The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, October 06, 1909, Image 4

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Great Pageant Planned to.
Celebrate Restoration of San
Francisco and to Commem
orate Discovery of Its Har
bor by California's First
Spanish Governor :: :: ::
Three Big Parades Will Be
Spectacular Features of the
Affair Electrical Display
and Decorations to Sur
pass All Former Attempts
In, America :: :: ::
gilla Bogue, who has been chosen
queen of the celebration, is one of the
most beautiful women in America. ,
Instead of the handful of footsore .
and starving troops which followed him
HROUQH streets that 'will be a
wonderland of color and march
ing to the accompaniment of
scores of crashing bands and
,the booming of the big guns of the
great fleet of warships in the harbor
Don Gaspar de Portola, California's
first Spanish governor, who will be im
personated by Nicholas A. Covarrubias
during the week of the Portola fes
tivaL Oct. 19-23, at San Francisco, will
. make a triumphant entry with his
'army into that city on Oct 19 and
formally Inaugurate the great festival
that is to celebrate the rehabilitation
of San ' Francisco aDd the return of
the doughty old warrjor to its harbor
be discovered one hundred and forty
odd years ago.
The streets will be lined with count
less cheering thousands gathered from
every corner of the globe, come to see
vith their own eyes the modern: mir
acle of a city of marble - and granite
that has been reared In three years out
of a wilderness of smoldering rains.
"During this week In mid-October the f trial, state and international life. Gor-
, t teen electric lamps of sixteen candle
; power each. Fifteen hundred lamps
W .will be used in the colonnade alone. '
-' By day the city will be an entrane
t lng bower of beauty. Thousands of
miles of bunting will be used in drap
ing buildings, and hundreds of thou
sands of Portola pennants and banners
will flutter in the breeze!
Hug Bell of Electric Lights. -At
the junction of Market,- Kearny
and Third streets will be erected what
probably will be the largest piece of
electrical display ever exhibited, in the
form of .a huge bell, 20 feet in diam
eter, to be suspended by "large steel
cables. 125 Jeet in the air. Hundreds
of lamps will be used in the construc
tion of this bell.,. At the top of the
bell twenty eight-foot carnival flags
and an immense TFnited States flag
i u . 7 uistQV- will form a circle. From this circle
"cu iue uav ui oan r rancisco. Jjon t. j i.,...
np Pnri-nln wtll ha oooni-tn1 Urr ... . -
win extend to the lips of the bell. A
throngs of visitor will be the guests
of San Francisco at a' series of fetes.
spectacles.- athletic tournaments, balls
-wit pageants mar -win set a record ror
' the world in the way of entertainment.
Three-great parades will be spectac--tilar
features of the festival. The
mny fraternal oMers having unlform-
" V 'orna'have been notiflpii of their ac-
Gaspaf de Portola will be "escorted' by
a full company of royal dragoons In
faultless uniforms, ' with shining hel
mets and breastplates and mounted on
glossy black chargers, and" will lead an
army composed of the soldiers and
sajlors of the world This ; parade
through the streets will be a most 'im
posing spectacle. The cavalry and in
fantry of the regular army, the na
tional guard ,and the. uniformed drill
few minutes before midnight all of the
lights within a radius-of five blocks
of Third and Market streets will be
extinguished, and only those in the
immense bell will burn.' Along the
steel cables men in fantastic garments-
glowing with electric lights wlUwalk
and perform acrobatic feats. f
Loops of incandescent lamps at forty
foot intervals will be - strung' across
. luc , v"u organizations. many streets, and arches and loops of
with the naval forces from the war-1 flag3 also decorate them. A bril
if, ' ePfsent the edited ;Sfates, Uant pyrotechnic1 display will be given
while the bluejackets and marines from m Union square during the evenings
,v.c ym or Portola week. These displays will
ivtvca Ul L11C UUUUU9 OIUUUU LUG '
entire ''world. . t.
. The second parade will contain di
visions 'representing the civic, Indus
geously decorated floats will be a fea
ture of this affair. The, third of the
parades will be at night and will -contain
the illuminated floats. There will
be many original designs and ideas.1 ;-
Magnificent Illuminations Planned.
decorate and illuminate San Francisco
commence about 11 o'clock In the even-
I lng and will continue until after mid
, night;
I A 300 mile road race for automobiles
over "the beautiful1 boulevards of Ala
meda county will be one of the fea
tures of the festival. The race will
be the' biggest affair of Its kind ever
held in the west and will be on a par
with the famous Vanderbllt cup races.
