THE DAILY GAZETTE -TIES f"atS,,l"r.,tr that just M w are- develops Corner Third 2";q-26 Tefferson street. street, and 232 Second in such a way that some sort of Btreet, Corvallis, Oregon. , PHONES, 210 - 4184 Entered at the postoffice at Corvallis, Oregon, as second class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES DAILY Delivered by carrier, per week...,.. .15 Delivered bv carrier, per month .50 By mail, one year, in advance - 5-oo By mail, six months, in advance...- 2 50 Bv mail, one month, in advance.. . .50 careful supervision is necessary to make the city as beautiful as it can be made at no greater cost. The council should name a park commission and give it all the power possible. THE BLINDNESS OF JUSTICE mit anybody that is so minded ttf spatter mud on , " the rwindow panes at will. Saturday Even ing Post . '' - Going Over to ... Crook County (Continued) from page one ) For Sale Numerous household goods range, garden hose, dining table, refrigerator, fruit jars, boy's saddle, etc. 121 Fifth street; phone 472. . 8-20-2t-w - Wanted Young man about 25, with $250, as partner in good paying busi ness; Experience not necessary, but must be a hustler. For information inquire at the Gazette-Times office. 8-28-3t THE WEEKLY GAZETTE-TIMES Published Every Friday SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year, in advance $2.00 Six moths, in advance 1.00 In ordering changes of address, sub scribers should always give old as well as new address. is a three day auto trip, or seven days "by-, team. All who went over are confident the soil is as It is interesting to sDeculate gooa as can oe louna on tne upon what would happen if Jus-; siobe, and they say Bend is tice instead of wearing a bandage, going ro De a nne town, n nas over her eyes, had worn a clothes- ;a Si1 country aoout it, nne pin on her nose or corks in her,valley' extensive forests and two ears- i railroad crews are surveying in A court decided the othertlay tliat inity fund the iccciil Liiy a mil mm uusiy uiie, out notning so bad as to cause them to forgo their purpose. N. RM00RE . . CHAS. L. SPRINGER, . . . Editor Business Mgr. that an offense to sight is not a ; nuisance. An enterprising gas company had embellished a choice residence district with a gigantic .tank, painted that shade of red which will give a sensitive person sunstoke any time between May and November. The decision no doubt is according to precedent, Night on Bald Mountain. A PARK COMMISSION. Notice for Publication. This paper has frequently call ed attention to the advisability of naming a park commission for this city a commission with power to develop and in a co- On a lonely night Alex. Benton, of Fort Edward, N. Y., climbed Bald Mountain to the home of a neighbor tor- tured by Asthma, bent on curing him .:4--u T rr: xt T: 4.i.. Abatement of a violent offense VoA i.4,i . ' to the sense of smell or hearing . wonderful medicine soon relieved and may be enforced, but the theory ' quickly cured his neighbor. Later it Seems to be that it doesn't cured his son's wife of a severe lung really hurt one to look at a big , tr' f minsTbelleve t the great- esi. xiiiuiti. arm ijung cure on EjHtlo. Coughs, Colds, Croup, Hemorrhages and Sore Lungs are . surely cured by it. EestforHay Fever, Grip and Whoop- Department of the interior. U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, July 12, 1909. Notice is hereby Riven that Pearl G. Decker. whose post office address is Eugrene, OreKn. did. on the 20th day of January. 1909,-iile in this office Sworn Statement and Application, No. 03176, to purchase the WM of WV4, Section 24, Township 14 South. Ranxe 9 West. Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, -under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised $489, the timber estimated l.zuu, 000 board feet at $0.36 per M, and the land $69: that said applicant will offer final proof in support of his application and -sworn statement on the 7th day of October, 1909, before the Register and Re ceiver at Roseburir. Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or initiate a contest at any time be fore patent issues, by filing a corroborated affi davit in this office, alleging facts which would de feat the entry. BENJAMIN L. EDDY. - Register. First Publication July 23, 1909. Last Publication September 24, 1909. red gas tank on a warm day. ! A more forcible illustration may bd pointed ont Nearly if not quite everywhere v in the operativejway carry out a scheme United States it is impossible, for citv beautification. While legany, to prevent any man the Commercial Club has dis cussed this matter at different times, and two months ago in structed the president of the from chopping down any tree that stands uponland to which he happens, at the moment, to have title. The tree may be a beauti ful and beneficent growth of de ing Cough. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all druggists. i Notice of Final Settlement In the matter of the estate of Nancy E. Pelger, o iiejrcuy given uiai ine unaersignea as i administrator of the estate of Nancy E. Felger, deceased, has filed his final account as such admin- ' intra tor with the clerk of the county court of the ! state of Oregon for Benton County, and the said j 1 1 . ... r .c j , -i . , . . , , . , , court nas nxea Saturday, the ntn day 01 septem- Olub to name a committee of nve cades, the sight of it a cherished ber, 1909, at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore-1 m -. , . m , , i i , liiwuMnncume, una tne county court room in lOr the STJeClfiC PUrPOSe Of dlS- POSSeSSlOn OI thOUSandS Of people. ihe court house in Corvallis, Oregon, as the place, c r . . 1 , . . , , - t or hearing any and all objections to the said ac- covering park sites available, no Yet "the man buys the plot of . eountand for -nf . j m. x- v u 4.i, grouna ne can ieu tne tree and 1 Geo. w. smith. definite aCtlOn haS Deen taKen. A . , I Administrator of the Estate of Nancy E. Felger, uia&e a uonnre 01 its corpse, deceased. Last publication September 10,1909. Auupenmps it ia " Our eyes, in the poet's fancy, would seem that a parte commit- are the windows of our souls; i tee or commission should be but, generally speaking, we per' - named by the city council and endowed with powers to do things within reason. If the Council can not or will . not do ' this, then the Commercial Club " . ....... should not permit it to be neg lected longer. The club could at least name a committee with in ' structions to make recommenda tions and suggestions to the club and public generally, and then give that committee the strength there is in the hearty support of an organized commercial body. Such a committee could accom "plish a great good, though it came from the Commercial Club, but it could accomplish much greater good easier and quicker if it had the official sanction of the city's law-making body. It is our opinion that a park Commission or committee, besides looking after the matter of pro viding and caring for a city park or parks, should be required to mate suggestions as to the plant ing and removal of street trees, and the foliage and general beautification scheme of all pub lic grounds. To this committee might well be left the securing and placing of fountains, the matter of co-operating with pub- lic school officials in teaching 1 , 1 1 ! civic Deauty ana cieanuness, or ganization of district improve-' ments societies in fact all ' that . goes to make up civic beauty. The necessity . for prompt ac tion in this matter comes in the fact that countless streets lawns are being planted with trees that might not conform to a well planned general scheme, a plan with which property owners might readily agree if they but -. knew. To the added fact that many trees that should not be re- . moved are being taken out, and Others unnecessary and un sightly are left. Also that the price of land available for park The Gazette-Times 50c per month. Oregon State Fair MY QUEER PARTNER. How About That Fall Suit September 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 arid 18 SIX FULL DAYS Camping" grounds and Evening Entertain ment free. This year, "Better Than Ever." Daily Racing Events. SALEM, OREGON To get best results and perfect lines to your new fall suit, be fitted ; j : , to newest models in NEMO BON TON, ROYAL WORCESTER or ADJUSTO corsets EXHIBITION NEWEST MODELS FIRST FALL Corset Protectors Brassieres ; -Ferris Waists Corset Steels Corset Laces Bust Forms Side Steels Girdles Corset Stays All Accessories BON TON" CORSETS are universally recognized as the ultra-fashionable high-grade corsets of the present day. All the better grades are boned with WAL0HN, the wonderful, in destructible boning that will not break, warp or rust. : . PRICE $3.00 ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS are absolutely the best medium-priced corsets the world has ever known. They are the accepted standard of authentic style, perfect fit and workmanship, and are boned with best quality rust-proof wire. PRICE $1 to $3 ADJUSTO" REDUCING CORSETS are patented. They are equipped with the famous "Reducting Bands," which can be instantly adjusted., - Double bonecf . throughout