The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, September 23, 1909, Image 3

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is being
, in our new
Suits and .
Cloaks are '
sold so fast
as to almost
show you a
new line
, upon : "
each visit.
Shoes for ,
Girls and r
in t
the best
styles and v
high grade
Call and
be fitted
to & new
pair. -
142 Second Street
The City: :
and Vicinity
For Rent ' '
Furnished rooms for light house
keeping. Modern conveniences. t23
S. 4th, phone 3120. . " 9-23tf
Miss Maida Beals returned last night
after a two weeks' visit with relatives
in Alsea. i -t , ' - '
- For Sale Two lots located corner
Fourth and B streets. Call 708 Third
street, or phone 1120.- ,s 9-13-tf
Miss Esther Henderson, from south
of Philomath, is a new employe at the
Elite millinery.
Complete outfits for camping parties
at Blackledge's furniture store. 8-3-tf
Miss Georgia LowelJ returned yester
day from a trip to Seattle. On her
return she stopped at Tangent to visit
Miss Cora Scott. . u ?
. Eat Golden Rod Flakes, '
They are better for breakfast,
Than old-fashioned corn cakes,
And five minuets time,
Is all that it takes . -
At Kline's. 6-12-tf
J. C. Wells is here from Oregon Cit y
and will probably : remain. He is the
father of Chief Wells, and with Mrs.
Wells went to Oregon City severa1
months ago to make that place their
home. Corvallis still looks good to
the old ' ge ntleman and he has come
down agair, probably to remain.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. : Chenoweth, of
McCracken, Kansas, are here with Mr.
and Mrs. R. E. Burger for a short
time. Mr. Chenoweth is a banker at
McCracken, has been at the Seattle
fair and will continue through to Califor
nia. He says our residence section ' is
far, far ahead of the business section.
When shown the Commercial Club
rooms he was immensely pleased and
concluded that there . is some hope for
the business section. Mr. Chenoweth
liked the appearance of the- country
near Corvallis very much.
light housekeeping, with all modern
conviences. 623 South 4th street,
phone 3120 : r 9-20-6
Chief Wells, Geo. Allen and Ed and
Frank Handy are back from their
hunting trip into the Mt. Jefferson vi
cinity. They, got a couple of bucks and
brought some of the meat home . to
prove it. They found it cold and rainy
there, an extraordinary rain falling
Monday night. Chief Wells said he
never saw as many blackberries and
huckleberries as there are near Mt.
Jefferson. The woodlands are full of
them, and the crowd picked about fif
teen gallons just before starting home. -The
hunters were ; gone .twelve"- days
and enjoyed their trip very much.
1000 VOTES
Town ....
Street No . ,. ..................... .
Must be Voted On or Before October 2.
1 ' Can be had WITH silk tops and DETACHABLE,
Plain or Fancy HANDLES
Complete. .. ...... .$2.00 up
' Extra handles.... 50c to $10. 00
jE.W. S, PRATT Jeweler and Optician
These Garments for Ladies and ' Misses
- ' ;. ..i. . .
are of excellent quality. The styles speak
for themselves and the prices are really
-1 less than the . cost of . material and making.
Henlilo & Davia
'Mr. ' and Mrs." JamesAllenrof " Illi
nois, are visiting relatives in this city.
. ' v , . , ; j ;
Going hunting? Get your guns and
ammunition at Heater & Harrington's.
(r S , !" i 9-3-tf.
George Startzoff, of Sitka, Alaska,
arrived last evening tore-enter O. A. C.
this year. '',rr:
.The Dick Kiger sale of blooded ani ;
mals begins at 10:30 a. m. Saturday,
October 2. ' ' '
300 acres of farming land for. rent.
40 heads of Cotswold Bucks for sale.
Roy Rickard, R. F. D." 4, , ."Corvallis,
Oregon. ..," : 9-23 7t.
-Commissioner Geo. Smith is at
home from a meeting of County Judges
held at Poitland the past few days.
Acme Quality Paints and Floor. Var
nish that wears at A. L. Miner's.
" 5-17-tf.
Miss Oliven Hughes has returned
from Long Beach Calif., where she had
spent her vacation. ;
Wanted an experienced woman as
chambermaid at the Hotel Corvallis.
Good wages. , 9-20 -tf .
Mrs. Eliza Sharp, who has been vis
iting her son, Linzy, left today for her
home in Linn county. ' ;
Choice vegetables and all kind of
grocerices on sale at J. T. Patterson.
Phone 3283. ' - "-23-2tf
Policemen Tom and Williamson
rounded up four drunks in the vicinity
of the Union Station the other day and'
it has cost them $10 each. -. .
For Sale Some improved lots in
Park , Terrace. $500 and under. In
quire of Capt. McAlexander. 9-23-6t
Two young ladies of Benton county
will have a two weeks' winter trip, to
California at the expense " of the Ga
zette-Times. Read the big ad on last
page. -. , .'. ,
New goods added every day to my
stock. Give me trial. J. T. Patterson,
Phone 3283. . 9-23-2t
The Toggery has a gorgeous : display
of college colors, a pennant window
being a genuine beauty. A great
deal of artistic taste is shown in the
decoration of this place,' and the' result
is very pleasing. ' . J '" " '
For Rent 8-room house. Call at
542 North, Second street. ; 9-16rtf
Tonight "Uncle Josh Perkins" holds
forth at the opera house. . He is a jolly
old fellow , and will entertain quite
royally, .. . ., '
At tomorrow's meeting of the Ladies
Anxiliary, Mrs. J. A. Bexell will serve
as hostess. At this meeting the ladies
will sew for the Marys River Sanitar
ium. All who attend are requestedto
take needle,; thimble and scissors.