The athletic committee arranging the
elaborate Droeram of snort to h inn.
At least $200,000 will be spent t$ ducted during the Portola festival Is
leaving no stone unturned in an effort
to make the carnival of sports unusual
In the history of athletics in San Fran
cisco. ' Boxing. , wrestling, swimming,
rowing, association football, Rugby,
tennis and golf will be included in the
series of events announced for that
week. ;
A flight of ah aeroplane across the
Golden Gate Is one of the attractions
for the Portola festival. While the.
distance Is not great, ranging from
three to seven miles, according to the
course chosen, 'it would give every one
a chance to see the flight from start
to finish. . " .
The flight of aeroplanes is but one of
the many novel features for the Porto
la festival. Balls and entertainments
of all kinds will" be provided to de
light and charm the visitor, v- ';
' The much disputed pronunciation!
Portola has been settled.! Don Gaspar
de. Portola,- first governor of Califor
nia, wrote his signature with an ac
cent mark on the last syllable thus,
Porto-la. This is . shown by. a photo
engraving of an authentic signature of
the doughty old Spaniard in '.'The
March of Portola," a book which has
been ' compiled and written by Zoeth
S. Eldredge and E. J. Molera.- The
original document showing the signa
ture of Don Gaspar de Portola" Is in
the possession of Molera. It was te
ceived by him from Puebla, Mexico;
where Portola was governor after leav
big California. The narrative of Por
tola's overland march to San Francis
co has been drawn principally from
the diary of Father. Crespi. Who was
one of the party. . - '
-ceptance as -part of the great army
which ;will march In military forma
tion at: the opening parade.'
ThisMopenlng parade will be strictly
'military and will combine the features
of a historical pageant and a modern
review, of troos. The Portola dra
Soons, that company of uniformed yeo
men which will be the personal escort
of Don Gaspar de Portola, will be one
of the' most picturesque features of the
Affahv', Recruited; from the handsom
est and sturdiest men In San Francip
co, they will be adorned , with ; helmets
.and cuirasses and will be mounted on
cbamplng chargers. - " '
The first parade will differ from the
historical pageant in that it will repre
sent the reception of the discoverer of
the bay In 1768 by' the people of the
city which has been built on its shores
and by the state and the nation. Por
tola himself and bis dragoons, with the
Indians and other followers,- will be in
the costume of their own period, and
the entrance to the city "will be In the
.manner of-the historical pageant.
"lo Be Welcomed as a leader.
His' arrival will be greeted by the
-salutes of the guns of the' great pow
ers out In the warships on the bay.
He will be received by the troops s of
the state and of the nation as a leader
and, iwlth'hls dragoons-will take his
dplace; at the head of the great parade
after? haying been welcomed .by', the
mayor and city and state officials and
the diplomatic representatives of the
world powers. ;
The ranks of the soldiery .will divide,
nd Portola, with his" personal body--:
nard,' will ride to the head of the Una
He will be escorted through the streets
4o Marshall -square, where the- city
all stood. This will be transformed
into a toyal wnrtf-and here- tala queen
and court will await him. Miss Ver-
Events In Settling the Middle West to
Be Depicted at Evanston. :
Society women in Evanston, 111., are
busy preparing a historical pageant
which is to last " three' days on the
campus of the Northwestern Univer
sity and Is planned to depict many of
the most interesting events in the set-"
tlement of the middle west. Evanston
is the chief suburb of Chicago and has
one of the largest and most prosperous
during the week of. the festival. w. The
festival rnmmlttM nrlll cnonil . of -iao&t-
S100.000 to deooratA nrt inmim,t,i,thi. women's clubs In the United States.-
streets. All of the famous Street dec- I n h V - S
orations and lllumlnaOons of the past Uttl hav? c11 the pageant
for which San Francisco' has been. g8- ' They h!-ve ,enro"ed ""ore- than
notable are to be. eclipsed. It Is ex- 500 -Mmm and girls and are enlisting
pected that the displays in magnitude toe'me number of -men ; and boy
and magnificence will surpass any- ' 70mea ,? colonla P feer cos
thing ever . before attempted In - the " repfent "?f, JlrteSl 0rIg
United States. More than 100.000 In- taaJ ftatea ; There will be old tune
candescent electric lamps, with a total -?rfe 1scllooners and an attack by
of nearlv 2.000.000 handle oower. will, lndlans Pon pioneers beaded west
. . , I .1 .VI J -1
alii lucil wtvra UUU CUllULCll All
Indian Village "will be a feature!,' mnd
it Is the Hope of the women to have
be used in the illumination.
