1 SEYMOUR AIDED U AGAINST GERMANY British Admiral Who Will This Country In Fall. Visit HE FOUGHT AFRICAN PIRATES Admiral Dewey Had Warm Friendship and Admiration For Gallant English Sea Dog Who Was Prominent at Ma nila and During the Great Boxer Re- . volt In China. The choice of Sir E. Hobart Seymour to command Great Britain's fleet of warships at the Hudson-Fulton cele- ! bration in New York has aroused fa- . vorable comment on both sides of the Atlantic. i Ever since Admiral Seymour stood o nobly at Dewey's back at Manila .Americans have had an exceptionally . -warm place in their hearts for him. Later when he commanded the allied forces In a gallant but unsuccessful . attempt to relieve Peking In 1900 he ' again endeared himself to all who read the reports concerning the expe- j dition. At the time of the Boxer uprising, when Seymour and his men were lost to sight in the country between Tien tsin and Pekin, the London Mail print ed the following extract from Admiral Dewey's Chicago speech of May 1, 1900 Prance were making things a trifle ud comfortable for the Americans. In Tientsin in June. 1900. when the Boxers had closed in on Pekin, Admi ral Seymour, then in full command of the British Asiatic fleet, was by agree ment made . leader of the British. American, Japanese, Austrian. Rus sian, Italian. 1 German -and French sailors and marines who sought to raise' the siege of the capital city. There were 2.066 ( officers anTl men in all. Medal For Heroic Deed. 1 On the right breast of Admiral Sey mour is pinned, among others, a medal received when as a young naval officer he plunged into a shark infested sea at night in order to save a sailor from drowning. Admiral Seymour was born in 184r and entered the navy when twelve years old. From the time of the Cri mean war in 1854 until the Egyptian war of 18S2 his life was one of con tinual - fighting. He was fourteen years old and a midshipman on the Furious at the bombardment of Odes sa. He was present also at the bom bardment of Sebastopol, one of the worst battles of the kind in modern history. Later he was commander of the Growler and operated for several years against pirates on the eastern coast of Africa and on the Kongo river. He was wounded severely in the leg dur ing this later period. In the Egyptian war of 1882 Admiral CURTISS, THE AVIATOR. ' American Flier Who Ha Broken Speed Record at Rheims Aviation Meet. - Glenn H. Curtiss has.again made the world sit up and take notice of Amer ican ingenuity, daring and progressive ness. His record breaking exploits at the great aviation meet -at Rheims, France, will live long in the fast in creasing history of the air. His vic tory in the contest for the Prix de la Vitesse, value 10,000 francs ($2,000), was a splendid climax to his week of endeavor. He covered the course in this thirty kilometer race in 25 min utes 49 seconds, corrected time. - . . Curtiss, now the lion of Europe, is really a gasoline engineer." Aviation is merely a side line with him, in which he differs from the Wrights, who have given their lives to it. Curtiss eats lubricating oil and drinks gasoline. He began life in Hammondsport, N. Y., about thirty years ago and became a newsboy because he needed the money.' One day he traded a lot of old junk for an old bicyrle. Oddly enough, that trade made his fortune and determined his vocation. It has never been stated that Glenn Curtiss is lazy, but the fact remains that Hammondsport is mostly on edge and that he got a cramp in the calf from pedaling his rusty old machine up and down hills. Then he caught sight of one of the early edi tions of the gasoline engine. "Why not tie that engine on my bi cycle and save me all this trouble?" Sister's Academy Opens Sept. 7th The Academy of Our Lady of Perpetual Help will re-open on September 7th. By means of the new addition and the remodeling of the building the school is now equipped with all modern im provements, and with a corps of competent teachers may be de pended upon to do thorough work both.m the grades and high school course. For particulars apply to. Sister Superior, 225 West Ninth St., Albany, Oregon. &'19 to 9-19. Homes Newport Property. Sixty choice lots more or less in New port, Oregon, (one of the most health ful and popular summer and winter re sorts) for sale or will exchange for oth er good property. Property near Cor- valhs preferred. Will supply funds to buyers of these -lots to build homes thereon! - Address M. S. Woodcock. Corvalhs, Oregon. ' thurs. tf . .. .1 1. T -. : ji .Li. . , -"-i" aUUCu LUC auu iub he reasoned. He collected more old ; Inflexible. He was a captain at that junk when he had enou h he i 6- ?10beJ' 1905L Admiual TSey" It for the parts of an antiquated gaso I TUr 1Sited B0ft0D D b0ard lver !Hne engine. A few weeks of seclusion uia. vvua-Liitr uavai Uliiuti Ul Lilt; ! highest