WANTED Expert girl for general
housework. Phone 4266. tf
J. T. Patterson, having bought the
Bannister grocery, will be glad to
meet old customers and many new ones, n
He will treat you right. Give us a
trail and if not satisfactory come and
tell us If satisfactory, tell your friends.
We can save . you . money. Try us.
Phone, 3283, J. T. Patterson. 9-23-tf
J. C. Lowe and wife went to Case adia
several days ago to be gone until about
next Monday. J. C. went to hunt, but
he also went out as a s ort of a rescue
party. A postal just received by G.
W. Denman is of considerable interest.
It says:- "Dear George: Found Wells
camped at Cascadia subsisting on ber
ries; no venison in camp and only a few
crackers left. They needed the beef
steak you sent. Lowe." Mr. Denman
was glad to know that his friend Wells
had been provided for, and is' wonder
ing now . if friends will have to -send
someone out after Lowe.-
Sporting goods, bicycles and fishing
tackle at Heater & Harrington's.
- . ' 9-3-tf,
The ladies of Corvallis have just re
ceived invitations to attend a millinery
opening: at Albany. The ladies would
not be doing the square thing by Cor
vallis if they go to Albany to buy their
hats.' There are four millinery stores
in this city and any sane woman can
find here something that will answer
the purpose as satisfactorily as . any
thing secured at Albany: If, per
chance, neither local store has the very
peculiar deformity some women of ex
traordinary vanity desire, either store
will get the desired article. ' It is a
shame that anyone should go out of
Corvallis to buy anything that can be
secured here and it is nothnig less than
a crime to persistently . conjure up the
idea that , the home article is not so
satisfactory as the article bought else
where. -
Frederick W. Hacker, brother
of Lewis Hacker, of Philomath,
died at Sellwood September 21 ,
at the age of 54 years. Mr.
Hacker was born in Cook Couutv.
IllinoisOct 29, 1878, but for
fifteen years had been living in
Oregon City and vicinity, Mr.
Hacker lied of. Bright's dis
ease. " .:' .-. - -'
For Rent
"Good piano. Phone 4216. Charles
Haskell. 9-23tf
Albany claims to have twelve miles
of cement sidewalk. t
Business Briefs
For Sale 8-roomed house on one lot
at 2nd and Van Buren. Phone 3240.
. Furniture, stoves, ranges, etc., at
Kempiri's store. 103 N. 2nd St. 17-25
Phonographs and all the newest re
cords at Heater & Harrington's.
Read Kline's ad. on first page.
: 'r ? j . ; , i 9-20-tf
Wanted-All round tailor at Bauer &
Wilkins. .: i '. J " 9-23tf 5
An Everlasting Success
H. H. Frazee Presents the Big Fun Show
Uncle Josh
See Uncle Josh at the
County Faif
The Great New York
Presented by a Company of Singers, Dancers and Comedians
- - - - -
Positively the Largest and Best Production Ever
Given This Famous Play
Watch For the Big Parade of the
Hayseed Band at 4 P. M.
Reserved Seats,KGraham & Wortham's
Gray winter oats and vetch seed for
sale.: : S. BicknelL
Wanted A girl for general house
work.' Inquire or address E. D. Ress-
ler, 142 N. 7th. 1 9-8-tf
Razors, safety and the other kind.
Largest line at Heater & Harrington's.
' 9-3-tf-
Ice cream delivered on thirtv minutes
notice by Winkley's Palace of Sweets.
w. - ; tf
You will find Boyd's potatoes
. at KLINE'S :-.
The Best Raised "
Occidental Lumber Cq.
i . Successors toj
i: ' CorvalUs Lumber Co.;
We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber liqe. Please
call on J. B IRVING for information and prices. And take
notice that if wi have not got exactly what you want we will
get it for you.
G.O. BASSET T, Local Met.
The Best Paint
There is no better paint made for appearance and
durability than
Acme Quality Paint '
Specially prepared for exterior and interior use.
Second Street, Near Palace Theater
..: .; . -. -i - x
To inspect any kind of
Merchandise needed
Go With A Rush.
: The demand for that wonderful Stoni'
ach, Liver and Kidney cure. Dr. King's
New Life Pills, is astoundingr All the
druggists say they never saw the like,
It's because they never fail to cure Sour
Stomach, Constipation, Indigestion, Bil
iousness, Jaundice, Sick Headache,
Chills and Malaria. Only 25c. ,
I For a good big sanitary loaf of bread
go to Small, the only machine shop in
Ladies' Tailor Made Suits
Shoes in all the latest lasts
Rugs, Portieres, Lace Curtains
Blankets, Pillows, Sheets
Draperies, Umbrellas
And a whole store of new goods
. Big Line - -
Just Received
Sewing Machines
, For Sale
Or Rent
Ithe city. - Wed-Sat-29