The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, September 01, 1909, Image 3

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The Citv
and Vicinity
, R. L. Gardner is back, from a two i
weeks' fishing trip in Douglas county.
D. B. Taylor starts hop-picking Sat
urday, Sept4 4. Still room for a few
! more pickers. 8-31-5t
Mrs. Sadie Gardner arrived last
evening to visit with her brother-in-law,
.1. W. Gardner.
1 Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Kimball, of
Toledo, Ohio, are here visiting M. Bur
nap and family. They came down from
the A. Y. P. E., a fair they think is a
Found A purse with a small sum of
money in it. Owner can have same by
calling at the Gazette-Times office and
proving property.
Mrs. W. A. Gellatly has just return-"
ed home from Portland.
Look for "Owners" ad- "Two Bar
gains City Homes" 8-13-tf
Deputy Sheriff Esch came up from
Salem at noon to get young Butchek,
charged with stealing a bicycle.
Wanted An experienced sales lady
for notion and fancy goods; must have
at least two years experience. Ad
dress. Box 20fi. flnrvallis. Oreeron. l-3t
. I Two suits were filed with Clerk Moses
Complete outfits for camping parties & g Fitchard wanta to collect
at Blackledge's furniture store. 8-d-ti a $500 promisory note from J. W. Mode,
both of Polk countv. E. H. Griffin, of
Tomorrow (Thursday) at 2:3 0 at the
Beading room, the regular monthly
meeting of the W. C. T. U. will take
place. A large attendance is very
greatly desired.
R. W. Auld, of Green Valley, 111., is
out here visiting his brother, Harry B.
Auld, and is so well pleased with this
country that he may be induced to lo
cate permanently.
Ice cream delivered on thirty minutes
notice by Winkley's Palace of Sweets.
For Sale An
New, used less
Perfect condition.
Oliver typewriter,
than two months.
Cheap for cash.
At 3:30 no word relative to a special
excursion train and rate to Toledo on
Friday, Sept. 9, had been received from
General Passenger Agent McMurray.
He promised to notify the committee j , ,
today and will doubtless do so, but he , Thos. D. Aker, of Snohomish, Wash.,
will have to hurry. J has just located in Benton county and
dunne the winter the iamny win live
Portland, wants F. L. Price, of this
city, to fill a contract. Attachments
have been filed in both cases.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hughson and
daughter, Miss Elizabeth, will leave to
morrow for Brookings, S. D. to visit
relatives and attend to business mat
ters. Th"ey will be away a couple of
months. They are so well pleased with
Corvallis that they will return and
locate here permanently.
Several small fires have been started
recently by careless individuals throw-
lner lighted matches, cigarettes or
cigars at the sides of the walks. The
dry grass has ignited and in three in
stances, at least, there has been danger
of a serious conflagration. The' grass
is dry and men should be careful about
throwing fire around.
Acme Quality Paints and Floor Var
nish that wears at A. L. Miner's.
J. W. Richardson, while working on
a barn in the northern part of the city
this morning, was thrown to the ground
by the breaking of the scaffolding. It
was at first thought that he had sus
tained serious injuries, jbut an exam
ination by Dr. Farra failed to reveal
any bad effects aside from some bruises.
Eat Golden Rod Flakes, f
They are better for breakfast,
Than old-fashioned corn cakes,
. And five minuets time,
T -11 at i :. ii
is an limb lb tunes
At Kline's. , 6-12-tf
A bot tie of booze got the best of one
of the rounders last night and Chief
Wells was called to the north part of i
town to pick him off a picket- fence, -where
he had gone ' to sleep With his
bottle in his arms. He stayed in jail
last night and paid a fine of $10 this
morning all because some frightened
woman telephoned.
Men wanted at the new armory at
the college, Wednesday morning. F.
