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About The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1909)
Fall Dress Goods '. ' ' . ' And silks for stylish f women. The very 1 ' newest all-wool dress 1 goods in the latest fall and winter weaves. Plaid Silks are very ' popular, and we have ; I them in immense variety. Waist patterns only $3.50 Table Linen in new and f pretty 'designs, guar- anteed pure linen, ' ,i 72 inches 'wide, $1.50 Bonnets . For children in the prettiest and newest styles. Printzess City: arid Vicinity i' Suits and cloaks for Women and Misses ... are now on display ' here at popular prices. Furs ' ; ! Scarfs, ties, muffs and I ; sets in new fall styles . at medium prices. ' '' $l to $12 1.T v . ii ' THE ' taKSHoe . P. L. MILLER ? 142 Second Street , IF YOU WANT NEW. 1 EDISON RECORDS I That have not been played . j buy from - Graham , & Wells ! '.''.'.- We do not allow anyone to - : handle our Records but our clerks. " Roy Dunn and Lillie M. France, of Kings Valley, have been granted a licence to wed. The ceremory will take place next week. ' . : Elbert . Hubbard, . one of the most notorious, if not' famous, men ' of the age, at the . Armory t tomgnt. ine price is 50 cents, but it's worth that just to see this character. Ralph J. Erwin and Miss Maude McBee, of this city, will be married tomorrow. This wedding was to .have taken place some time ago,' but the illness of the young lady prevented. - Presbyterian Synod tneets at New- berg next Wednesday evening, and Presbytery will be held at Dallas "Mon day evening. Capt? Crawford and J. R. N. Bell go from here as delegates. ;.'J. L. Lewis has purchased the'effects of the R. F. Baker ires estate office in the Hotel Corvallis building and . will do business both there and at the old stand..- Mr. Baker has gone to New port. Sheriff Gellatly is at home from a two months' stay at a Portland hospital, where he was operated on ; for appen dicitis. He is able to be about the ;city, but is quite weak. Old friends are glad to greet him and to note that he worth a half dozen dead men. ,.Ari item in , the Albany Democrat says : "Rev. C. T. Hurd, of the Anabel Presbyterian church, Portland, has ac cepted a call to the Presbyterian church dt Newport. ' He was formerly pastor of the Evangelical church at Corvallis, a young man of splendid character and attainments. . , Of seven men standing on a street corner yesterday discussing : current ievents.but, one expressed a desire to see Taft in preference to Elbert Hubbard, who will be, at the Armory tonight. The people who know anything of Hubbard desire to see and hear him. Those who do not know him should , go and get acquainted. '. ' S...B. Bane, has been over the Cali fornia route to be taken by the .Oregon Booster girls and was pleased to read a portion of the description of the route, He says the excact detail is there and it was told so vividly that he readily recalled the scenes. That "seventeen mne anve" along the beach near Monterey is superfine. Esther M., little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.-.J3. Archerd, .- died this morning from an attack of summer cqmplaint. The funeral service will be held tomor row afternoon at the home. Rev. Mc- Vieker officiating, after which the re mains will be laid to rest in the Odd Fellows cemetery. The little child was one and a half years old. The Archerds live in Linn county, just across the river at the ferry. - WKTOWOR- AN OAKVILLE WEDDING TOMORROW Suits and Overcoats From $8 to $25 The season's latest styles and choicest fabrics. A.K.RUSS Dealer in all Men's Furnishings We sell, cheapest, because we . sell for cash. CORVALLIS. - - OREGON J ewe I Baking Col New and up-to-date Best Bread, Buns, Pies and Cakes in the city. 341 Second Street Telephone 132 Deliveries made to all parts. , of town. BOYS! GIRLS! Columbia Bicycle if reel ureatest otter out. liet your friends to subscribe to our magazine and we will make you a present of a $40.00 Columbia Bicycle-rthe best