The City and Vicinity Albany claims to have twelve miles l i -j n 01 cement siaewaiK. tor item s-room nouse. c-an ai 542 North Second street. 9-16-tf Profs. Kent and Gaskins were at Monmouth yesterday. Men wanted at new armory at once. Wages $2.50 per day for 9 hours work. Apply at the building. F. A. Erixon, contractor. 9-16-tf Mr. Gus Harding and family are at home from their summer's stay at Seal Rock. Harry La Mack, advance man for the Uncle Josh Perkins Co., was in Corvallis yesterday. Uncle Josh with his hayseed band and good quartette will be here Sept. 23, opening the local season. Examinations for government posi tions will take place Oct. 13 and Nov. J 17 for men and women in all branches of the service. Write for full details. C. C. S. S. 425-7 Lumber Exchange, Portland, Ore. 9-15-6t Mrs. Shepard, and daughter came from MeCracken, Kansas, yesterday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Brenner, recent arrivals who bought the T. H. Crawford property at the corner of 8th and Adams. For Sale Two lots located corner Fourth and B streets. Call 708 Third street, or phone 1120. " 9-13-tf R. E. Berger is having a curb placed in front of his property. He would have a cement sidewalk built there, but other residents of that block refuse to do anything until there is a more satisfactory understanding in regard to property lines. Mr. Berger is waiting until the difficulty is settled. John Thornton is building the curb for Mr. Berger. Eat Golden Rod Flakes, They are better for breakfast, Than old-fashioned corn cakes, And five minuets time, Is all that it takes At Kline's. 6-12-tf A dispatch from Pendleton says that city will be well .represented at the O. A. C. this year, the local colony at the agricultural college being larger than at any other northwest institution left for Corvallis or will leave shortly are Charles Despam,- a junior; Albert Gibson, a junior;' Bruce Gilbert, a sophomore; William McDamel, "a - sop-' homore; Orville Reeves of the '08 high school graduating class; Lester Mc Fatridge of last spring's high school class; Derr Edwards and others. . The school last year from Pendleton, will re-enter this fall, while it is anticipated that there will be 25 or 30 students from other parts of Umatilla county. Last year this county had 26 students enrolled. . . - Acme Quality Paints and Floor Var nish that wears at A. L. Miner's. . . . ' ' ' .- 5-17-tf. S. K. Booth, of Calumet, Oklahoma, arrived here yesterday on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. R. W. Skallerud. Furniture, stoves, ranges, etc., at Kempin's store. 103 N. 2nd St. 17-25 S. S. Dickington, a prominent citizen of Larned, Kansas, is the guest of his cousin, Prof R. W. Kirk. Phonographs and all the newest re cords at Heater & Harrington'sl 9-3-tf. Mrs. Helen D. Harford, state vice president of the W. C. T. U. is here from Newburg, visiting at the home of Prof. Kirk. Going hunting? Get your guns and ammunition at Heater & Harrington's. 9-3-tf. Undertaken Bovee has a second crop of strawberries on the vines in his gar den. The berries are not ripe yet but are already of good size and give prom ise of becoming luscious berries. Razors, safety and. the other kind. Largest line at Heater & Harrington's. 9-3-tf - The Occidental Mill will resume business Monday morning. Southern Pacific officials here today made satis factory arrangements with the mill people, and the mill will now get the needed logs from the C. & A. connec tion. t Complete outfits for camping parties at Blackledge's furniture store. 8-3-tf Harry Whiteley, a 16-year old son of Mrs. Agnes Whiteley, had one of his hands mangled yesterday by the ex plosion of -a shot gun shell he was try ing to unload. The thumb and fingers were badly lacerated. The Whiteleys are recent arrivals from Victoria, B. C. Wanted A girl for general house work. Inquire or address E. D. Ress ler, 142 N. 7th. 9-8-tf J. G. S. Hubbard, of, this vicinity, showed some South Down sheep at the Salem fair. He didn't win firsts, but was.not distanced. His showing was as follows: Ram, 2 years old, 3; ram, one year old, 3; ewe, 2 years old. 2; ewe, one year ' old, 3; ewe lamb,. 2; group of four animals, 2; group of four lambs, 2; flock, 2; four lambs (special). 2 and 3; fat sheep; 3; fat lambs, 2 and 3. Ice cream delivered on thirty minutes notice by Winkley's Palace of Sweets. ' . ' tf. .One of the largest deals ever made in the timber market was made last week when 3960 acres of choice Siletz tim ber changed : hands : for the sum of $322,000, 'i; D. R..Pendletpnn-a Seattle timberman, having purchased this vast holding from L. B. Menef ee and W. C Slatterly of Portland. A. W. Morgan of this city was one of the principals in having engineered through another large timber deal consisting of ten claims in the Euchre' Mountain, con sideraton $140,000.