A. Erixson, Contractor. 8-30-2t
Joseph H. Wilson, attorney, has ac
cepted a position with the First Na
tional Bank and henceforth will advise
in Corvallis that a son may attend col
lege. The Waiters agency sold him
twenty acres near Philomath yesterday
and he will grow small fruits and vege
tables. Mr. Aker is an intelligent and
cultured gentleman, just the kind of man
Benton county people like to have locate
An official came from Salem this
morning to get one William Butchek,
charged with stealing a bicycle. Chief
Wells had picked up the boy and the
wheel yesterday afternoon, and placed
the young fellow in jail. This arrest
I by Chief Wells indicates how necessary
' it is for officials to be prompt at all
I times. He got a postal card from the
' office at 2 o'clock yesterday, this card
giving a minute description of the miss-
. ing wheel. Chief Wells walked around
to Kemp's bicycle shop and asked if
anyone there had seen such a wheel.
Thev said yes. that a young man had
just tried to sell them such a bicycle,
The Chief concluded his man was still
, in town and started out to hunt for
' him. At the First National Bank cor-
i - ...
ner he discovered the wheel and a
short time after, the young fellow who
1 had been riding it was pointed out to
I him. Chief Wells took him in hand,
the young man gave his name as Chas,
Van Gundy. Later he decided to tell
the truth and admitted that he was
that institution in all things legal and . William Butchek. He said he had pur
look after certain clerical matters.
Mr. Wilson will add strength to the
bank and in turn will have a nice berth
there, th legal business of this splen
did institution being such as to require
practically all of one man's time.
chased the wheel at Albany. The
Butcheks came from the vicinity of
Bellfountain and are known here. Peo
ple here would be glad to know that
young Butchek, who is but 18 years o
age, did buy his wheel at Albany.
We Use Scien
tific Instruments
To determine the needs of your eyes
There is no guess work about our
examinations, - They are just as ac
curate as trained skill and experi
ence can make them. They eost you
' nothing so you certainly ought to
have the benefit of them, if you have
any eye trouble at all. They mean
the proper glasses, the only kind
you can afford to .wear.
E WV S, PRATT, Jeweler and Optician
These Garments for Ladies and Misses
are of . excellent quality. The styles speak I
"for themselves and the prices are really
less than the cost of material and making.
Henlzle S Davis
For fall and winter wear
we have now on display pat
ent leather shoes, button,
suede and cloth tops to
match new fall suits,
In all the newest styles,
shell, amber and black,
Gloves are the best and
we are Corvallis agents.
Big stock now on display.
They guarantee their
The Band A herring-bone
; 36-inch lining for coats,
etc. All the suitable
Suits for Ladies and the
Miss. Great variety of
materials, new fall styles,
142 Second Street
. -' : - Jet. . ;; ,
In his Mirror of Stones" Camillus
Leonardus calls jet "black amber" and
states that it possesses the peculiar
property of attracting to It when rub-
3ed fight substances of all kinds. He
ilso tells us that the thin smoke p'ro
luced by this friction of rubbing was
used by the ancient Britalns for driv
ing away devils and dissolving spells.'
"Jet, says Dr. Young, "appears to
be wood in a high state of bitumlniza-
don. And certainly jet often appears
with traces of ligneous structure. . At
the same time there are specimens of
oones which seemingly have been graoV
aally impregnated w.ith and at last
wholly replaced by this substance.
Among the jet rock there is found a
liquid hydrocarbon somewhat -resembling
petroleum oil, which occurs in
the cavities of ammonites, etc.. and is
also sometimes found in nodules, the
presence of which is generally sup
posed to point to a rich vein of jet.
From these and other observations it
would appear that jet existed as a
liquid substance and that this sub
stance gradually permeated between
the laminations of the shales, etc.. cov
ering over or in some cases entirely re
placing any woody matter which it
met with. New Xork Post. -
Snuff Spoons.
