The City and Vicinity I For Rent On College Crest, five rooms, with electric lights and mount ain water. Apply to W. C. Shriver, or phone 1185. 9-6-9 &w Lost Flat, gold breastpin, ' between Seventh and Adams and Palace theater. Leave here and get rewaVd. 9-8-2t ' Mrs. S. R. Jenkins and granddaugh ter, Esther, of Eugene, visited during the week at the home af Mrs. W. S. Locke, at 4th and Jackson streets, Complete outfits for camping parties at Blackledge's furniture store. 8-S-tf G. W. Lindeman expects to finish up the threshiner season in Mt. View , neighborhood this week. The grain j proved better than the farmers had ex-1 pected at the beginning of the season. j Going hunting? Get your guns and ammunition at Heater & Harrington's. 9-3-tf. Two young men out with a young wo man after 12 o'clock Monday night were hailed before Municipal Judge Denman yesterday morning and each paid a fine of $10. An ordinance pro vides a penalty for persons out after 12 o'clock without good excuse and this nrHinanpp is trninar tn hp pnforr.pd hereafter. Acme Quality Paints and Floor Var nish that wears at A. L. Miner's. 5-17-tf. The La Mode millinery parlors, in the Benton County National bank build ing has undergone changes that make it more attractive. The trimming de partment is now on a second floor just put in and the entire lower floor is used for a stock and trying-on room. A new window sign is being painted Artist N. L. Hayes. Mayor Vv E. Watters will respond to the welcome address of Wallis Nash, at; Toledo, next Friday. ' For Rent 6-room house, corner of N. 12th and Harrison Sts. s Call Irid. phone 285. V 9-7-3t ,; Miss Eflie Billings, who has been vis iting her mother in Corvallis during the summer, left this morning to take up her school work at La Grande. J Wanted A girl for general house work. Inquire or address E. D. Ress ler, 142 N. 7th. 9-8-tf Rev. Whiirey of McMinnville, will preach at the Baptist church next Sun day morning and evening at the usual hours. All members are urged to be present " Sporting goods, bicycles and fishing tackle at Heater & Harrington's. 9-3-tf. Wanted Position as clerk; have had 16 years experience in general merchandise and clothing store; A 1 references: for particulars inquire at this office. Any responsible person desiring a lease on a 40, 30, 20 or 12 by 75 foot room in new brick building on Second or Madison street may find something of interest by calling at this office. Eat Golden Rod Flakes, They are better for breakfast, Than old-fashioned corn cakes, And five minuets time, Is all that it takes At Kline's. 6-12-tf Phonographs and all the newest re cords at Heater & Harrington's. ,.r ' 9-3-tf. ' Born, Tuesday September 7, to Mrs. Robert Hunter, at Philomath, a daugh ter. Mr'. Hunter is one of the book keepers at the First National Bank and is enjoying a holiday for the proper celebration of the event. I Prunes, too ripe for shipment, and by ' just the thing lor canning, ior saie at r I the packing house, old C. & E. dock. fifl conta n Wit 9-7-2t ' Ice cream delivered on thirty minutes ! notice by Wmkley's Palace of Sweets. Charles S. Armstrong, of Cincinnati, tf Iowa, and William Fraser, of Olathe, TTandfla sirp hpm viRit.irnr t:h.?r rela- ranges, etc., at ' J liven, ir. anu iura. ej. aucu, xucbc i men have been doing the Seattle fair The Andersons have at last succeed- and are now on their way back home. Furniture, stoves, ranges, etc., at Kempin's store. 103 N. 2nd St. 6-11 i ed in getting a big awning for the front of their new store on north Second street. They ordered it made in Port land and it was to be appropriately lettered for their millinery and ladies' furnishing business, but the manuf ac-! turers at the first trial turned out a market sign with a large steer as the attractive feature and a drug store de-1 sign at the second attempt, finally get- -ting what was originally ordered. The i awning is being put in place today. Razors, safety and the other kind. Largest line at Heater & Harrington's. - 9-3-tf-- They expressed themselves as highly pleased with the hospitality extended to them by everybody in this western country, saying it is so different from what they have been used to that they will carry back a very favorable im pression of Oregon. Good rooms, cheap. household furniture for . seven including fine piano, for sale Phone 3217r - ' 9-7-tf . The monthly report of Manager Struble, of the Albany Commercial Club, shows 168 inquiries received, 293 letters written, 2447 