The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, September 22, 1909, Image 3

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    The City
and Vicinity
Mrs. Bohannan, of Independence, is
here visiting her daughter, Miss
New fall dress goods at Kline's.
Mrs. L. B. Palmer, of Halsey, is
here to spend some time with her
niece, Mrs. G. B. Anderson.
Ice cream delivered on thirty minutes
notice by Winkley's Palace of Sweets.
The Palm Cafe has recently under
gone some remarkable changes, im
proving the appearance greatly. Bur
lapped and frescoed walls and a
fine sideboard cause the place to loom
up handsomely.
FURNISHED ROOMS-suitable for
light housekeeping, with all modern
conviences. 623 South 4th street,
phone 3120. , 9-20-6
Work on the new high school building
is progressing very nicely and the brick
work is far enough along to indicate
that the building will be fairly attrac
tive in appearance. The basement, or
first floor, is of reinforced concrete, the
upper floors of red brick.
Eat Golden Rod Flakes,
They are better for breakfast,
Than old-fashioned corn cakes,
And five minuets time,
Is all that it takes
At Kline's. 6-12-tf
The contractor secured by Architect
McClaren offers the Presbyterians the
assurance that their new church will be
ready for occupancy by Christmas.
Work has been started on the founda
tion and the contractor says that the
building will be pushed to completion
very rapidly.
Tonight is ladies' night at the Com
mercial Club rooms. Mrs.. E. R.
Bryson will be hostess on this occasion.
Acme Quality Paints and Floor Var
nish that wears at A. L. Miner's. -
0. A. C. registration will begin on
Friday and end Monday. Regular
class work will be taken up Tuesday
morning. A large number of students
are in the city at this time.
Wanted an . experienced woman as
chambermaid at the Hotel Corvallis.
Good wages. 9-20-tf
Rev. Feese, of Klamath Falls, and
Rev. S. E. Memminger, of Portland,
were in Corvallis yesterday shaking
hands with old friends. Both were
pastors here at one time.
For Rent 8-room house. Call at
542 North Second street. 9-16-tf
' Anyone desiring someone to keep a
small set of books or to helpn evening
work of this sort should communicate
with this office. A competent young
lady desires work of this sort.
. Razors, safety and the other kind.
Largest line at Heater & Harrington's.
Foot Expert
of Portland
will be at
Occidental Hotel
Room 22,
Sept. 22, 23, 24
i C. A. Troxel and family have moved
from Third street to the handsome new
home on the Philomath road, south end
of 8th' street. Mr. Troxel has a very
pleasing property there, just finished.
For a good big sanitary loaf of bread
go to Small, the only machine shop in
the city. Wed-Sat-29
Construction work on the cement
walk about the Occidental hotel is now
! being done. This walk will be the re
' quired fourteen feet in width and be
sides being laid in front of the hotel
will extend around the corner on Madi
son, a distance of fourteen feet.
Complete outfits for camping parties
at Blackledee's furniture store. 8-3-tf
Walter A. Woods, a prosperous young
I man of Benton county, and Miss Bessie
Smitn, of across the river from Walter,
' a resident of Orleans precinct, were
united in marriage yesterday afternoon
by his honor, Justice L. L..Swan.
Albany Democrat.
Make Kline's your resting place when
down town. Ladies' rest room second
floor. v 9-20-tf
Friday afternoon, the ladies of the
Commercial club will sew for the
Mary's River Sanitarium, and for this
reason it is especially desired that a
large number of ladies be present. All
are requested to .bring their needles,
thimbles and scissors. -This seems
such a worthy object that the ladies
can hardly neglect to give time to this
service, and at the same time have a
very enjoyable social gathering.
For Sale Two lots
Fourth and B streets,
street, or phone 1120.
located corner
Call 708 Third
All ailments of foot perma
nently corrected. Crooked toes
straightened and bunions re
moved without use of knife.
O. J. Blackledge has rented an extra
wareroom preparatory to , rempving
that terrible shack across the street
from his Second street store, now used
by him as a store room. Mr. Blackledge
has been receiving tremendous quantite9
of furniture recently or else would have
had that extemely unsightly structure
removed ere this. As a member of the
Water Commission and School Board
and one of the city's most prosperous
and progressive citizens he proposes
to keep up with the procession. .