All the world is familiar with snuff
boxes, but snuff spoons are pretty lit
tle refinements of which this genera
tion has. hardly heard. Very probably
they came into use about-two years
after Sir George Rooke's expedition to
Vigo bay in 1702. when he captured
half a ton of tobacco and snuff from
the Spanish galleons, and snuff thus
became a common article in England.
One of the characters Id a comedy
published at Oxford -in 1704. entitled
An Act at Oxford." by Thomas
Baker, says, "But I carry sweet snuff
for the ladies," to which Arabella re
plies r A spoon too. That's very 'gal
lant,' for to see some people run" their
fat fingers into a box is as nauseous
as eating without a fork." :
In the forties and fifties of the last
century snuf spoons were still in use
on the Scottish border. They were of
bone and of a size to go into the snuff
box. People fed their noses, it was
said, as naturally as they carried soup
to their mouths. As late as 1877 a
farmer at Norham-on-Tweed was seen
using one. London Saturday Review.
Born, Wednesday morning, Septem
ber!, to Mrs. J. S. Russell, a daughter.
A new cement pavement is being laid
around the livery stable at the corner
of Second arid Jackson. ",- --
Mrs. J. B. Patrick and children, of
Koseburg, .arrived Saturday for a
week's visit at the Beals home.
Trees are being removed from the
Kiger lots at the corner of 5th and
Jefferson preparatory to laying cement
E. J. Hyland, representative t of the
Jdassam paving concern, was in Cor
vallis yesterday enroute north through
the valley. '
The Christian Endeavor Society will
hold a meeting at the Evangelical
church Thursday eveninff at 7:30. All
members are requested to put in ai
Born Sunday, August 29, to Mrs
C A. Freeman, a son. While Mrs.
Freeman is the real principal in this
event, Mr. Freeman feels such a decid
ed interest that the plumbing' business
has been neglected slightly the past
two or three days. - '
C. H. Gerlinger, one of the men in
terested in the new mill, was in Cor
vallis yesterday looking over the situa
tion. He was pleased to express the
opinion that Corvallis looks good to him.
Business conditions seem satisfactory
and the growth in the residential sec
tion impressed him. :
Prof. F. L. Kent left vesterdav
(Tuesday) morning for Eureka. Calif..
where he will judge the live stock at
the Ferndale fair, a point about twenty
miles distant from Eureka, in the
famous Eel river valley, Humboldt
county. The Eel river valley is proba-
bly the most highly developed dairy
seetion of the United States hence
stock will constitute a verv lare-e por
tion of the live stock display.
That the English walnut thrives best
in a wondrous depth of loam is a recog
mzed fact, but that these - trees will
grow and produce on any Willamette
valley soil is indicated by various trees
in this city. ' There are several trees of
producing age and these have been
yielding fair crops in recent years. At
this time, one of these standing on the
Con Gerhard property, corner of First
and Jackson, is laden with fruit.. This
tree is about eight years old and has
received no attention calculated to
help it in its growth. It is of fair size
and hanging thick with walnuts.
If the English walnut will
grow where that tree stands and with
no care produce such a quantity of good
fruit at eight years of age, then there
are hundreds, of acres of land in Benton
county that might well be jut to wal
. A Tramp of Resource.
Much experience of thirsty tramps
had caused the author of "An- English
Holiday," J. J. Hissey. to foreknow'
almost exactly what they would say
to him. One day, when sending his
motorcar slowly along a shady Eng
lish road; he met one of this guild, who
accosted him with the preliminary
touch of his cap. Mr. Hissey antici
pated him by exclaiming: :
"I be mortal thirsty! Have you, good
sir. the price of a glass of ale about
you? j I've driven nearly fifty miles to
day, and since the morning not a bite
of food, ha.a. passed, my lips," . , (.
The look of astonishment that'tramp
gave me was a delight to observe. But
this tramp was a man of ready re
source, and, seeing 1 was a hopeless
case, he rose to the occasion and
promptly exclaimed, with what dig
nity he could command and with a
comically serious expression: f
"If there were a policeman in sight
I would give you in charge for begging,
that 1 would."' '
Between Two Fires.
