The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, October 12, 1909, Image 3

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in .
Samples on Sale s
prices so very
you :
will be more
pleased to
: , your ;:
needs in this -
- - r.
at once.
. . Ftfew . . .
Suits and Cloaks
. just
arrived ready ; y -
' for
your inspection.
r We fit them
' ' THE
1 42 Second Street
That have not been played, -buy
from . " " -
Graharn & Wells
We do not allow anyone to
handle our Records but our
Suits and Overcoats
From $8 to $25
The season's latest styles and
, choicest fabrics.
Dealer in all Men's Furnishings
We pell ? cheapest because we sell
for cash. -
BOYS! GIRLS! Columbia Bicycle
Free! - Greatest offer out. Get your
friends to subscribe to our magazine and
we will make you a present of a $40.00
Columbia Bieycle the best made. Ask
for particulars, free outfit, and circular
telling "How to Start. " Address,
"The Bicycle Man," 29-31 East 22d
Street, New York City, N. Y. 9-23-3t
or and Licensed Frabalmer. Suc
cessor to Bovee & Bauer Corvallis,
Oregon. Ind. Phone 4s. Bell Phone
; 241. Lady attendant when desired. ,
censed embalmers and funeral direct-
i ors. Have everything new in coffins,
caskets and burial rpbes. Calls ans-
: wered day and night. Lady assist
ant. Embalming a specialty. Day
, phones, Ind. 117 and 1153, Bell, 531;
night phones, Ind. 2129 and 1153.
Jewell Baking Co.
New and up-to-date
Best Bread, Buns, Pies and
Cakes in the city; ''
341 Second Street -y-
- Telephone 132
Deliveries made to all parts
of town.
i "V
Prof. C. M. McKellips was at Sheri
dan over Sunday.
J. D. Irvine and family spent Sunday
with Corvallis relatives.
Mrs. Lee Anderson left this morning
on a brief visit to Portland.
Engineer Moore is building a home
on 11th between A aud B streets.
Mrs. H. S.- Pernot and Mrs. C M.
McKellips give an "at home' next
J. F. Henkle is nreDraincr to build a
six-room residence on 10th between A
and B streets.
William Read and Clyde Milholland
are preparing to erect residences on
lots adjoining- the Troxel property at
8th and Philomath road.
There will be a meetine of the Exec
utive Committee of Nine (Boosters at
4 p. m. Wednesday, tomorrow, at the
Commercial Club rooms.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jolly of Philo
math, passed through ' here today on
their way to Portland, where Mrs. Jolly
will undergo an operation in the near
Qui Vive Encampment No. 26, I. O.
0. F. will hold a regular 'meeting Fri
day evening, Oct 15, '09. Degree work
and refreshments." All members "and
visiting Patriarchs are invited. W. K.
Taylor, CP.
. One of the unique features of the
Albany Apple Fair will be the serving
of apple delicacies by the ladies of Al
bany. Apple dumplings, "like mother
used to make," with real "dip" sauce;
apple fritters; apple- cake; apple pie;
apple butter, etc., will be provided in
abundance. ,
Twelve new members were received
into the congregation of the Christain
church Sunday. An active interest is
being taken by all .in the progress of
the church and arrangements are now
being made under the direction of Mes-
dames Copple and Raberto organize a
large choir.
Mrs. Geo. Bemis visited at the home
of Mrs. L. Locke, Fourth and Jackson,
during the week. - She has recently
purchased a home in Lebanon and re
ports; that the place is taking on won
derful ' business-, activity, since it has
been decided. .that the new railroad is
to go through there.
C. T. Hurd addressed' a larr audi
ence at the - Evangelical church last
night on the St Paul convention,
which he attended last July. His re
marks were full of inspiration and
were highly appreciated by an enthus
iastic audience of loyal C. E. workers.
The address was one of the most in
teresting ever delivered here by Mr.
Announcements have reached friends
in this city of the marriage of John
Loomis, one of Newport's most enter
prising merchants, to Miss Clara Leon
ard, Wednesday, October, 6, at the
bride's home at Oak Grove, Mo. They
will be at home to their friends at New
port after Oct. 31. Why Mr. Loomis
found it necessary to go to Missouri for
his bride is a matter of conjecture
among the fair sex who spend their
vacations at Newport, and rumor has it
they intend to "show her" a few thincs
when she arrives with her husband at
that popular resort.
Mr. and Mrs. James Whitehead.nros-
perous farmer people of Rush county,
Kansas, have arrived in Corvallis and
will spend the winter with Mr. and
Mrs. A. R. Brenner, at 8th and Adams.
