The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, September 02, 1909, Image 1

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(T A, IT?
VOL. I. NO. 105
Street Paving on Both Sides of College
Would Cost About $20,000, but it
is Believed State Would Reconize
Need and Meet the Emergency.
Since petitions for paving Jef
f erson and Monroe streets have
been filed there has been more
or less discussion as to whether
the Agricultural College would
stand its rightful share of the
cost If the paving proposed
were done, the college would be
in for half of ten or more blocks,
paving that would cost in the
vicinity of $20,000. The college,
being state property, could not
be forced to make any sort of im
provement, and naturally enough
there has been more or less spec
ulation as to whether the board
of regents has the disposition to
urge a special appropriation for
this purpose.
Interviewed in regard to this
matter, President W. J. Kerr
said that he could not presume
to speak for the board, but he
-did venture the assurance that
the general policy of the board is
distinctly favorable to improve
ment of this sort, and along ev
ery line wherein the student body
may be expected to get inspira
tion and higher ideals. The board
aims to surround the student with
everything calculated to give him
a love for order, cleanliness and
beauty. Knowing that externals
have much to do in the formation
of ideals and character, the
board considers that it is serving
the student best when it makes
his surroundings appeal to the
aesthetic side of his nature. This
attitude, or policy, President
Kerr thinks, would lead the
board of regents to look with
favor upon such a wonderful and
truly desirable improvement as
the paving of Jefferson and Mon
roe past the college grounds
would be. Dr. Kerr believes that
the disposition of Corvallis to give
the college boys and girls a clean,
well-ordered city, beautiful will
meet with a hearty response from
the board and from the state leg
islature, should a special appro
priation be asked. In his estima
tion, street and sidewalk paving
through the city is the great
necessity at the present time and
he is confident the resultant re
turn will be surprisingly satis
factory to the city. He believes
that this paving will prove a
great asset, a drawing card un
Salem was once up agamst
such a proposition as now con
fronts Corvallis and the O. A. C.
Salem paved to the State house
and beyond it, on both sides.
A special appropriation for pav
ing about the building was asked
but the legislature turned down.
the request. The State House
officials finally guaranteed the
I sum necessary, and later the
' legislature met the situation
! properly. Doubtless the solons
i would do as much here.
Misses Esme and Florence Bassett
returned yesterday from a two weeks'
i visit at Springfield and Cresswell, Lane
' county. They were accompanied by
' their cousin. Miss Estelle Howe, of
' Cresswell. who will spend several
: weeks here in Corvallis.
' The Gazette-Times 50c per month.
Touches Upon Our Fruits, Garden
Spots, Grain Fields', and All Other
Features That Are Bringing Oregon
to the Front
Saturday, Sept. 4th
M Regular 25c and 20c high-footed fruit or
berry dishes, cake stands and water pitch
15c each
Regular 35c extra heavy deep berry dishes
and water pitchers and celery trays, Satur
day only,
19c each
Regular 50c extra heavy large berry
dishes. Very special while they last Sat
urday only, s.
29c each
Half-gallon water pitcher, very heavy clear crystal
glass. Regular 60c value, Saturday only,
35c each
uregoruans know Uregon is
the greatest state on the globe,
and it is always pleasant to read
another fellow's opinion when
that opinion is favorable. The
Chicago Tribune of recent date
had the following glowing ac
count of Oregon resources, an ac
count certain to do Oregon much
good m the tremendous eastern
territory that paper serves. The
Tribune says:
Oregon has a population of
half a million and over. She has
a welcome ior tnousanas more
and a royal welcome, too. Na
ture has heaped her gifts (of cli
mate, scenery and soil, of forest,
mine and farm) on this daugh
ter of the West and, in gratitude
Oregon is stretching out a ; beck
oninghand .to the " struggjin
masses of the East. There is in
Oregon an ' 'embarrassment , of
riches" an almost bewildering
variety of choice, before the
prospective settler. For this
state is "resourceful" in more
senses than one. He who would
make his home in Oregon, should
ponder well the question: ''which
section?" Land may be pur
chased for a few dollars and
there is land valued at thousands
of dollars per acre. There are
opportunities for many.
On the Pacific Slope
About one-fourth of Oregon's
area of 94,560 'square miles, lies
west of the Cascade mountains,
and embraces some choice gar
den spots-the Willamette valley,
ncluding nine of the most pro
ductive counties in the state
the Umpqua valley, known far
and wide for its high Quality
fruits the Rogue river valley,
home of, fine apples, pears and
grapes the Hood River valley
with its perfect strawberries and
unexcelled aDDles. Western Ore
gon, thouffh possessing consider
able rainfall, is anDlvinff irriffa-
' - rr-ii o
tion to produce higher results in
fruit growing. ,
Irrigated Lands.
many irrigation projects are
under way in Oregon, the acre-
ageof land under irrigation so
far amounting to about 500,000
About one-twentieth of the total
cultivated area. In the valley of
the Deschutes river, in the cen
tral part of the state in Uma
tilla county in the , Klamath
country and elsewhere, thou
sands of acres will be added to
the most productive of the farm
lands of the West. But even
then the irrigated land Jin the
state will bear only a small pro
portion to the total cultivable
area, and though fruit-raising is
"in the lime-light" to the almost
complete . obscuration of other
products,yet Oregon's grain and
grazing lands should not be over
looked by the farmer.
Wheat Lands.
