The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, October 13, 1909, Image 3

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i ' - - "' ' " ' " -
.-. I 1
1 ft:
You are
..... .
of perfect
garments when
purchased ' '
this store
Alteration - '"
equipped with
expert fitters
and workers
connection with
stock of
Cloaks, : .
142 Second Street
That have not been played ,f
buy from
Graham & J Wells
We do not allow anyone to .
j handle our Records but our
clerks. " -
Suits and Overcoats
From $8 to $25
,The season's latest styles and
choicest fabrics. r . " . ,
Dealer in all Men's Furnishings
We sell cheapest because we sell
for cash.
BOYS! GIRLS! Columbia Bicycle
Free! Greatest offer out. Get your
friends to subscribe toour magazine and
we will make you a present of a $40.00
Columbia Bicycle the -best made. . Ask
for particulars, free outfit, and circular
telling "How to Start.".: Address,
"The Bicycle Man," 29-31 East 22d
Street, New York City, N. Y. 9-23-3t
or and Licensed Fmbalmer. Suc
cessor to Bovee & Bauer Corvallis,
Oregon. Ind. Phone 45. Bell Phone
.... 241,; Lady attendant when desired.
censed embalmers and funeral direct
ors. Have everything new in coffins,
caskets and burial robes. Calls ans
wered day and night. Lady assist
ant. Embalming a specialty. , Day
. phones, Ind. 117 and 1153, Bell, 531;
. night phones, Ind. 2129 and 1153. ,
Jewell Baking Co.
New and up-to-date
Best Bread, Buns, Pies and
Cakes in the city..
341 Second Street
,y Telephone 132
. Deliveries made jtq ell parts
of town.
The City
and Vicinity
(R. F. Baker is up from Newport for
a short stay.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Clark, of
Lincoln, Neb., are in Corvallis, the
guests of Mrs. Ida Pultz. '
Today Sheriff Gellatly turned over -to
Treasurer Buchanan a total- $ 11,000.
The total of uncollected taxes is $2500.
;Mrs. S. B. Bane is at home from a
six -weeks' stay at Portland, ' and B.
has already developed a Bryan-Taft
Registration at O: A. C at this date
is between 1050 and 1075. From five
to ten new students are registering
daily. , , , r y
the ladies hold forth .a the Com
mercial s club tonight. h Mrs. James
Dryden will be hostess. It is said that
something special is on: hand and that
there will be a larger attendance than
usual. - .
r'A..'! Hathaway, .while" operating a
sharpening, machine at his shop this
morning, was badly cut oh the knee
cap by a falling disc Dr. Farra was
called to attend the injury and was
6blidgedto! put five -stitches in the
wound to close it up.
f Mr. and Mrs. C. O. . Scudder, of Los
Angeles, enroute home from the East,'
have' stopped off here for a ten days'
visit with their son, Prof. H. D. Scud
der. Prof. Scudder leaves tonight for
Seattle to meet his? wife; who is just
now returning from' a summer's ' stay
with her home folks in Michigan.
C. D. Thompson, of Hood River, has
been in the city the past few. days
looking, after local interests," and
incidentally boosting for the Hood
River Fruit Fair Oct 28, 29 and 30.
During the fair from 600 to 1000 boxes
of the valley's finest apples will be on
exhibition at Hood River, and Mr.
Thompson is confident that the
big" show will surpass all former efforts.
This Hood River man was once located
here and still has property interests
near ""Corvallis. Mr. Thompson is
pleased with the .general progress of
the -city;--arid -county, which: is very
Convocation at O. A. C. this morn
ing was turned into a football rally.
Coach Metzger made what' is said to
have been a brilliant speech, enthusing
even those who imagine football is not
quite the '-'greatest 'thing on dearth.