She was desperately gone on them
both, and she couldn't think which
one to choose. It was rather perplex
ing, no doubt, for one she was bound
to refuse.'
She gazed at them both in despair,
quite puzzled to know what to do. As
soon as she thought about one she
cared for the other one too.
They still, remained under her gaze,
little recking the trouble they brought
It really was hard to decide. They
were both so delightful, she thought.
She couldn't say which one she'd
have; her efforts fell hopelessly flat.
It's really exceedingly hard .select
ing a new autumn hat.
He Told Her.
Housekeeper You promised that If
I'd give you a good meal and a suit
of old clothes you'd tell me how to
keep the premises free from tramps.
Tramp Yes, mum, an' I'm a man
of me word. mum. an' I'll keep me
promise, although that meal wasn't no
great shakes an' this suit, of clothes
ain't much of a fit But I'll tell ye.
"Well, what course am 1 to pursue?"
"Never, give 'em anything, mum.
Good day. mum."'
" ; Good and Simple.
Let it not be in any man's power to
say truly of thee that thou art not
simple or that thou art not good, but
let him be a liar whoever shall think
anything of this kind about thee, and
this is altogether in thy power, for
who is he that shall hinder thee from
being good and simple? Marcus An
tonius. - v .
How He Raised It.
"How on earth did you ever culti
vate such a beautiful black eye?" ask
ed Brown's friend. .
"Oh,'! replied Brown, who had train-''
tentionally been illustrating the fall of
man on roller skates. -"I raised it from
a slip." Everybody's Magazine. - .r
Shows No Improvement.
. "I don't see that her college educa
tion has Improved her rirach." .
: "Nor I . ..:
"No. She helps her mother with the
housework just as if she hadn't been
educated."-r-Detroit Free Press. ,;
An Apt 8imile.
. Some men have a career like a golf
ball. They are helped oat of one bole
only to get Into another. Llpptncotfs.
Two Bargains in City Homes
Two corner lots, with one house of 7 rooms under construction.
Bath, pantry, large closets to each bed room, linen closets, halls up
and down stairs, fire place, basement full size of house, which is
24x36 feet, plumbing and electric light complete, septic tank, con
crete sidewalk and small barn. .
Also one inside, lot and 7-room house, bath, pantry, sewing
room, closets to bed rooms,' halls up and down stairs, basement
' 24x36 feet, full size of house, electric light complete, some plumb
ing, concrete walks. , - - .
This property is in good location, two blocks from College, four
blocks from public school No agents. Call on or address
OWNER, 320 North Tenth Street,
Corvallis, Oregon.
ESS! '
Occidental Lumber Co.
Successors toj
Corvallis Lumber Co.
We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please
call on J. B IRVING for information and prices. . And take
notice that if we have not got exactly what you want we will
get it for you. -. ,
G.O. BASSET r, Local Mcr.
The Best Paint
There is no better paint made for appearance and
durability than :
iAcme Quality Paint
, Specially prepared for exterior and interior use.
Second Street, Near Palace Theater
ff j3l. Xji
nuuiiiimu. umiiii ijiiftiiiPii ni iv
Benton County Lumber Co.
Manufacturers of all kinds of
fir Lumber, Mouldings, Cedar Posts,
Sawed and Split. Gedar Shakes
Dealers in
Doors, Windows, Lime, Bricic, Cement,
Shingles, etc
Glass Jars, All Kinds, at
Successors to
Second Street, - Corvallis, Oregon
Dealers In
Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream Sepa
rators, Graniteware, Tinware and Builders'
Sole Agents for
Congo Roofing and Quick Meal Ranges
Phone Your Orders To No. 7,
I , Where They Will be Promptly Filled.
Fine Line of Crockery, Glassware, Cut
; Glass, Haviland and China ware,
nuts. ' - . . .