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About The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1909)
FRIENDS OF CONSERVATION League Launched to Save Re , sources of the Nation. TAFT APPROVES OF ITS AIMS. ENGLAND'S DANGER. President Joins National Association of Which Charles W. Eliot Is Head. ; Preservation of Human Efficiency as j Well as of Forests, Water and Mines Urged. With President Taft's name among the first on its roll of member's and With a fixed and radical policy with regard to the granting of, water power rights announced, a new conservation league has been launched at Chicago looking to the care of all natural re sources of .the nation and taking a definite stand as to projects of con servation already under way. . ' The formation of the new body, ;whlcb is known as the National Con servation Association, was recently tA 4.1 moAli'oil in a 1 iifiof f vriTYi Troal- -clent Taft permission to place, the exec utive's name in the. list of members. President Taft's acceptance of mem IwwHhln la considered bv the organizers aa the placing of his stamp of approval -on Hie declaration of principles lncor iporated In the constitution of the asso ciation, i '; El'ot l President. ; "Ponner President Charles W. Eliot Of Harvard university is the executive bead of the new league, and Mr. Fisher Is a member of the executive commit tee. The final steps toward organiza tion were taken in the latter part of July at Cambridge, Mass., but the fact . ... . -1 t : A .... Was IH)L JJUUiiu wul.. . Toft consented to become a member. flii membership in the new league is to !be composed or maiviciuais, wuue ,the; organization of last ;year was limited to associations. The most radical recommendations in the declaration of principles are those applying to grams 01 usi.. -whkSi arc- . n. innnrntlnn into all future grants --ol water power rights by state or nation of provisions to secure, the following: ' (a) Prompt development on pain or for feiture of the grant. b Payment of reasonable compensation tor- the .benefits,, granted, by . the people, with periodic readjustment of the rates of -compensation, so as to insure Justice both to tne investor aim iu mo Vu.,..w. .(c) The limitation .q p,ll..such grants to wieriods not exceeding fifty years and res ervation of the right to terminate and re icon vey the grant for proper cause and tipon equitable : compensation, - together with proper Inspection and - publicity , of records and accounts. ; (d) Recognition of the right of the ap propriate public authorities to make rea f onable regulations as to rates and ;serv-. ice. ' -..- i-The termination of all existing permits or grants for the development of water power and the substitution .of .new grants involving the foregoing principles as soon oa mav be consistent with the terms of the existing grants. The support and extension or the irri- Lord , Beresf ord Tells Why . Sh Must Retain Supremacy at Sea. Although Admiral Lord Charles Ber esford did not mention Germany by name in a speech recently made at a luncheon given him by the Pilgrims of the United States at the Lawyers' club in New York, the men who heard him took it for granted that he had the kaiser's country in mind when he intimated that he feared a war for his country in the near future. His most direct hit was in the following sen tence, which came after a long argu ment in favor of an adequate British navy: : Personally I must confess that I am not at ease concerning the outlook for the immediate future. I can see red spots in the sky. And this: If England loses the supremacy of the sea she is doomed. That will be the end of the British empire. He supplemented that remark with this: - . A European war will set back the prog ress of fhe world 100 years. In his speech Lord iieresiora saia: I am going to be very brief, for I real ize that in this part of the town the time for some of you is worth JIOO.OOO a min ute. First let me speak of my recent trip, in Canada. One thing that delighted me was the cordial feeling I found among all classes toward the United States. ' But the progress not only of Canada, but of the whole British empire, of the whole worlddepends on the maintenance HPOTISMluES; NERVOUS DISEASES 4 J My ' r How Philadelphia Lawyer Recov ered From Asthma. " PHYSICIAN WRITES A REPORT y XjOUD CHARLES BKKESFORIX of peace. England is the Only country In tne world wmcn is absolutely aupunuent upon the certain and punctual , delivery of food supplies and raw materials by ships. If we: were at war and the trude' routes were cut and there was any continued de lay 'in the arrival of our water borne ne cessities of life; that would mean the end of the British empire. All -other