Those who heard him are, now willing
to swear that he is both a scholar and
gentleman, despite the fact that he' a
football coach. ' J: R. N. Bell, mascot
of the team,' followed in his usual
happy vein, and then the whole assembly
sang football songs. Prof. Harry
Beard played a very enjoyable-comet
solo, and Mr: Hang Pospischil, violin-;
ist, played a 'Romanza" by Sveriscn.'
And he was appreciated. -
A California gentlman applied for a
marriage license yesterday "but as. he
was unknown to the officials, it was
necessary for him to make an affidavit.
But he knew no one, and neither did
he know where his intended wife was
located., She was with a Benton county
family whose name he had forgotten.'
Deputy Johnson went with him to the
postoffice to see if information could be
obtained there. This proved unavail
ing and all seemed lost, when the two
ran into Capt. Robinson, who readily
recalled the Calif ornian as a visitor here
some time ago, and he also knew the
southerner's intended. This fixed mat
ters right and the Calif ornian got his
legal paper and went his way rejoicing.
The complaint comes from' Philomath
that the present train service is ex
tremely . unsatisfactory: The , single
train a day is -said to be - more-"-than
frequently late, and at . best it gives
scarcely two hours, in Corvallis. The
Philomath people also say freight ac
commodations at the -station are extremely-
inadequate. The statement
is made by a reputable citizen of, that
city that the freight' handled has
doubled and trebled in the past year,
and that something should be done;
Philomath has been growing splendidly
the past year or two and may be
reasonably given ; -consideration. - - The
town has. a good country about, and is
going to grow even more. If the C. &
E. can provide better service, it will be
thoroughly appreciated. '
Mr. and Mrs. , J. A. Westerlund, of
Medf ord.f .were, guests i of. Prof, and
Mrs. J. A. Bexell today. Mr. Wester
lund is manager of one of the great or
chard company's interests at Medford.
He sold 300 "acres the past two or three
years solely through letter writing.
Mr, Westerlund is an enthusiast about
his section, and insists that it is im
possible for a man .to overstate the
possibilities. Quite recently he asked
for some nice Cornice pears to send to
big stockholders of his company. A
half box,' i, containing -35 pears, was de
livered to him, and he was charged at
the rate of 12 1-2 cents each for them.
He thinks this is a rather stiff price
f dVhpme inarket-r-bu't '-' fte'sameind
of pears have'-a-ready11 sale in-New
York at 25c and 30c each.
Fall and Winter
H ' :'' T l: M r- ff -ais.'-
j Clothing For Men
SUITS..,, . , ,f
I The Newest Styles
, The "Bes t Fabrics j
The Lowest Prices-
.This is a good clothes story;
quickly -told. ..You'll find, it a
true one, too. -.'. . "'
t' Let -Us Show. You ,
Henkle &: Davis
MEN WANTED-At the new Arm
ory. (Wages $2.50 ner dav nf nin
hours F. A. Erixon, contractor.
' The bid Wliite'side f property, owned
by Wm. ,Wolters, was sold yesterday.
There Were 117 acres in Jhis tract.
. j. W: Shedd, lorother of S, L. Shedd,
is out here, from Rensselaer, Indiana,
on his way to Los Angeles, Cal.,. where
he will spend the winter with his sister,
Mrs. Graves. ' - :V
G. I Sanders,.of Grinnell, Iowa, is
visiting his cousin, S. L. Shedd, in
this city. ' 'Mr. Sanders expects to go
from here to Modesto, Cal., to remain
during the coming winter.
It is interesting to note that Harney
county's assessor found 85 dogs within
the county limits : this year. -Strange
to say he found but 46 last year. The
46 were valued at $186; the 85 at $470.
f'The Christain Science Society V. has
opened a public reading room in - room
No. lly First National Bank building,
where literature devoted to this society
may be read and obtained. The public
is cordially invited to visit these new
headquarters and all requests- for
reading 'matter will receive prompt and
willing attention.
i A little daughter of Alfred Brown at
Philomath died last night of a ' com
plication .of . diseases. Undertaker
Bovee went .out the morning and in an
attempt of his horses to runaway, Mr.
