The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, October 11, 1909, Image 2

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Published every evening except Sun
day. . Office: 232 Second street, Cor
tallia, Oregon.
PHONE, 4184
Entered u second-class matter July 2. 190 at
tfca potoffic at Corvallis, Oregon, under act of
Hatch S. 1879L
Delivered by carrier, per week......$ .15
Delivered by carrier, per month.... .50
By mail, one year, in advance 5.00
By mail, six months, in advance.... " 2.50
By audi, one month, in advance .50
N. R. MOORE . .
i . . Editor
Business Mgr.
' - Even preachers hit the nail on
the head occasionally. Dr. Bell
tad an inspiration yesterday and
managed to hit the fact that is
at the basis of the world's pres
ent tendency to . disregard the
church. In casticatiner neerlic-ent.
. members of his congregation for
their tendency to let trifles inter
fere, with their attendance at
service, in effect he said that
nine-tenths of the church peo
ple use the church simply as a
matter of convenience, and as
he held aloft a beautiful blossom,
glorious in all its , full-blown
beauty, he likened the people be
fore him to the antithesis of that
- !. l .1 a . i ...
a iaueu iiower wiin neuner
beauty nor fragrance.
This is a fact that the world
notes. The world is not neces
sarily coldly critical, but it is in
different, and - indifferent only
because it is unable to see be
tween the lives of nrofssor
Christians and the ordinarily re
spectable citizen a difference
that is in any sense markedly in
favor of the former. The non
Christian, or the man outside the
trillnli -failo
wv auiio w VUOCX TC 1X1 LUC
Christian life
J v
any higher ideals, any stricter
adherence to right in the' ordin
ary dealings of life and he sees
no sacrifice that he himself is
not equally willing to make. He
sees in the so-called Christian
life the same self-assertion mani
fest ; in ' the non-christian, and
the same disposition to forge
ahead by any means that may
be legitimate in law, though
lacking in moral concept The
man without the church finds
the man within apparently as
self -centered as himself, as lack
ing in human sympathy, in ex
panding love, in ! the humility
that was the greatest feature of
the , Christ life, in the fervor
that should and ever does mark
the activity of men whose lives
are genuinely given to a specific
cause. So far as the non-christian
is able to observe, the aver
age church congregation is made
up of splendid people who' have
formed the habit of meeting at
the church more or less frequent
ly just as convenience rather
than genuine love of the cause
1 TT 1 .
suggests, ne does not see in
the church congregation or the
average Christian life, anything
that acts as a magnet to draw
him into the fold. Their spirit
is not more responsive in any
sense, they give their money no
more generously or less grudg
ingly,, their speech and action
does not give the ordinarily in
telligent observer any evidence
of a faith that removes moun
tains, that enabled Peter to walk
on the water, that sustained
Daniel in the lions' den; neither
does one often see manifest that
spirit the Savior demanded of
j.t- ' -i j - ,
uie ncn young -man wno was
told to scatter his all among the
poor and follow Him.
' And because it is unable to see
the evidences the world is taught
it should look for, the non-christian
remains indifferent to" the
church. It sees nothing really
vital and living, nothing that is
really loving or lovable, within
the church; the world regards
the I average congregation as a
composite of excellent people of
splendid intent, an - organization
accomplishing good results here,
there and elsewhere in a desul
tory way, but cold careless and
lacking real conception of the
compassion Christ had,, for the
world. " Whenever the church
does become as a blossoming rose
in full fragrance. . when the
church gives evidence ; that - it
actually knows Him and knows
Him well enough to be filled
with the spell of his1 compassion
for the world, then "will the
world flock to the church, but
until such a time comes, until
the world can see that serving
Him the six days of the week
and keeping the Sabbath day holy
is really first with the Chri stain,
rather than a casual perform
ance lacking vitality until that
time comes will mere De an in
difference on the part of the
world and an increasing ten
dency away from the church.
And all the preaching of dead
preachers to dead congregations
will never stem the tide. The
world must see that the- church
is interested in the , world, just
as He who, gave His .only be
gotten son that the world might
be saved. ? -;. - .
