The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, September 09, 1909, Image 1

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    VOL I. NO. Ill
Newcomer From Hood River Says
Soil of Willamette Valley is
Superior, But Insists That Water Is
Needed in the Summer.
jh,. m. namm
Prospect of Large Number Going with
- Merchants to Toledo.
Editor Gazette-Times:
I do not wish to get into con
troversy with any of your cor
Tomorrow is Benton County
Day at the Lincoln County Fair,
Toledo. A special train will leave
here at 7:30 a. m. and leave To-
yeri ledo at 7 p. m. on the return trip.
The round trip tare is Sl.ou. it
the weather conditions are satis-
factory a fair-sized crowd will go
down from here! The business
men hope to have at least one
representative from each store in
the city, and already many busi
oiiir Qf nessmen nave promised, ine
this time do I - exceedingly fear Corvallis band will go, badges
and quake less MY identity he- have been printed, and a pleasant
come known, because the article time is anticipated. Those who
in a recent issue of your valuable , do not care to remain in Toledo
paper to which I .wish to refer will be carried to. Yaquma and
was from the pen of a Corvallis taken to Newport by boat which
tadv. and vou know a ladv is will meet the special. Get your
proverbial for having' the last lunch rea(Jy get into a good hu-
word. My experience" has taught nir and go with the crowd to
me that in a contest with the fair the Lincoln County Fair.
sex if I once in a while take only -
"second money" I am extremely July 1st and by this time the
fortunate. ground was so dry I had to pour
! v i water in each hill to cause the
x , . , seed to germinate. Well, we
I take no exceptions to the , ; . , about as manv
"Wail of the Housekeeper" as a vegetables as would supply our
whole,, but! do feel it my duty, own table, with the' promise that
to say a word in behalf of the we may have ten cents' worth to
Corvallis boosters, that the rea- exchange for oat meal.
son they did not feel justified in' ' Now m order,,to raisf ?"s
enlarging on the opportunities of amoun) of vegetables, we had to
market gardeners at Corvallis is PuraP fronl two to five barrels of
thPsnmA rpnSnn ftt Mr lnhn water each day (Sunday except-
Chinamnnraaa mnrVptrrlAn ed) and put it On the plants. This
is niV..a hv hi ahspnrp why the Chinese market gar
Tho avprao-prpipstiai ia t nv,n dener at Corvallis is conspicuous
credit for a superabundance of by his absence. Let a corpora
Rhrpw,wfl hr ha i cm1H- tion, syndicate, water company,
rh t n r.Q;ao or whatever you are pleased to
fl m!!rkrf trardpn at r.orvnlna ,,. call it, be formed, with a capita:
der the circumstances as they ex-! sto?k of taP May's Riv-
ist here today. To illustrate, we , er u nea Phllomath bring the
moved here from Hood River,
water to the land around Corval-
Tun ok '(q tv,q arJA lis,' and charge each farmer $5
at Hood River had plenty of all Per. acre f or yater, "ght and a
kinds of vegetables, but . when maintenance fee of $3 or $4 per
we arrived here we found on the acre year, aim wnen tn ,
place we had purchased a good one 7ni -not omy.nna. jflr.
juna Viimaiiiaii neie rcauy
place for a garden, but, like the
Chinese gardener in the lady's
article, the vegetables were con
spicuous by their absence. Well,
as soon as I' could get some
. ground ready, I planted some
sweet corn, cabbage, . turnips,
tomatoes, etc. This was about for the growing of vegetables,
serve you with vegetables, but
there will be plenty of good vege
tables here all the year.
Better Than Hood River
I am confident this soil is su
perior, to Hood River soil," at least
Died at 2:30
But Neither Has Yet Produced Proof
of Having Seen Pole.
Press dispatches present noth
ing from either Peary or Cook
that proves or disproves any
thing except that these two men
and their friends are extremely
jealous of each other. Peary in
sinuates that Cook is a fakir, but
Cook merely smiles and says
Peary is a great explorer. Cook's
friends, however, resent the atti
tude of Peary and his adherents.