Can be had WITH silk tops and DETACHABLE,
? Plain or Fancy HANDLES -
Complete .$2.00 up
Extra handles. . . .50c to $10.00
E W, S, PRATT, Jeweler and Optician
These Garments for Ladies and Misses T
are of excellent quality. The styles speak 1
' for themselves and the prices are really
less than the cost of . material and making.
Henlzle & Davis
is being
in our new
Suits and
Cloaks are
sold so fast
as to almost
show you a
new line
each visit.
Shoes for
Girls and
the best
styles and
high grade
Call and
be fitted
to a new
142 Second Street
Wanted A girl for general house
work. Inquire or address E. D. Ress
ler, 142 N. 7th. 9-8-tf
Next Sunday J. R. N. Bell will lay
the corner stone of the new church to
be built at McMinnville. Dr. Gessel
brock, of Albany, will preach at the
Presbyterian church here. He is said
to bea man of very pleasant address.
For sale or Rent Eight-room house,
with out-buildings, convenient to
College. 16th & Van Biiran. 9-17-tf
The J. M. Nolan & Son's store is
arrayed in all the glory of an expanse
of burnt orange and black, O. A.. C.
colors. The decorations are very tasty
and proclaim a joyous welcome to the
incoming student.
Sporting goods, bicycles and fishing
tackle at Heater & Harrington 's.
A cement walk and curb is to -be laid
in front of the Neal Newhouse property
to join that just laid for Dick Kiger.
This will make a very fine improve
ment and add greatly to the appear
ance of the Newhouse property, which
is already attractive.
Trunks and suit cases at Kline's.
W. K. Wallace and wife arrived
Sunday from Des-Moines, Iowa, to
visitt Mr. Wallace's sister, Mrs. T. H,
Nash, southwest of Corvallis. Mr.
Walace is a wealthy retired farmer,
formely f Ottumwa, Iowa, but moved
to Des Moines two years ago and was
the overseer of a wholesale fruit house,
They are much delighted with the Wil
lamette valley. This fall he and his
nephew, J. H. Nash, will take a trip
over into the mountains to hunt and fish.
Going hunting? Get your guns and
ammunition at Heater & Harrington's,
- - 9-3-tf.
In the cast of "The Time, The Place
And The Girl" there is a little girl who
tips the scales at 100 pounds. - She is
Jessie . Houston, and she has a most
important part. She was ambitious
and a hard" worker; she watched every
line and every move: she received
good notices from the critics, she
wanted to be a star. That was the
height of her ambitions, i Every one
said she was full of talent. "One night
one of the principals fell and sprained
her ankle. "Now is my chance, " said
Miss Huston, and running, up to the
stage manager said, "I'll play the
part," and without a moment's hesita
tion she jumped in and made good,
got the best notices in the show and
today she plays the "Girl." . "All I
can say," said Miss Houston, "is it's
fate. I wanted to be great, and this
is my beginning." ' .
"The remains of "Miss Evelyn Smith,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Smith,
who died Monday, Sept. 20, at 2:15 a.
m. at the age of 21 years, were buried
at Crystal Lake cemetery yesterday,
Tuesday, afternoon. A funeral service
at the Methodist church was attended
by sympathizing friends, and many
floral offerings attested the love and
esteem of those more intimately asso
ciated. Rev. Leech officiated at the
For Sale 8-roomed house on one lot
at 2nd and Van Buren, Phone 3249.
Uncle Joe Yates, while enroute to
Albany yesterday, saw two sights that
impressed him differently. One was that
of boys driving goats hitched to wagons.
The youngsters were having a great
time and were bowling along with the
speed of an auto a slow one. The
other was that of three suspicious look
ing characters, one of whom proposed
to stop him for a chat or something
else. Uncle Joe told the fellow he did
not have tim to parley with him and
nrove on. From the appearance of the
men, he is inclined to think Corvallis
people had better watch their chicken
coops for a few nights. y
Furniture, stoves, ranges, etc., at
Kempin's store. 103 N. 2nd St. 17-25
The draymen and S. P. officials set
tled a difference today, one of the
higher-ups coming down and straight
ening out the difficulty, which arose
over the disposition of the draymen to
discontinue their habit of helping to un
load freight from the cars. The dray
men figured out that they were doing
work not reasonably required of them,
so the draymen refused to pay for
freight until it was unloaded. -The
freight office figured that it could not
unload freight not paid for so for a
time the business men did not get
freight. The big official settled the
difficulty by agreeing to put on an ex- .
tra freight rustler, or two, thus letting
the draymen out of their former work.
