FOOTBALL SEASON OPENS EARLY PRACTICE BEGINS NEXT TUESDAY ; FIRST GAME OCT. 16. THE BIG GAME AT EUGENE O. A. C.'s Schedule Now Complete--' . One Big Game in Corvallis and Sev eral Minor Ones Team May Go to Los Angeles to Play. ' When it is determined whether there will be a game with St. Vincent College, Los , Angeles, December 4, the football arrange ments for 0. A, C. will have been settled. The' schedule se cured by Director Angell is as follows; October 16 Pacific University at Corvallis. October 23 Catholic Young Men's Club, of Portland, at Corvallis. ' ' October 29 Whitman College, At Walla Walla; . November 6 Will amette Uni - versity, at Qorvallis. r -November 13 University of "Washington,' at Corvallis. s ; November 19 University of t jregon at Eugene, day at the state fair,, the Salem your recent articles on "Boosters; November 26 Multnomah Am ateur Athletic, Club, at Portland. U. of 0. Games. " The State University has scheduled but four games thus far, as follows; "' November 6 M. A.. A. C at Eugene. November 14 Idaho at Port land. November 19 0. A. C. at Eugene. November 25 U. of W. at Seattle. The Two Teams O. A. C. will have the nucleus of a good team to start with, but will lose several of its good men this year. Among those not expected back are: ; ; Jamison) tackle), Pendergrass (guard and captain), Dobbin end), Cady (end), Brodie (end), and Cooper (left half) ; Hastings (sub-half), who goes to Berkeley. Those remaining from last year are: Wolff (half and fullback), Endberg (end and half) , Wallace and Evendon (guards), and Kelly (center), They are all good men, The' University will - have all her old men except Moullen (tackle), Hurd (half) and Mc Intyre (guard), and possibly Sullivan (sub-half). In other words, it starts with about 17 varsity men of last year. Prac tice begins next Monday. George Hug, Oregon's center in '04, '05 and '06, and an all Northwest man, will be the re gular assistant ! coach; Coach Forbes lives in Springfield and has' been in touch with his men all Summer. It is practically as sured that - Hayward will be with the varsity again this year. Oregon will get a number of good men from the "prep" schools. Scott, guard in '06 and .center in '07, will return to college and try for Monllen's place at tackle. He weighs 215 and1 played a good game for the ; "alumni"' last Fall in the prac tice game at Eugene. He has two more years on the varsity. ra ; - IWof-Tt sA1sSVi" .. Iflxl j Scene from 'The Time, the Place and the Girl" at Corvallis Opera House, Monday Night, September 27 -. ! T .. . . , , nnnrniirn nnnnTn BOOS AGRICUL ITS TURAL COLLEGE Salem: Statesman Sav : Manv C.nnA Words For State School Here. In connection with O. A.1 C. Statesman' says: "The ,0. A. C booth in the main pavilion has brought attention to many pretty been attracting wide attention. It includes a comprehensive dis- place you have mention iA play which gives some idea, of serving of -all the praise given. the wide scope of the work being yPJfcfetglUfe JJafesIQhieyjdentlr, missed your notice. institution and is well worthy a careful inspection by all ..visitors at the fair. "The Oregon Acmcultural Col lege is located at Corvallis, a city of five thousand inhabitants., supplied with mountain water. provided with an excellent sew- Continued on page two "UNCLE JOSH nrninif mnmno (Continued on Page Two) "Uncle Josh Perkins." "the great comedy success, is down for an engagement of one night at the opera house on Thursday, Sept. 23. The play is built on orginal lines and is said to be presented by a brilliant company, who made the most possible "out of every type of character 'en acted . While built largely for laughing purpose', there is enough pathos, human interest and thrilling situations unfolded to suit all classes of men, women and children too. The forth coming engagement' of J this company will doubtless attract the usual attention from - the playgoers of Corvallis; Reserved seats on sale at Graham & Wo rtham's, prices 25c, 50c, 75c. EXACTLY RIGHT Albany Demoract: The state fair is short this year on county exhibit?, and there is a rea son for it. : Someone says there should be a prize of at least $500i and a little less on races. The races may draw, but they don't give a country the reputation" a large display of ' exhibits does. If the fair could have ten county exhibits there would be some thing .doing; ; It is "something worth -'working- for. -At least $1000 could be set aside for prizes for such exhibits. ' Citizen Expresses Appreciation of An other's Well-spent Energy. Editor . , Gazze Ite-times : In and Who They Are, " you have places about the city and each I wish to call your attention to SEES BIG THINGS ..;RiJyflEm Dallas Paper Believes Era of Suburban Development at Hand. A person ' going from - town west to the city limits on Monroe street, cannot but be impressed with the barreness of a goodly share of the residence