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About The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1909)
CORVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY,; SEPTEMBER 30, 1909 VOL I. NO. 129 GAMBLING DEN AND BUND PIG RAIDED BY OFFICIALS LAND GAMBLERS AND CAPTURE CONSIDERABLE SURPLUS ESSENCE OF TAMARAC. TWO GAMBLERS RELEASED ON BAIL VACATE VERY PROMPTLY One of the Prisoners Showed Up in Court at Appointed Hoar, Pleaded Guilty and Was Fined $20 Judge McFadden Assists Police in Raid and Ren dered Valuable Service With Aid of Walking Stick Citj Treasury Fund Enlarged About $70 as Result of This Activity. . TAXES UNPAID NEXT MONDAY WILL BE RATHER DELINQUENT In the belief that the Vienna Cleaning Parlors on North Sec ond were but a gambling den and "blind pig," Chief Wells, assisted by Policeman William son and Judge McFadden, made a raid last night and landed four men F. J. Reams, of Portland, - '- Francis, of Eugene, Harry Waggoner and Roy Rickard, of Corvallis. These men, with the exception of Rickard, were charged with gambling, and re leased on $25 bonds. They were to appear before the court at 9 o'clock this morning, : but only Reams did so. He pleaded guilty and was fined $20. Francis and Waggoner failed to show up, having hired a buggy and driven to' Alban v last merit, - atchine the next train north. See the Game, tPl-iA wai'J -r1 n S) - oVvAllf Tt o'ciock. ronceman wimamson was stationed at the front door while Chief Wells and Judge McFadden went to the rear. Through a crack in the door the latter two watched a game of draw poker until the men began to quarrel. . When one of the trio swept the money from' the table and arose, Chief Wells , thought it time to act,' and made an effort to break in the door. At this the lights were put out Wells ordered the door opened, .and it did open as Waggoner at ': tempted to make, a get-away. Fadden credit for being all wool and a yard wde. He exhibited all the courage of the gallant six hundred at Balaklava and at one time when the vicious . man . of the bunch seemed about to strike Wells the Judge grabbed his cane with both hands and made the gambler change his mind. The raid has netted the city $70 and this will be increased by the fine that will be assessed against Rickard for drunkenness. '"' "-"' ""' '" - ilGOLOlTS ARRIVING DAILY All taxes unpaid when the clock strikes 5 next Monday afternoon will become delinquent and subject to penalty and in terest. For the last two or three weeks the Sheriff and his depu ties have been kept busy , taking in the coin, and it is probable that the delinquent list will be small, as usual. - Delinquent taxes are no longer advertised, the Oregon Legis lature haying repealed that sec tion of the law. The members doubtless thougnt tne news paper men were getting too pros perous, so they decided to dis pense with the custom of adver tising property before selling it for delinquent taxes. The jiew law provides that any day after the expiration of six months after the taxes charged against real property are delinquent, the tax cojlector shall, upon demand and pay ment of taxes, interest and pen alty, make out and issue a . cer tificate of delinquency against such property. Such certificates shall hear . interest from the date of issuance until redeemed at the rate of 15 per cent per annum, and shall be .-sold to any person, in or der of priority in applying therefor, -npon the pay ment of the . value in principal and interest thereof. At any time after the expira tion of three years ; from the first date of delinquency, the noiaer . oi ,- sucn cerancate may summon the delinquent to re- the lien against .the property mentioned in such certificate. Personal property upon which the tax is delinquent for a per iod of 30 days .after the first Monday in April, or after the first . Monday in October, ; shall be sold for the payment of such tax, and such sale shall be ab solute. REPORTED SALE OF DISEASED BEEF AROUSES INDIGNATION OF PEOPLE CITIZENS OF CORVALLIS DEMAND THAT ACCUSATION OF WREN WRITER, WHO CLAIMS TO KNOW, BE SUBSTANTIATED. THREE STORY BUILD NG FOR DALLAS IF GUILTY, HANG BUTCHER; IF NOT GUILTY, HANG Published Statement That Corvallis Butcher Killed and Sold Beef Afflicted With ' "Big Head" Creates Discussion and Has Finally Aroused Business Men to a White Heat Temperature They Propose to Take the Matter Before tht . Officials and Somebody May Yet Be Sorry. All former records Art" colonist travel will be broken this year through the arrival of newcomers in Oregon resulting from the special rates provided by the railroads. From statistics com Diled by the passenger depart ment of the Harriman svstem deem his Property, and if not so : x.4.i-L redeemed, the Circuit Court y " uia T shall grant a decree colonists entered tne state aunng the first seven days of the special rates this year than for the first seven days of the special reduc tion of rates in 1908. -For the seven days ending Sunday, 1158 new settlers arrived in. Oregon as against 1097 ' for the first eight davs last year, or an increase of foreclosing Dallas twill no longer be class ed. with the '. twostory brick towns says the Observer. Landlord Thompson has decided to make the new annex to the Hftel Gail a three-story structure instead of a two-story building, and the plans have been changed accordingly- The foundation is sufficiently strong to support the heavier weight, and the work will be rushed with all possible speed. 