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About The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1909)
) NEW SUITS Just in by express, the newest and prettiest suits and cloaks from New York tailors. They are certainly beauties and you are assured a very pleasant visit by seeing them. 'rices Are lower than ever. Quality and style are excellent. Perfect fit ting garments. Special offer on Novelty Home spun Suits, all sizes and colors. $22.00 Silks For fall wear are pret- tier than ever and we have them in exclusive patterns of immense variety.' ' Furs Scarfs, ties, muffs, $1 to $12 THE SHOP F. L. MILLER 142 Second Street IF YOU WANT NEW EDISON RECORDS That have not been played buy from Graham & Wells We do not allow anyone to, handle our Records but our clerks. ' " Suits and Overcoats From $8 to $25 The season's latest styles and choicest fabrics. A. K. RUSS Dealer in all Men's Furnishings We sell cheapest because we sell for cash. . CORVALLIS. - - OREGON BOYS! GIRLS! Columbia Bicycle Free! Greatest offer out. Get your iriendsto subscribe to our magazine and we will make you apresentof a $40.00 Columbia Bicycle the best made. Ask for particulars, free outfit, and circular telling "How to Start." Address, "The Bicycle Man," 29-31 East 22d Street, New York City, N. Y. 9-23-3t UNDERTAKERS M.S. BOVEE, FUNERAL DIRECT or and Licensed Fmbalmer. Suc cessor to Bovpb & Bsuer Corvallis, Oregon. Ind. Phone 4s. Bell Phone 241, Lady attendant when desired. The City and Vicinity BLACKLEDGE & EVERETT, LILto do professional eating. Coach Metz r censed embalmers and funeral direct ors. Have everything new in coffins, caskets and burial robes. - Calls ans wered day and night. Lady assist ant. Embalming a specialty. Day phones, Ind. 117 and 1153, Beiy 531; night phones, Ind. 2129 and 1153. JeweU Baking Co. New and up-to-date Best Bjread, Buns, Pies ' and : . i ' Cakes in the city. .: i 341 Second Street Telephone 132 Deliveries made to all parts of town. - Mrs. W. J. Kerr and- daughter, Vesta, went to Portland last night. Born to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cum niings this morning at 1:30. a daughter. J. R. N. Bell and Capt Crawford left today for Dallas to attend Presby tery. W. P. Lafferty will leave .tomorrow on a business trip to Yreka and other California towns. Mr. Hans Popeschiel, violinist just acquired by the O. A. C. School of Music, has arrived., The Y. W. C. A. is giving a recep tion to new students this afternoon from 3:30 to 5:30. Shepard Hall is the scene of the activity. Miss Georgia White, head of the busi nesa department at the College of Philomath, was in Saturday arranging for books required in the course of study under her direction. The Coffee Club will give the first of its popular fall dances next Saturday evening. An ettort to make this a terpsichorean revel of more than pass ing pleasure is the intention. There will be a regular communica tion of Corvallis Lodge No. 14, A.' F. and A. M.j Wednesday evening, Oct. 6. All members are requested to attend. Visiting brothers cordially welcomed,.., H. W. Kaupisch, Clyde Phillips and W. H Kerr made the trip from Port land to Corvallis yesterday in an auto. They started at 3:30, found the roads in excellent condition, but they stopped at various places en route and landed here after 12 o'clock. As a proof that the Newtown Pippin is practically indigenous to the Willam ette valley, a resident cites the fact that trees of this variety planted fifty years ago are still bearing fine! fruit The trees to which he refers are on a farm near town, have never been cultivated, nor spraved until the nast twn and last year fruit from the trees was on exhibition in this citv and sold for $1.50 a box. A special service at the Presbyterian church last night was attended by-an audience that occupied all the room and then some. The music was in charge of the young people and a chorus of thirty or forty did splendidly. -, A spec ial feature was a solo , by Mrs.Birde'an F . Gamble, which was greatly en joyed. This service was arranged with the idea of securing song books. Dr. Bell want ed 100 books donated, at 24 cents each, and he congratulates himself, -the church and the congregation that inless than ten minutes 70 books were pledged. The remainder will be forthcoming. County Fruit Inspector E. W. Cooper, who has just returned from a tour of Linn