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About The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1909)
The City and Vicinity ' Complete outfits for camping parties at Blackledge's furniture store. 8-3-tf Uement walk will be put down in front of the Elgin property on 7th street. J. A. Bexell was a passenger to Salem this morning. He went to con fer with state officials. Mrs. Sophia Parkinson, of Pomona, Kansas, arrived yesterday on a visit to her sister, Mrs. S. A. Keiser, at A. H. Campbell's. She was accompanied by her son and grandson. D. B. Taylor starts hop-picking Sat urday, Sept, 4. Still room for a few more pickers. 8-31-5t Misses Esme and Florence Bassett returned yesterday from a two weeks' north i visit at Springfield and Cresswell, Lane county. They were accompanied by their cousin, Miss Estelle Howe, of Cresswell, who will spend several weeks here in Corvallis. For Sale Stringless beans for can ning purposes; superfine. S. B. Bane. Going hunting? Get your guns and ammunition at Heater & Harrington's. 9-3-tf. Something special" every day at Kline's. See ad on first page. $3.50 Oxfords for $1.98 at Kline's, Friday, Saturday. Mrs. Wm. Rothje and daughter, of Chicago, are guests of August Fischer and family. They are enroute to the big fair at Seattle. For Rent Furnished house, last house on Monroe street, four blocks west of Mechanical building. Inquire of Geo. G. Booco at the house. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Looby, of Chi chago, who are touring the Pacific coast country, arrived here yesterday and are visiting at the home of Dr. D. E. Matthews, the two men having been boyhood friends. Rev. W. W. Davis, who is now in Alsea, will return to Corvallis in time to take up classes in vocal and instru mental music October 1st. He has a number of hours spoken for and sug gests that those who desire to study with him had better write to him at Alsea at once. Mr. Davis conducted classes here last year with success. Eat Golden Rod Flakes, They are better for breakfast, Than old-fashioned corn cakes, And five minuets time, Is all that it takes At Kline's. 6-12-tf A letter from a Kansas City com mission house to the Benton County Fruit Co., says there is a great demand for fruit from this section, and asks Secretory Bob Johnson to give them a line-up on the pears, prunes and apples available here. This concern is anxious to handle Benton products, and would like present or future ship- : ments of apples. J Acme Quality Paints and Floor Var nish that wears at A. L. Miner's. 5-17-tf. Wm. Atkinson, the printer taken from this city to Salem several weeks ago on the charge of stealing an over coat there, will probably be released now, the owner of the overcoat having died before the case could be brought to trial. Atkinson has continually in sisted that he was innocent, or else that he appropriated the coat when he was too drunk to know what he was doing. The G.-T. can testify that Atkinson is really a splendid man when sober, a good workman and a gentleman in in stinct. Ice cream delivered on thirty minutes notice by Winkley's Palace of Sweets. tf To Let Housekeeping and furnished rooms. 520-S-Fourth street. 9-2-t5 Boys desiring to earn from $40 to $70 per month while learning telegraphy might do well to call on E. A. Miller at the local Western Union office. He is just in receipt of information saying that at Portland manyboys are desired for messenger service. At this they can make an average of $60 a month and have considerable time to devote to telegraphy. Two boys who have gone from here in the past year or two are now making good in fine shape. Wanted 25, 30, or 50x100 foot busi ness room on Second street between Adams and Jackson; or on Madison be tween First and Fifth. Will take long lease on new building, or old if prop erty is desirable. Willing to offer good inducement for new building. Call at this office. At the meeting of the school board last Thursday Miss Esther Simmons was elected to teach in the public schools of this city, vice Miss Douglas, recently deceased. Miss Simmons received her public and high school training in the Roseburg schools, paid her way through the Oregon Agricultural College with her own earnings, graduated with honor and accepted a position at $100 in a California public school where she taught several years, with the result that she was gradually and steadily promoted, until her recent resignation to be with her sister, Mrs. Sultana Skipton, of this city. Miss Simmons is said to be one of the best teachers of the 'state and her election means a valuable accession to our local force of teachers. For Sale A bird dog and gun. Tele phone 204. 