The Whiteheads are in search of a
location and if they find the climate of
this section to their liking they will
probably remain in Benton. The Bren
ners are old Kansas friends who came
to Corvallis". in the early . spring and
bought the Prof. Crawford place.
They like the conditious here very well
and are convinced that the Willamette
Valley's climate has the Kansas winds
"beaten to a frazzle."
It is of-. Darticular int.prpst. tn nnta
that a book in use at the court house
the past forty years is to be replaced
by a record- worthy of the -cause it re
presents. During all these years the
index of the estates in Benton county
has been kept in a small pocket day
book, and though that book has been
used almost daily during that time no
County Clerk or civilian has been aroused
to the advisability of transferring such
important matter to a- genuine record
book of sufficient size to insure, its
safety from ' loss ' or the annoyance of
misplacement. Finally, Clerk Moses
concluded that the little day book memo
randum was scarcely ud to business
standard,: and he asked the County
Court for a special book." It took the
Court some time to see the merit of the
idea, but at last the desired record was
forthcoming, and now Mr. Moses is
busy copying fnom one book to the
other." No business in this city or
county is of so little significance to its
owner as to make it good business for
written records to be placed in a small
notebook, liable to be lost, carried
away, or destroyed inadvertently when
old papers are thrown into the waste
basket;-'.. '
Fall and Winter
ij Clothing For Men
The Newest Styles
The Best Fabrics
The Lowest Prices
This is a good clothes story,
quickly told. You'll find it a
true one, ' too.
Let Us Show You
Henkle & Davis
to be permanent In fact, it took
tnousanas ' of - cures,case after
case, before the best scientific
authorities were convinced of the
absolute merit of this remedy.
LVD. D. Prescription kills the
germs in, the itching skin. Its
effect is seen within one minute
after the first " application. We
especially recommend D. D. D.
Soap in connection with the treat
ment. Allen & Woodward..
Two more careless or deliberate
violators of the game laws have
been hailed before the court and
assessed heavily for their- brief
season of fun. Deputy Warden
Brumfield took Arthur Lilly in
tow for shooting pheasants and
it cost the hunter $26.50 yester
day. He pleaded -guilty. Dep
uty C. C. Bryan landed Ralph
Lewis on the same charge and
on pleading guilty that hunter
was assessed $25 and costs. In
asmuch as it is but a few more
days until it is lawful - to kill
pheasants, hunters can well
afford to be patient
Money Comes In Bunches
MEN WANTED At the new Arm
ory.' Wages $2.50 per day of nine
hours, ::F.-A. Erixon, contractor.
Men Wanted Steady workon "ranch
near-Monroe, for ..Oregon Apple Com
pany. Apply to J. C. Currin. Monroe.
or B. W. Johnson", Corvallis, Oregon.
- ' '" . - 10-11-tf
' CARPENTEft- to build shelving at
Kline'8tstionce. 10-11-tf
To A. A. Chisholm. of Treadwell.
N. Y., now. His reason is well worth
reading: "For a long time i suffered
from indigest an, torpid liver, constipa
tion, nervousness, and ereneral debilitv"
he writes. 1 couldn't . sleep, had no
appetite, nor1, ambition, grew weaker
every jiay in spite of all medical treat
ment The used Electric Bitters.
Twelve bottles restored all roy old-time.
health-and vigor. Now I can attend to
business every day. It's a wonderful
medicine." Infallible for Stomach,
Liver, Kidneys, Blood and Nerves, $0
cents at all druggists.
Notice is hereby given that no
trespassing, either for hunting
or otherwise, ., will be permitted
upon, our premises All parties
violating tnis nonce will oe pro
secuted according to law.
: ' Signed Rowland Bros.
WANTED A suite of rooms fro-
light horisekeepin. or a Dartlv fur-
.nished house. Location near College
preferred. Best references given
F., N. Cornholm, general .delivery,
P. O. Corvallis. J 0-8-25
WANTED-Lady presser at J. S
Rusgelt shbp, in Whitehorn building
i 10-5-tf
WANTED Experienced girl for gen
eral housework. Phone 4266 9-24-tf
. FORRENT-Corner Third and Jeffer
son Sts, suite of rooms, convenient to
buiness section. 10-5-tf
'i ,
FOR SALE Tomatoes! Tomatoes!
Tomatoes! William Jennings Bryan
tomatoes, ' without spot or blemish.
Call phone No! 7652, at noon and after
, ;. v 10-ll-6t
Why Salves Fail While a Simple Liquid
Has Accomplished Thousands
of Cores.
It is now thoroughly establish
ed among the best medical au
thorities that eczema is purely a
skin disease, due to a germ, and
curable only through the skin,
It is not ajjlood disease at all; in
fact, thousands of people, suffer
with skin disease and are per
fectly healthy Z otherwise, - and
thereby prove they have no dis
eased blood. I: ?