1 - The . brick for r the annex is arriving and the masons will be able to commence work in a few few days-, :The new ? three-story hotfehwiirbe'Sr great' advertised ment for Dallas, and Mr. Thomp son is to be heartily congratulat ed for his progressive and enter prising spirit in. ..adding ; such ; a valuable improvement to the town. " --- - Good Haskell. For Rent . piano. Phone 4216. Charles 9-23tf DID A BUTCHFR OF COR VALLIS SELL TO HIS PA TRONS MEAT FROM A BEEF AFFLICTED WITH "BIG HEAD?" - A.citizen of , Wren published in the most recent issue of a Philo math paper an article t in which he made such an accusation, the Gazette-Times called attention to the ' article,1 and now the citizens of Corvallis are discuss ing the t question. The" more they discuss it,v the ', more in dignant they become, and now there is a demand,. that this - .. . -' matter, be-jthreshed out,' - Would Do Things. , , s - . , Many business men say that if any Corvallis butcher has knowlingly 3old "big head" beef he should hot only be forced out of business but should be prose cuted to the limit of the law. Others , advocate more., drastic punishment, such as horse whip- Philomath, rightly said ping, and - hanging by thft thumbs. v Indignant at Wren Man... v . Many of the,- expressions of ; , indignation are also directed at the writer of the article paper. . It ia that if ' he had knowledge of the killing of "big head".-beef. ; by j any 4 butcher-he should have IMMED IATELY reported that matterto " some county official, j and thus, perhaps, have prevented the sale of ; the diseased. jheaL i This would have been the act of an -intelligent . man. r The writer of f flikt'fertiAlA "afaoconiSi in: for"" righteous censure for not nam ing the guilty butcher, and for not v signing his name to the article, that officials might make inquiry. . Any man making such f an accusation should have the evidence to support that accusa- (Continued on last page) VISIT LADIES' SUIT DEPARTMENT. HEADQUARTERS FOR STYLES KLINE'S The Young Men's Store For College Clothing The Chief's night lamp showed 61 perSons with an extra day to him up and Judge McFadden 's be added if the comparison would up-raiseu cane swppeu xiim.. xiie , . . . "KiiTi tVio-n i?arl n o-ot nwnv nv ' v,a- wjp inf wiiim "The colonist travel has started was game, and the three men out beyond our expectations, were' collared. said William McMurray. general Plenty of Booze passenger agent of the Harriman Rickard Was also taken in tow, line's yesterday. ' "Out records but he was so drunk that ne sh0w that more prospective couldn t get away. ,It is .the settlers reached Oregon in the . Ww ha ir,t rn first seven days this year than Eickard their victim in the gam- came last year during the first bling game, but he got too drunk I eight days the special rateswere too quick. In the place were in force. Our advices from all lound fifteen full bottles of beer over the East are to the effect .and a goodly number of empty that the colonist travel this year ones.' Reams confessed that m . , v. will prove oy iar uie Heaviest m the history of the Pacific North Law WiU bet men While Waggoner and Francis got away, they forfeited $25 each, and should they ever re turn to Corvallis will be caught and turned over to the. Circuit Court Wells thinks it would be foest for the public that they Temain away, and if they lo come they will the gambling $100 had been on the board. PAYS S12.500 FOR PE UGH ORCHARD The sale has recently been con- find that it summated of the McDaniel peach would have been better haA they orchard on the Boulevard south remained while here. Wells is also a little incensed at the liv- -e ryman who took them to Al bany though it may be he did not know he was taking escap ing prisoners. McFadden A Hero Chief Wells gives JudgeMc- of Ashland, and opposite the Bell- view schoolhouse, to Mr. McGib bon. a Texas and ;. Oklahoma oil operator; & The place ; comprises 37 acres, 17 of which are in bear ing peaches, and the price was $12,500. . v , HOSIERY SALE SATURDAY BURSON Fashioned HOSE The Burson is the only Sos'e s h a p e d without a seam in leg or toe. We have just received one hundred dozen' Fall Weight and Fast Black with - Double Heel, Sole and Toe.- All sizes. These stockings were, boughrto-sell for 25c On sale Saturday at the exceed ingly low price i 2 PSre fbr:35 Bdys Suits I Price 'When in need of - Room Size Rugs Visit our Second Floor Carpet De partment Jbef ore you make your se lection. Our price always the lowest. NEW FALL RUBBERS FOR MEN, WOMEN1 an CHILDREN We carry the Aply Brand ' Rubbers ' of first quality. , We guarantee the perfec tion of every pair. " PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST FISH BRAND SLICKERS FORMEN We carry the Walrus Brand Water Proof Oiled .. Cloth ing, both coat and , pants. Every one guaranteed for . one season. ' Prices from " $1.25 to $5.00 In Our Blanket Depaurtment You will find the best assortment in the city. All of our wool blankets are made by the Oregon City Woolen r Mills, which are the best, and our prices are always the lowest. ' 10- 4 Gray Blanket Extra Value, per pair .....$3.00 11- 4 ." "... . '.. " 4.00 12-4 Gray, extra large, all-wool, price per pr 5.00 11-4 " " " " " 6.7S 10- 4 Mottled, heavy, all-wool " " ".....4.50 11- 4 Mottled, extra heavy, all-wool " " . 5.00 10-4 White all-wool with pink and blue border . . . . 5.00 10-4 .. " " " " " " " " .... 6.00 1 " " " ." " " " 7.50 Cotton Blankets. 10- 4 Gray- and tan with pink and blue border, pr. . 75 11- 4 " " " " " " " " "..1.35 11-4 ' " " " i ".. 2.00 12-4 " ", ". " , " .. " " "... 2.50 "10-4 White with blue and pink border, price ; 75 11-4 White with blue and pink border, price 1.00 J1-4; ," . . " ; ;" . ?, " : t " 1.50 1 1-4 White, extra heavy, blue and pink border. . . 2.2? 12-4 " ... . " " " " ...2.50 12-4 All plain white, extra heavy," price... 1.50 (SECOND. FLOOR) ' A SAFE PLACE TO TRADE In Our Pure Food Department . All Orders Promptly Filled MERODE- Underwear for Ladies and Children, both cotton and wooL Prices the Lowest