VOL I. NO. 139 CORVAUIS, BENTON COUNTY. OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1909 i PRICE FIVE CENTS ER OF ECKART TALKS DOESN'T KNOW Writ HE COMMIT TED THE DEED. IN SALEM AFTER Yonnz Man. After Escaping Came Back to the Cita?V. With Idea of Civ- in Himself Up, Bat His Nerve Failed Story of Wanderings , down the scrimmage work to a few minutes each evening, which has retarded to a certain extent the development of the team. Since the squad is com posed of men who work at 5out- side occupation during the sum mer vacation, the players are in good physical condition at' the opening of school, ' consequently the lack of scrimmage work does not work the . hardship it other wise would. Coach H. I. Sherman played for four years at the University of Indiana, holding , down the posi tion of quarter and -fullback. He is a thorough , student of the game, and the team is develop ing rapidly under his leadership. The Indiana style of play differs to a considerable extent from the Michigan form, under which .the team has been. . coached for two seasons by , Archie Hahn, which has necessitated a consid erable amount of preliminary work. ' " V WANTS SMOKE STACKS H! WRITER SAYS DRAW BRIDGE WHOLLY UNNECESSARY DOESNT LIKE GAME LAW Correspondent' Points to Scotland Method of Getting Around Expen sive Bridges, and He Also Says Ore-1 gonjGame Laws are Tyrannical PHILOMATH YOUNG PEOPLE WED Eakin Hliworth Nuptials. Solemnized Sunday Nuhtr George Meyers, the Salem young man who murdered Policeman Thomas Eckart of that city, and . suc cessfully hid himself in the fields and woods near Salem until induced by a former pastor to give himself up, now lies in the Marion county jail awaiting official action, To Deputy . Sheriff William Esch he made the laconic state ment Sunday, "I don't know why I did it," and that, as far as is known, is the only version he will give of the shooting. from his . long tramp in the Philomath Oct. 11 John H. country he prefers solitude to Eakin and Miss Ellen Ellsworth, the company " of anyone; -He two of Philomath's most prom keeps aloof from the other pris- inent young people, were united oners and sleeps much. To him -n marriage Sunday evening at xne jan ceu a. reuei. iusr ui honie 0f ;ttie sieepiess nignts m ine com ana i , , ,,,, therainand the onen and the bnde 3 Parents, Mr. and Mrs. long, hard days of tramping, B. F. Ellsworth, Rev. Rose when every man seemed to him braugh, of 'the Liberal United a Nemisis. Brethern , church, impressively Meyers told Esch Sunday the nuptial knot morning tnat on iast weanes- day night he entered the city with the firm intention of sur- rendering himself. He walked down North Winter street as far as Union street and then turned, going back to the North Salem school... Along the long dark pathway on Winter street be tween the North Salem school and ithe North Mill ditch he paced up and down debating as to whether he should give him self up. Alternately he would walk to- To the strains of the- wedding march played by Miss Hazel B. Merryman, the wedding proces sion came down an aisle and stood under an', arch of ivy and hy- drangia, ' music being rendered while Kev. Kosebraugn per formed the , ceremony. The bride wore a gown of white silk, Miss Ara Taylor, was maid of honor and was resplendent in a dress of cream wool. Mr. Eakin was attended by Herman Peter son. " After the ceremony, at , which IS books which is a disgrace to her people and at which they ought to blush for shame. . I refer to the law for taxing.a- person for fishing, or even hunting. Just think of it.' in this ' land of the free, where, people of all nations come as to the Mecca of Liberty ! One cannot take a little fish out of the Water, even on his own farm. ' without- paying a fee to the state for., the privilege, or a fine! If there is another state in the Union, or another nation on earth, that is so miserably tyran nical, the writer , does, not know of it; and he feels quite certain that it is a law not very well cal culated to attract settlers to our state, ? or to encourage ; them ' to stay here if : they do happen - to come. v.; E. M. COUNTY COURT FAVORS BR1DG E AT LEAST TWO MEMBERS CON VINCED OF NECESSITY WILL BUILD IF PEOPLE AGREE Final Surveys and Soundings to Be Be-, gun Next Tnursday People May Have Chance to Vote on Idea Some Time Next Spring Editor GAZETtH-TiMES: Since there is some talk "of a-bridge across the Willamette at Corval- is, a suggestion regarding it may not be inappropriate. ; Glas-1 gow bridge in Glasgow, Scotland, 1 is a low stone bridge without a draw, under which no ordinary steamer could pass at high tide. Yet, by the simple device of hav ing their smoke-stacks; hinged, the river steamers pass under it easily by momentarily lowering their stacks on (their hinges toa horizontal position.! . Now; why not hive tne Willamette "river boats adopt the " same ' device, which would hardly cost more than $50 f oreach; instead of put ting every county all , along the river to. the enormously greater expense of raising the bridges or building and maintaining draws? While I am about it, permit me also to sajr that while I think the state of Oregon is in the foremost of all countries with re spect to advanced and liberal laws, there-is one on her statute- THE ALBANY FAR . Companion feature of the forthcoming Albany Apple - Fair October.. 