
censed embalmers and funeral direct
, ors. Have everything new in coffins,
caskets and burial robes. -Calls aiis-
- wered day and night. Lady assist
ant. Embalming a specialty., - Day
phones, Ind. 117 and 1153, BelL 631;
night phones, Ind. 2129 and 1153. -
The Gty
and Vicinity
Prof. W. F. Gaskins how has charge
of the M. E. church choir, He held
the baton over the vocalists last night
for the first time. .
i Messrs. Fulton. Raber. DobelL Yates.
Ressler, Horner and others will go to
Albany tonight to help initiate several
candidates into the Knights Templar.
Rev. A. J. Folsom. of Forest Grove.
state superintendent of Congregational
churches, was in Corvallis vesterdav
and today on business in connection
with the local church.
It's time for the China pheasants to
take to cover. A. R. Brenner eot a
! license this morning and proposes to
get the limit of birds. Mr. Brenner is
also a fisherman and is going after the
tinny tribe. '
! Chief Wells, C. L. Baker and M. T
Burnett did not get a single deer on
their recent trip through the Alsean
mountains. At one place they ran into
fourteen deer hunters. , It was too dry
to hunt deer.
A cement walk on the east side of
bixth, between Jefferson and Madison;
has just .been completed. A six foot
walk on Jefferson ' between Fifth and
bixth, joining Dr. Pernot's walk, is
now being laid. -'
A $1,000 check, for life insurance
earned by the late Mrs. John R. Row
land has been delivered bv the local
Aritisan lodge, of which she was a
member. Secretary Deiiman handed
the money over yesterday. ,
The W. A. Gellatly sale at Blodgett
yesterday was well attended,
ana things generally went well. A
pair of yearling mules sold for $208,
and a pair of three-year-old mares
sold for $296. . A. L. Stevenson cried
this sale and a wireless dispatch says
ne was in his happiest humor.
Albany Herald:-Prof. W. F. . Gas-
Jans, of the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege, was in town Thursday evening.
He accompanied Prof. Hans Pospischil,
the new violin teacher at the O. A. C,
who rendered two classical selections
at "the Taylor lecture in the opera
house last evening. Prof. Posnischil in
a master of. violin and his work was
; greatly appreciated. Prof. Gaskins is
the head of the conservatory of music
at O. A. C."
J Wm. Read, druggist, - and F, J.
, Reams were mixed up in a ' turn-over
near the Occidental mill last night and
Mr. Read suffered a slight fracture of
his right foot, which was caught in the
buggy wheel. The men were return
ing from a hunt, had come down town
and then started back:-to meet their
dogs, which did not follow well. Their
gentle nag, named 'Maude Ji- by the
. way, got scared at. the noise from the
mill planer and whirled quickly enough
to overturn the buoTrv. Tt- wis k,j
I spill and only a matter of go od fortune
mat the result was not more serious.
Booster Struble stated this morning
that Albany and Linn county will be
allotted a space of- 20x10 feet at the
Spokane National Apple Show. It is
said that the prize winning displays of
the Albany Apple show will be taken
to Spokane. This will give a chance to
the fruit growers of this county to get
their products before the peopte of this
country. Linn county should certainly
win some honors at that show for its
apples have the best flavor of any in
the world. Albany Herald. Especally
wun tne nne apples Linn gets from
Benton county's orchards across the
river. .
The pretty home of Mr. and Mrs. M.
M. Long was the scene of a big jollifi
cation last evening when the Social
Committee of the Congregational . E.
society entertained the young people of
that church. The affair was on the
Hallow'een order, the rooms presenting
a weird Appearance with their shaded
j lignts and J ack-o-lanterns, and profuse
j decorations of autumn leaves. The
guests were met at the door by ghosts
1 who silently ushered them in and mo
I tioned them to he dressing rooms to
remove then: wraps, and then the games
began. . A goodly number were present
to enjoy the pleasures of the evening
and appropriate and dainty refresh
ments concluded the delightful event;
. O. A.1 C.'s Sorosis Society was out
on a tantrum last night and let off en
thusiasm ' by - attending the Palace
threater and then eating a tremendous
lot of goodies at Macy's. This exuber
ance came as an incident to the initiation
of three new members Misses Cham
bers, Angell and Stanfield. The young
ladies marched through the city carry
ing pannants and at theTalace made a
pleasant little demonstration. At
Macy s covers were laid for ninteen,
and coffee, sandwiches, ice cream and
cake served. Those present were
Misses Vesta Kerr, Agnes Wilson,
Helen a Raber, ' Juanita" Rosendorf,
Gertude Nolan, Modesta Rosendorf,
Leona Kerr, Alta and Lora Purdy,
Helen Bleeg, Ruth Hess, Kae Snow,
and Alta Raber. The party was chap
eroned by Mrs. C. M. McKellips and
Mrs. Briggs. - v 1
Fall arid Win ter
Clothing For Men
suits ,
The Newest Styles
The Best Fabrics s
; The Lowest Prices
This is a good clothes story,
quickly told. You'll find it a
true one, too.