4 - - 1 " :
should deplare against dogs be
ing on the Streets except in close
company of the owner under
penalty of death.
The Big
: Despite the fact that the as
sessor found but one dog in Ben
ton county last year, and the
added fact that Chief Wells gave
away and otherwise disposed of
seventy-five or more this spring,
it is certain that Corvallis has
entirely too many dogs. The
evidence of this is found in each
new cement walk laid, in 6ach
newly made lawn or parking, in
the discoloration of every column
and corner of Main street busi
ness houses, in noisy fights wit
nessed daily on Second street
and in colonies of dogs found too
frequently on the streets.- If a
dog is worth Jiaving it is worth
keeping at home; . if it ; is . not
worth keeping at home it is not
worth the toleration of the pub
lic. Instead ? of providing Booster Girls,
license for dogs K the ordinance
District No. 1
Clara Baker... ..7..L..X.i ....... 9500
Marie Cathey .. . 8900
Pattie Durrell. , 7000
Mabel Rich............;..'.......... 6650
Edythe Ready 1000
Agnes Wilson....... 1000
District No 2
"- , -..
Lulu Gibson........... i 9750
Rose Ingram 7100
Hazel Caldwell... 6200
Nita Seers. . .-.. . 1900
Interest in the popularity con-
test,this paper is giving is daily
becoming greater. lines are be
mg drawn and the friends and
supporters of the various candi
dates are coming to the front
with aid. The candidates are
busily at work and each is gath
ermg her own circle of friends
around her who are determined
she shall win. And why shouldn't
they? A splendid two weeks'
tour of California with all ex
penses paid! Visits to Sacra
mento, San Francisco, San Jose,
Santa Cruz, Los Angeles and all
the principal cities of California.
Automobile rides, side excur
sions, and in fact every form of
amusement will be provided the
winners. This coupled with the
honor of being the most popular
girl in Benton county, and rep
resenting : it in the Oregon
is the prize at
A great many subscriptions
haye been promised the various
candidates " and, to aid them in
closing up we are making a big
special offer for a short time
only. This- will be the only
extra vote offer made during the
entire 1 contest. If you have
friends who want to help you
when their help will count the
most, now is the time for them
to do it. If you are behind, this
is your opportunity. This offer
begins with this issue and will
last ten days. Work hard dur
ing this period and take advan
tage 01 tne extra votes ana you
can get a good lead. ' ,
There are those who are try
ing to avoid helping tne girls
and still posing as their friends,
but these are few and becoming
known to the contestants. Get
the habit, "Everybody help."
What is a couple of dollars when
you get value received and at
the same time help a girl to win.
Don't be cheap, the big talk
doesn't get votes. The contest
ants need votes, so snow your
friendship by helping out,
Extra votes, as they will be
awarded during the special offer,
are as follows: Each candidate
turning in not less than $25 will
receive 10,000 extra votes; $30,
12,000 extra votes; $50, 25,000
extra and for every five dollars
turned in over $50 2500 extra
votes will be given. All of the
money turned m, in subscrip
tions, after today by or for the
young ladies, will apply on this
offer. See all of your friends
now and ask them to subscribe
while votes count double.
Close up your promises during
this offer. If people tell you to
call again, ask them to set a
definite date and be sure to call
again on that day.
Do not .wait. Work hard now
during the only special vote of
fer during the contest. ,
Good Clean Apples
For Cooking - - 75c per box:
Good Eating - - $1.00 per box
Packed in Tiers, $1.25 to $1.50 per box
Faney for Shipping -, - $2.00 per box
R. F. D. 1, Corvallis, Oregon
Phone 9053. .
! f
Why Salves Fail While a Simple Liquid
, Has Accomplished Thousands
of Cures.
FOR SALE Cabbage, 1.1-2 cents
per pound, and corn $1.00 per bushel in
field,, by A. R. Norwood, near Bruce.
It is now thoroughly establish
ed among the best medical au
thorities that eczema, is purely a
skin "disease, due to a germ, and
curable only through the skin.
It is not a blood disease at all; in
fact- thousands of people suffer
with skin disease and are per-;
fectly healthy otherwise, f and
thereby prove they have no dis
eased blood.
