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About The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1909)
SILK PETTICOAT SALE tp3oS5 MONDAY MORNING 8 o'clock October 11 The largest assortment of Fine Silk Petticoats that we ever showed will be ' on sale next Monday morning Black and all colors ' to match ; the fall suits Also Y bargains in Cloaks -THE ; l- ... F. L. MILLER 142 Second Street IF YOU WANT NEW i- EDISON RECORDS That have not been played buy from Graham & Wells We do not allow anyone to handle our Records but our clerks. - Suits and Overcoats From $8 to $25 The season's latest styles and ' choicest fabrics. A. K. RUSS Dealer in all Men's Furnishings We ' sell cheapest because we sell for cash. CORVALLIS. - - OREGON BOYS! GIRLS! Columbia Bicycle Free! Greatest offer out. Get your friends to subscribe to our magazine and we will make you a present of a $40.00 Columbia Bicycle the best made. Ask for particulars, free outfit, and circular telling "How to Start." Address, "The Bicycle Man," 29-31 East 22d Street, New York City, N. Y. 9-23-3t UNDERTAKERS M. S. BOVEE, FUNERAL DIRECT or and Licensed Fmbalmer. Suc cessor o Bovee & Bauer Corvallis, Oregon. Ind. Phone 4s. Bell Phone 241, Lady attendant when desired. BLACKLEDGE & EVERETT, LI censed embalmers and funeral direct ors. Have everything new in coffins, casKets and burial robes. Calls ans wered day and night. Lady assist ant. Embalming a specialty. Day phones, Ind. 117 and 1153, Bell, 531; night phones, Ind. 2129 and 1153. Jewell Baking Co. New and up-to-date Best Bread, Buns, Pies and v. "; Cakes in the city. ' 341 Secbnd Street Telephone 132 Deliveries made to all parts of town." The Gity ; ; and Vicinity H. G. Rumbaugh, one of the suc cessful apple growers on the Benton side of the Willamette, was in Corval lis today. W. D. and P. L. Cate, J. H. Everet and R. L. Glass left this morning for the Prineville country. They are on some sort, of a trade " Dr. Cathey will deliver a MEDICAL address for men at Y. M. C. A. meet ing, 2:30 Sunday afternoon, at Shepherd Hall. All men are invited. E. A. Handy is having laid 'about his property on Eighteenth street. This is not in T the sidewalk district and need not have been built of cement, but it is very gratifying that it is so. J. wl Handy is laying a fine 100 foot cement walk on 11th ' street be tween Jackson and Van -Buren. This is without the cement walk district,' and demonstrates Mr. Handy's pro gressiveness. Mrs. Nellie Mabel Shute of Blodgett, died there on October 6th at the age of 24 years, 10 months and 6 days. The funeral took piece at Blodgett on the 7th. Mrs. Shute was a victim of tuberculosis. ; Rev. and Mrs C. T. Hurd stopped off here today for a brief visit. ' They are enroute to Newport, where he has accepted the pastorate of the Presby terian church there. For a year he has been at Annabel church, in a Portland s iburb. Charles Pernot . has just finished gathering a very fine crop of Italian prunes, the best ever, and will finish the drying by this evening. Mr. Pernot is very well satisfied with the season's work, although he does not know the price he will get for his crop. ' i- ; Very attractive improvements are being finished in the Andrews & Kerr bakery. Show . windows have been built and an ornamental partition of pillars and grill work has been built between the business room and parlor at the rear,. The effect is very good. Mr. B. F. Goodman, of Corvallis, and Miss Iva Adams, of near Shedd, were until in marriage on Oct 6, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. J. A. Mc- Bride. " They are both young people of excellent character and attainments. They will reside in Salem. Rev. Gil christ performed the ceremony in the presence of relatives yAlbanv Demo crat - : ' Mrs. W. J. Kerrgavo a very delight ful affair this afternoon. As president of the College Folk Club she had the members of that, organization at her home to meet the new ladies of the iacuity. .titty or more ladies were present and found this social opportuni ty one of genuine pleasure. The Kerr home, decorated with autumn leaves, presented a very charming appearance. ! The Freshman Teception at the Armory last night was an elaborate and enjoyable affair attended by a large number of students and mem bers of the faculty. A pro gram consisted of orchestral music, vocal solo by Ester Johnson, piano solo by Miss Gray, brass quartette, rousing speech by Dr. James Withycombe,-. vocal solo by Mrs. Birdean Gamble, grand march led by the faculty and a Ragamuffin "stunt. " Punch and wafers was served and social chat indulged in until 11 o'clock. There's nothing like a little lively- competition. The Independent Phone Co. has just tacked some bright new signs on the steps leading to the up stairs office and has prepared to do some bulletining of football games at Corvallis, Portland, Eugene and else where. - A blackboard arrangement at the landing leading to the office has just been completed by that tried and true artistic decorator and all 'round jolly, jovial Prince of Pilsen, Norman L. Hayes, of 'Boating.'