The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, October 13, 1909, Image 2

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Published every evening except
day. Office: 232 Second street,
Vallii, Oregon'.
I Entered u eeeoB&claas matter. July 2, 1809, at
the poatoffie at CorvaUia, Oregon, under act of
Marts 1 1878L ..
' , - DAILY
' Delivered by .carrier, per week $ . 15
Delivered by carrier, per month.... .50
By mail,. one year, in.advance..,t,J,, 5.00
Uy mail, six months, in advance;;-...- a. 50
my man, one month, in advance...,. .50
N. R. MOORE . .
. . . Editor
Mr; Bryan is better, lik ,as a
preacher.than as a politician, says
the . ...Portlaod Telegraip; ,The
moral; value of his.teaching from
the lecture platform' is alike'ad
. laitted fcy friends and! opponents
in politics.1 The vigor and hon
- tlty and.' wholesomenesY of his
views, are an inspiration to good
Citizenship. ; By them he ia pre
ented to us as a man ' of great
Worth in the Republic:
All of these were; fully demon
strated in the address Mr. Bryan
delivered Monday night at Port
land.' Every person" present,
except, indeed, he were a dullard
or a confirmed cynic, appreciated
the Utterance of fundamental
truths applicable to the guidance
of individual conduct where the
individual has an earnest desire
to maintain , the standard : of a
good citizen . The ' central
thought in Mr. Bryan's theme
"The Price of a Soul"-was" the
laving and essential ' quality of
service. There was no criticsm
of the capacity of honest earning,
however "great ; that ' capacity
; might be: ' there1 should1 be no
envy of . the reward that comes
to the worker on this account;
but the distinction must ever be
preserved between the man' who
1 , . ..-..
so ousy wormng that he has
not time to collect "the "reward,
and that .'other'; man who., is ' so
busy collecting the reward that
he has not the time to do efficient
worK. This is the distinction
that in the final estimate of men'
- is ever observed between creators
and producers on the one hand
and, mere accumulators on the
Mr.; Bryan also uttered a word
.. J A . .
the character of wprk that pays
"well in money, but is not service-
awe to society. " Enumerated in
tnis class is the service of the
lawyer who aids scoundrelism to
me tuiiacyuences oi its
Criminal acts. This, he rio-rif.
eously maintains, is nqt "a service
but .a detriment to society; " and
e suggests with convincing
logic that society will benefit as
public sentiment develops ' to the
Utter condemnation .that sort
of work. He makes it clear that
when such sentiment is' suffi-
'wenTw B4fnnt ' 4.1. - a. ;
ouuug, . Hj . tjiiecc ..upon
the individual will be of com
munal value.
And in all this, and much more
that is illuminating and healthful,'
there is a tone of optimism that
is extremely gratifying. In the
. Bryan view the world is getting
better rather than worse. The
trend is toward virtue ... rather
than vice, toward good rather
than evil. Mr. Bryan himself is
ODsessea with the gospel of
service that is based upon the
betterment of society, rather
than the aggrandizement of in-
w.muaiiiuwBrauu me increase
i lv"T1yu'" xui LUIMJ. AS TO
the ; sincerity of Mr. Bryants
" view, no one is in rlnnht nnioca
- 7 uuivUM
it be some captious fellow who
lacks the moral conscientiousness
to appreciate the beauty and the
Value of the irnsnel. Mr
. j- jr - -. j
labors with earnestness for the
consummation of his high ideals;
and his labor is a moral force in
the Republic not to be discounted.
The Coffee Club dance Saturday'night
Was , well attended and enjoyed ,by.
the devotees to this form of social life.
Lopal people interested in pro
hibition and local option will be
more, or less interested in the
big? flghtithat is going 'on in
Idaho at this time. rSince the
figiit began there a year ago the
following counties have " voted
dry; Bannock, Bear Lake, . Fre
mont, Canyon, Idaho and Bing
Counties thai have voted wet;
Ada and Elmore
Counties in which elections -are
pending AKootenau . 4 Washing
ten, i 'Blaine, ;Lmcoln:?liemhi,
Nez Perce ' Cassia, v Twin Falls,
Bonner and Oneida
, . ..
' ST'? 1X0
will be held this "Vearf" Sho
uuvuvi, uvwc, .wvjfirec,. vuaicr, ." -
...County dry by.Kmonstrance
before the enactment of the
local optical lawt Latah
. j y, 7 1 TT 2 V J"- v
Ada COUnty, in Which Boise ' IS
Situated. Was the first. Wllinhr in
the State to vote Wet. Last
nra'ai; inr. i. i .