county, says that some varieties of apples have yielded very poorly, but that Jonathans, Black Twigsr Ben Da vis and Spitzenbergs are yielding well. There will also be a fair crop of Bald wins, thougn some of this variety, are damaged' by rot. Mr. . Cooper says the- quality of local fruit is good and there will be approxi mately a dozen cars of No 1 marketable apples for exportation; He finds that the crop would have been much larger if growers had sprayed properly, but the prospects for a yield seemed so poor this Spring that many growers neglected spraying The fourteen foot cement walk about the Occidental corner is finished and now being used by pedestrians. It looks like a genuinely first-class, sub stantial, piece of work. It is re-in-forced with iron braces, rods and wire and is so built that the dirt beneath can be excavated without damaged to the walk. M.s SvWoodcock, owner of the Occidental corner, hopes to see a fine new building go up there one of these days, hence the extra work put in on this walk. It is said that Walter Kline is ready to , widen the walk in front of the Kline store but would like for owners of property between his own and that in front of the Hemphill property to do so at the same time, thus making one job of the work. Some of the' football boys are Agoing Rev. W. A. Orr. new pastor at the M. E. "church south. ; received word yesterday that a brother had been killed by a train at Morristown, Ky. A representative of the Morris Bond ing Co., Portland,' was in v Corvallis tDday looking after the matter of refunding the indebtedness of Corvallis. - The new High school at Alsea is being pushed along quite rapidly. The toundation is laid and the framework will be up by tomorrow according to contractor McHenry. h A. M. Goldman and family have moved from Linncounty and are dom iciled near the college. Mr. Goodman was consul to China under ' the Cleve land administration. The City council meets in regular session tonight. "- Tomorrow a special session to open bids for paving Second street will be held. , The bituhthic and Hassam people are bidding. V Attorneys Bryson and Denman came home Saturday evening from their hunting trip through the Alsea mountains. ' They got two bucks, and also got wet, very wet," there being much rainfall while they were in the hills. . - The Bell Telephone Co. proposes to let the public know where its central office is located. Normal : L. Haves is just finishing on the office windows two' monster Bell trademarks, and the paintings are loud enough to be heard a block. The wcjrk is complimentary to Hayes. ' :- ' -; "-- - - " The big merry-go-round at the corner of Third and Monroe is doiner quite a heavy business Vthese sunshiny, days. ; This merry-go-round is different from most in that its organ actually plays tunes. The amusement is ever popular with the youngsters. Free rides are being offered now. The Watters real estate agency con tinues to add to its museum of Benton county products. Within the oast few days some very fine specimens of grapes and Italian prunes have been bottled. Fine pears, peaches and cherries are on display there, together with ex cellent specimens of vegetables. Eight hundred and ninetvwere rear-' istered at O.. A. C. Saturday .evening. This is somewhat in advance ef the registration on the same date last year. However, the registration next Satur day will have to pass 1000 in order to be in excess of that of the correspond ing week last year. Quite a number of students came in today and none douht that next Saturday will show up satis factorily, -; , As he arose to the surface of the water in the Y. M. C. A. swimming pool Saturday evening, Leslie Palmer, a student from Seattle, gave an en thusiastic kick and hit something that cut his foot badly. Dr. Rowley fixed up the injured foot and Mr. Palmer walked home. Several stitches were taken in the wound and the patient now awaits recovery. He does not know what his foot hit jrtien he kicked. J. H. Dawson & Son. the naint con tractors of Corvallis, have just returned from Shedd, Linn county, where they have just " finished painting one i of the finest hnrrw in oil that section of the country for Arhison Bros., who, by awarding the contract for the work to these Corvallis experts, show that they knew where to go to get good painting and satisfactory work. Dawson & Son have made themselves good in Corvallis. RECEPTION TO llSJi NICKLE The members and congregation of the Methodist Episcopal church will tender a reception to their newly appointed pastor, Rev. S. N. Nickle, at the church parlors, corner Fourth and Madison, on Tuesday evening, October 5, at 7:30 o'clock, to which all rjersons interested are cordially invited Frightful Fate Averted "I would have been a cripple for life, irom a terrible cut on my knee cap, writes Frank Dibberrv. Kelliher. 