circulars sent out and 588 miscellaneous pieces of litera ture, 250 hubs at the reception of the agricultural presidents; 500 for the W. C. T. U. convention; that the matter had been prepared for the Har riman booklet, the Telegram's special edition, the Barnes souvenir, special article for a Herald edition, and the Mt. Angell magazine, and $578 col lected. . . . I Elbert Hubbard, one of the most pro lific writers of the world today, and by i all odds one of the most popular plat i form men, is scheduled for a lecture at J the Agricultural College on October 2. He will give his famous "heart to heart talk" on the "March of the Centuries." Elbert Hubbard has been castigated in public print as few other men, and in his monthly Philistine he carries to his readers all the vilest things said about him. . . But it is also true that few men have been permitted to read more kind ly things said of themselves than have been said of Hubbard, j The Fra says what he thinks and apologizes to no one; his aim in life, according to the Philistine, is to make others think and he does it. We Use Scien tific Instruments To determine the needs of your eyes There is no guess work about our examinations. They are just as ac curate as trained skill and expert ence can make them. They cost you nothing so you certainly ought to have the benefit of -them, if you have r- any eye trouble at all. They mean ,the proper glasses, the only kind - you can afford to wear. E W, S, PRATT, Jeweler and Optician .nnvtit2i f-i?t.s j-.ewPf WOMAN THE s SHOP 115.00 BfackSik Taffeta Waist Black Silk Taffeta Petticoat The above made from guaranteed silk which we guarantee for three months continuous wear. If garment is faulty, it will show in that length "of time. 15.00 F. L. MILLER 142 Second Street CITY COUNCIL TALKS LICENSE ORDERS MONEY COLLECTED AND NEW ORDINANCES DRAWN. TO APPOINT PARK COMMISSION City Dads Hold Long Session and Wade Through Considerable Business Will Tax Bicycles $2 per Year Councilmen Shocked at Vaudeville. Wanted Boy or man for several days' work about house and yard. E. D. Ressler, 142 N. 7th. 9-8-tf J. M. Nolan & Soniiave just finished refitting their ladies' department so as to be in readiness to receive - their pa trons at the opening of the fall season.' Handsome twentieth century cabinets have been installed for the display of the large line of tailored suits and wraps and the floors covered with beautiful Axminister rugs, making the depart mentvery attractive. , STRICTLY STYLISH Ready-to-Wear SUITS, SKIRTS and WAISTS . These Garments for Ladies and Misses are of excellent quality. The styles speak for themselves and the prices are really less than the cost of material and making. I YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY BUYING HERE NOW - . . i . " Henhle Ct Davis M. M. Long has cement walks about his new home at the corner of Fourth and "A" streets and is now making i a lawn. : He has an attractive bunga low there, different in style from most in the city," and with a green lawn there will have a fine property. Frank Scott, the mail man, has built a new house just now and will put down cement tne spring. That corner will loom up in great shape next summer. It s a crying shame that the cement walk on Fourth street between Adams and Washington, should not - show I to the credit of the city. vThat walk cost good hard cash, and yeiv it looks like the effort of amateurs in a town no larger than Summit. In the first place. the owner of the property at the cor ner of Fourth and Washington streets- built a good walk and he built a wide one the city ordinances .at that time having prescribed a wide one or, per chance, made no provision at all. 1Ke ordinances now declare for a six-foot walk, and such a walk has been . laid north "of the corner man's property. As a result there is a jog of one foot between the two walks. But that is not the worst of it there. The work men who laid the new walk must have eyes so crossed that the tears run down their backs when they cry. The outer edges of that walk have bows in them that make the average pedestrian sea sick as he passes. -, The Gazette-Times has insisted .that some competent per son should be appointed to look after walk construction, or that the city should contract the walk in districts and build it for the property owners. The council proposes to take some action but it , could not take it tooi quick. More than a little walk put down recently is far from the best that can be laid,- and this had not been paid for. It should not be. ; " JTniJTriruinxuxruiJvinJTnx rans Business college - A SCHOOL OF NEWEST METHODS IN BUSINESS CORVALLIS, OREGON Individual and class instruction. 