.nwo. uuiiuic, wim iviounxain
Wmi.-..i ? -..-i-iJ
j , ujuuior iscitw juintju
the wet column hv r he narmm
margin of thirteen, votes, of
tne counties Which are yet to
uum elections tniS year. It IS Con-
Ceded that Oneida. Cassia anrl
iuwui,wiuiura win tu urv. me
. - 7 .
two former beini? Mormon PTHin-
4-! J J 1 1 1 . ...
ues ana ine flatter one in .which
i,A 1 , , nas neretorore been osed only in ven
ule population largely rural seis of th
uiai mere can QOUDt as to
the result Nez Perre K-ontenoi
RrwrCr, t ili' rr ' 'Aj.
Bonner, Lemhi, Washington and
viaiiiv wuuura are in tne aount-
ful eolumn.
In thei coming : elections the
hottest,,, fight will, be in . , Nez
Perce, ,of which Lewiston, is A the
county seat. Under the initia
tive and. referendum. ; Lewiston
a year , ago, .voted in fayctr of the
license.system by .ta majority of
7fm k u- i. u- "t
7U0, but,;the, cpuntX- has.ia, big;
rural population and there is not
1 1 . ... . .1
now.a saloon jn the .county out
siue pi Jewisten,-)-or;this;,rea-
son the result of the local, option
election, is, much in doubt.
The victory, for the -. license
system, jn, ; Ada, pounty has done
a great deal toward chedking ,the
prohibition sentiment, which .for
a time seemed, jo be sweeping
tne entire state, and to the fact
that this county voted wet is at
tnbuted the defeat of prohibi
tion in F,lmnvo pmmhr
mnririeo M A j ii. 1
Counties near, Ada fear, the, re-
wuuvj s ' T VLD 111.
suits ox proniDltlon, , With Boise
a wet town, as thev realize 'that
It will mean the takine- of pnn
siderable money from their
towns to the capital city. . Profit-
mg by the experience of i Ada
county, the liquor interests are
.. . I
making their ' figh all along the
line on the proposition that busi
ness, win be injured by the clos
e "i. cne saioons. it was nn
this plea that the Ada countv
voters flocked to the suDnort of
tne wets. '
Local option is ' almost heino-
tup ugui uiaL is
being made for state-wide pro-
hibition. Alreadvi all ' nnKHPn1
lost sight of m the fight that is
vi . ' .
uxuuiems are turnuur . onJ'.this
XJUestlOn. . It Will rbe fought OUt
w, j.-, . i
at the priniaries . and also at the
general . election . next - venr
governor Brady will be the can
didate ot the . drys at the brim
ary, and against him will be pit
ted, a man whose Tilatform will
be the maintaining of the coimt'v
lOCai ODtlOlt law and tha
.- OUUi"
gent regulation of the saloon in
counties which, do not vote for
prohibition. :
m tne event that, both parties
declare for state-wide prohibi
won, tne opposition proposes to
put an independent ticket it the
field. . , : - '
Notice The Ide-McCarthy Land Co.
of Portland will run an excursion to
Alberta, Canada, Oct. 23. For particu
lars and rates inquire of J. Jackson, 317
Second St., Corvallis, Ore. Phone 3173
Ind- v ; 'io-11-rot
r Cards are put announcing the: Arrival
of Dorthy Kirk at the home of Prof.
and .Mrs. R. W Tfirlr trxiM..
Mother and babe are doing nicely. -
Vessels Will Go to Scran Hear.
if New Device Is Successful.
Work of Three Famous Marine Enai
neera Intended to Put New Style En.-
Binea Into All Classes of , Ships.
Seeming Impossibility Conquered.
Unless - the' greatest of the world's
. marine engineers' are mistaken in their
estimate of the new turbinedevice fa
yented by Rear' Admiral Melville, jphn
H. McAlpine and George Westinghouse
the: world wiU soon; see a revolution in
the art. Of building marine engines.
The new? device means ereatlv In-
creased speed, with greatly diminished
space for boilers, engines" and coal
ior Doners, engine and coaL
therefQre,,great4 .d , economl
chamrs in mnsmHnn t - .