Smeary salves cannot reach the
germs because they do not pene
trate the skin. The only way to
reach the germs is by means of
a penetrating liquid.
Such a liquid can be obtairied
by simply mixing ordinary oil of -
wintergreen with thymol, glycer
fna and rvrVipr Vienlinof floent.s
This compound, known as D. D,
stantly and the cures all appear
to be permanent. In fact, it took
of mires, case after
case, before the best scientific
authorities were convinced of the
absolute merit (of this remedy.
D. D., D. Prescription kills the.
germs in the itching skin. Its
effect is seen within one minute
nfW the first annlication. We
especially recommend D. D. D
Soap in connection with the treat
ment. Allen&Woodward.
Next Tuesday evening is tne aaxe ior
the regular quarterly meeting of the-
-TVimmereial Club . '
Ready Quilted
Comforter Bats
Weight 4 pounds
$1.25 Each
. Ask to see these '
' '
$1.00 Yard
19-inch h I
All colors
$1.00 Yard
- ' ' 15c'. . V 'A
36-inch .',
75c, $1.00, $1.25
New Silkolines
36 inches wide
12V2C Yard
Tuesday morning
8 a. m.
for 5 days only
V Also Nets by the Yard to Match
These consist of fine Nottingham Lace, Cluney, Brussels, Colored Madras and ail popular new weaves, shipped to us in
dozen pair lots from the largest, manufacturers and importers' in, the United States for our selection of 1910 styles. These we
. consider so good that we have bought the sample lots outright and place them on sale for your selection at fully 25 per cent saving
At 79c Pair
f 24 pairs White Lace Curtains
3 yards,long, 40 inches wide
At $1.29 Pair
12 pairs Arabian or Ecru Curtains
2 1-2 yards long, 46 inches wide . r
' At 89c Pair
24 pairs Arabian or Ecru Curtains
2 1-2 yards long, 36 inches wide
At $1.39 Pair
12 pairs Arabian or Ecru Curtains
r- 3 yards long, 50 inches long
At $1.09 Pair
24 pairs Arabian or Ecru Curtains
3 yards long, 40 inches wide
24 pairs White or Ecru Curtains
2 t-2 yards long, 46 inches wide.
At $1.25 Pair
36 pairs White Curtains
' 3 yards long, 54 inches wide '
At $1.59 Pair
s 24 pairs Arabian or Ecru Curtains
2 1-2 yards long,' 46 inches wide
Our Special Display ix Curtain Department Upstairs
36 inches wide
20c Yard
8c, 10c, 12V2c
10c and 12V2c
4 yards wide
25c Yard
25c Each
' Stronger Than Ever
At 60c Yard. " At $1.00 Yard
36-inch All Wool Serge in navy, 46 and 48-inch AH Wool Pana
:f brown, cardinal, ; black and , mas Serges in black, navy,
, , brown, cardinal and cream. .
At $1.25 Yard ,
At $1.50 Yard
50 and 52-inch Satin Cloths, Pan- . , '
amas, Serges and Voilles in 52 and 54-mch Novelty and Plain
v black,' navy, cardinal; green, Weaves in grey, navy, brown,
. . brown and cream. , - . , garnet and green. ', ; , e :
' , . At 50c Yard
- 56-inch Bleached Mercerized Table Damask. '
At 68c Yard
: 72-inch Linen Union Bleached Table Damask.
At $1.25 Yard. ;
v 72-inch Satin Bleached Double Damask.
, - Richardson's Linen Napkins to match, $3 doz.
Biggest Values Yet
At $1 Each
5 dozen full size stitched Com
forters, white cotton filled.
At $1 Each
50 White Bedspreads, Marseilles
designs, , hemmed ready for
use. '
, At 75c Pair
100 white, tan or grey Cotton
Blankets for 3-4 beds.
At $1.25 Pair
60 white, tan or grey full 12-4
Blankets for double beds:
Bed Pillows, 50c, $1.00, $125, $2.00 Each
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Suits and Overcoats .
Wooltex Ladies and Children's
Cloaks and Suits