-. It is rumored that Mr. Pendleton intends locating mills on , Yaquina bay for the manufacture of this timber. Lincoln County Leader. The Pen That Inks the Point PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN 10 DAYS' FREE TRIAL ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED E, W. S. PRAJTT, Jeweler and Optician STRICTLY STYLISH Ready-to-Wear SUITS, SKIRTS and WAISTS These ! Garments for Ladies and " Misses are of excellent quality. The styles, speak i for themselves and the prices are really less than the cost of material and making. YOU CAfl SAVE MONEY BY BUYING HERE NOW Henlzle & Davis MENTOR UNDERWEAR THE WOMAN SHOP Great interest is being displayed in our new Store. Suits and Cloaks' are sold so fast as to almost show you a . new line " upon each visit. Shoes for Children, Girls and Women ' in the best styles and high grade quality.. Call and be fitted to a new pair. F. L. MILLER 142 Second Street J. T. '.' Patterson has . purchased the Bannister grocery on north Second street. This is the store south of the Farmers' hotel. . It has a good stock, but this will be greatly enlarged, the appearance of the place will be greatly mproved and Mr. Patterson will make a strong bid for a goodly portion of the trade. Mr. Patterson is the father of the little boy so badly burned a couple of months ago. The little fellow is now all right, the physcian discontinuing his visits about ten days ago. ; , ; For sale or Rent Eight-room house. with out-buildings, ' convenient to College. 16th & Van Buran. 9-17-tf Subscribers to the Daily Gazette- Times are urged to not give to the carriers any order to stop the paper. This is wholly a concern of the business office and carriers are instructed to take no such orders. Subscribers are urged to report to the office AT ONCE any failure to get the Daily regularly. This office has no way of knowing that carriers are careless unless subscribers report negligence. We want the pa- Lpers delivered and will see that: they are delivered if subscribers will but phone any lapse of the carriers." Sporting goods, bicycles and fishing tackle at Heater & Harrington's. - 9-3-tf. Salem Statesman, Editorial: "Cor vallis mourns the loss of one of her most enterprising citizens and business men, Simon L. Kline, who died last week after a brief illness known as pleurisy of the heart. Mr. Kline had vast business interests in that city and community and was very popular with a great many people all over the Wil lamette valley and the entire state. His parents came to that 'city in the early days, and by hard work and care ful business application accumulated a considerable amount of real property which in their adult years proved of great value to themselves and their family. Simon Kline followed in their footsteps to some extent, and was pro prietor of the : leading merchandise store in that city and in Benton county. He was one of four children, of whom two are living; one of these a sister- is a most enthusiastic believer in the upbuilding of her home city and is numbered among the leaders in the matter of its progressiveness." ..... - . - - - - - - For a good big sanitary loaf of bread go to Small, the only machine shop in the city. Wed-Sat-29 People who have occasion to pass over the Mary's river bridge at the south end of the city say that it is in a dangerous ' condition. : Neyer a heavy bridge, this structure has reached the stage where it not only vibrates stren-1 uously, but it is given to swaying side wise. The matter has been mentioned at different, times recently and this morning sl couple of rather conservative' citizens insisted that the bridge is so far from being in ideal condition that they were afraid ' to ' stand on as vehicles pass over. : A. short time ago a portion of the bridge was re placed but this has little to do with the strength pf the structure. Rod Waggoner, press agent of "The Time, The Place and The Girl," arrived in the city this afternoon to complete arrangements for the' appearance here on Monday, Sept. 27th. This big mu sical play has never before been pre sented in Corvallis and it is safe to say it is as large an organization as ever visited the city, and comes direct from playing to crowded houses at the Bun galow Theatre, Portland. The company numbers about sixty people and is head ed by Robert Pitkin and Jessie Huston and includes the Pennant Winning Beauty Models and the "Pee wee Kid dos," who are famously well known for their dancing. The production is car ried complete by the company in special baggage cars. The seats will be on sale early. " A citizen Vof Corvallis makes the statement that he had to wait forty minutes yesterday in order to cross the