nations can. feed themselves out of their own fields or those of ad joining countries. ' For us everything' Is and always must be water "borne. For us It is a necessity, of life to have a navy that makes Our. trade routes sure. 1 do not speak of a navy big enough to win in war. I have :ln mind a navy so big that it will prevent war. A country's naval budget is the rate of insurance which that country pays for the security of its commerce. ;' But when the world notices that any one nation is paying a rate of insurance which on. the face of it - is- far in excess of what is necessary to protect its coast line ana Man Made III, In Doctor's Opinion by "Auto- Suggestion'' Must . Hitve the Patient's Consent In Order to Effect I Relief Through... Mentals Suggestion. - Used In Hysteria and Neurasthenia. That hypnotism has been used' suc cessfully for several years in the treat ment of many cases of nervous disor ders, though never without the.knowlr edge and consent both of the patient and of the members of his family, has become known after the publication-, fit the Journal of. Psychology, of a reportr presented by. Dr. Charles D. . Fox of 2126 Pine street, Philadelphia. The particular case with whicbj Dr, Fox's report dealt -was that of a law yer, designated only as-- Mr. X., who, Dr.. Fox said, had been cured t asthf ma by hypnotism; but Dc: Fox admits that the science of mental suggestion1 Is used frequently and effectively ini many cases that come to the nervous department of .the .Hahnemann hospt taL Philadelphia, with which he is con nected: "It should be understood," Bald Dr; Fox, '"that hypnotism is used only in selected cases where there appears to be no pathological condition-to account for the illness and which therefore of fer no opportunity for the employment of ordinary methods ,of treatment. It has proved especially valuable in treat ing various forms of hysteria and neu rasthenia and in curbing, and curing alcoholism and morphinism. -;M ;' Musi Have Person's Consent. Questioned as to the extent to, which hypnotic, influence should dominate an other's will, Dr. Fox emphatically laid down the proposition that it is impos sible to .put a. person in the hypnotic state .. without that person's, consent. He intimated that in his opinion,, any plea that a prime had been committed under hypnotie suggestion was .absurd. unless the person hypnotized had. de-jj lloerateiVi BU, iu,, ui ai, me- outset to, the control :of another,, but inJ ; his account. ,of his treatment of' his pa-. : tient. "Mr. , XM" , he gave remarkable instances or tne, extent ,iq ,wmcn pug- gestions.. made, while the patient. was in. a. hypnotic '.statfr had been ariedl B out artec tne. patient, .Baa returnea to his normal condition.: On one occasion it was suggested to- X. while under the hypnotic influence that exactly,, 870 minutes later .be should look at, his ' watch and .write down, the time as if for reference. Just 873. minutes after the suggestion was made B., who. at that time was In a. perfectly normal condition,' yielding to, a, sudden and, uncontrollable lm- SAN FRANCISCO, SAN JOSE, SANTA CRUZ, LOS ANGELES and all the, principal cities of California. A Private Pullman Car for the Exclusive 4Jse of the OREGON BOOBB All Expenses . will be paid by The Gazette-Times. Two weeks of sight seeing, pleas ure and recreation. The Oregon .Booster. Girls will be chaperoned by one of the mjst prominent matrons of Linn County. - ' DOMINATE YOUR FAVORITE TODAY .JSames will e; published in the near future kation oJT arid lands and the drainage of --sary protect coa .me ana top nig watch and recorded swamp and overflow lands. Mr. Fisher said the plan which had Ijeen discussed in 1908 . was outlined largely by President Koosevelt w.The purpose of the organization as aannounced is to unite in one great na tional organization all those who de sire to give their personal influence tnd support to the, movement. Its ob- i ject is to advocate the adoption of deflnite: measures to carry into effect the principles set forth. Each state jind territory shall be represented in the board of managers:" Principles of Association. I The statement of principles declares it to be of the, utmost importance that -the natural resources of the na-i-tlon shall be-developed and utilized rior the promotion of the public weir are without waste, destruction or needless impairment, and subject al ways to their intelligent conservation .and consequent preservation of the Tights and interests of future genera tions. The first portion of. the state xnent is a repetition of the declara tion adopted by the conference of gov ernors convened bythe president at the White House in May. 1908. , ; In addition