made. ' Ask for particulars,! free outfit, and circular telling "How to Start. " Address, VThe Bicycle . Man,' V 29-31 East 22d Street, New York City, N: Y. 9-23-3t UNDERTAKERS M. 8. BOVEE, FUNERAL" DIRE CT or and Licensed Embalmer. vSuo cesser "to Bovee - Bauer Corvallis, ' Oregon. Ind. Phone 45. Bell Phone , " 241,n Lady attendant when desired., I ,- BLACKLEDGE , & EVERETT, LI ' . censed embalmers and funeral direct- " ors. Have everything new in coffins, : caskets and burial robes. T Calls, ans ' wered day and night. Lady assist ant. Embalming a- specialty. Day 3 r phones, Ind. 117 and 1153, Bell, 531; ' night phones, Ind. 2129 and 1153. Hunters may welt ' read " and ponder M. S. Woodcock's warning in this paper. That gentleman has found his sheep mutilated and killed and suffered no little loss from careless or disreputa ble hunters and he now proposes to prosecute any persons found on his land. This is exactly right and it is to be hoped that the first man who gets there will get what is coming to hinu The Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. gave a reception at the Armory last night. This was a welcome to new students, a get-acquamted affair. . Dr. Kerr enthused awhile. Dr. J. R. N. Bell added to the gayety, Mrs. Kidder gave one of her strong tacks, JB. Horner jollied the students, and in a musical way Mrs. Gaskins, W. R. Boone and the mandolin club contributed much to the pleasure 1 of the' assemblage. The students had a jolly good time. ' The heavy rainfall is. looked upon by the farmers as a money maker. The pastures are growing nicely ' now and J-l J -m . m . me dairymen ana, in lact every one owning a cow or horse-will find it much more economical to keep their stock in good shape now that the grass is be ginning to turn green and grow longer. Stock feed is still holding up to a. high price and there is very, little evidence that it will be reduced to any great extent for some time yet." 'About, the only dissatisfied person is the water- wagon man. The rain completely knocked him out'of a job. ' Those who miss Elbert Hubbard, at the Armory tonight, will have passed up something well-worth .their while that is, if any lectures are.w'orth what they cost. That they are worth more than they cost is the - testimony of those whose experience entitles them to speak in the matter. Hubbard will present in an hou more fact and fancy than most people can, or will, read in a month or .year. , He will paint more beautiful word pictures than most speakers have at their command, and he will hitlmore nails squarely on the head than any shingler ever hit in one day.' "...-""'"'';' Next Monday evening the O. A. C. chorus will .hold its "..first; rehearsal of me year. i,ast yeartne chorus sang some vety enjoyable ,-, music and spent', many . ' pleasant ', land ,'f pro fitable hours in working np some of the heavier selections. , .The Aopera 'Mi kado'" grew out of this chorus work. Prof. Gaskins hopes to have a .splendid chorus this yearj and work up another opera or , two. The down ' town UNITED EVANGELICAL Evangelical Church, corner of Ninth and Harrison streets. Subject next Sunday at 11 a. mi, ""The Test of Con suming Fire." At 7:30 p. m. will be the first of a series of sermons on the subject, "Creation of the World." Sun day School at 10 a. m., K. L. C. E. at , 6:30 p. m. ; The continued Bible study on Wednesday' evening at 7,:30'in' con nection with the prayer service is "Harmony of the Four Gospels Chron ologically," All are welcome at these services and : will be made to feel at home. ' PRESBYTERIAN Preaching at the Presbyterian church tomorrow morning by thepastor, J. R. N. Bell. 