'without Bucklen's Arnica Salve, which soon cured me." Infallible for wounds, cuts and bruises, it soon cures Burns, Scalds. Old Sores, Skin. Eruptions. world's best for Piles. 25 cents at all druggist. FOUND FOUND-Saturdav afternoon hash merry-go-'round, a gold bracelet. Owner :can have same bv nrnvi property and paying for this notice. 104-2t Sunday Excursions to Newport The C. & E. Railroad will run regular excursions to Newport every Sunday until further, notice, leaving! Corvallis at the same time as" heretofore. Fare for round trip, $1.50. ' 9-9-tf R. C. Linvim.e. Affent. Case of Too Much Ham.' One moraine not lone- airo there tripped up to a butcher stall in a Bal timore market a dainty little, thing out lor ner nrst marketing. "My husband bought a connle nf nips bams from you not long ago." she an nounced. "Xes'm." said the smiline butcher: "I remember well. Fine hams, weren't they?" " ' . 'They were delicious." said the young wife. "Have you any more like them? ' "Lots." responded the butcher, in dicating a row of hams in the- rear of the stall. The young thins surveyed the hams thoughtfully.- "Are you sure."", she finally asked, "that they're from the same pig as that from which my hus band bought ?' - "-. "Yes'm." answered the butcher with out so much as a quiver of an eyelid. may send me three more of them," she said. Pittsburg Post " ORIGINAL BEAU TY ger has established a training table and henceforth the prospective mem bers of the big team will have their food measured and weighed out to them. 1 They will not be allowed to put gravy on their meat and sncrar is barred from the coffee. No amount of of pleading will allow - any member more than fnnr pounds of meat at any one meal and if pie is served at all it will be confined tO pieces about the size nfhntfiivngfKoii Any man taking a bite of anythingt cvcaui appie, Decween meals will, be hung up by the thumbs, and he who gives way to one cigarette or a pipe full of leather trimmings and sawdust will be shot on the spot. Dunn, Haw ley, - Wallace! Evendoh; Vr.: Davis, Sitton, H. Davis, Gilbert, Enberg and Keck are the victims of This dic tum thus far. Others will be on the list shortly. ' . . PARLORS HER E - To the ladies of Corvallis desiring the service of a com petent massuer, hair dressing, manicure," scalp.; treatment for falling hair, massage for winkles; shampoo, : etc.; at "their , own homes, can get it now, as I have securedj the : service - of; Miss Kapich, (lately returned from the east.) We have our own shampoo and skin food. No thing to harm the most delicate skin. Mrs. H. E. Wetherla ; 151 Madison street '.' Ind. Phone No. 2501.' 10-4-6-8 The Caspian Sea. The Caspian sea is, as Herodotus said 2.000 years aeo. "a sea bv itself. having 'no connection with any other." Jiivery scnoomoy Knows tnat now. out it Is remarkable to find Herodotus saying so. because centuries after his time such authorities "as Strabo and Pliny believed that it was connected with the northern ocean by a long and narrow gulf. Geography seems to have had a setback in the interval through false information received at the , time of Alexander's conquests. Herodotus says that the Caspian's length was fifteen days' voyage with a rowboat. its breadth eight days'. Since the actual figures are 750 miles and 400, this shows that a rowboat of the time did fifty miles a day. London Graphic. ; ' . Shank's Mare. "1 haven't "got a limousine or any aeroplane; I haven't got la coach an' six. not e'en a special train; 1 haven't got a bicycle nor yet a hoss an' team. I git along all right, by jinks, 'thout gaserline or steam. I travel jest by shank's mare an' never hev no fear but what I'll reach, my. stoppin' place the same day in the year. No artificial rigs for me. no busted tires or bones, no landin' all up in a heap upon the highway stones. I may be slow a-get-tin' round an' cause the world to stare, but I will git there by an' by all right