Courts of honor, colonnades and big
displays hung high in the air will form
the principal features of the decora
tions and Illuminations.. .'They will ex
tend ovef three miles of streets. Mar
ket street for more than dne- mitewill
be spanned by-loops.of electric lights
sketching'' from building to building
every twenty-five feet.
' Snow -White ''Colonnade.
- ' At the foot of Market street. In front
of the ferry-building.. ;wlll be erected
a colonnade of Spanish architecture,
consisting"? of .. twenty " columns, each
twenty-eight feet .In height. . The col
umns will be three and a half feet
square at the top. The cornices will
be decorated wlth' egg ;and dart mold
ings. On each side of the columns will
be placed the letter J'P," made of .stuc
co and five feet in height' A five foot1
Spanish flag wUr float lbetwtf each
column, and on the pinnacles1" will" be'
placed four five-foot carnival -flags and
a six foot "flag of the : United States.
The entire : colonnade - will be snow
every detail historically correct'
D, A. R. to Mark Santa Fe' Trail.
The Daughters of the American Rev
olution have ' taken steps to mark the
old Santa Fe trail with a permanent
I memorial. c Miss Elizabeth Gentry of
j Kansas City has the work In hand, and
f the' present plan is to put up mile-'
stones along the trail through several"
; western states. Just now Miss Gektry'
is -preparing a petition to the Kajasas"
legislature to appropriate money to "put
up milestones through that state1. Club-
- women' 'are assisting' her' in gathering'
- names,; and many members of the Ieg--Islature
hate expressed themselves In
fat or of theT)lati.-' -
1- Device to See by Telephone. ';;,v
Alberto- Sanchez, a Mexican electrical
engineer, who is an Inmate of Belem
prison, declares he has Invented an
apparatus . whereby vision as' well as
i --i - .
white. -Badiatmg- front the ferry tow-,! orfflnnrv trfpnhoTTtf'wtrt.- "Hi. Vn m
r to. the top; of ,each, eojumnvwfll be. VP,ntinn M,AiMmkM: ,hA
loops of lhciandescent lamps. ' Between
each column other loops of lights will
be strung, forming an electric circle
120 - feet In diameter-On the Cornice
prison officials say that successful
testt "naw'Tseen made'Wlth - models:
The contrivance Is said to resemble a
nail Af- shjwf muh irTaaaAa tt-ofttiAA
of each column "win "be"placed' Beveni a. battery. . -
I yff V Pick .Your
X Favorite and'
J HelP Her Win
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Daily G.-T., 3 mos, $1.50... . : 500 votes
Daily G.-T.; 6 mos, $2.50.'.'.' 1250 votes
Daily G.-T., 1 year, $5.00. . . 3000 votes
Daily G.-T., 2 years, $10.00. 7000 votes
Daily G.-T., 3 years, $15.00.11000 votes
Each additional year.-.".. , 5000 votes
Weekly G.-T., 1 year, $2.00. 500 votes
Weekly G.-T., 2 yrs, $4.00.. 1250 votes
Weekly G.-T.', 3 yrs, $6.00.. 2500 votes
Each additional year.:..'. .. 1500 votes
Daily G.-T., 3 mos, $1.50.... 200 votes
Daily G.-T., 6 mos, $2.50. . . 500 votes
Daily G.-T., 1 year, $5.00. . . 1500 votes
Daily G.-T., 2 yrs, $10.00 . . 4000 votes
Daily G.-T., 3 yrs, $15.00. .', 7000 votes
Each additional year. 3000 votes
Weekly G.-T., 1 year, $2.00. 200 votes
Weekly G.-T., 2 yrs, $4.00Ti. 600 votes
Weekly G.-T 3 yrs;' $6.00i: 1250 votes
EacK'additiorial year." . ..... 1000 votes
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Contest Mnager'Gazette-Times
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