1 o Av AO 1 IK
i 'y "-"h-wvj imii:ic means aiso i
.J'ai ..aimimsheaiae and
weight of driving newer, with in.
vfc wReeu, means (capacity f cap- i
rying heavier armor And .hon via nu I
creased, speed, means capacity f jr car-
The first nation to nnaaosa voci. 1
tUs new type wlllhave -vessels of all
I other kinds at ita mercv. and nthw na.
""r ",U." "ow,tne example pf the
i ... . .. - -
.nrst-or-auow their navies to stand con
fessedly. inferior - ". ...
, ,gho,lse"McA,pine-MelT'lle
driving at,, marine, turbine, engine afe
ma epeea. wnue the propeller con-
lnecte3 vtH he turbine .revolves at, a
lem tJint haclnti. v,nmj ,
I " .""6 LPouicu mniuiv eu-
1 ?iheer8t .-Owinir to its -seeminir.iTnnna.
I RlhllftT fit cnlitf-fn V. 1
z- "."T- iuiWwe),eUguie
"uualiy sman .carrying capacity, mak-
mS lnem enormously expensive.-The
new devfcp is an arrangement of .gears
and pinions that reaches the desired
Development of . tha Turbine. i
To make the. nature and imDortancp
Of this invention generally' understood
it is, necessary, to remember that all
the world was talking about steam i
turbines a few years aero not th m. '
glneerlng. .world only,- but the world of !
laymen too. ' Turbines were to change!
steam enefneerinff Dractirp evprvwhoro; 1
ashore and afloat- They have Dot done
SO eXCent On land. For stntinnnrTT '
exceP' on lana. For stationary
practice-that is to sav. for dHTin;
.. . a
macmnerT lor the epnernHnn of oW.
trie currents they are immensplv sue'
cessrui. jtsut jor. aavag ships they ae
ijr jess successrui not mechanically,
but flnanciallv. ' . ..
They drive ships, but at far too great
a cost.,.,. Ashore. they are: economical;
afloat ' they are extravagant ' " A ' few
?ast vessels, hare tbenn some liners and
warshms. hut fast
Only 3 per cent of the ocean going ton
nage or. the world. If the' war rrnft
are deducted there remains not more
than l per cent of sea ships that have
a speed exceeding. ?Q knots an hour.
And of these but few have turhinps
Ships intended for less sDeed than 9ft
Knots an hour cannot afford to use tur-
. .
nines. Ana even the fastest ships have
proved that the turbine drive is very
csuy. Ship turbines take too much
steam. 1 his means an excessive cost
In fuel and a serions wrtnpHim . in
profits. ..It also means an exrpssivn en.
croachment of bunker and boiler and
engine room space.
Propellers Must Move Slowly,
A steam turbine is most" pffipipnt
- uuuu ui., aieauj: uues
016 most work m it when the motor is'
that is to say, a pound of, steam : does
driven at a high speed. But the nro-
pellers of a shin are most efficient, thpv
do the most work per .pound of steam.
wnen they turn at a low speed. - The
faster a propeller turns the smaller it
must .be in proportion to the work it
has to do, the size of the shho it has tn
drive. ) The nroDellers of thp tiirWritt
driven Jlauretania are nojt more than i
v'6"u im,iu uiauiemr. . 1 ney turn
iea to 170 times a minute. .They are uuuuu(o,, wuae
smaller than the propellers of tha kai-M I shall trv to. have them always
Ber Wilhelm der Zweite,, which reVolve, i, . ...
ninety to a hundred times mtnntA
ra . . . t k . .zrir
: r-v, ituuiutaiuiK' eu.
Sines- Au turbine ships have their
propeller shafts connected direct to the
turbines. -Therefore the turbine sneert
and thp nrnnpllar cnoo miio 41
same. This is a serious disadvantage,
because the turbine is a hierta .snppil pn
gine which has to work slowlv and thp
propeller -is a low speed appliance
which has to work too fast.
If the Mauretania's propellers were
to turn faster the shin's
not increase: : It f.'wonld diminish, be
cause the "screws" wonM lnco -HiQi-
grip on the water; they would drive 1
me water, awayw Larser nronelipra
turning at a slower speed would drive i
tne Ajauretania . faster- - Why. . then.
are tbey not used? Because they can, 1
not hp nsprt Tvith tha 4 m.
practice. The new invention, however ,
will make their use possible. ' ; '
Daughters of the Revolution Want Her
' ' I Face on Twelve Cent Issue.
' The picture of Martha Washino-tnTi
may be placed upon the twelve cent I
postage; stamps of the present series, j
aicuiuera-ui me oocieiy or tne Daugh
ters of the American Revolution Jiave
requested the postofflce department to
take such action. . - .