27-28-29 will be a dis play of chrysanthemums. ' Great interest is beings manifested in this", interesting ' . feature, and some., of the ..chrysanthemum fanciers of the Willamette valley xe planning to exhibit blooms of agrafe quality. Mr. J. Court ney; of Albany, boasts - thair he already has a bloom developed to the extent of eight and one- quarter inches in diameter, and others coming; on which he? be lieves will even surpass this. , WANTED To rent on shares a fully equipped dairy farm with eight to twelve cows, within four miles of ship ping station. Inquire or address, C. F, Hotchkiss, CorvalKs, Ore. 10-8-3tw . - fir A majority of the County Court is in favor of a bridge being built across the Willamette here. The only member not thoroughly convinced is Mr. Hawley. It is understood that he is not neces sarily opposed but up to date he has been inclined to feel that the cost might be too great. Messrs. Woodward and Smith feel that a bridge can be erected for much less than most people suppose, nence are m tavor or pushing the preliminaries to the extent of getting a definite and clear-cut" idea" about - the cost, and then submitting the matter 1 to,,the pgople Judge "Woodward thinks ' the people should be permitted to vote on this matter, though if public 'sentiment wereunivers ally in favor he might not find such action necessary. ; In line with the Court's dis position,- one Sears, a Seattle en gineerand bridge builder, will be in Corvallis Thursday to join Surveyor F. M. Wilkes in com ' s pleting a survey of the Willam- ette here. Yesterday : Surveyor M Porter, , of -Albany, withMryt; ;r Wilkes and Commissioner Smith, ' . : 1 j 1 - V run some lines ana discovered that a bridge' at the ferry would have to be 627 feet long, with a 300 foot approach. , rTo build, the, bridge one Jblock below ould, require a bridge as long,f but lesa - Jrr approach. V However,' a right of v , way on this side would ( have to " be secured.., ' The county owns a" -right of way on x)th sides at the' 5m; landing, ' ana two acres on. the r east side.. Old river nien agree that Jhe.bcst and safest place for ', the bridge is" just a fewfeet ' above the present1 ferry cburse'! wnere tnere is an excenenjs doi tom',to the . river and a straight ' current . ':" Surveys and soundings neces sary for the War department re quire the depth of water each ten feet for one mile above . the pro posed site of the , bridge and a ' half mile below. The surveyors ' ' will begin this work Thursday and complete it at an early date. The information will then be for warded to Washington and about next Spring the people may have opportunity to express . them selves in regard to a bridge. At that time the estimated cost and all desired information of a gen eral character will be given. FOSTER FARM IS TRANSFERRED The J. W. Foster ; farm of 2000 acres out near Monroe has been deeded to Captain Cobell, U. S. A., of Vancouver, ' Wash,, who is said to represent a Port Continued on page two 1 The Time To Buy Your Suits For Men And Women Is NOW And The Place Is KLINE'S ward the ciW.hen turn and walk the immed relatives and inti- the b&k toward the open. Finally his nerve failed him and he re turned to the fields and the woods, where he hid much and walked like one in a trance, seeking she! ter somewhere but finding no haven of rest. Finally tortured in mind and body, hungry, cold and tired, he reached the Larden home in com pany with the pastor, who found him near his ranch, and there he mate friends were present, wedding .party repaired to the dining-room, where refresh-. ments were . partaken. Those who presided : in the dining- room , were: Mrs. Elmer Ells worth, Mrs. O. C. Eakin, Miss Agnes McGee and Miss R. C. Eakin. The Ellsworth home was ar tistically decorated. Mrs. Eakin is well and favor- ueciueu w, return to Buciety u kn()wn m . where await wnatever penalty migntDe , - , , a forthcoming for his violation of the sixth commandment. THE PACIFIC U. Ill CTV it If Ul ILL nu il . Pacific University plays here riext ' Saturday. News - from Forrest Grove is to the effect that with the close of .the first two weeks of regular practice under Coach Sherman, the pros pects for a formidable football eleven are more promising than ever. The hardness of the field has' made it necessary to cut she has lived a goodly number of years. The groom is a farmer of Eastern Oregon and is very fortunate in winning the . young ady for a life partner. Mr. and Mrs. Eakin departed . Tuesday, Oct 12, for their new home in Eastern Oregon near Grass Val ley. ' " We take ; pleasure in joining the friends of the liappy couple in extending sincere good wishes and congratulations, v XXXX Homes Newport Properly. Sixty choice lots more or less in New port, Oregon, . (one of the most health ful and popular summer and winter re sorts) for sale or' will exchange for othj er good property. - Property near Cor- vallis preferred. Will supply funds to buyers of these 'lots to build homes thereon. Address M. - S. Woodcock, Corvallis, Oregon. ; thurs. tf In Our Large Second Floor Suit Department We have just received by express a new lot of long black tight fitting Coats, all satin lined to bottom; of coat and strictly tailored. Price $12.50 to $35.00 A beautiful line of Women's Tailored Suits just received in broad cloth and worsteds m black, olive and gray, all with long tight fit- ; .... ,.. . ... .... , . , ting coats and prices from $20.00 to $35.00 -- See Them . Before You Majce Your Selection" ' Rubberized Raincoats for the rainy weath er. They come in blue, black and green. Prices always the Lowest for best quality. Toilet Articles at Cut Rate Prices. ' Call and See Them New Fall Dress Goods -For . - v.. Vnin niA-ur Hall l IVAtl Clothing GOOD LUCK Is not what you depend upon to assure the worth of the clothing you "buy! You re ly upon your own judgment and the reputation that : ' stands back of the garment. That is why we are willing to stake our reputation on the worth of Stein-Bloch and Society Brand Garments We have a complete line and can fit all sizes slim men, stout men- and . .regular forms-and we have them in stock. Women's and Children's A SAFE PLACE TO TRAEE rwear We are showing, a large , assortment of both wool and. cotton underwear. Union suits and separate gar ments, all of the fa mous , hand finished , Merbde Underwear At The Very Low est Prices Possible To close out a broken line we will place on Sale While ; They, Last Mfrode" , Ladies' all-wool Union Suits in silver gray, worth $1.50. ; Special . . i . . . .'. i . ..$1.29. Ladies' 75c wool cream, color drawers, Special 59c' if Fresh OYSTERS Every Day in Our PURE FOOD DEPARTMENT All Phone and Mail Orders t - , ' Promptly and Carefully Filled