9-2-5t ! Peaches at $1.50 per bushel on the tree would indicate that the grow ing of this fruit is well worth while. No finer or better flavored peaches are 1 to be found on the globe than those j raised at Brigham City, Utah, one of I the greatest of the smaller peach sec ! tions, but those people are glad to get 50 cents a crate, picked, packed and ! delivered. At that price, Brighamites are becoming wealthy, the little city being counted, one of the most prosper ous in the intermountain region, this despite the fact that disastrous'rain and hail storms invariably spoil a large portion of the crop each year. It is hardly probable that growers here are charging more than the market price, and instead of this being written as an objection, it is presented only that people may understand that is that is worth while to grow peaches. Benton county has much fine peach Ground that should be planted to this luscious fruit. Razors, safety and the other kind. Largest line at Heater & Harrington's. 9-3-tf- We Use Scien tific Instruments To determine the needs of your eyes There is no guess work about our examinations. They are just as ac curate as trained skill and experi ence can make them. '- They cost you nothing so you certainly ought to have the benefit of them, if you have any eye trouble at alL. They mean the proper glasses, the only kind you can afford to wear. E W, S, PRATT, Jeweler and Optician 'THE UN 'S Now is the T I ME and this is the PLACE to select your NEW FALL SUIT. Prices are consistent with, the fine quality of materials and workmanship in all of our Garments . and we guarantee to make every suit fit. W. B. CORSETS F. L. MILLER 142 Second Street Phonographs and all the newest re cords at Heater & Harrington's. 9-3-tf. Jack Murphy got too full of tam arack last night and started "rough house" proceedings at the, Elmore hotel. Chief Wells landed him in the cooler and this morning Jack paid $20 for his evening's hilarity. The increase in the fine comes because this is his offense. For Sale An Oliver typewriter. New, used less than two months. Perfect condition. Cheap for cash. A single mail brougm to Chief Wells this morning no less than a half-dozen pictures of criminals wanted. Two of these were of young fellows just es caped from the pen at Salem. It seems that a rather large number of convicts are getting away from the Salem in stitution recently. Sporting goods, bicycles and fishing tackle at Heater & Harrington's. 9-3-tf. R. H. Houston and family have gone to the bay for .another outing. To prove that he is , fully the equal of anv Chinaman, S. B. Bane showed the G.-T. this morning, a box of cucum bers, each of which was from twelve to eighteen inches in lengtn and they had grown in two days and nights. He de fies any Chink to beat it. He also had a box of stringless beans, perfect for canning purposes. S. B. told us in Chinese lingo that Benton county ground will raise vegetables as fine as any grown on this terrestrial sphere, and his breath looked like a Chinese laundry ticket as he said it. A change in ownership of The Toggery is announced. B. W. and J. C. Johnson retire and R. C. Herron joins C. V. Johnson in conducting the business. The firm name is Johnson & Herron, and still there is "no relation. " B. W. Johnson retires because he doesn't want so many irons in the fire, and more particularly because he needs the money to put into fruit lands. B. W. is an enthusiast on the horticultural possibilities of this county and he is backing his faith with deeds. Mr. Herron, who succeeds him in the Toggery, is one of Benton county's best known young men, a citizen above reproach and with a wide circle of friends. Until recently he resided in the Irish Bend vicinity, but for some time has been connected with the two banks in this city. He should, and doubtless will, add to the popularity of The Toggery, a store that in every sense is creditable to Corvallis. The G.-T. wishes the new firm unbounded For years J. P. Fruit ran the ferry here. He lived near the ferry and dur ing those years he was called up nightly, almost, to carry people across the river. It is said of him that he be came so used to this that he could, would and did, frequently, operate the ferry alf night without awaking. A short time ago, Mr. Fruit resigned from the ferry work at least he cut out the pay but he still keeps up that night work, if the testimony of neigh- Dors may be accepted. At midnight a few days ago, in the midst of a glori ous dream about shoveling $20 gold pieces from his back porch, Mr. Fruit was startled by the old cry for help at the ferry. With a bound he was out of bed and, without stopping to put on regular costume, he made a dash for the ferry. The ferry wasn't there of course, for Fruit had moved, but he shoved a tub along the ground, grab bed the pump handle and worked like a fiend until his good wife pulled the thin garment that was flapping about his nether extremities and took him back Jto his dreams. This wouldn't have leaked