The suggestion -is supported on the
ground that it would be an appropriate
recognition of,: one;half of the people
o th United States, not to-mention
.its merits from an aesthetic point of
Is the only
79c to, $8,98;
Four days
:;J EW&mt.
; The Oregon Wonder , Washer
can be found at 244 North Fifth
..i .i n
M. Martin's, where
on hand. " They "wash any and
" ii 1 . .
an k riiisnT trnnna xmrhnnt ininwr
nwvw tviivuv 111 I Ul
as xne operating force is : compressed-
air. This ; washer, can
aSh Whole Carpets, Oriental ITlgS,
feather pillows,; lace - curtains.
woolen and heavy comforts and
it is extra fine for all T kinds of
Tflahnels. It
is easy" to work.
does the sudsing and puts the
blueing; through evenly.: The
price IS I OnlyA five dollars.. The
-i.- . . ...
f IS au Copper and it Will
I i-ij . i 11 - 1
ltt!sK.. --au ana see It - Work,
Patented by R. S. Harriricton'
. ' . ii"ii toil,
rvams. uregon, April, W, 1909.
Good Clean Apples '
For Cooking - - 75c per box
Good Eating ! , - $1.00 per box
Packed in Jiers, ?1.25 to $1.50 per box
Fancy for Shipping - $2.00 per box
R.. F. D. 1,. ' Corvallis, Oregon
1 - ' ; . i
Tiirnnrnnii I 1
. " Phone9053V.-
way. we can describe the rapid
two clays and there is only
more for
you to participate,
entire stock of '
ill be sold i out.
sold out. Don't
II miss this'
opportunity to
beautify ; the I
i - f -t
Home . .'
v We becin our :
Black and Colored ;
only, Saturday' Monday. Tuesdav. Wrln.rl
Ey yard reduced: . Further particulars. Friday; evening. .
School of Music
Oregon Agricultural College
Corvallis. Oresron .
Prof. William Frederic Gaskins, Di
: rector Voice Culture, Conducting. '
Prof. William Robinson Boone, Pi
; ano, Organs Theory. ... ;
May, Babbitt-Ressler, Piano, Music
. 1 vgicooivc cuure or Stuay 8'
bV instructors of hrnar) of i -3
' dj , vc...,icum,
"j. uegmuers or aavancea students may enter at any time and comDlete
courses as rapidly as is consistent with good scholarship ? complete
- - qHORus, Two Glee Clubs, Orchestra, Band,
Mandolin Club.
, For catalog or particular information, address (Prof.) William
Frederic Gaskins, Director, Room 37. .Administration Building, O. A. C,
As two of my registered sheep were
shot and killed by hunters last year, and
recently two of my best ewes were torn
up by hunting dogs, I have, therefore
given strict orders to my men employed
to gather, evidence to, prosecute all tres
passers with, gun or, dog found . on my
premises, and particularly to shoot and
kill all dogs ; found on-, the farms. So
that no one may be. taken by surprise.
I publish this notice.
FD7TY dollars reward is hereby of
fered for the arrest and conviction un
der section .36 on page 419 of the ses
sion laws of 1909, of any person found
trespassinar bv huntine- with
dogs on my farms ,
Twenty dollars reward is also of
fered for the . 'arrest and conviction of
any person for tearing down, . cutting,
destroying or defacing this notice, post
ed on my farms Sept 30. 1909. V . ? M'
selling of the past
when our
$1 to $12.50
Genevieve Baum-Gaskins, Voice, Or
gan, Piano.
Hans Pospischil, Violin, Composition,
Orchestration. -
Harry L. Beard, Band Director. .
systematically taught
wipie experience, reco
recognized author-
r f
Notice is hereby given that no
trespassing, , either for hunting; v
or otherwise, will be permittedl l
upon our .premises All parties .
violating this notice will be nro-
secuted according to law.
, Signed Rowland Bros.
' 1 ' ' 10-ll-6t
Surgeon. . Office in Burnett Block,
over Harris' Store. , Residence corner
Seventh and Madison. , Office hours;
8 to 9 a. m.; i to 2 p. m. Phones:
Office, 212S, Residence, 404.
For millinery- goods at reasonable
prices call and see Mrs. W. A. Buchan-t i t
an, ; located 1 between North 10th and
11th streets, on Polk,
! .1
9-30-p&Wr)t'f , . M. S , Woodcock.