Cook does not propose to show
his proofs until he writes his
book. In the meantime, former
mates of Cook are giving the
Corvallis Team Beat Elk City Badly-..
Game Today and Tomorrow, To
gether With Races Benton County
Day Tomorrow.
Toledo. Sept 9. -(Special)
The Lincoln county fair opened
here yesterday. There was not
a heavy attendance but the ex
hibits are well worthy of a large
crowd.' Some very fine farm
press some matter that places products are on .display, and
Cook in a bad light, and it is cer- some of the best looking stock
tain that his failure to present ever seen in this section may be
proofs to European audiences is viewed at this fair. This is the
militating against him. first fair ever attempted by the
' The press of Paris was today Lincoln county people and they
absorbed m$ the rival claims of 9rp
. X.
Dr. Cook and Commander Peary oi,nOT1-no.
j 4.1.' J -j snowing.
mux mere is a iiuuceauie unit u
opinion in the direction that Dr.
Cook will have difficulty in prov
ing the validity of his claim in
the face of the story of an ex-
1 X 4.1- - 1- - 1 '2 j' " Tfc "
uuo uie oacKgrouna since reary a M-m- thft hjt v
entered upon the scene and . a;a vx..
some of them declare that since n a
. IjIIVII KJJ kill vllv UHXA J. v
earys oppearance he will be nlltr hpH into a hi a- simio-h
doubted more than ever. ' .Aa a io,v.
The Matin says that Dr. Cook's WfiT.fftnt nT1(1 rpSfftn hath. This
ecture at Copenhagen last night f,irT1isi,p,i nT1 rpsi-incr nivpr-
f ell coldly upon his audience, "
... ... ... - ' D1VI1.
whicn awaited prools instead ot
repeating of old statements, and
i v ' !2"'
- . . . - -
In constructing its group Of five buildings, the United States (?(?vern
ment had regard for the . type of architecture followed generally in the
buildings of the Exposition proper. The Exposition structures are in the
modern French renaissance and the Government in the. modern Spanish.
fThe two styles tie in nicely together and make an harmonious whole- On
the right of the, picture is the Alaska building, one of the Government
group. In the center, is the European Exhibits-Palace. On the left Is
a facade of the Palace of Agriculture. The last, two named are in the
Prench renaissance and were completed before December 1, 1908. 'The
Alaska building was completed April 15. . , . .
and the only reason we had good
vegetables at Hood River was
because we could turn the water
onto them when it was needed.
And at Hood River there were
not only two Chinese , market
gardeners, but severalJapanese
gardeners ; and two American
gardeners .who made a .business j
of shipping vegetables to other
markets. So now, ' I think the
lady in "The Wail of the House
keeper,', who had ten .cents'
worth of peas to exchange for
oat meal - and the little boy who
was nearly kidnapped because he
had ten cents' worth of beans to
sell were - situated much., like, we
are, and had 4nly time to pump
water for ten cents' worth in ex
cess of the demands of their own
You. will find my name in. the
telephone directory.
Razors, safety and the other Jdnd.
Largest line at Heater & Harrington's.
' . 9-3-tf-Furriiture,
stoves, ranges," etc.', at
Kempin's store. 103 N. 2nd St. ''B-ll
- Beneath an excellent likeness
of President W. J. Kerr, of O,
A. Ci'.' the Pacific Northwest,
published - in Portland, has the
following to say of him:
"During the . latter . part of
August Portland was the meet
ing place of the Associated Am
erican Agricultural College Pres
idents and the Directors of Agri
cultural . College Experiment
Stations. Itf;was the occasion o:
their National Convention., and
attended by , representatives
from every state in the Union
aud tne' islands of the sea,
Portland has entertained many
organizations of prominence, but
none p pompare jvith these pres
idents and directors,; for.the rea
son ' that they represent the
growing youth of the farm,
seekingjjpportunity ; . in.up-to-
Continued on page two
to be congratulated on this
There will be some
racing today and tomorrow.