Walkover shoes for men, at Kline's.
- .9-20-tf
M. J. Fanning, the Irish orator, will
speak at the Congregational Sunday at
3 p.m. on the Temperance issue. Mr.
Fanning is one of the most noted speak
ers of this country, having delivered
nearly fifteen thousand addresses on
that subject in the ,United States and
Canada. Everybody is cordially invited.
Admission free. In his youth Michael
J. Fanning was led to consecrate his
life to warfare against the saloon. For
more than a quarter of a century he
has traveled and spoken in the interest
of the : prohibition cause. He stands
today with few equals, and certain ly
no superiors on the temperance plat
form. A large audience should greet
this famous lecturer.
Phonographs and all the newest re
cords at Heater & Harrington's.
t , 9-3-tf.
Hon. B. W. Johnson, postmaster of
that rapidly growing city, Corvallis, is
now at Portland, that other growing
village of Oregon, preparing for the
coming of Postmaster General Hitch
cock. Mr. Johnson is secretary of the
Presidential Postmasters' Association
of Oregon and that body of distinguish
ed postal card readers is now holding
an annual session at Portland, this to
be graced by the presence of the dis
tinguished Mr. Hitchcock. The bunch
will have some high.old flings together,
spend $50 each and return to their sev
eral postoffices confident that Taft will
be re-elected, and that they will be re
appointed. ' It's good to get out and
whoop'er up sometimes.
Visit Kline's ladies'
second floor.-
suit department,
"Dad" Stewart, of South Bend,
Washington, has just opened an oyster
and lunch house in the front room
north of Murphy's Racket store. The
walls are burlapped, floor linolS
umed, paint has been used to good ad
vantage and the little place has been
fitted with up-to-date means of handl
ing acceptably a heavy trade. The
rearportion, devoted to the kitchen,
has an- entire open front so that it is in
view of the eater, a fact that should
add to its popularity. "Dad" Stewart
is an old hand at the business and as
proud ol his spotless reputation as a
man could be, and he promises to make
his place noted for its cleanliness and
the quality of his offerings. He is
buying his oysters direct from the
coast resorts and gives his patrons the
best there' is. The store has' a new
glass front, and ornamental door, and
really adds to the appearance of that
section of Second street. - '
Read Kline's ad.
on first page. '
An Everlasting Success
H. H. Frazee Presents the Big Fun Show
Unde Josh
See Unde Josh at the
County Fair
The Great New Yo
Presented by a Company of Singers, Dancers and Comedians
Positively the Largest and Best Production Ever
Given This Famous Play
Watch For the Big Parade of the
Hayseed Band at 4 P. M.
Reserved Seats, Graham & Wortham's
Occidental Lumber Co.
Successors toj
Corvallis Lumber Co.
, We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please
call on J. B IRVING for information and prices. And take
notice that if we have not got exactly what you want we will
get it for you.
G. 0. BASSET T, Local Mcr.
The Best Paint
There is no better paint made for appearance and ,.
durability than
Acme Quality Paint
Specially prepared for exterior and interior use.
Ml All BABE-D UMA nlhlT
Second Street, Near Palace Theater
Here's a Line That's Hard to Beat
Sapoago Cheese
Pineapple Cheese
Rocquefort Cheese
Creme de Brie Cheese
Fancy Store Cheese
Edam Cheese
Cream Cheese
Sage Cheese
Swiss Cheese
Limburger Cheese
Try Something New
Royans and La Vertel Saradines Metwurst Sausage
Phone 3
We do the Best Plumbing and
Carry a full line of Plumbers' Supplies
Dealers In
Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream Sepa
. rators, Graniteware, Tinware and Builders'
Congo Roofing and Quick Meal Ranges
Second Street,
Corvallis, Oregon
A Hurry-Up Call.
Quick! Mr. Druggist Quick! A box
of Bucklen's Arnica Salve- Here's a
quarter For the love of Moses, hurry!
Baby's burned himself terribly John
nie cut his foot with the axe Mamie's
scalded Pa can't walk from piles Bil
lie has boils and my corns ache. . She
got it and soon cured all the family. It's
the greatest healer on earth. Sold by
all druggists.
WANTED Expert girl for general
housework.' Phone 4266. " tf
Phone Your Orders To No. 7,
Where They Will be Promptly Filled.
Fine Line of Crockery, Glassware, Cut
Glass, Haviland and Chinavvare,