side nv with care." Boston Herald. WANTED Wanted Six men to work on log- ' gmg spur, C. & A. Railway. Occiden ! tal Lumber rv - . in a Round Trip Rates to Chicago i- On October 4th the Southern Pacific will sell round trip tickets to Chicago for J75.10. These tickets carry a going limit of 10 days going. Return limit November 30th, 1909. Stonovers will be allowed on going trip within limit and on return trip within limit. Pas sengers may go one route and return another if desired. - -- - 9-. -8t ; - R. C. LiNvn.r.F. Awnt. ' WANTED Good pasturage for one or two horses from Oct 1st through winter. Call at Huston's Hardware store:5 ' 10-l-2tw WANTED Experienced girl for gen eral housework. ; Phone 4266 9-24-tf . FOR SALE For Sale Fine standard bred driv- A ing horse, four years old. Has gone a mile under three minutes. Will trade for good cow or wood. : Phone 4152. ' - r :, 10-4-6t For Sale ' Cheap A cook - stove' and buggy. Madison. v . ' - second-hand Inquire 557 10-4-tf FOR SALE My fine driving mare is for sale. She is perfectly gentle; any lady can drive her. Jack Milne. 10-2-tf Business Pointers. TL - . - . inese cost money and are - -U worth your attention. , Art squares and rugs, full line at Blackledge's furniture store. 10-2-tf Native and eastern oysters at Dad's place. io-i-tf GOOD BOARD AndTleaKnt for seven people. Electric lights bath. Everything homelike. 440 S. nth St phone 1150. . 9.28-tf Six loaves of bread for 95 Andrews & Kerr's Bakery. 9-24-tf yur window Miner's, North Second St. glass at A. L. 9-28-tf GOOD BOARD A iWlUD for people. Electire lights and bath. Everything homelike Am s 11 tu o J --v aa UK, phone 1150. 9-28-tf Go to Andrews & Kerr's Bakerv for fresh pies, cakes, cookies, etc., 9-24tf BUTTERICK PATTERNS We are sole agents here for cnese always reliable Patterns. MAILED FREE Air persons desiring the Monthly Fashion Sheets may have them FREE. We will mail copies the first of October to all who send or give us their name. Newest in Ladies' Suits, Coats, Waists, Furnishings, Shoes Henkle & Davis Eat Golden Rod Flakes, " They are better for breakfast, Than old-fashioned corn cakes, And five minuets time, Is all that it takes At Kline's. 6-12-tf Watch for Andrews & Kerr's delivery. 9-24-tf For Sale An Oliver tvnewriter. New, used less than two months. Perfect condition. - CheaD for cash. ATTORNEYS F. YATE8, ATTORNE Y-AT-LA W Omce Rooms 3, 4, 1st Natl Bank Bldg GEO. W. DENMAN Attorney at Law , CORVALLIS. OREGON Office in Fischer building, over Graham & Wortham drug store f TRESPASSERS. As two of my registered sheep were shot and killed by hunters last year, and recently two of my best ewes were torn up by hunting dogs, I haye therefore given strict orders to my men employed to gather evidence to prosecute all tres passers with gun or dog found on my premises, and Darticularlv to shnnt nri kill all dogs found on the farms. So that no one may be taken by, surprise, I publish this notice. Fifty dollars reward is hereby of fered for the arrest and conviction un der section 36 on page 419of the ses sion laws of 1909, of any person' found trespassing by hunting with gun or dogs on my farms. Twenty dollars reward is also of fered for the arrest and conviction of any person for tearinc down destroying or defacing this notice, post ed on my farms Sept. 30, 1909. 9-30-D&W-tf M. S. Woodcock. For Rent Good piano. Phone 4216. Charles Haskell. 9-23tf E E. WILSON Attorney At Law Zierolf Bldg. Corvallis, Oregon f The Gazette-Times 50c per month. 3Torra.iza.atio2a. Blaiils: 1OQ0 VOTES Name. . . .................. Town Street No. . . . Must be Voted On or Before October 9. i OREGON GALLS "MORE PEOPLE" Pass the word to your relatives and friends to come now. LOW COLONIST RATES To Oregon will prevail from the Bast September 15 to October 15 -VIA 11 HE OREGON RAILROAD 8 NAVIGATION CD. AND SOUTHERN PACIFIC (LINES IN OREGON) From Chicago. . . ...... . .$33.00 " St. Louis.. ............ 32.00 " Omaha................ 25.00 ; " St. Paul... 25.00 v . " Kansas City.... ....... 25.00 FARES CAN BE PREPAID Deposit the amount of the fare with the nearest O. R. & N. or S. P. . Agent and ticket will be delivered in the East without extra cost. Send us the name and address of any one interested in the State for . . Oregon literature. R. C LINVILLE, Agent, Corvallis, Oregon. WM. MMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. -