rank that had as yet visited ! America, and his command over the American sailors in China gave him a My dear old friend, Sir Edward ' unique position in the eyes of Ameri Seymour, is more than a brother to i cans- xnere are rew instances wnen tne flag of an admiral of the fleet has been flown at sea, and when coupled with the fact that Admiral Seymour, who will come here on the Inflexible, was one of the two recipients of the Order of Merit when,it was first established it will show the keen interest which England has in the coming celebration. me. I will remember his friendship to the end. In Manila bay when I was in a most trying position this English commander stood loyally at i -r rr sr. i it v fit iS" i THE MIKADO'S GIFT. True Send IB E. HOBAKT SBYMOCB, BRITISH ADMIBAL my back. If it had not been for his Significance of Plan to Cherry Trees to America. In the daily press there has recently appeared a little item of news whose full significance the American public j does not realize. Instead of sending warships to participate in the Hudson Fulton celebration, the emperor . of Japan has indicated his desire to con vey to the New York authorities a gift of 300 cherry trees, one for each year the' Hudson has been known to the world, to be planted on both sides of Riverside drive, New York, or in any other spot the- officials may determine. The ordinary reader will simply be struck with this intelligence as a Tery nice- thing for the emperor to do. and people who do not believe much in mil itary and naval display will perhaps say in their hearts tha the emperor has chosen the better way to indicate his felicitation. But only a very few will know that, from the Japanese standpoint, much more is intended. The cherry-blossom is not only the greatly beloved flower of the Japanese people, sharing a place in their affec tion with the chrysanthemum, the na tional flower of the empire, but is a symbol of the very soul of the man- in the paternal barn followed, until one day Hammondsport was almost in terested by seeing young Curtiss fly up and down its angular street on his old bicycle, propelled by a gasoline engine he had in some occult manner attached to the frame. He kept on at that .en terprise until by and byv he began to build motorcycles. Eventually he had a factory that employed several hun dred men, which made him a rich man. ! When our best aerialists began wear ing dirigible balloons some of them went to Curtiss for a motor "that would push their gas bags. It naturally fol lowed that the trying out process took 'place at Hammondsport, and Curtiss !In time became identified with the manufacture of flying machines of one sort and another. Then he tried his hand . at It for himself and produced the June Bug, that famous pony built little contraption that won the . first prize offered in America for a flying machine that would really fly. Mr. Cuitiss is a gasoline engineer ' first and an aviator second. He Is ' chiefly interested in the performance 1 of the motor. As the motor is the very heart of the aeroplane, his Amer ican friends and Frenchirivals may be J pardoned for 4he interest with ; which ; they watched his performances at the ' international flying races at Rheims.. And the Joke of it all is that it started 'when he traded for that old two dollar ! bicycle twenty years ago. Ne w - York Globe. . hood of Japan. That is why it has moral support I cannot say what might have happened." . At that time Admiral Seymour was In command of the China station. He was already an old friend of Admiral Dewey, and. though not at Manila duriug hostilities, it was undoubtedly, because of his general orders that the English ships backed Dewey so well. '' After the battle of Manila, in which i been . celebrated in song; that is why Dewey wiped out the Spanish tieet. j the people flock to the cherry gardens the Germans mobilized at Manila a j in crowds, in order, that while gazing stronger fleet than that under the j upon the outward beauty their souls American commander's command, and i rnay te baptized-afresh with a bap it was then that Seymour's f rieudship j tism of the real Japanese spirit, was especially valuable. Their officers . There is nothing in the American life and men 'displayed sympathy for the to ' illustrate just what the cherry Spaniards and showed disregard for j means to the, Japanese people. But if the blocRade established. Serious fric- j vve had some symbol of nature that tion, which might have led to . open would embody all that Plymouth rock, -rupture, followed. On one occasion, .: an that the Declaration of Independ when Dewey learned that a cruiser jenee. all that the emancipation proc from the Germans had landed provi- j lamation means of liberty, patriotism, sions at Manila, the American admiral , union, and then if our president should ent