Let Us Show You
Henkle& Davis
J. J. Beatv. of the '09 r-la BO of 'ft A
C, is now coaching the Ontario High
acnooi 100 wall team. .
The Board of Education will lav a
cement walk on the south side of its
property between 6th and 8th. The
wooaen walk is already removed.
W. P. Lafferty returned yesterday
at noon from a month's stay in Cali
fornia, where he went to look after
business interests. He comes back
with but one kick the lateness of the
Southern - Pacific. Thev were so. late
that one could never tell whether they
were on today's, day before yesterdav's
or tomorrow's train. -
There maybe some fine apples at the
Albany Apple Fair but not manv of
them will be more generally acceptable
than some Kings brought to the city
today by D. C. Rose. Mr. Rose
brought two or three boxes to the
Cummmgs Grocery -and distributed a
few to friendsthese being verv beauti
ful specimens of their kind. He hasn't
enough to make a display or might do
so.. Mr.-Rose made the mistake of
thinking there were not going to be
many apples this year, bo he failed to
spray carefully. He now admits his
mistake. Just at present this office- is
feasting on some exceptionally fine
Kings and we are pleased to bow our
acknowledgement to Mr. Rose. - ' "
Money Comes In Bunches '"
To. A. A. Chisholm. of Treadwell.
N. Y., now. :His reason is well worth
reading: "For a long time T suffered
from indigest an, torpid liver, constipa
tion, nervousness, and general debilitv"
he writes. "I couldn't sleep, had no
appetite, nor ambition, ' grew weaker
every day in spite of all medical treat
ment. The ' used Electric Rit.ters
Twelve bottles restored all mv old-timo
health and vigor. Now I can attend to
business every day. It's a wonderful
medicine. " ; Infallible for . Stomach,
Liver, Kidneys, Blood and Nerves. 50
cents at all druggists.
D. C. Rose, one of the trustees
of the Oregon Fire Association,
has just returned from a Quar
terly meeting at McMinnville. A
quarterly report of the condition
of the company shows $189,306
greater resources than liabilities.
The fire losses for the quarter
were about $20,000. all of Whidi
has beeri paid. The heaviest
payment was that of $1,365 to
Louis Lucke of Grants Pass Rfd.
The lowest was $2.55, paid to
Mrs. Sadie Crawford, of Grants
Pass. The total insurance writ
ten during the quarter shows $5,
315,612. r Mr. Rose says the trus
tees were highly pleased with
the showing. i ' :
Making the largest number of
words f from the expression
"Smith, the Jeweler," and send
ing the list to his store, 151 Mad
ison street.; before November 5,
will be presented with a beautiful
fountain pen. 10-7-e-o-d-tf.
The Elmore Hotel:
Under New Management
'"2 is Neat'and Clean O;
$1.00 per Day '. -
Special Rates by the Week, or Month
... M, DROWN
i'i Proprietor
Fourth and Monroe Srreets
Corvallis - -' Oregon
The third -week of . colonist
travel to Portlands nvr . the
Union Pacific and O, Tt.. & fi
roads, in the 30-day low rate . to
uregon which is being given to
Easterners, brought.
seekers to this state, according
tO trie tlfflirpa nranaroil Vw
C3 ' f- wM. Jk KTJ
Lreneral Passenger Agent Mc
Murray. McMurrav
figures are for seven days.
while for a corresnnnflino-
vum.b& rm, vu
of eight days last ,year the num-
-w, m-M. uwguv
Portland and scattered thrnno-Vi.
out uregon was 963. The total
for the three "weeks is now 3794
. 'This means an inweaae vf ruin.