property along the street, especially after Ninth street is crossed. An oasis in this desert may be seen at this time if one turns north on Eleventh street. J. R.. Mont- Continued on page two. ' 'Many of the : valley news papers are filling their columns with comment on the taking over of the Willamette Valley Company properties by the Northwestern Corporation, and are predicting all , sorts of , big things in the way of railroad de velopment as -a resultrTBays the Dallas Observer. "The Observer does not be lieve that there is anything to get excited about. The station ery used in the various offices of the Willamette Valley Company has borne the heading "North western Corporation" for the last year, and the employees of the system have made no effort to conceal the fact. It is more Continued on page two POLK COUNTY AT WON SALEM Woman Enables County Adjoining Benton to Get First Award. ABE 1G LOSES BY FIRE HEAVILY 100 TONS OF HAY, LARGE BARN AND MUCH FEED LOST. $2500 LOSS; BARN INSURED Spontaneous Combustion Sets Fire to Barn and Destroys Structure With All Its Contents Horses and Cattle Turned Out. ! IW-destroyed ..a. large barn, one hundred tons of hay, wagons, buggies, , harness, feed and two calves at the Abe King farm last night about 11 o'clock., The total loss is placed at about $2500, with, less than $1000 insurance. House in Danger The fire was not discovered by the. Kings until the entire barn was a mass of flames. There was time to open the doors, and fortunately the horses and cattle in the structure were driven out, Salem Capital Journal: A train load of happy people from Polk countv went lihrnfl' Inst nic-lit. nnrl tlio waa r.ov.i,3 I with the excentinn nf -torn pclima a-- i . uuiuauo w.. t that came in from Falls CityTnere waa nothing 'to do: but let were the happiest of all, because .the fire burn and tarn attention old Polk won out first prize in ' to,the, residence, which was in the state fair county exhibits. : reat danger. With the help of It was a further honor for Falls neighbors, who did valiant ser- OTyrbecause'MrsTWolirand her "viwin-tarrymg-Tvater anff'et daughter, Mrs. Willetts, of that blankets and carpets to the roof, town, put up the whole display, 'the home was saved, though at with a little help from the countv times the heat from the burning court $50 and some glass jars. Dam was 830 intense as to make Mrs. Wolff had nearly as much well-nigh impossible to work. more in the shape of her individ ual exhibit, and about one fourth Disrupts Milk Route. Abe King is one of the dairy- ?f Jre green house disPlay- men supplying milk to patrons Mrs. Wolff has been an exhibtor ;n h,c tir tj,0 ica v,; for many years, and is of the ness and vehiflps mP it immc most skillful decorators in the sihlo fnr him tn mule th romiia state. Her exhibit consisted of a -h ; ivuixuo uii o mux 111113 llA vym QXSm (Continued on Page Two) Continued on page two 1 mmtmmmmmmmmmmm WHWHMHE I LADIES' COLLARS Ladies' and Children's Both embroidered " OUTING FLANNEL "and Plain NIGHT GOWNS and plain. . jging in price from Special 19c 25c to $1.75 New Rugs and Carpels Just received. Prices Very Low A SAFE PLACE TO TRADE We have just received a beautiful new assort ment of Pillow Tops Specially Priced 19c and 43c NEW! FALL TAIL OR ED SUITS, $25 In serges, homespuns and diagonals and mixtures. A large assortment of new est fall models of high-class tailor-made suits in all the popular lengths ranging from 40 inches to 45 inches long. Some are strictly plain tailored, others have strapping of same material and some are trimmed With braid and some with jet buttons. Coats are all liried with satin and the skirts are made after the newest pleated models of the most neat and attractive styles. These d Q are very good bargains for PO We also have a beautiful line of tailored suits ,. rangmg m price from $20 to - uuiui cu $45 SEPARATE CO A TS, $28.50 Goats are made from a fine quality of covert cloth and are exquisitely tailored. Coats are full length and seven-eighths fitting. Backs are trimmed below waist line with four buttons on each of the side seams. Have vent on center seam. Coats are lined through the sleeves and to the hip with tan silk to match. Buttons are used to fasten, which extend to the bottom of the coat This is an extra , O Q C A good value at '. p0DU Co Igate's Talcum Powder, regular25c, for 19c . Denial Cream, " "25c for il9c EastmanTs Satchef Powders . v 25c fbr ll9c " - Cbldf Cream " .25cforC" "l9c " . j Tooth Powder 'vX25c for- Il9c - - 3' P-rfumes - 7-- 9C Sanitol Toilet y Soap, regular 25c, for. 1 4 19c " Tooth Powder " 25c for 19c Sanitol pace Cream, regular 25c, for 19c Williams' Shaving Stick, " 25c for 19c Mennen's Talcum Powder " 25c for 19c Allen's Foot Ease " 25c for 1 19c Newbro's Herpicide " ; 50c for " 39c Violet Witch Hazel " ' 25c , for l 119c Eastman Toilet Water " 50c for 43c Sanitol Tooth Brushes " 35c for 29c JJ