Brown,' who sought to stop .them, ...was
thrown down .and injured-1 considerably.
The funeral of the little girl, Ruth E.,
who was' aged nine years, will be held
on Friday at 1:30.
Men WANTED-Steady work on ranch
near; Monroe for Oregon Apple Com
pany. : Apply to J.: C Currin, Monroe,
or ? W Johnson, Corvallis, Oregon."
- ; 10-11-tf
Carpenter' to . build shelving at
Kline's atonce.- . . . . , 10-11-tf
WANTED-A suite of rooms for
light' housekeeping, or "a 'partly fur
nished house. ; Location near College
preferred. Best ' references given
F -t N. Cornhohn, general delivery,
P. O. Corvallis. "' " 10-8-25
WANTED Lady presser at J.; ' S
Russell shop, in Whitehorn building.- 1
. 10-5-tf
., WANTEDS Experienced girl forgeh
eral housework. Phone 4266 9-24-tf
WANTED To rent, on shares a fully
equipped ..dairy . farm T with eight . to
twelve cows, within four miles of ship
ping: station. ' Inquire or address, C F.
Hotchkiss, Corvallis,; Ore. : ,' 10-8-3tw .
Mrs. J. Mason, the milliner, who has
so generously been giving a series of
church benefit " sales - during rthe past
month,' says that they have been' most
satisfactory from .every point of .view,
and that if .the pastors, or an accredited!
representative of the various churches
will call at" her parlors,, corner Third
and Monroe streets, she will be very
pleased to pay to them; the ; percentage
due from their respective day's sale.
Many people watched an unattended
horseman attempt to drive about twenty
cattle along ' Third street yesterday.
I took him ten or fifteen minutes to
traverse a block, the animals scattering
and getting on the sidewalks and in
open yards. . Passing citizens assisted
in keeping . the cattle in the street.
This is one more instance to 'emphasize
the need of " a stringent ordinance
touching the driving of animals through
the streets of this city. People making
sidewalk parkings are entitled to proper
protection, and the public must be as
sured that it will get ' that protection,
else there will be little more parking
done. .
FOR RENT -Corner Third and Jeffer
son Sts, suite of rooms, convenient to
buiness section. 10-5-tf
FOR SALE-At a bargain. Two
large heating stoves, J. M. Nolan &
Son. . - y 10-12-3t
FOR SALE-Bird dog well broke.
Inquire of J. G. Morris, North Third
street. . 10-12-2t
' FOR ; SALE Tomatoes ! Tomatoes !
Tomatoes! , William . Jennings Bryan
tomatoes, without spot or blemish.
Call phone No. 7652, at noon and after
7p.;m. -, ; 10-ll-6t -
For - Sale ; Cheap A : second-hand
cook -stove and buggy. . - Inquire ' .557
Madison.'- . ' v -; 10-4-tf
FOR SALE My fine driving mare is
for sale. She is perf ectiy - gentlej . -any
lady can drive her. . Jack Milne. : . . . .
''.--v .':-;": 10-2-tf
For f Sale An Oliver - tvnewriter.
New, used less than two months.
Perfect condition. Cheap for cash;
FOR SALE Cabbage, -1 1-2 cents
per pound, and corn $1.00 per bushel in
field, by A. R. Norwood, near Bruce.
. - ' ' 10-l-4tw
Lost A brown serge jacket, last
Sunday afternoon, in or north of Corvallis.-
Finder please return to this of-
hce. 10-13-4t
Business Pointers.
. These cost mpney and are
worth your attention.
Frightful Fate Averted
"I would have been a cripple for life,
from a terrible cut on my knee cap,
writes Frank Dibberrv,, Kelliher, Minn,
'without Bucklen's Arnica Salve, which
soon cured me'L infallible for. wounds,
cuts and bruises, it soon cures Burns,
Scalds," 5 Old 'Sores, Skin-Eruptions.