ferry. Another reliable personage said in this office this morning that at differ ent times yesterday the traffic was blockaded and many people' inconveni enced.' Punderson Avery made the statement that "the ferry is mighty slow business" and that a bridge would be better. He also mentioned the fact that twelve or fifteen years ago a strenuous attempt was made to get a bridge across the Willamette here, but the people did not consider themselves able to bear the burden. The city is now double its size of those days and the county is richer. Mr. Avery thought it might be possible to build a bridge here now. Another citizen remarked to the writer that he wondered why the County Court could not see its way clear to build this bridge as a monu ment to their progressiveness and busi ness foresight. The Gazette-Times is willing to af firm that S. B. Bane is a scholar and a gentleman, as well . as a first-class vegetable gardener, a royal Democrat and dyed-in-the-wool Methodist. That which calls forth this spontaneous com bustion was the presentation of a large box of onions, carrots, beets, peppers, beans, cabbage, cucumbers, corn, tomatoes and lettuce vegetables fit for kings and queens. S. B. Bane did not - make this gift in order to gain notoriety or favorable mention, but he made i to convince the editor of this pusilanimous .sheet that" there is at least one vegetable gardner doing busi ness in and near this city with marked success. Jhe G.-T,, acknowledges the corn, and the other truck as well, and at this time is inclined to say that if the women who fail to find vegetables to their liking will but phone to Mr, Bane, they will have no futher cause to complain. - This Corvallis gardener raises all kinds of vegetables and they are perfect specimens of - their kind and Mr. Bane will deliver. THE SECOND ANNUAL Portland Fair Oregon's Biggest Show ! Sept 20-25 1909 Admission 50 cts. 6 Horse Races Daily National Live Stock Exhibits Balloon Racing Chariot Racing y Fascinating Midway Attractions , FIREWORKS will be the most gorgeous and magnificent py rotechnic display ever seen on this Coast. This will interest the whole family. - . REDUCED RATES ON ALL ROADS - Portland Fair and Love Stock Show Prepares young people for bookkeepers, stenographers, correspon dents and general office work. , The development of the Northwest will afford openings for thousands in the next few years. Prepare now. Send for catalogue. W. I. STALEY, Principal " SALEM OREGON Occidental Lumber Co. Successors toJ Corvallis Lumber Co. We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please call on J.-B IRVING for information and prices. And take notice that if we have not got exactly what you want we will get it for you. G. O. BASSET r, Local Met. For the Portland Fair and Live Stock Show held in Portland Sept. 20th. to 25, inclusive the C. & E. and S. P. will sell round trip tickets on Sept. 23rd. and 24th., only, good to return not later than Sept. 27th, for $3.50. Chil dren between 5 and 12 years old half fare. Passengers ""can go either via Albany or west sidh direct returning same way as going. R. C. Linville Agent. 9-18-7t r NEW IRRIGATION BOOK FREE "Well Irrigation for SniSll Farms" is a publication just issued by the Gen eral Passenger Department of the Ore gon Railway and Navigation Co., and Southern Pacific lines in Oregon. The booklet sets forth in a practical concise way the possibilities for profit of . inexpensive irrigation, and should be in the hands of every farmer in Oregon. - ' Copies may be obtained free on appli cation to Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent, O. R. & N. and S. P.. Lines in Oregon, Portland, Ore. ' S- 9-17-7t The Best Paint There is no better paint made for appearance and durability than Acme Quality Paint Specially prepared for exterior and interior use. "FLOOR VARNISH THAT WEARS" 0 WALL PAPER AND PAINT STORE Second Street, Near Palace Theater Glass Jars, All Kinds, at HODES GROCERY COOPER NEWTON W E CO. We do the Best Plumbing and Carry a full line of Plumbers' Supplies Dealers In Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream Sepa rators, Graniteware, Tinware and Builders' Hardware. Congo Roofing and Quick Meal Ranges Second Street, Corvallis, Oregon Sunday Excursions to Newport The C. & E. Railroad will run regular excursions , to Newport every Sunday until further notice, leaving Corvallis at the same time as heretofore. Fare for round trip, $1.50. 9-9-tf v R. C LiNViiXE,--Agent. ' WHEN YOU WANT SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT Phone Your Orders To No. 7, THATCHER & JOHNSON'S GROCERY Where They WiU be Promptly Filled. Fine Line of Crockery, Glassware, Cut Glass, Haviland and Chinaware, LAMPS ETC. y ' THE DAILY GAZETTE-TIMES, 50c PER MONTH