Balloon Falls In the Water.
The special attractions are bal
loon ascensions, a slide for life,
Corvallis a Winner.
that public opinion is changing
The Corvallis Cubs were here
a l in t
Virtually all the newspapers w i? v w,iwt n. iianiraan, master -or more roaas man ariyTttsB iuat iAJUi.iui7-iwswa,--
man the most talked of man in America, with the excep
tion of Theodore Roosevelt and John D. Rockefeller died
today at 2:30 p. m. at his country home near Arden, N. Y.
While acute indigestion was the immediate cause of
his death, overwork undoubtedly lay at the bottom of his
difficulty.; - : '
Harriman was undoubtly the greatest railroad man of this
or any other age, made soby money and organization. He "lived
in present profit and crashed through opposition, with the weight
of financial support." The Standard Oil crowd was his backers.
and Harriman was enable to buy or - crush when and where he
would. As a result he became the virtual master of half the rail
roads of the United States in ten years.
Harriman came into prominence in connection with the Chicago
& Alton railway in 1898, and by purchase of the Union Pacific lines
following the death of Collis P. Huntington he came into the broad
glare of national finance. He absorbed the Illinois Central, O. R,
& N., became master of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul from
Chicago to Seattle, took in the Santa Fe and a dozen other smaller
lines. He had but one rival, James J. Hill who has done, unaided.
all that Harriman did with Standard Oil back of him. Yet there
is no discount to be placed on Harriman as a wonderful character
in the railroad world,
j i ii. . ni lL -
: 4. r 4.: ii. u h.v liih iruieLZ uiavea i nauiK
agauisL ionunuing, tne c " "
paper says that Prof essor Torp, or aseDan, dux tne maians
rector of the fUmfinhaofin TTni- DacKea out, so jlik wiy essayea
versity. voted against eivinsr Dr. ""c Wx 4-
1 " 1 1 . I J .1 17 J T
Cook an honorary degree and it 118 DU"CI?- insieaa OI, ims in:
m i act Tnaii" fr ri t iim u tiiit u Twia
Would Professor Torp have score resulting lb to d in tavor ot
voted thus without serious rea- ine.s iruu u' . , , r"
..,,91. Farks, a soutnpaw, pitcnea tor
The Petit Parisien says the W ana ,tn,e n
world will acclaim Peary as the n,m V11" luof u "V i.
real conqueror of the Pole and he Cubs; but after K. Colbert
publishes the insinuation that -mc x?r inree, ?ses, w"n lw" m.en
4. QWr. running, ana boutnenana mt ior
priate to himself the honor which tw0 bases with ,a11 bases he
jlongs to Peary. - fF vulnUL
City. Keilblock, for Corvallis,
" ' was rather wild, but tightened
For Sale-An Oliver typewriter. Ut like a drum whenever the
New, used less than two .months. :
Perfect condition. Cheap for cash.
Continued on page two
Grant Elgin, ex-recorder of
Benton county, and James Mc-
Causland, whom many of the
fair sex regard as prefectly ir
resistable, made a tremendous
catch of tomcods recently on
Yaquina bay. . All sorts of
stories are told of the number
caught, the manner of fishing
and the kind of bate used. Cap
tain Roy Bensill, mayor of New
port, thinks they used silver
bait, . the Newport . Times man ,
says the work was done princip-.
ally by the small boy who has
been inevitable in the campaign; "
while the signal service man,
f,it . :l .4-- .A I
is considerable of . a joker, made
a snap-shot of, the boys in.' their
glory. , The boys had a hint, that
1 1 1 1. 1 1 .1 -...' . . v
wno naa ms . eye on tne Doys the , snapshot .was , coming,
most of the time believes the , they posed by a well to "! empha
boys caught many or possibly the . size ., their fondness . ' for cold
most of the tomcods they brought water. This is the second part
in; John Allen's kodak, which of the joke.