Smeary salves cannot reach the
germs because they do not pene
trate the skin. The only way to
reach the germs is by " means of
a penetrating liquid.
Such a liquid can be obtained
by simply mixing ordinary oil of
wintergreen with thymol, glycer
ine "and other healing agents.
This compound, known as D. D,
D. Prescription, stops the itch in
stantlyand the cures all appear
The Elmore Hotel
Under New . Management
Neat and Clean
;$1X)0 per Day
Special Rates by the Week or Month
- Proprietor
Fourth and Monroe Srreets ;
Corvallis - . Oregon
FOR SALE-At a bargain. Two
large heating stoves, J. ' M. Nolan &
n. s.-;. ,.- . . 10-12-3t
FOR SALE Bird doe well broke.
Inquire of J. G. Morris, North Third
street.' 10-12-2t
Fob Sale Cheap A sMnnri-han4
coot stbvfc'fcftd" buggy. Inquire 557
Madison. 10-4-tf
FOR SALE My fine driving mare is
for sale. She is perf ectiy gentle; any
lady can drive her. Jack Milne.
- - 10-2-tf
For Sale An Oliver tvnewriter.
New, ' used less than two months.
Perfect condition. Cheap for cash.
FOR SALE-Cabbage, 1 1-2 cents
per pound, and corn $1.00 per bushel in
field,, by A, R. Norwood, near Bruce;
Business Pointers.
. These cost money and are
worth your attention.
Washing done for students (men) ,
five cents a piece. 213 N. 11th Street.
' ; """ . : 10-12-2t
R. H. Kaltz, the piano tuner, is in
town for a few days. Leave orders at
Hotel Corvallis, or with Profs. Gaskins
and Boone. . i , . . . . 10-9-4t
. Anyone wishing a government "posi--tion,
we will show them how to secure
same and prepare them for examination
at small cost - Write C. C. S. S., 425
27 Lumber Exchange Bldg., Portland,
Ore., or see Mr. Jule V, Maddox, Hei
lig Hall, 1106 Jefferson St,' Corvallis,
Ore. ... . , : 10-7-6t
. Art squares and rugs, full line at
Blackledge's furniture store, v 10-2-tf
Native and eastern oysters at Dad's
place. ' - ; - .- . 10-1-tf
Six loaves of bread for 25 cents at
Andrews & Kerr's Bakery. 9-24-tf
Get your window glass at A. L.
Miner's. North Second St 9-28-tf
GOOD BOARD And pleasant rooms
for people. Electire lights and bath.
Everything homelike, 440 S. 11th Sts.
phone 1150. 9-28-tf
Go to Andrews & Kerr's Bakery for
fresh pies, cakes,5 cookies, etc J 9-24tf
Eat Golden Rod Flakes,
They are better for breakfast r
, Than old-fashioned corn,cakes, v
And five minuets, time,
Is all that it takes . ' !. .
At Kline's. 6-12-tf
Name. ...... ... .... ... 1 ...
Town V.:........,...
Street No.... .....i.. ............ ...... j...........
Must be Voted On or Before October .16
WUrV VATT XAT A VTm Cfirv-rrT-wrT ft
Phone Your Orders To No. 7,
Where They Will be Promptly Filled.
Fine Line of Crockery, Glassware, Cut
Glass, Haviland and Chinaware,
Can be had WITH silk tops and DETACHABLE,
Plain or Fancy HANDLES
Complete.... .$2.00 up
Extra handles 50c to $10.00
E W, S, PR ATT, Jeweler and Optician
Here's a Line That's Hard to Beat
Sapoago Cheese
Pineapple Cheese
Rocquefort Cheese
Creme de Brie Cheese
Fancy Store Cheese
Edam Cheese
Cream Cheese
Sage Cheese
Swiss Cheese
Limburger Cheese
Try Something New
Royans and La Vertel Saradines Metwurst Sausage
Phone 3
; Watch for Andrews & Kerr's special
delivery. ' ' ' 9-24-tf
Pass the word to your relatives and friends to come now.
To Oregon will prevail from the East
September 15 to October 15
" - ' AND '
From Chicago .....$33.00
St. Louis 3200 v ,
" Omaha..:......... 25.00
" St Paul............... 25.00
" Kansas City 25.00
Deposit the amount of the fare with the nearest O. R. & N. or S. P.
; Agent and ticket will be delivered in the East without extra cost.
Send us the name and address of any one interested in the State for
Oregon literature.
R. C LINVILLE, Agent, Corvallis, Oregon.
- WM M'MURRAY, General Passenger Agent,
PortlancL Oregon.