4 THE DAILY GAZETTE-TIMES Published every evening except Sun day. Office: 282 Second street, Cor vallis, Oregon. ' PHONE, 4184 Z Estand u econd-cI! matter July 2.1909, at th postoffieeat Corvallis, Oregon, under act of x SUBSCRIPTION RATES DAILY Delivered by carrier, per week $ .15 ajcuverea Dy carrier, per montn .50 By mail, one year, in advance 5.00 By mail, six months, in advance.... 2.50 y man, one montn, in advance.... .50 If. R. MOORE ..... Editor CHAS. L SPRINGER, Business Mgr BOOSTER GIRLS' CONTEST. The Gazette-Time's contest is progressing nicely and those com peting are working with a vim that is going to make things in teresting. The candidates in District No. 1 are all bunched anJ a little effort on the part of ny one of them will put her in the lead. In District No. 2, Miss Caldwell, of Philomath, and Miss Ingram, of Monroe, are neck and neck, their positions of last week being reversed. The other two candidates in this dis trict are only a little way behind, hQWever, and the next publica tion of the standings may bring forth some surprises. It be hooves all of the candidates to worklrard this week as any one of them can ,gain first place by a little work. If you are a few thousand votes behind now, do not get discouraged. Work hard for the long time subscriptions: it will only take a few of these to put you in the lead. You will find that your friends wilf rally to your aid much easier now that the contest is in full swine. See them, if they haven't helped you already, and get them to subscribe now. In the big ad. published- else where in this issue will be found the standing of the contestants up to last -night, Many votes have been cast since then which Would alter the standing of sev eral of the contestants had they been included in this count. Philomath Notes (Continued! from page one )' Appl ! ! Good Clean Apples For Cooking - 75c per box Good Eating - - $1.00 per box Packed in Tiers, $1.25 to $1.50 per box Fancy for Shipping - - $2.00 per box GRAVENSTIENS are Now Ready GEORGE ARMSTRONG R. F. D. 1, . Corvallis, Oregon Phone 9053. 11 ; A party was given. Saturday evening at the dormitory in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Burns. Games and the usual features were enjoyed. Gordon Clark, Mr. Bowen and Mrs. Frank Hyde are numbered " among the sick this week. 'A new furnace has been in Stalled at the College of Philo math. Things are now expected to "warm up" The Rebekahs celebrated their anniversary Wednesdnv With a banquet and exercises appropriate to the occasion. Chester Henkle left Wednes day for Independence,, where he contemplates engaging in the Undertaking business. i k special feature of the chapel exercises' at the College of Philo math Wednesday morning was a , piano solo by Miss Marie Cathey, instructor of piano. TO ITCperson Making the largest number of A ord.3 fr0m tne . expression "Smith, the Jeweler," and send - ing the list to his store, 151 Mad ison street, before November 5, will be presented with a beautiful fountain pen. 10-7-e-o-d:tf. ' . Homes Newport Property. , Sixty choice lots more or less in New port, Oregon, (one of the most health ful and popular summer and winter re torts) for sale or will exchange for otbj er good property. Property near Cor vallis preferred. Will supply funds to buyers of these lots to build homes thereon. Address M. S. Woodcock, Corvallis, Oregon. . thurs. tf (Junction City Times) Wellbery Wilson is sick with diph theria. ' Mrs. Peter Rickard, who has been in Portland for a short time, died last Monday night. Wm. Huggins was called upon to do some more work on the telephone line. He brought home a milking machine wfuch be ordered a few weeks ago. John Crow has purchased another ranch. This one is caljed the Barrett place on the Island. Mr. Brimner is doing some carpenter work for D. B. Farley. Be has com pleted a new woodshed and is now put ting up a tower for a pump. Ed. Walden has beent making some repairs on the Brown school house. The Big Four have begun work a their saw mill again. They are sawing some lumber for Dexter Bailey who ex pects to build a new house on his prop erty. Harry St. Clair and Harry Bowers are sawing wood in this neighborhood. Charlie Goodman had a public sale of everything Thursday of this week. They are going to a place called Divide in Douglas county. Mr. Mael, who bought John Crow's place on the Island, is hauling gravel Ethel Harpole left for the vicinity of rhilomath where she has been empioy ed to teach a six months term of school. Mr. Hill, who recently bought the Alfred Brabham farm, has been mak ing quite an improvement on his place tins tall m clearing brush, etc. Dallas Harpole made another trip to the mountains and succeeded in killing a couple of deer. ' Mrs. Geo. Schultz has been visiting relatives in Irsih Bend for a couple of weeks. . . Alfred Brabham is seriously ill with typhoid fever in Enp-ene. Grandma Brabham was pretty badlv crimjled un by falling off a porch while in that city. The recently appointed minister, Mr. nocking, arrived at Monroe last week He is from California, Reg. Cor. An effort will be made this year to secure some first-class songs and yells with much local color and the ne-ht swino- Tit. tie attention had matter until last fall, and this pnase ot college education" is to be develoDed as far a a mishear. SIMPLE WASH CURES ECZEMA Why Salves Fail While a Simple Liquid - Has Accomplished Thousands , of Cores. , It is now thoroughly establish ed among the best medio!