ulation in Oregon of even greater
figures than these in the three
weeKs, as many of the colonists
brourilt small rhilrlren wiU fVi
AWU VllVilt
and all bought one-way tickets
under the low rates. These
newcomers scattered all oyer
Oregon, goine to the Willametf e
and Rogue River Valleys and to
Eastern Oregon. Mr. McMurray
ttys me people wno nave come
in this vooi- rn fVA 4. .
are of a superior class and that
the maiorit.v of thtm ha
and are lookinsr- for locatinns
her?. v
Men Wanted Steady work on ranch '
near Monroe for Oregon Apple Com
pany. Apply to J. C. Currin. Monroe.
or B. W. Johnson, Corvallis, Oregon.
Carpenter 'to build shelving at
Kline's at once. ' 10-11-tf
WANTED A suite of rooms for
h'ght housekeeping, or a Dartlv fur
nished house. Location near College
preferred. Best references riven
F. N. - Cornholm, general delivery,
tr. U. Corvallis. JO-8-25
WANTED Experienced rirl for gen
eral housework. Phone 4266 9-24-tf
FOR SALE On account of lpn vino-
city, a lot of household furniture. Call
ttl North fourth street.,- S. Bicknell.
: 10-16-2t
FOR SALE Tomatoes! Tnmafot
Tomatoes! William Jennings
o J
tomatoes, without spot or blemish.
Call phone No. 7652, at noon and after
7p.m. : 10-ll-6t !
For Sale Cheap A second-hand '
cook stove and buggy. Inquire 557 !
Madison. 10-4-tf
Business Pointers.
These cost money and are
worth your attention.
To Macy's after the football game.
; For a good big sanitary loaf ol bread
go to Small, the only machine shon in
the city. i Wed-Sat-29
Fresh home made candies at Macy's.
New goods arriving daily at Patter
son's grocery. We solicit a part of
your trade. 10-15-tf
Art squares and rugs, full line at
Blackledge's' furniture store. 10-2-tf
Native and eastern oysters at Dad's
place. 10-1-tf
Macy's! Macy's! Macy's! Don't for
get the name, nor the place.
1 Six loaves of bread for 25 cents I at
Andrews & Kerr's Bakery. 9-24-tf
Everything, fresh and clean at Pat
terson's grocery. Call us up and give
ua a tnai. rnone 3283. , 10-15-tf.
Get your window glass at A. L.
Miner's. North Second St. 9-28-tf
for people." Electire lights and bath.
Everything homelike. 440 , S. 11th Sts
Wiio 9-28-tf
"Go to Andrews & Kerr's' Bakery for
fresh pies, cakes; cookies, "etc., 9-24tf
Eat Golden Rod Flakes, X?".'
They are better for breakfast,
Than old-fashioned corn cakes, "
And five minuets time.
Is all that it takes :.
- At Kline's.- , ' ; , ', 6-12-tf
,Watch for Andrews & Kerr's special
delivery. 9-24-tf
Correctly Styled Autumn
Clothes That Are Fault
less in Fit
Arid thoroughly dependable in tailoring and
material, are the only sort we offer for your
inspection in our immense collection.
An Unusual Selection
Of Overcoats
If you want exceptionally big values in
OVERCOATS that wul give you long and
satisfactory service, you'U make no mistake
in coming here to make your selection.
Mr. Lee Willard
Tlie Han From Missouri"
A Beautiful and Refreshing
Special , Scenery Carried -
Prices, - . . 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c
Seats on sale at Graham & Wortham's
You'll be Lots Better Satisfied if You Get Your
Plumbing, Heating and Tin work
Done by us, because we know that we have the best supplies and ma,
tenals that can be procured, are positive that our work will be done
right and that our prices will please. Then, too, we make it a point
to hurry, and that's always a big factor when vou are hnilHinn-
3i ii uiiiiinnnn iniinivn
:uui Taiiia DUSU1C55 bUllcgc
L. 1. mORQAM, Principal
Individual and class instruction. 'Bookkeeping, Office Methods, Type
writer Bookkeeping, Chartier and Universal Shorthand. -POSITION
rf ' - Wntp
i The i Benton County
Hear Estate Agent
IT If you haVe anything to buy, sell or exchange, see ns. No padded
prices. T As to our responsibility, and methods of doing business, we refer
vou to the business men of Corvallis. f Some splendid bargains send for
and His Company in
Fnr Trmt -
v g