'Morning topic, "Why Does the Christian Church Celebrate the Sac rament?" Reception of members at the morning service, and also the eom munion will be observed. . The session will meet at the manse at 10:30 a. m. Sunday School at 10 a. m., ' Prof. N. Tairtar, superintendent; C. E. society at 6:30 p. m. At 7:30 there will be a choral service, with orchestra, and the pastor will make a short address, the subject being "Why People Love Mu sic." To all of these services both old and young are earnestly invited. CHURCH OF CHRIST After months of extensive improve ments, wherein the church building has been practically made new and almost doubled in size, the congregation is now using the main auditorium. ' Bible School at 10 a. m., J.'L. Russell, super intendent; preaching and , communion 11 a. m., subject of sermon, "What God Hath Cleansed, Make Thou Not Common." C. E. at 6:30 p. m.; 7:30 p. m., preaching. "The Last Warn ing" the second. sermon of a series of evening sermons on the subject, "The Final Word From Heaven." Everybody welcome. H. H. Hubbell, pastor. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL ' 'A ' Prophylactic ' of Covetousness' ' will be the theme of Evan P. Hughes, the minister, at the First Consreca- tional Church, corner of (As reported by one present) A very pretty ., wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Bayne near Oak ville, Wednesday, Sept 29. at 11 a. m. when their daughter, Ida. was married to Mr. . Herbert Millard. Rev. H. C. Marshall of Shedd, .officiating. About forty relatives and friends were pre sent to witness the -;- ceremony, after which an elegant dinner was served.. The bride was dressed in a beautiful pale blue silk . and white bridal . Veil. . The decorations of vines and flowers were elaborate and beautiful. The Dnae ana groom jare . among our most popular young people, being held in high esteem, as well attested the large 1 number of i beautiful -and useful wedding presents they received. After a visit to the Seattle fair,, they will make their home on the J? TUT"" X - rrr : -w-v m rarmgx iyir. j. w. rugn, near Shedd. V WANTED w ajn i Hijj (jood pasturage lor one or two horses from Oct 1st. through winter.- Call at Huston's Hardware store. 10-l-2tw 'WANTED Experienced girl for gen eral housework. Phone 4266 9-24-tf FOR RENT For Rent New seven room house, west of depot, on 18th street Phone 1 4317. W. P Darby. 9-28-5t For, Rent Corner Third and Jeffer son Sts, suite . of rooms,, and one large single ; room, convenient to . business section. - 9-27-6t FORSALE i ryn rjAic iviy nne ariying mare . is for sale. She is perfeetiy gentje; any lady can drive her. Jack Milne. , 10-2-tf FOR, SALE- Four thoroughbred Third and Jef- Fox-terrier puppies. Phone 4111. Cor. 6th and Harrison, 561. For Sale Piano Call phone 142. ' ferson streets, 11 a. m., tomorrow, Oct. 3, '09. ''..-In the evening, 7:30 p. m., Mr. Hughes will speak on "Judge Not; What are the Requisites of a Christian Judgment?" The School for Bible study, superintended , by Prof. A. B. Cordley convenes at 10 a. m. ; Devotion al Hour of the C. E.' is 6:30 p. m. This church always extends a most cordial welcome to all to its services. i EPISCOPAL Church of the Good Samaritan, corn er Jefferson and Seventh streets. Rt. Rev. Franklin S. Spalding, D. D. Bish op of Utah, will officiate at a special service Wednesday evening, October 6.' A , cordial invitation is extended :. the public to be present. Rt. Rev. Charles Scadding, Bishop of ..this Diocese, will ayjiinjaiiy uisuup opaiuuig aiiu Willie JJajye anJ nere win meet me vestry oi tne parish i piace rector to this important field. - 9-30-3t FOR SALE 7 room house, barn and shed. Corner Monroe and 9th St. Ap ply 112 9th street. 9-30-3t in good condition 9-27-6t Business Pointers. These cost money and are worth your attention. Art squares and rugs, full line at Blackledge's furniture store. 10-2-tf For a good big sanitary loaf of bread j. rt ii ii i go o omaii, xne oniy machine shop in the-city. ,Wed-Sat-29 ANQTH RAILROAD eastern oysters at Dad's 10-1-tf GOOD BOARD And pleasant rooms for seyen people. Electric lights bath, Everything homelike, 440 S. ; 11th Sts. phone 1150. 9-28-tf lwo good scratch tablets for 5 cents at Starr's. . 9-30-3t One scratch tablet and pencil for 5 cents at Starr's one goo . 