The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, September 23, 1909, Image 2

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Published every evening except
llay. Office: 232 Second street,
Vallis, Oregon.
PHONE, 4184
; Entered u second-class matter July 2, 1909, at
th pwtoffice at Corvallis. Oregon, under act of
March S, 1879. ,
Delivered by carrier, per week
Delivered by carrier, per month...
By mail, one year, in advance
By mail, six months, in advance...
By mail, one month, in advance...
night and no referendum, a con
tract can be let by October 1st.
Excavation work can be started
withm a few days, and paving
can be laid rapidly, but it is
hardly probable that more than a
half dozen blocks, at most, can
be laid before the heavy rains.
Six weeks of good weather after
October 1st would permit the
paving of all of Second street,
but such good luck will hardly be
50 i our portion.
Published Every Friday
One year, in advance $2.00
Six moths, in advance. 1.00
up your friends and- ask them
to subscribe through you. The
nominating coupon in this issue
is good for 1,000 votes; provid
ing it is voted before Saturday,
K)ct 2. Only one nominating
coupon will be counted for each
candidate. If you are in doubt
as to any of the points involved,
call on, call up or write to Con
test Manager, Gazette-Times.
He will answer all communica
tions promptly. You will never
know how popular you are until
you enter this contest? Be one
GIRLS." Read the big ad.
carefully. Address all communi
cations to Contest Manager,
Entered as second-class matter August 5. 1909.
t th postoffice at Corvallis, Oregon, under act of
starch S, 1879.
In ordering changes of address, sub
cribers should always give old as well as
new address.
N. R. MOORE . .
. . , Editor
Business Mgr.
Council Will
Hear Protests
(Continued from page one )
north is to be but 32 feet wide,
the remainder full width, about
52 feet. The average cost of the
32 foot paving is expected to be
slightly less than $300 per lot of
60 feet.
, Petitions Can Not Defeat
Petitions against the proposed
paving will not,, necessarily, de
feat the proposition. Though a
majority of all the people on the
sixteen blocks were up in arms,
the council could, if it chose to do
so, -go ahead with the improve
ment.. In such a case, however,
it is hardly probable that the
" Council would do so.
It is Attorney Bryson's opinion
that the council can not take cog
nizance of the petitions to be
presented tonight that is, the
council can not cut out the sec
tion north of Van Buren and go
ahead with the remainder of the
improvement. If the council
heeds the request of the petition
ers, then the entire paving propo
sition is done for.
The Referendum
If the council can not or will
toot take action, then the only
thing the petitioners can do is to
invoke the referendum. If they
can get about 100 signers to a
petition, an election will have to
be called.. If the majority of the
voters in the city say the pro
posed improvement should not
be carried through, then the
council will have to cease its ac
tivity. Those opposed haye ten
days after tonight in which to in
voke the referendum, in case
they desire to do so.
Little Paving This FaD
It is evident that no great
amount of paving can be done
this fall. If there is no hitch to-
Frances Ann Savage, of Sum
mit, died Sept 18. 1909, at the
asre of 80 years. 11 months and
1 day. She was born in Illinois,
Oct 17, 1828, her death occurring
at the home of her daughter,
Lizzie Cain, at Dillie, Washing
ton county.
Mrs. Savaee's maiden name
was Brisbin. . She was united in
marriage with Morgan R. Savage
on . their tour across the plains,
June 18. 1846. This trip -was
made by ox team and a tedious
one, having taken them nine
months, from April until Decem
ber. The first winter was spent
near Independence, locating on
a : donation claim the following
season, near Airlie,in 1847, which
was sold to Greenberry Smith.
They then lived a few years
near Blodgett valley, also in the
vicinity of Philomath. Their
home has been at Summit since
1867, making the deceased a res
ident of Benton county for 62
years. She - was proceeded to
the spirit land by her husband,
who died Sept 7, 1904. There
were born to them twelve chil
dren and eleven survive her.
Eight of these were at the fu
neral. Martha Jane Miller, of
Summit; John, of Lincoln county;
George, of Marcola, Lane. county;
Charley, . of ' Summit; ' Addie
Thrasher, of Summit; Lydie Hul
bert, of Linn county; Dollie Tur
ner, of Pendleton; M ary Mor
row, of Dillie; Lizzie Grain, of
Dillie; Thomas, of Dillie; and
Ida Borgen, of San Francisco.
The remains were taken to the
Summit "and laid away .beside
her husband.. There was a large
turnout of people to the funeral
which was conducted by Rev.
S- M. Wood, of Corvallis.
Sealed proposals to furnish supplies
required by the Oregon Agricultural
College, for four months ending Decem
ber 31, 1909, will be received at the
Business Office of the college until noon
Saturday, September 25th. The right
is reserved to reject any or all bids, or
to accept or reject any part of a bid.
Envelopes should be inscribed, "Pro
posals to Furnish Supplies.". Goods of
Oregon manufacture or production wil
be given preference, other things equal.
All sroods must be delivered at the
dormitories as ordered by the respec
tiive stewards.
Lists will be furnished on application
at the Buiness Office.
W. Horace Kerr,
Corvallis, Oregon.