to the policy concerning ,'lthe water powers the policy of the as sociation includes: The directing of public attention to the aieed for preserving the fertility of the The enactment of ' legislation whereby 3he title to the surface of public lands , and -to the minerals below the surface ' shall !be eranted separately. , The protection of the source waters of t navigable streams. - - - . The -enactment and enforcement by the jiation and by the states of effective laws to prevent spreading of Are in all forests. - The regulation ot timoer cutting on ior st land. : '!The separation lor purposes of taxation tot the timber from the land on which it , The preparation by ti commission ap- -pointed by the president Of the United :States -of a plan for waterway improve- .'.ment Including the development and dis- . position of water power, the irrigation of : -arid lands, the drainage of swamp and " 'overflow lands, the control of floods, the t prevention of soil wash, and the purifica t ilon of streams for water supply. i . The conservation and control of the un- aDDrODriated public range lands. , ; The retention 'by. Jthe government of the : -title to- All lands , still, in public, ownership . -which, contain phosphate rock,, coal... oil '. or natural gas and the development of the ' same under conditions that will prevent -. .-extortion and waste. ' ' The enactment of appropriate leglsla -tlon to prolong the coal supply, to reduce -waste hi mining and ,to establish Bafe- , jtuards against the loss of life in mines. One-, of the most, advanced declara lions of the association classes human -efficiency, neaitn ana nappmess au oat- ; nral. res9urtes, and .niahes .them of "equal importance with forests, waters, high rate then the minds of other nations are naturally unsettled. . Personally I must confess I am not at ease concerning the outlook for the im mediate future. ... I can see red spots the sky Many prominent statesmen of England have seen them, too, and have admitted the fact recently. The best assurance of the peace and progress of the world would be an un derstanding among all the, English speaK- ing people and several nations of the British empire and the United States that there should be no war anywhere. If England ' should have a war and should win, the victory would cost from a thousand to fifteen hundred milions of pounds sterling! That would mean loss here as well as in England. If we should lose, the United States would gain noth ing. CLUB OF BALDHEADED MEN. Members Agree to Go.Hatless From April 1 to Oct 1. , The , Hatless Club of Baldheaded Men,, which, was organized, in Omaha last spring, has , become so popular that its scope is now almost national. X)r Clark, the. national president- and originator of the movement, recently returned- from. Milwaukee, where 000 baldheaded men met in convention. Speaking of the results, he said: "Delegates all baldheaded were present all over the country. We adopted a rule that makes it compul' sory ior every member upon all occa sions to go hatless between , April- 1 and Oct. 1 of each year. This may seem silly and like a joke, but if our members will go hatless inside of five years every one of them will have crowns covered, with hair. Hats are enemies of hair." Led Her Cow to. School. Miss Edna . Cockrell, formerly 1 a teacher in the Tonkawa (Kan.) public, schools, is. .now assistant superintend ent of the girls' industrial school at Clarkson,' Miss. Writing to friends' at Tonkawa, MiSs Cockrell said lately: 'The girls, are from fourteen to twen ty years old. Most of them are very poor people, whom church people have given , Jmoney ; to go -to school. ; One poor girl came, leading a cow, twenty five miles. .She Is going to milk the cow night and. morning and sell the milk to pay her tuition." i -. Good Fellow, the Constitution. An Italian applying for naturaliza tion before Judge Adrian In the com mon pleas court at New Brunswick, N. the other day twas asked:' . f "uo you know tne conaumtionf". 1 Tes he said. " "What do you think of it?" ' i.n0h..hftier-jBO0d fella." ; Els application was refused. the time. ..The" difference of three min utes,, Dr, Fox thought, might have been due to a difference in the time of the .different watches. On another oc casion X., haying, been told while in the hypnotic state .that he would be alone in the room, absolutely failed to recognize the presence of another phy sician, Dr. Kulp, though Dr. Kulp, after, X. had been restored to his nor mal condition,. spoke to hm repeatedly and even took him by the hand. Ill Through Auto Suggestion. Mr. X.. the lawyer, is. described as thirtv-eieht years old. For several years ne naa sunerea irom asenma. and since 1906 the coughing attacks, which usually came on at night,were succeeded by a condition like .that of somnambulism. The patient, while ap parently rational and in full fosses' sion of his senses and, for instance, as was proved by experiment, - able to play an- excellent game of chess, be came unusually loquacious, discussing his private affairs most freely! but after an interval in which he regained his normal balance ..he remembered nothing of what he had said or done. Dr. Fox became convinced that 4he coughing attacks and the somnambu listic periods that followed them. were due to auto suggestion superinduced by .