his flag lieutenant to Rear Ad- ! select 300 of the choicest specimens of 'miral von Diederich to inform him of i this emblem and officially senij them "this "extraordinary disregard of the I as representing' the felicitations of the usual courtesies of naval Intercourse" ; American people to a friendly power -and to say that "if he wants a tight . at the time of some Important celebra he can have it right tiow." . tion they would surely be considered This notification was followed by a j to carry a message of good will. disavowal of the action of the cruiser. When the joint army and navy oper ations against Manila began on Aug. 13, 1898. the German and French men-of-war occupied a position northwest of the city, from which they command ed the American station.' The English and Japanese lay off Cavite near the .Americans. Americans Feared Germans, OFFERS $20,000 TO AVIATORS Paris Newspaper Would Encourage - : Practical Voyages.1; The Matin, in view of the results at Kheims, which have shown the aero plane's capabilities as never before realized, even by aviatorsr, believes the time ripe for these machines to leave the race track and make real voyages from town to town. It therefore of fers a prize of 100,000 francs ($20,0.00) to be awarded to the owner of the machine whlch'makes the fastest time m a circuit irom fans to uijon, rei fort, Kancy, Lille and Paris before Aug. 31, 1910. All the French newspapers are en thusiastic over the great success of aviation week (last week), holding that it constitutes the greatest landmark in the history of the conquest of the air.. They praise the enterprise and daring of the aviators, paying special tribute to the American, Glenn H. Curtiss, as a modest, consistent and patient work er, whose efforts have been crowned by the blue ribbon of the air. GEO. W. DENMAN Attorney at Law CORVALLIS, OREGON Office In Fischer building, over Graham ' & Wortham drug store How About That Fall Suit Come and get a PRINCETON College Cut Suit. The latest de signs in fabrics and styles. A. K. RUSS Dealer in all Men's Furnishings We sell cheapest because we sll for cash. CORVALLIS. OREGON Dr. VIRGINIA V. LEWEAUX, Osteopathic, Physician - At Corvallis Hotel Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays . At Albany Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays . 15-17 Brenner Building , FALL SUITS NOW READY We offer you ALFRED BENJAMIN & COS Clothes. For all wool quality, for . . style, for excellence of tailoring and correctness of fit, there's nothing to match them. PHOTOGRAPHERS PICKEL'S" STUDIO, 430 SECOND Street. Phone 4209. . . REST -ROMP -RECUPERATE At the Seashore NEWPORT Is a delightful resort and a happy combination of pleas ure ground possibilities. An ideal climate diversion of recreation perfect bathing boating fishing riding driv ing, and exploring, .make Newport a most charming and popular play ground. Southern Pacific Co. ' HAS A f. Special Summer Excursion Rate to Newport of $3.75 From CORVALLIS, OREGON Ask for our booklet "Outings in Oregon." R. C. LINVILLE, Agent, CORVALLIS. ORE. WM. M'MURRAY, General Passenger Agent " . ' . Portland, Oregon PHYSICIANS G. R. FARRA, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon. Office in Burnett Block, . over Harris' Store. Residence corner Seventh and Madison. Office hours: 8 tc 9 a. m.; 1 to 2 p. m. Phones: Office, 2128, Residence, 404. J. B. MORRIS, M. D., PHYSICIAS and Surgeon. Corner Third and THon. roe Streets, Corvallis, Oregon. Office hours: 9 to 12 a. tn.; I to 4 p. tn.; 7 to 8 p. m. Phone in both office and resi dence . Practical Hint For Schoolgirls. , A novel proposal made by a woman inspector has come under the consider ation of the Romford (England) school managers. It is that schoolgirls. shall become their own dressmakers. Needle i work in elementary schools is at pres- ent confined to odd pieces of miscel 1 laneous cloth obtained at trifling-cost tThe Americans feared that the Ger- i The inspectress proposes, that the girls mans might fire on them during the tMmbardnient of the city. This fear -was quieted when Captain Chichester, senior British naval officer, placed his .ships between the German admiral and Dewey. Captain Chichester undoubt- dly acted under general instructions from Admiral Seymour. Later Cap tain Chichester, in telling of his rela tions with Admiral von Diederichs, said: "When the German admiral sent me -word that he was coming aboard my - vided the material ' hip to get me to join in a protest . against Dewey's action I looked up in ternational law and spread the books out on my cabin table "with the pages open and marked, all in a row. and -when he came I said: 'What can I do? This American admiral is so deadly right in all he has done and all he' proposes to do that if we protest. we will merely show that we do not. un understand