World's best for Piles. 25 cents at all
druggist. ., t
The Elmore Hotel
Under New Management
' r Z: . V - Neat and Clean V ; ". ' , '
w '$1.00 per Day. h
Special Rates by the Week.or.JMonth
Fourth and Monroe Srreets
Corvallis i' f ;
Succeed when everything else fails.
In nervous prostration and female
weaknesses they are the ' supreme
remedy, as thousands have testified.
For a good big sanitary loaf of bread
go to Small, the only machine shop in
the city. ' Wed-Sat-29
Washing done for students (men) ,
five cents a piece. 213 N. 11th Street.
" R. H. Kaltz, the piano tuner, is in
town for a few days. Leave orders at
Hotel Corvallis, or with Profs. Gaskins
and Boone. 10-9-4t
Anyone wishing, a government 'posi
tion, we will show them how to secure
same and prepare them for examination
at small cost. Write CC S. S.. 425-
27 Lumber Exchange Bldg., Portland,
Ore,, or see Mr. Jule V. Maddox,- Hei
lig Hall, 1106 Jefferson St., Corvallis,
Ore. - '- Vch " 10-7-6t-
Art squares, and Tugs, . full line at
Blackledge's furniture store. 10-2-tf
Native and eastern oysters at Dad's
place. 10-1-tf "
j Six loaves of bread for 25 cents at
Andrews & Kerr's Bakery. 9-24-tf
.Get your .window glass at A. L.
Miner's. Nortl? Second St. 9-28-tf
GOOD BOARD-And pleasant rooms
for people. Electire lights and bathl
Everything homelike, 440 uS. 11th Sts.
phono? 1150.i pi f T X f f " : : i i 9-28-tf
Go to Andrews & Kerr's Bakery : for
fresh pies, cakes, cookies, etc. , 9-24tf
wr Eat Golden Rod Flakes,; ;
,m: They are better for breakfast, ;
Than old-fashioned corn cakes,
And five minuets, time," -Is
all that it takes . -At
Kline's. . ' 6-12-tf
atehfor Andrews & Kerr's special
delivery.- . 9-24-tf
1000 VOTES
Street No.
Y -'
Must be Voted On or Before October .16
: : 1 . ,.n.,r .mi!(t3t.. t.. r.
?r frm" "11 "mTi iiir'iwrwininipiiiMiiiiiM iiijiiiaiiiiyiji'Qj"
;; r Phone Your Grders To No. 7,
Where They Will, be Promptly Filled.
fr 0' .
! rjl3':J-JJ
I Fine ne of Cut
iiass, liavilarid ;and hinaware,
:jr:i" ' T a Itf TCJ r?rrn
IT , . . . .. ....... ; H
i 't'iT lili ) SSS '!';' r ,(.-, v v., ; ;..)
Can be had WITH sUk topand DETACHABLE,
Plain or Fancy HANDLES
Complete .$2.00up
Extra handles. . . .50c to $10.00
PRATT, Jeweler and Optician
Here's a Line That's Hard to Beat
Sapoago Cheese
Pineapple Cheese
. Rocquefort Cheese r
Creme de Brie Cheese
Fancy Store Cheese
Edam Cheese
Cream Cheese
Sage Cheese ,
Swiss Cheese
Lamburger Cheese
Try Something New
Royans and La Vertel Saradines Metwurst Sausage
Phone 3
Pass the word to your relatives and friends to come now.
To Oregon will prevail from the East
"; "; September 15 to October 15
From Chicago, ....
" St. Louis....
" Omaha......
" St Paul.....
" Kansas City.
...... 32.00
...... 25.00
....... 25.00
Deposit the amount, of the" fare? with the nearest 0. R. & N. or S. P.
Agent and ticket will be delivered in the East without extra cost.
Send us the name and address of any one interested in the State for
J Oregon literature.
f." j;';-'.-.. R..a: LINyiLLE,ntervallis, Oregon.
. WM. M'MURRA) h General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
- . is-:
r- i
i '