9-30-3t Six loaves of bread for 25 Andrews & Kerr's Bakery. cents at 9-24-tf .Get your window glass Miner's. North Second St. at A. L 9-28-tf GOOD BOARD-And pleasant rooms tor people. Electire lights . and bath Everything homelike, 440 S, 11th Sts phone 1150.: 9-28-tf Go to Andrews & Kerr's Bakery . for fresh pies, cakes, cookies, etc., 9-24tf singers iave a cordial invitation to join, in the chorus" work. fe'It costs - nothing but a little effort, and the singers get a lot of good training while, having some real pleasure, . Newport Signal: The work of the survey of the Newport. Otter ; Rock & Siletz Railroad, has been completed by Surveyor Wygant, ,and 4we are informed that some of the right of way has vbeen secured, . The incorr pdrators of the proposed new electric line are a Mr. Keyt of Vancouver, Wash., a Mr. Brad shaw of Wisconsunand R.. ErBak- er of Corvallis. It is understood that.the road will be financed by Wisconsin capital, and " that 630 acres of land,adjoining . Cape Foulweather,. is put on' the market inthe near " future, the : intention .' of . y the :-: . promoters being to make of it a summer resort. The bay on the south of Cap Foulweather will front on the tract. : and ' was surveyed several years ago by .the govern ment to be used as a harbor of ATTORN EYS Eat Golden Rod Flakes, -They are better for breakfast, .-.-..Than old-fashioned corn cakes, j- And. five , minuets time, ' ,i Is all that it-takes . At Kline's. . 6-12-tf " Watch for Andrew & Kerr's special ueuverj. -Z4-tI " For Sale An New, used less , Perfect condition. Oliver typewriter than two months Cheap for cash. Possess BENJAMIN CLOTHES, with their New York air, exquisite custom-tailor finish and authoritative style. It is a most simple matter to see them,Jand a welcome awaits you at our shop. BUTTERICK . We are .sole agents here for these always reliable Patterns, MAILED .FREE All persons .desiring the Monthly Fashion Sheets ,may have them -FREE. We will mail copies the first of October to all who send or give us their name. - Newest in Ladies' Suits, Coats, Waists, furnishings, Shoes Henkle & Davis E. E. WILSON . Attorney At Law Zierolf Bldg. Corvallis, Oregon GEO. W. DENMAN Attorney at Zaw CORVALLIS, OREGON Office in Fischer building , over Graham & Wortha,m drug store As two of my registered sheep were shot and killed by hunters last year, and recently two of my best ewes were torn up by hunting dogs, I have therefore given strict orders to my men employed t-o gather evidence to prosecute all tres passers with gun or dog found on my premises, and particularly to shoot and kill all dogs found on the farms. So that ho one may be taken by surprise, I publish this notice. Fifty dollars reward is hereby of fered for the arrest and conviction un der section 36 on page 419 of the ses sion laws of 1909, of any person found trespassing by hunting with gun or dogs on my farms. Twenty dollars reward is also of fered for the arrest and conviction of any person for tearing down, cutting, destroying or defacing this notice, post ed on my farms Sept. 30, 1909. 9-30-D&W-tf M. S. Woodcock. Good piano. Haskell. For Rent Phone 4216. Charles 9-23tf The Gazette-Times 50c per month. ZiTonaQ.IrLa-tiorL Blank 1000 VOTES Name... ... Town Street No Must be Voted On or Before October 9. matter was dropped. ;OJ5e B,oom3, 4, ist Natl, Bank Bldg., OREGON if iS "MORE PEOPLE" Pass the word to your relatives and friends to come now. LOW COLONIST RATES To Oregon will prevail from the East September 15 to OGtober 15 VIA THE OREGON RAILROAD 8 NAVIGATION CO. AND SOUTHERN PACIFIC (LINES IN OREGON) From Chicago...... " St. Louis..,.. " Omaha....... " St Paul...... " Kansas City.;. .$33.00 .32.00 . 25.00 . 25.00 -25.00 . FARES CAN. BE PREPAID Deposit the amount of the fare with, Ithe nearest O. R. & N. or S. P. Agent and ticket will be delivered in. the East without extra cost. Send us the name and address of any one interested in the State for Oregon literature. R. C. LINVILLE,, Agent, Corvallis, Oregon. VVM. M'MURRAY, General Passenger Agent, . Portland, .Oregon.