Wheat is the great gram crop
of Oregon, and for quality ranks
tion. In fact there is in the
Willamette valley quite a walnut-
plantmg boom, conditions there
haying been found peculiarly fa
vorable. Extraordinary profits
have been actually realized, and
stul more extraordinary ones
promised. Individual trees are
said to have yielded $40 in a sea
soft an acre $1,000. The tree
does not yield till it is 6 to 8 years
combined harvester and thresher
drawn by to 60 mules or horses,
heading, threshing, cleaning and
sacking1 erin finallv drnnninor
7 0 t.J J .
the sacks securely tied along the
field. . Wheat growing is profit
able if engaged in by wholesale.
eVen where, for the sake of add
ed? moisture and fertility, every-
other-year cultivation is neces
sary. , i Apples for Epicures
The golden apples of the Hes
perides if they really were ap
pleswere not half so famous
asithe apples of Oregon. Here
in .a number of districts the very
chpicest are being raised at sue h
prbfits as to make the eastern or-
chardist shake his head incredul
ously. For flavor, color and
keeping quality, they are famous
the world over and prices as
high as $15-25 a box are on record.
While the trees are growing to
the point of bearing, it is com
mon to raise strawberries be
tween the rows at a good profit.
Peaches, Pears and Cherries.
Pears the delicious Bartlett
and , Cornice bring big profits,
those of the Rogue river having
broken all records for high prices
in 'carload lots. And probably a
tefge'portiori xf thestate is capa
ble of growing pears profitably.
The peach is at home in Douglas
county and in favorable locations
in the Willamette valley. Cher
ries and other fruits are success
fully grown in a number of
places in hoth Western and East
ern Oregon.
What About the Walnut?
The walnut industry of Oregon
has excited considerable atten-
E. E.
Mps Caldwell and S. Lester Campbell
Mate For Life Fifty Guests Wit
ness Ceremony and Fifty More
Join in Fine Luncheon.
Continued on page two
At the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
Cladwell, Miss Janie Russell
Caldwell and S. Lester Campbell
were united in marriage Wednes
day evening at 8 o'clock. Rev.
Gilchrist tied the nuptial knot,
pronouncing the ceremony that
united these two souls with but
a single thought.
The wedding took place in the
presence of fifty or more friends
and relatives and though the
least elaborate service was used,
the ceremony was both impres
sive and beautiful. The bride
was becomingly attired in white
and with the Dridal flowers
which she carried looked the
very queen her life characterizes
her to be. ' . . "
The " "decorations '6f the home
were very lovely, the rooms
being converted into veritable
flowers of beauty, and sweetest
incense. Following the cere
mony an elaborate supper was
served, and this was far from the
least enjoyable feature of the
That Mr. and Mrs. Campbell
are sincerely appreciated in the
Oakville vicinity, where they
have lived and been sweethearts
since early youth, was attested in
the fact that at 12 o'clock fifty c $
more univited friends .gathered
at the gate of the Caldwell homa -and
sang "Home Sweet Home."
This was an unexpected testimo
nial .and the newly married
couple was deeply affected.
The serenaders were heartily
welcomed and invited to jam in
the bounteous luncheon, which
they did, much to the pleasure
of all present. Mr. and Mrs,
Campbell certainly have the best
wishes of a wide circle of friends,
and deserve them, for both are
very estimable young people,
from excellent families.
Among those present at the
wedding were; Mr. and Mrs,
W. F. Hamlin, Mr. and Mrs. W,
J. Willbanks, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Hout, Mr. and Mrs
Yates of Albany, Mr. and Mrs,
H. O. Wicks, Mr. and Mrsi John
Willbanks, Mr. and Mrs. John
Bell; Misses Lucy Hamlin, I,
Willbanks, Cleo Willbanks,
Blanch Post, Golda Yates, Minnie
Harpin, Olga Post, Adah Post,
Laura Yantes, Bessie Caldwell,
May Caldwell, Birdie Fletcher;
Mrs. F. Helm, Mrs. F. Jones;
Messrs. M. Crawford, Gordon
Harris, J. H. Harris, Geo. Mill
hollen and Walter Post.
A Good Position
Can be had by ambitious young men
and ladies in the field of "Wireless" or
Railway telegraphy. Since the 8-hour
law became effective, and since the
Wireless companies are establishing
stations throughout the country there
is a great shortage of telegraphers.
Positions pay beginners from $70 to
$90 .per mouth, with good chance for
advancement." . The National Telegraph''
Institutes of Portland, Ore., operates
six official institutes in America, under
supervision of R. R. and Wireless Offi
cials and place all graduates into posi
tions. It will pay you to write them,
for full details. 8-30-3t
G. W. Mitchell has sold his fine 3
room bungalow on North Fifth street
to Professor Kirk, the new principal
of Corvallis city schools, who will at
once move here to be in readiness for
the opening of the fall term. Mr,
Mitchell will build himself a new home
on his 40-acre farm north of the city.
For September
Dress Goods Bargains
DRESS GOODS. This is an assortment of fancy suit
ing, mohair in stripes, fancy checks and dots. All
sell regular 50c and 60c yard,
Wash Goods at Special Price
Colored Lawn, Regular 25c, now 19c
Colored Lawn, Regular 15c, now IZVzc
Cotton Challies, Regular 8c, now 64c
Cotton Challies, Regular 64c, now 5c
Silk Mulls, Regular 50c, now 38c
Soisette in all colors, 25c
Outing Flannel
Reaiil-ifiil nw Fall fliitincr in I.iorhf- and
Dark Colors, prices ranging from 614c
to 12V2C per yd. - ' T
Outing Flannel Gowns
Ladies' Outing Flannel Night Gowns,
60c, 75c, $1.00
Children's Outing Flannel Night Gowns,
25c and 50c
Via I me Flannels
A beautiful assortment of Vialme Flan
nels in light blue, pink and red. Fancy
colors for Kimonasand Dressing Sacques
' Price, 16c and 20c yd.