. Here the Indepen dent will detail the score just as soon as it's made or a little bit sooner if the Bell people show a 'disposition to crowd any. There's nothing like a little com petition to put life into things general ly. Too much competition takes all the life out of things. ; v The class games at O. A. C. will begin next Saturday, the seniors and juniors playing at that time. ;..On Wed nesday, 20th, the Sophs will play the Freshies, and on the following Saturday the winners will play for the champion ship. This is the mandate of the athletic board and is a result of the demand of Coach Metzger for more material to: compete for positions on the varsity team. It was felt by v the members of the board that if class games were held at ah early date material might be induced to come out which the coach could select from in adding to his squad. In the past some of the best men on varsity teams have been discovered in the class games. This is true of Bennett, O. A. C.'s star tackle - on the championship team 'of two years ago, and "Slats" Brodie of Portland, who played such a sensational game at end last fall, was not discover ed until his senior year. Fall and Winter" : Clo thing' For Men suits ? overcoats The Newest Styles The Best Fabrics The Lowest Prices . This is a good clothes story, quickly told. You'll find it a true one, too. Let Us Show You Henkle& Davis Mr. and Mrs. J. N. McFadden - and Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Barclay left today for a week's stay at Seattle, Geo. T.: Vernon and H. M. Robinson, directors of the Alsea school district, were in Corvallis today. The first floor, of Alsea's fine new building is in Rev. Frank Baum, of Dayton, Wash., will arrive here this evening and will officiate at the Church of the Good Samaritan tomorrow both in the morning and evening services. Kev. Baum is making this visitation to Cor vallis at the request of Bishop Scad ding who, while here this week, stated to the vestry that he was doing his utmost to secure a capable clergyman for this parish. SIMPLE WASH CUBES ECZEMA Why Salves Fail While a Simple Liquid Has Accomplished Thousands of Cures. It is now thoroughly establish ed among the best medical au thorities that eczema is purely a skin disease, due to a germ, and curable only through the skin. It is not a blood disease at all; in fact, thousands of people suffer with skin disease and are per fectly healthy otherwise, -fand thereby prove they have nodis-i eased blood. Smeary salves cannot reach the germs because they do not pene trate the skin. The only way to reach the germs is by means of a penetrating liquid.' ' ? Such a liquid can be obtained by simply mixing ordinary oil of wintergreen with thymol,' glycer ine and other healing' agents. This compound, known as D. D, D. Prescription, stops the itch in s(tantly and the cures all appear to be permanent. In fact, it took thousands of cures, case after case, before the best scientific authorities were convinced of the absolute merit of this remedy. D. D. D. Prescription kills the germs in the itching skin. Its effect is seen within one minute after the first Application. We especially recommend D. D. D. Soap in connection with the treat ment. Allen & Woodward. . The Elmore Hotel Under New Management Neat and Clean BEST 25c MEAL LN THE CITY $1.00 per Day Special Rates by the Week or Month . M. DROWN r Proprietor ' r Fourth and Monroe Srreets " v Corvallis - - Oregon Good Clean Apples , For Cooking - 75c per box Good Eating . - . . - ' , $1.00 per box Packed in Tiers, $1.25 to $1.50 per box Fancy for Shipping - - $2.00 per box GRAVENSTIENS are Now Ready GEORGE ARMSTRONG R. F. D. 1, "' 1 Corvallis, Oregon " Phone 9053. fflEJLTHECOUGH and CUREthslUKGS f OUCHS f0RC 50811.00 VOLDS If TRIAL BOTTlEf REE AND All THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES GlAfrNT0 SATSEACTOPy OR MONEY ffcnrfOSD. - AppI Quaker Oats is the perfectly balanced '.'' human food China for your table in the Family Sir Packages Homes Newport Property. Sixty choice lots more or less in New port, Oregon, (one of the most health ful and popular summer and winter re sorts) for sale or will exchange for othj er good property. Property hear Cor vallis preferred. Will supply funds to buyers of these lots to build homes thereon. Address M. S. Woodcock, Corvallis, Oregon. thurs. tf For millinery goods at reasonable prices call and see Mrs. W. A. Buchan an, located between North 10th and fllth streets, on Polk, Corvallis. . 10-7-2tw WANTED WANTED-A suite of rooms for light housekeeping, or a partly fur nished house. Location near College preferred. Best references given F. N. Cornholm, general delivery, P. O. Corvallis. x 30-8-25 WANTED-Lady 'presser at J. S Russell shop, in Whitehorn building. 10-5-tf WANTED Experienced girl for gen eral housework. Phone 4266 9-24-tf FOR RENT FOR RENT-Corner Third and Jeffer son Sts, suite of rooms, convenient to buiness section. j V"-'V ' 1 10-5-tf FOR SALE . For Sale Fine standard bred 'drrv mg horse, four years old. Has gone a mile under three minutes. Will trade for good cow or wood. Phone .4152. : 10-4-6t For Sale Cheap A second-hand cook stove and buggy. Inquire 557 Madison. '" . 10-4-tf r uk sa!jj My line driving mare is for sale. She is perfectiy gentle; any lady can drive her. Jack Milne. 10-2-tf For . 'Sale An New, used less Perfect condition. Oliver typewriter, than two months. Cheap for cash." Business Pointers. These cost money and are worth your attention. : R. H. Kaltz, the piano tuner, is in town for a few days. Leaye orders at Hotel Corvallis, or with Profs. Gaskins and Boone. ' "l0-9-4t For a' good big sanitary loaf of bread go to Small, the only machine shop in the city. Wed-Sat-29 Anyone wishing a government "posi tion, we will show them how to secure same and prepare them for examination at small cost. Write C. C. S. S.. 425- 27 Lumber Exchange Bldg., Portland, Ore., or see Mr. Jule V. Maddox, Hei lig Hall, 1106 Jefferson St, Corvallis, Ore. ; . .' 10-7-6t Art squares and rugs, full line at Blackledge's furniture store. 10-2-tf Native and place. f; ' eastern oysters at Dad's ' .. 10-1-tf Six loaves of bread for 25 cents at Andre ws & Kerr 's Bakery. 9-24-tf Get your . window""glass Miner's.'North Second St. j at A. L. 9-28-tf GOOD BOARD And pleasant rooms for people. Electire lights and bath. Everything homelike, 440 rS. 11th Sts. phone 1150. ? - 9-28-tf y- Go to Andrews & Kerr's Bakery 'for fresh pies,cakes, cookies, etc, 9-24tf Eat Golden Rod Flakes, They are better for breakfast, i Than old-fashioned corn cakes, And five minuets time, ' Is all that it takes -At Kline's. 6-12-tf ; Watch for Andrews & Kerr's special delivery. 9-24-tf 1000 Name. Town ....... ............ Street No.............. Must be Voted On WHEN YOU WANT SOM ETHING GOOD TO EAT Phone Your Orders To No. 7, THATCHER & JOHNSON'S GROCERY Where They Will be Promptly Filled. Fine Line of Crockery, Glassware, Cut , . Glass, Haviland and Chinaware, LAMPS ETC. " .. . ..' ' ' " . - i UMBRELLAS ; , Can be had WITH silk tops and DETACHABLE, Plain or Fancy HANDLES Complete . $2.00 up Extra handles. .50c to $10.00 E W, S, PRATT, Jeweler and Optician Here's a Line That's Hard to Beat Sapoago Cheese Pineapple Cheese Rocquefort Cheese Creme de Brie Cheese Fancy Store Cheese : Try Something New Royans and La Vertelaradines Metwurst Sausage H0DES GROCERY Phone 3 OREGON CALLS "MORE PEOPLE" Pass the word to your relatives and friends to come now. LOW COLONIST RATES To Oregon will prevail from the East September 15 to October 15 VIA OREGON RAILROAD SOUTHERN PACIFIC - r (LINES IN OREGON) From Chicago..;... ....$33.00 ; " St. Louis.... .... ...... 32.00 " Omaha. ..25.00 " St Paul. .25.00 :: . s ". Kansas City........... 25.00 FARES CAN BE PREPAID : 'Deposit the amount of the fare with the nearest O. R. & N. or S. P. : Agent and ticket.will be delivered in the East without extra cost. Send us the name and address of any one interested in the State for Oregon literature. , ' R. C. LINVILLE, Agent, Corvallis, Oregon. WM. M'MURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. THE DAILY GAZETTE VOTES ...... or Before October .16 Edam Cheese Cream Cheese -Sage Cheese Swiss Cheese Limburger Cheese THE 8 NAVIGATION CO. AND - TIMES, 50c PER MONTH