law.' Of course there was nothing to be done, and I did it should be taught to mend clothes and to make complete garments suitable for their own wear. The idea is re garded as excellent, but the provision of material to make complete dresses would Involve a considerable expendi ture. . The view of the managers is that it would amount to giving the children free clothes, and this princi ple thev are not prepared to adopt It is probable a way out of the difficulty would be found if the parents pro- It may be said that during the en- -tire war with Spain Admiral Seymour "and the men under him acted 'as sec onds for Dewey and his sailors. They, offered moral aid when Germany and Abruzzi to Be Rear Admiral The announced program of the Duke of the Abruzzi for some time to come shows 'that a trip to America is com pletely excIuded.V .After leaving the steamship Oceania, on which be 1 re turning to Italy, he will go to Racco- nigi to .visit KiDg Victor Emmanuel and Queen Eiena. On returning to Italy he will attend to the publication . vfof a hook on his last expedition to the ARMY'S NEW TELESCOPE. Gunners Can See . Enemy While Re maining Invisible Themselves. After years of patient experimenting Dana Dudley of Wakefield, Mass., re cently had the satisfaction of having his "pan angle" telescope adopted by the war department of the. United States. The invention is simple in its con struction, yet. It is said, may revolu tionize modern -'warfare. It consists of reflecting lenses so arranged at an gles in a tube that persons or objects above or below and on all sides may be viewed from a place of conceal ment. - " The device as constructed for use In warfare is arranged so that even on disappearing guns or guns used in trenches and fired from any point in visible from the exterior the operator may ascertain the location of the ene my,: target or o,ther objective point without exposing himself. Himalayas. After this work has been completed he will' resume his service with the. fleet, when, it is understood, he will be promoted to the rank of rear admiral. - New Use of Compressed Air. The auxetophone is a device invent ed by Charles Parsons, by means of which compressed air can be utilized to strengthen the tone of any instru ment to which it is attached. Wnen applied to the cello the valve is con nected by a rod of aluminium to -the instrument. The compressed air pass ing . through the valve is caused to vibrate, thus producing a -sound char acteristic of the instrument. The sound issuiDg from the trumpet; though in many respects identical with that of the instrument itself, is at the same time much richer in l;one" and greatly augmented in volume. W.T. ROWLEY. M. !., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Special attention given to the Eye. Noee and Throau Office in Johnson Blag. Ind. 'phone at of fice and lesidencts. UNDERTAKERS BLACKLEDGE F& EVERETT, Li censed embalmers and funeral direct ors. Have everything new in coffins, caskets and burial robes. Calls ans wered day and night. Lady assist ant. Embalming a specialty. . Day phones, Ind. 117 and 1153, Bell, 531; night phones, Ind. 2129 and 1153. M. S. BGVf E, FUNERAL DIRECT- or and Licensed Fmbalmer. Suc cessor to Eovee & Bauer Corvallis, Oregon. Ind. Phone 45. Bell Phone 241 . Lady attendant when desired. ATTORNEYS J. F. YATES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Uttice Rooms 3, 4, 1st Natl Bank Bldg, E E. WILSON " Attorney At Law Zierolf Bldg. Corvallis, Oregon tbe eity Stables Everything new and up to date. Rigs furnished on short notice. Call and give 'us Ja , trial. Cor. MadisonJ - r'-. and 3d Jl "THE SCHOOL OF QUALITY" Tenth. and Morrison, Portland, Oregon 83 A. P. Armstrong LL.B., Principal Old in years, new in methods, admittedly the high-standard commercial school of the Northwest. Open all the year. More calls for help than we can meet position certain. Class and individual instruction. Bookkeeping from written forms and by office practice. Shorthand that excels in every respect. Special penmanship department. Write for illustrated catalogue. THE DAILY GAZETTE-TIMES, '-.50c PER MONTH T H E SECOND A N N U A L Portland Fair Oregon's Biggest Show! Sept 20-25 1909 Admission 50 cts. 6 Horse Races Daily National Live Stock Exhibits ' Balloon Racing Chariot Racing Fascinating Midway Attractions FIREWORKS will be the most gorgeous and magnificent py rotechnic display ever seen on this Coast This will interest the whole family. " REDUCED RATES ON ALL ROADS Prepares young people for bookkeepers, stenographers, correspon dents and general office work. The development of the Northwest will afford openings for thousands in the next few years. Prepare now. Send for catalogue. . W. I. STALEY, Principal 9-10 SALEM OREGON L. F.GRAY, - Manager Qazette-Ti tnes Biggest and Best Paper in the Willamette Valley