The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, September 10, 1909, Image 1

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VOL. I. NO. 112
Declares That There Must Be State
Law Before Council Can Enforce
Bicycle Tax -Rider Complains- of
Bad Walks.
Corvallis, Sept 10.
Editor Gazette-Times:
I see by the columns of your
paper dated Sept. 8 that the city
council has, or is having, drafted
an ordinance to the effect that
bicycles must wear numbered
tags similar to those worn by
autos and that two dollars an
nually will be charged for these
tags. -
Mr. ' Editor, I think that this
ordinance will be an imposition
: and will be unconstitutional. A
law like this must be a state law
before it can be enforced. The
city has, no jurisdiction outside
the city limits and wheels " from
the outside can not be kept out
The roads and our streets are
pttbUc'Mjwsysan A-inft'. man.
with a wheel can be forced from
there unless it is a state law.
How are they going to keep the
the outside wheels out? Chief
, "Wells will be looking for them
when they come to town but he
i will just have to look and let
them go by. K If they wish to
put the bicycles off the walks,
that is a different thing.
A number of years ago a simi
lar scheme was concocted and
was declared unconstitutional. ;
This law called for a dollar tax
on every wheel. The money
was to be used for the construc
tion and maintenance of bicycle
paths in Benton county. The
paths neveramounted to any
thing and what disposition was
made of the money was never
made public.
The automobile tax is a state
law and it is just to all. Every
auto has its number but every
wheel will not The license for
autos in this state is three dol
lars and that is not paid annually
Al of the principal buildings of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition
-are grouped in close compass around the Cascades and Geyser Basin and
the flower beds -which line each. - .
The picture shows a view from the lower side of Geyser Basin, directly
up the Court of Honor.' On the right are seen the Palace of Manufac
tures, the Oriental and Hawaiian Buildings. On the left are the Euro
pean Exhibits and Alaskan Buildings. In the far center is the Central
Government, which shows its incompleted front as it looked on April 15.
On (hat date this was the heaviest piece of construction to be finished
before the opening, day of the Exposition and the contractors estimated
that It would take them ten days to do the work. t
Geyser Basin is in the foreground, and Just beyond It show the steps
in the Cascades. -
your number lasts as long as you
have the machine. .-; But the bi
cycles must pay the two dollars
every year. .
I am a bicycle rider and use a
wheel a great' del. J carry a
whistle akd blow for every, blind
corner. No one has every re
ceived any serious injuries from
my wheel. 1 It: is true I have re-"
ceived several hard falls due to
broken walks and loose boards,
which are among the most com
mon things in Corvallis, except
no walks af all. -
Mr. Editor, I think this law
very unjust and imposing and I
for one shall fight it to the last
and there are others who will
help. "A Rider."
There seems to be a wide,
divergence of systems in refer
ence to paying for the paving of
The department of legislative
reference of the City of Balti
more, says it has collected
from 19 of the largest cities of
the country information as to
the portion of the cost of pav
ing which is assessed against
abutting property. - Seven of
these pay for intersections, three
pay for 2 Der cent of the rest
and one for 25 per cent. .
New York assesses ' the -entire
cost against abutting property.
Chicago follows the same princi
ple "ecjpslTurtfSsistireetsT
From 15 to 25 per cent of the
cost of paving business streets is
assessed against abutters.
Philadelphia pays for the in
tersections. . :
- Cleveland pays for the inter
sections and 2 per cent ' of the
Buffalo assesses the . entire
cost against the abutters.
Pittsburg does the same.
Detroit pays for the intersect
Milwaukee pays for nothing
unless the cost of paving exceeds
$3 per square yard. It pays
anything in excess of that.
.New ur leans pays tor tne in
tersections and 25 per cent of
the rest. V
Minneapolis pays for the inter
sections. :
, Louisville, Indianapolis, St.
Paul, Rochester, Kansas City
and Denver ,pay nothing.
Toledo pays for the intersections.
And the Providence and
Johnstown pay all. :
NEED ONLY . -5,000
1... ' ' i " 'V
A List of the Majorities in Various
Counties at Last Election Shows that
State Prohibition Stands a Good
Chance of Winning jOnt
In hisaddress here a couple of
weeks ago, Supt. Knodell, of
the State , Anti-Saloon League,
made the - statement that the
fight for state wide prohibition is
on. At that time he gave some
very interesting figures. These,
augmented by others from the
Oregonian, furnish interesting
reading. v
As indicated by the votes cast
in the counties of .Oregon that
have availed themselves of the
provisions of the local-option law,
tne proniDition issue, now m
sight for the election of Novem-
Der, 1910. .will have to gain at
least. 5000 'votes outside of
Multnomah' County,: in order to
put the state in the dry column,'
even, conceding, that; all, .whtufiup.
ported county - prohibition ' will
vote for the state prohibition. .