-. the fnmes of asthma powders which, it was-learned, the. patient frequently had inhaled until he fell asleep. 1 The experience "of falling asleep having occurred many times," says Dr. Fox In his. report, fa psychic short cut became established, and.tne morejhigh ly -elaborated auto-hypnotic or somnam bulistic condition began to appear, fol lowing a severe cough, even without the asthma .powder iavjng. been, used. The consequence was the result of as sociation of ideas- The beneficial re sults , of suggestion during tno-nyp-notic i state became apparent imme diately following his first treatment. On his second visit the patjent said he had' slept deeply three nights..- out of five without having been awakened by an attack" oi asthma. While under hypnosis ,tbe' second ."time "".the sugges tion was made . tnat paroxysms or coughing and somnambulistic attacks would never occur again. : 1 ?!- "Since Mri X. came under my care," the report goes on, "ne has been hyp notized only -eight- times. -At, present he sleeps well without being awakened by, jasthmatie, attacks, , and instead of having paroxysms of coughing when he arises in tne morning only .a- rew. coughs occur. i-.In fact,,he now Jias no: paroxysms whatever, and . since the first, treatment he lias not had a single one of any of bis various 'somnambu listic attacks." 1I0KS TOUR ft . VOTE SCHEDULE NEW SUBSCRIBERS Daily G.-T., 3 mos, $1.50... . ,. 500 votes Daily G.-T., 6 mos, $2.50. . . 1250 votes Daily G.-T., 1 year, $5.00. . . 3000 votes Daily G.-T., 2 years, $10.00. 7000 votes Daily G.-T., 3 years, $15.00.11000 votes Each additional year. 5000 votes Weekly G.-T., 1 year, $2.00. 500 votes Weekly G,-T., 2 yrs, $4.00. 1250 votes Weekly G.-T.. 3 yrs, $6100.. 2500 votes Each additional year.- 1500 votes COLLECTIONS AND RENEWALS Daily G.-T., 3 mos, $1.50.... 200 votes Daily G.-T., 6 mos, $2.50. . . 500 votes Daily G.-T., 1 year, $5.00". . . 1500 votes Daily G.-T., 2 yrs, $10.00 . . 4000 votes Daily G.-T., 3. yrs, $15.00. . . 7000 votes Each additional year. 3000' votes Weekly G.-T., 1 year, $2.00. 200 votes Weekly G.-T., 2 yrs, $4.00.. 600 votes Weekly G.-T., 3 yrs, $6.00... 1250 votes Each additional year 1000 votes CONDITIONS Read Carefully t 1 Any young lady is eligible to enter. Candidates may . nominate themselves. Nominating coupon in this issuV good for 1000 votes if voted on or before Saturday, October 9. t Only one nomi nating coupon will be counted for , each contestant. All nominations must' be accompanied by proper address of can didate. , The county has been divided into two districts. .One winner will be sent from each district. "Candidates may secure ; subscriptions anywhere, Reports must be made to Contest Man ager at least once a week.' " At the close of the cohtest the votes will be counted by five judges, selected by ,the candidates. '..The lady who has received the highest number of votes in' iier dis- trict will be declared the winner in her respective district. , Successful candi dates must place themselves under the guidance and direction of the chaperone and obey her. reasonable commands. As the young ladies who make up - the party will, by their grace and' presence, advertise our beautiful city as well as the state of Oregon, in no small way, they . will be expected to wear such badge or badges as will be suitable for that purpose. Votes will be' issued on old and new subscriptions. - Votes are not transferable. Read the vote schedule. Oregon Girls Tour Two of Oregon's Fairest Daugh ters Go From Benton County SeeThat Your Favorite: Is One of Them. She Will Be Happy to Be One of The Booster Girls From Oregon The County; has been . Divided into the Following Districts: District No. 1 District No. 2 Cqrvallis and Additions , Balance Benton County The, contest will i close in a few weeks. Enter now and win one of these Grand Trips. You will rnever know : how-popular ; you are until you enter this contest. This .trip iswotjx.wqrking for. Fill put the coupon at once and mail to. Contest Manager Corvallis , Gazette-Times, Corvallis,; Pregon. 3ands and minerals,