'I Bookkeeping, Office Methods, Type " writer Bookkeeping, Chartier and Universal Shorthand. ' POSITION CERTAIN. ' OPENS SEPTEMBER 27, 1909 g riie ior terms (tuirjiruruiArLrvruTjTjijijijT Tj-LrLnjTrLrui' The city council in regular session last night discussed the icense question, protested against vaudeville shows, took steps pre- iminary to the appointment of a ark. Commission, and ordered bills paid. With the exception of Skelton and Boeue, all mem bers were present. The committee on licenses re commended that ordinance be drafted fixing license for card tables, - busses, express wagon s and laundries. JThis committee re ported that a number who should pay license had not done so. It was ordered that they be notifi ed to pay up, and then brought before the court-if they failed to do so. . ::' ' A license of $2.00 per year is to be required of all bicycles. This license money will be used 'or the purchase of members such as are placed on autos. This plan is devised that violators of the bicycle ordinance may be Captured without so much diffi culty. , ' it was decreed tnat moving picture theaters should pay a license of $50 per year' or $25 per quarter. " . i ne council discussed tne pr e- sent unsatisfactory arrangement of ordinance's and ordered them codified at an early date. ;- Councilman Cordley was made a committee of one to investigate and report in regard to tree planting in cities noted for their beauty. . The advisability of ; appointin g a Park Commission was discussed and preliminary steps taken. Judge Denman and - Chief Wells reported the collection of $113 from fines; $80 was collect ed from sale of gravel. The police department is paying for itself and the" council joking ly tendered a vote of thanks. Occidental Lumber Co. . Successors toJ . Corvallis Lumber Co. We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line.. Please call on J. B IRVING for information and prices.- And take notice that if we have not got exactly what you want we will get it for you. The am zap paint made for appearance and C ft durability than , g Best Paint There is no better durability than , Acme Qualify Paint Specially prepared for exterior and interior use. "FLOOR VARNISH THAT WEARS" . WALL Second Street, - Miner PAPER AND PAINT STORE Palace Theater Near Benton County Lumber Co. Manufacturers of all kinds of fir Lumber, Mouldings, Cedar Posts, Sawed and Split. Cedar Shakes Dealers in - Doors, Windows, Lime, BricK, Cement, J Shingles, etc Palace Theater ; A Hurry-Up Call. , ; ' J Quick! Mr. Druggist Quiok! A box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve Here's a quarter For the love of Moses, hurry! Baby's burned 'himself terribly John nie cuthis foot with- the axe Mamie's scalded Pa can't walk from piles Bil lie has boils and my corns ache. 7 She got it and soon cured all the family. It's the greatest healer on earth. Sold by all druggists. , Wednesday and Thursday New Motion Pictures , "The Way of - the Cross" A STORY OP ANCIENT ROME This powerful drama is laid in Rome during the reign of Nero. It pictures the inhuman treatment of the Chris tians' and the efforts made to save them from death. The story is a deeply in teresting one and is full of tragic scenes. . '"A Heroic Father" This is a magnificent picture and a masterpiece in the art of colored pho tography. It is replete with dramatic intensity, the subiect being the rescue of a little lad from a band of brigands. "Cold Plunge In Moscow" A good idea is obtained in this inter esting picture of the famous Russian cold baths, where a dip is taken in the icy waters with the thermometer below zero. :: . ,- J JL Glass Jars, All Kinds, at HODES GROCERY COPPER 6 NEWTDN HARDWARE CD. We do the Best Plumbing and Carry a full line of Plumbers' Supplies Dealers In Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream Sepa rators, Graniteware, Tinware and Builders' ' Hardware. Conga Roofing and Quick Meal Ranges Second Street, CoryalHs, Oregon Th (Daily Gazette-Times By carrier or mail, 50c' per mo. ' :, Let us send it to you WHEN YOU WANT SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT Phone Your Orders To No. 7, THATCHER & JOHNSON'S GROCERY Where They Will be Promptly Filled. Fine Line of Crockery, Glassware, Cut . Glass, Haviland and Ckinaware, LAMPS ETC.