- an. thorities that eczema is rnirelv a skin disease, due to a germ, and curable only through the skin. It is not a blood disease at all: in -fact, thousands of people suffer with skm disease and are per fectly healthy otherwise, Fand thereby prove they have no dis eased blood. . Smeary salves cannot reach the germ3 because they do not pene trate the skin. The only way to reach the' germs is by -means of a penetrating liquid. Such a liquid can be obtain by simply mixing ordinary oil of wmtergreen with thymol, glycer ine and other Jhealing agents. This compound, known as D. T). D. Prescription, stops the itch in stantlyand the cures all appear to be-permanent In fact, it took thousands of cures, case, after case, before the best scientific authorities were convinced of the absolute merit of this remedy, p. D. D. Prescription kills the germs in the itching skin, ts effect is seen within one minute after the first anDlication. W especially recommend D. T). TV Soap in connection with the treat-( merit.', Allen & Woodward. ' ' KINGS VALLEY Mr. Turner of Hoskins was in the valley Saturday. John McCallum went to Corvallis this week. ' " " , Mr. and Mrs. John Ames went to Suver Monday. " Dick Dunn left last Monday for the fair at Seattle to be gone several days. Alcorns .have got moved to : Arlie where they will live in the near future., Mr. and Mrs. Art Miller have re turned from Waldport where they have been for past two weeks. , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reed have re turned to Corvallis. They have been out to Mr. Reed's place in tbe valley. John Ames and Merle Bilyeu went to Corvallis Saturday. ; ' Press Price took another load of flour to the valley Saturday for Mr. J. P. Logan. ; v Mrs. Lina McCallum's sister's babv died Saturday morning. Gains, the man that boue-ht the Alexander place, purchased a new hack 01 McCallum & Townsend Saturday. Money Comes In Bunches To A. A. Chisholm. of Tread well. N. Y., now. His reason is well worth reading: "For a loner time t suffered from indigest an, torpid liver, constipa tion, nervousness, and general debilitv" he writes. "I couldn't sleeD. had no appetite, nor ambition, grew - weaker every day in spite of all medical treat ment The used Electric Bitters. Twelve bottles restored all my old-time health and vigor. Now I can attend tn business every day. It's a wonderful memcine. infallible for Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Blood and Nerves. 50 cents at all druggists. R. J: BAUER'S Merry-Go-Round At Third and Monroe Sts. Will run each afternoon and evening for the week ending 9, 09 October 7 REE RIDES 1:30 p. m. -- 7:30 p. m Free Ride for stopping under the Flag Tickets, 5c, or 6 for 25c COME ONE COME ALL You will BE TREATED RIGHT Feeding Farm Hands. Every farmer's wife knows what tre mendous appetites farm hands usually have; but while they eat weU they work well, too. ' . Here's a good suggestion about feed ing farm hands. Give them plenty-' of Quaker Oats. - A big dish of Quaker Oats porridge with sugar and cream or milk is the greatest break fast In the world for a man who needa vigor and strength for a long day's work. The man that eats Quaker Oats plentifully and often is the man who. does good work without excessive fa tigue. There is a sustaining quality in Quaker Oats not found in other, foods, and for economy it is at the head of the list Besides the regular size packages Quaker Oats is packed, in large size family packages, witlv and without china. 5 TRESPASSERS As two of my registered sheep were; shot and killed by hunters last year, and recently two of my best ewes were torn up by hunting dogs, I have therefore given strict orders to my men employed to gather evidence to prosecute all tres passers with gun or dog found on myr premises, and particularly to shoot and; kill all dogs found on the farms. So. that no one may be taken by surprise, I publish this notice. Fifty dollars reward is hereby of fered for the arrest and conviction un der section 36 on page 419 of the ses sion laws of 1909, of any person found trespassing by hunting with gun or dogs on my farms. Twenty dollars reward is also of fered for the arrest and conviction of any person for tearing down, cutting, destroying or defacing this notice, post-' ed on my farms Sept. 30, 1909. 9-30-D&W-tf M. S. Woodcock.. : The Gazette-Times 50c per month-.. Our Confidence in J M. Nolan & Son Of 40,000 merchants in the United States we deal with but 1,000. Of countless opportunities to increase the sale of Wooltex Coats, Suits, Skirts and Dresses ' for well gowned women, we select but few. X For the merchant who represents Wooltex garments must offer his public a store service I such? as few merchants are prepared to offer. He must have as high a standard in the conduct of his business as we have in 'the selec- tion of styles and materials for Wooltex garments, and in the employing of workmen to make I these garments. 1 t So in Corvallis we have chosen J. M. Nolan & Son. It is an affiliation between the best manufacturers in the line and the most progressive store in Corvallis, which profits not only J. M. Nolan & Son and us, but you. So from now on you will find that J. M. Nolan & Son is the home of FASHION FAULTLESS Coats Suits i Skirts '" Dresses For Well Dressed Women ; We choose our representatives with as much care as many business men'use in choosing their partners. ' 1 The reason is that we spend more to make Wooltex supreme in style, in workmanship, in material, in fit, than any other maker of -women's clothes. -Where other makers copy fashion plates we spend $50,000 simply for style. And from the design to the finished garment we offer extra value without extra price. ' At J- M. Nolan & Son's you will now find a large selection of Wooltex styles. Please cal1 and inspect these the best styles of. the season for American women of refinement and good taste..'. PARIS The H. Black Company Makers CLEVELAND