September 20, 1909: - 9-20-6t
The Favorite Musical Triumph t
As presented ' v -
Masterpiece of 4
Stellar Cast With
Assisted by the Famous
Pennant Winning Beauty Chorus
Advance sale opens Friday morning at Graham & Worth
am'sJDrug Store. Prices: Lower floor, $150, $1. Balcony, $1, 75c
Gallery, general admission, 50c. - '
Notice of Meeting of Board of Equalization.
To all to whom it may concern: notice
is hereby given that the Board of Equa
lization for Benton County, State of
Oregon, will convene in the office of
the County Clerk, in the Court House, ;v
in Corvallis, Benton County, , Oregon,
on the third Monday in October, to-witr
On MondayJOetober 18th, 19Q9, at. the
hour1 of 9 o'clock a. m., and remain in
session until legally adjourned for the- ,
purpose of publicly examining the As-'
sessment Rolls for the year 1909, "and
correct all errors in valuation,, descrip-, :
tion or qualities of lands, lots or other-
property, assessed by the Assessor of ,
Benton County, Oregon, and it shall
be the duty of any or all persons inter-
estep to appear t time and glace above
, Dated September 24, 1909.
a .... e t i. r C1.-4.- .
Date of first publication Sept. 24
Date of last publication Oct. 15.
Rev. S. G. Reading, of 'Vlliamsport,
Pa., will preach at Baptist Church Sun
day morning at 11 a. m., evening ser
vice at 6:30 p. m. instead of 7:30, as
Bro. Reading will speak tp Ehe young
people at the Presbyteriaa (Jhurch at
7;30; Sunday School at 10 a. m. Spec
ial invitation to all to neaijF tte eastern
man. '"
Mrs. Hugh Herron and daughter.
Miss Margaret, who have been visitirg
Mrs. C. A. Bushnell, at Seattle, during
the summer, returned harne today.'
Portland Fair and
Love Stock Show
For the Portland Fair and Live Stock
Show held m Portland Sept 20th, to
25, inclusive the 'C. & E. and S. P. will
sell round trip ticket on feept. 3rd,
and 24th., only, good to return jot
later than Sept. 27th, for $3.50. ChilS
dren-between 5 and 12 years old. ifelf
fare. Passengers can go either via
Albany or west sidh direct returning
same way as going.
R. C. LlNVlLLE Agent.
"Well Irrigation fpr Small Farms' r
is a publication just issued by the Gen
eral Passenger Department f the 6re-
gon Kailway an JMavigatibn(Co., and.
Southern Pacific lines in Oregon.
The booklet sets forth in a practical
con'cisevaythe possibilities for profit
of inexpensive irrigation, and should
be in the1 hands of every farmer in
Copies may be obtained free oiyippli
cation to Wm. McMurray, General
Passenger Agent, O. R. & N. and S..
P. Lines in Oregon, Portland, Ore;
. . i. 17-7t
Benton County -Booster
(Continued! from page one )
At McFadden's
Stables, Corvallis,
the contest closes will be de
clared the most popular laay m
her district and he taken as one
the members of The Gazette-
Times' party to Los Angeles
A special effort has been made
to group towns and communities
of equal size in each district
This assures the contestants
from the smaller towns . an even
chance with the larger ones, as
the vote cast , in District r No.
will have no bearing on that
cast in any other district. En
tries are invited from all of the
smaller towns. i
How To Vote
To secure votes will be an
SATURDAY an eagy 'matter. A schedule has
iy Beginning at 10:30
3 Two-year-old Percherons, by
Patchie. , v
1 Three-year-old Shire, weight
. ,1800 pounds.
1 Three-year-old German Coach,
weight 1250gpounds.
1 Match team. "Pilot Lane"
1 1400-pound mare and German
Coach colt.
3 Yearlings 1 Percheron,
German Coach, 1 Belgian.
Sale will be without reserve.
A. L. Stevenson, Auctioneer.
1 1, j J ; u:vj
elsewhere, showing how ' many
votes will be allowed" for each
subscription. Any youiig lady
is eligible to enter this contest,
If you have a young lady friend
whomTou would like to see win
this trip to Lps Angeles, do: not
hesitate to send her ; name :i to
The Gazette-Times. , Fill out the
coupon that will be found in
another part 01 this issue and
send it at once; also notify the
young lady that you have nomi
nated her. ' 'All nominations
should be made as soon - as pos
sioie as an early start is a prime
factor in the final count. As
"OU are entitled in buying Hart SchafTner & Marx
clothes, to a most positive assurance of your satis-
Every dealer in our clothes is authorized
to sav this to vou: A
this to
Every garment made by, and bearing the label of
Hart SchafFner & Marx, is guaranteed to be of all-wool
or wool-and-silk fabrics, with no "mercerized" or other
cotton added; thoroughly shrunk before cutting; seams
sewed with pure silk thread ; tailored in clean, sanitary
shops; and free from every defect of material or
More than that : The dealer is authorized to say
that if the clothes are not right, or not satisfactory, your
money will be refunded.
- ' ? ' Hart SchafFner & Marx
soon as you decide to' enter Tall