In the 31 counties of the state
that have voted on the temperance-
question, the majority
shown against the saloons was
5421.' ; ':v,.V'v.r
. If the figures in the local op
tion vote in the 26 precincts in
Multnomah County in which an
election was held in June, 1908,
are to be taken as an . indication
of the sentiment in this county,
Multnomah will poll a majority
against prohibition next year of
from 10,000 to 12,000..
Majorities Against Saloons.
In .1908, 21 counties voted
'.'dry," and one, Baker, had pre
viously voted against the saloons.
The majorities against the sale
of liquor in the 22 counties were
as follows: r
Benton,286; Crook, 584; Curry,
132; Douglas, 412; Gilliam, 36;
Grant, 22; Jackson, 257: Jose
phinje. 363; Klamath, 88;. Linn,
588; Lane, 770; Malheur, 250;
Morrow, 240; Polk, 253; Sherman,
96; Tillamook, 66; Umatilla, 694:
Union, 590; Wallowa, 415; Hood
River, 102; Wheeler, 92; Yam
hill, 872. Total 7109. ?
The wet majorities in the nine
counties that have' voted to re
tain the saloons were as follows:
Clackamas, 169 Columbia, 162;
Coos, 64; Harney, 144; Lake 85;
Lincoln, 3; Marion, 571; Wasco,
185; Washington, J05. : Total,
1788. 'V ' Kr-
Subtracting the wet from ' the
dry majorities in . the counties
named gives the prohibition
majority ' aforementioned of
Will sell, or trade for Benton County
Realty, two desirable farms in Klamath
County. One is a dairy and chicken ranch
near the town of Dairy, 160acres. , The
other is a grain and fruit farm in Lan-
gell Valley, near Bonanza, and has 200
acres including valuable reservoir site.
J."D. Hamaker 542-U. 2nd street Cor
vallis, Oregon. ; . 9-106t
e. . h:; harriman , came from
Had Scarcely-Enough to Eat as a Lad.
Little" Education, But ' Wonderful
:y Mind for Figures in Later Life
I Made Start by Plunging. -
- Edward H. Harriman, who
died at Arden, N. Y: yesterday
sometime between 2 and 3:30 p,
m., was aged 61 years. He was
the railroad king of the - world,
and rose - to such exalted
niegnt - irom a position as
humble as any position could be.
As a boy, at .home he and . his
family had scarcely enough to
: He was born at Hempstead, -L,
Li February 25, 1848r the son of
Rev. Orlando Harriman, Jr., rec
tor of an Episcopal church in that
town founded in 1702. - -
?1The early life of the future man
ot millions was one of great prov-
eifty. His father was a cultured
but poor man, his mother came
from an old aristocratic, but
eallynpecunicus-1- family -of
New Brunswick', N. J.- The Eev.
urianao . namman, ; Jr., naa a
large family, consisting of four
boys and two girls and his income
was altogether inadequate - to
feed, clothe and educate his chil
dren. " " . . .
-Moves to Jersey City -
In 1855, when Edward Henry
Harrimanwas but six years old,
the family moved to Jersey. City.
The head of the family had no
regular charge, but helped out
wherever he could. ; On May 9,
1859, the Rev. Orlando Harriman,
Jr.', wds made rector of St. John's
at West Hoboken, with a salary
of $200 a year. He remained in
charge of the parish seven and a
half years, until November, 1866.
At that time his salary was $374
in arrears, which was compro
mised zty $250, payable in six
months, with interest. But little
is known of Jj2. H. Harriman's
life during these years of pover
ty. The family liyed in a smal'
house on the meadows and it re
quired no end of ingenuity and
economy to make both ends meet.
' - , Early Education.
Edward H. Harriman received
his early education at the distric
school and supplemented it by a
two years' course in a boys
school under church auspices.
where the sons of clergymen paid
practically nothing for their edu
cation. Edward's oldest broth
er, John Nelson, and his young
est brother, William McCurdy,
died some years ago. His second
brother, Orlando, became a rea'
estate dealer in Brooklyn. Lily
one ; of his sisters, became the
wife of Charles D. Simmons
Brown Brothers & Co., of New
York, and Annie, the other sis
ter, married a Van , Rensselaer,
of the old and aristocratic family
of that name in New York.
Edward Henry Harriman be
gan his career as clerk in a brok
er's office on Wall street He
showed no unusual ability and
for many years gave no promise
of his later brilliant development
Socially he was well liked and
those who knew him at that time
described him as a sociable young
man, always full of fun. He was
noted, however, for a mind of
his own. What he wanted he
generally obtained, but his de
sires and ambitions were, at that
time, at .', least, neither -'very
. Plunged a Little.