out m a thousand years if a neighbor had not happened along at the time and in the bright moonlight saw the whole performance. Mr. Fruit may deny this but it must be remembered that he was asleep, so of course couldn't know anything about it. Corvallis Business College A SCHOOL OF NEWEST METHODS IN BUSINESS CORVALLIS, OREGON L. I, MORGAN, Principal Type- AJT Individual and class instruction. Bookkeeping, Office Methods, writer Bookkeeping, Chartier and Universar Shorthand. POSITION CERTAIN. OPENS SEPTEMBER 27, Write for Terms 1909 Diru'nrLrumnjiruiruTJT Occidental Lumber Co. Successors toj Corvallis Lumber Co. We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please call on J. B IRVING for information and prices. And take notice that if we have not got exactly what you want we will get it for you. G. O. BASSET r, Local Mcr. The Best Paint There is no better paint made for appearance and durability than Acme Quality Paint Specially prepared for exterior and interior use. "FLOOR VARNISH THAT WEARS" WALL PAPER AND PAINT STORE Second Street, Near Palace Theater 5 Benton County Lumber Co. Manufacturers of all kinds of Fir Lumber, Mouldings, Cedar Posts, Sawed and Split. Gedar Shakes Dealers in , Doors, Windows, Lime, BrtCK, Cement, Shingles, etc STRICTLY STYLISH Ready-to-Wear SUITS, SKIRTS and WAISTS These Garments for Ladies and Misses are of excellent quality. The styles speak for themselves and the prices are really less than the cost of material and making. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY BUYING HERE NOW Henlile &' Davis Young Butchek, the Corvallis boy ar rested for stealing a Salem bicycle, con fessed to Deputy Sheriff Esch, who came after him. In making his conf es- n the Butchek boy had few good words for his family. The old gentle man Butchek, when asked in regard to to the matter, said the boy was getting what he was certain to get sooifer or later, and he was inclined to feel that the sooner was the better time. At the Presbyterian manse Wednes day afternoon the Ladies' Missionary So ciety held a very enjoyable session, this being the occasion of their donation party for bazaar purposes. A large number of the ladies were present and many aprons, bags and household joys were presented. . These and other things yet to be gathered together will be of- ered for sale at a bazaar to be held in December, the proceeds of which will go toward paying for the new Presby terian church. The ladies of the church subscribed $1,000 to that fund and now it is up to them to corral the money, At the session yesterday the President, Mrs. Whitby, and Mrs. Bell talked at some length in regard to the matter and the entire membership evinced hearty enthuiasm. Special pleasures on this occasion were vocal solos by Misses McBee and Tartar and dainty refreshments. A Hurry-Up Call Quick! Mr. Druggist Quick! A box of. Bucklen's Arnica Salve Here's quarter For the love of Moses, hurry Baby's burned himself terribly-John-nie cut his foot with the axe Mamie's scalded Pa can't walk from piles Bil- lie has boils and my corns ache. She got it and soon cured all the family. It'i the greatest healer on earth. Sold by all druggists. It is said that Dr. Cook, an American explorer has discover ed the north pole. If he had brought it back with him there might be some class to the dis covery. As it is Corvallis people are still left to wonder whether the north pole resembles a tele graph pole or is striped luce a barber's. That the pole was discovered" on the 21st of April, 1908, takes much from the interest of the occasion: we should have had wireless the next day. That Cook found the re gion of the pole a haunt for wild game comes as good news to Chief Wells and Police Judge Denman. These gentlemen, who are about to start on a hunting trip, instead of going into the Cascade they will probably hike for latitude 89 degrees 50 minutes and 46 seconds. For Sale A horse, Harness, Light hack $40.00 for the outfit. Hayes, The Painter. 119 N. Third Street or 245 S. Second street 9-2-2t J A Glass Jars, All Kinds, at HODES GROCERY GQQPER 8 NEWTON WAR E CO. We do the Best Plumbing and Carry a full line of Plumbers' Supplies Dealers In Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream Sepa rators, Graniteware, Tinware and Builders' Hardware. Congo Roofing and Quick YIeal Ranges Second Street, Corvallis, Oregon Lincoln County High School For information in regard to Lincoln County Hign School, Stenography, Typewriting, Vocal and Instrumental Music, Manual Training, Rent of fur nished cottages, cost of (living, ad dress: Prof.' Wilbur; Newport, Or. , WHEN YOU WANT SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT Phone Your Orders To No. 7, THATCHER & JOHNSON'S GROCERY Where They Will be Promptly Filled. Fine Line of Crockery, Glassware, Cut Glass, Haviland and China ware, LAMPS ETC.