He plunged, won enough mon
ey to buy' a seat on the New
Stock Exchange, became Vice
president of the Illinois Central
Railroad and formed ; a money
combination to purchase the de
funct Union Pacific lines. Harri
man soon became the controlling
spirit of the Union Pacific and by
stringent economy, cutting off all
waste and improving the main
ine, transformed the road into
valuable property, paying stead
ily increasing, dividends. He
cleverly "used the credit of this
road for acquiring, ' without
spending a single dollar, the con
trol of one railroad after the
other. The first railroad thus
absorbed was the Oregon Rail
road & Navigation Company,
whose stockholders were induced
to exchange their stock for Union
acific stock. . . , ;
In the following years Harri
man continued tne extension of
his system, toward the east and
south." " He acquired control of '
the Illinois Central railroad oust
ing his former friend, Stuy vesant
Fish; from the presidency,' ob
tained a strong hold over the, St.
Joseph & Grand Island by using
the credit of - the Union Pacific,
and through the Oregon Short
Line heobtained interests in the
Atchinson, Topeka & . Santa Fe,
the-" Baltimore- & Ohia,-'the fcMil4bes-mmiei:QUS cups and other r
waukee & St. Paul, the. Chicago
& Northwestern, the New York
Central and several minor rail
roads. These railroads and his
interests in the Equitable Life
Assurance society and other in
surance companies placed him in
control of property valued at
more than $1,000,000,000 and one
of the most dangerous rivals of
John D. Rockefeller, J. P. Mor
gan and James P. Hill, as well as
a political power, particularly in
the west.
There will be an entire change
in the motion picture program at
the Palacetheater to-night, three I
exceptionally fine film3 having j
been received by the manage
ment for the entertainment of
The opening feature will be
The Tomboy," a picture full
of scenic beauty and ' charming
situations, the story being that
of a young girl and her boymate.
Another interesting film is
entitled ' 'Arabian Pilgrimage, ' '
a wonderful illustration of the
journey of the Mohammedans to
Mecca, the views of that far off
country being educational and
A richly colored picture is
called -'The Two Pigeons,", de
picting the romantic lives of a
pair of young lovers.
The Star will also have a series
of fine motion pictures Saturday
1908 Reo automobile in first class
condition, cheap if sold at once.
9-10-tf F. O. Gray, owner
. For Sale A few choice Cotswold
rams- J.M.Porter. 9-2-5t-w
Will Serve at Banquet Every Variety of
Good Things Made From Applet,
Even to Apple Butter and Apple Pie,
Excellent Prizes Offered."
Active preparations are being
made for the third annual Albany
Apple Fair, which will be held
0(27, 28, 29; 1909. The asso
ciation is sending out printed
premium lists to all Apple grow
ers of western Oregon north of
and including Lane county, ac
companied by letters soliciting
exhibits for the event.
The principal premium offered
is for the beat county exhibit
(Linn county barred) , consisting
of 20 boxes of five or more vari
eties, for which ; the first", prize
will be a $100 cup and $50 cash:
the second prize, $50 cash, and
the third prize, $20 cash. Other
prizes range from $50, $30; $25,
$20, $15, $10,. $5 and $2 - cash,
valuable articles.
Daily programs are being ar
ranged, a feature of which will
be brief addresses by . acknow
ledged apple experts. Music
and athletic sports will add to
the general interest. 'Apple
Day," Thursday, Oct. 28, will be
a unique feature. On that day a
banquet will be given at which
all sorts of delicacies will be
served, including Apple dump
lings, Apple fritters, Apple
coffee cake, Apple pie, Apple
jelly, Apple sauce, Apple butter,
fresh Apple cider, etc
The railroads will grant a rate
of one fare and a third for the
round trip, which ought to bring
a . . t I 11
a large attendance irom an
points in the territory of the
Palace Theater
Friday and Saturday
Entire change of Program
New Motion Pictures
"The Tomboy"
The scenic beauty of this picture
makes it especially attractive, offering,
as it does, a series of views that at once
claim and hold attention. The story is
a charming one portraying the life of a
young girl and her favorite playmate.
"The -Two Pigeons"
A richly colored picture showing a
pair of young lovers, whose romantic
lives form an interesting subject.
"Arabian Pilgrimage"
: This is a wonderful scenic film and is
most interesting and full of educational
benefit, giving at close range views of
the stransre neople in that far-off land.
The picture represents a pilgrimage of
Mohammedans to Mecca and it is an
inspiring sight.. ,
Pictures at the Star :
- Saturday night