with wide, flat, double bones. Suitable for both medium and full figures. PRICE $3. "New Styles Gordon Dye ; ' Hosiery , Derby and " Dents Gloves By BELLE C. WARREN. . Copyright, 1909, by American Press Asso- ciation. When I was twenty-five years ot age t was sent to St- Paul by the firm I I was with to establish an agency for their goods. I soon discovered that there was - a concern In Minneapolis which was selling the same' grade of goods and always underbidding me. went over there to see If I could make a scale of prices with the under bidding firm. I found a young "man even younger than myself. He was not acting as agent, but for. himself. I stated my business, to which he listened atten tively. I argued that If he continued to underbid me I would begin to un derbid him, and one would thus ruin each other's trade, whereas if we made prices together we could both succeed. When I had finished he said: What guaranty have I that you will keep your agreement?" surprised at such a question, I re plied. "The same guaranty I have that you will keep yours." "There is no douhf whatever that I will keep any agreement I shall make," he repli'd. with some hauteur. It. struck me that he sbould go to some university for a course of logic, However, I pursuaded him to make a list of minimum prices with me and left him well pleased with the result of my visit. We became very good friends as well as competitors, and finally, when I concluded to act also on my own account we concluded, in order to save expenses, to form a part nership. 1 offered to give him first place in the firm name, but he insisted on taking . the second, so we styled ourselves Graves & Elliston. I found my partner a queer mixture. For a time I was virtual as well as nominal head of the firm, but lost it In a very odd way. A man came into our store to buy a large bill of goods on credit The profit would be large. and I was brimful of enthusiasm over ihe trade. Not so Elliston. He flat ly refused to consent "to sell' the man. When it came to his reasons he had none to give. Irritated. 1 told him that he should explain his position or would dissolve the partnership, whereupon, driven to the wall, he said that he didn't like the shape of the man's nose. Notwithstanding this absurd reason, which I inferred he had given simply to afford me an excuse for not fulfill ing my threat, we did not sell the goods. Some months later the notes the purchaser bad given other firms were protested and every dollar of the indebtedness was lost I charged El liston with having some information unknown to me about the rascal, but he denied having any whatever. Never theless from this time I never urged entering upon any important transac tion without my partner's full . ap proval. But when it came to a matter of sev eral hundred or several thousand dol lars, while I would unblusningly make an offer of bait tne - amount asked. Elliston could never bring himself to consider such a course as anything but ridiculous. Thus the large transac tions fell into my hands. . Although Elliston seemed to me to be very notional, I gradually found that he was a better business man than I. He was certainly my superior in looking ahead. While my mind was on the present his was on the future. This was especially true in the matter of expenses. I am free to admit that had it not been for him our expenses would have eaten up our profits. He was continually surprising me, when payments we were obliged to make came round, by having pro vided the funds to meet them. This faculty, together with his keeping ex penses down, made money for us every year for several years. Then one day Elliston told me that he wished to sell his interest in the business since he purposed traveling abroad. This was a blow to nte, for I was not minded to give up business myself, and I was sure I could not make money without the aid of the typical faculties pos sessed by "my partner. However, he gave me easy terms, and I bought him out . As soon as the papers had passed El liston bade me goodby and left for New York to sail for Naples. A week later I received a letter from him at Chicago, asking me to meet him there. Since he gave no reason I- hesitated. However, knowing him to be a queer fellow who usually had a reason hid den away somewhere for what he did, I left my business with my head clerk and took a train. The next evening I called at Ellis ton's hotel and sent up my card. was shown to a private parlor, where. instead of finding him, a woman ad vanced to greet me. "You're Elliston's sister," I exclaim ed, "doubtless his twin." "I am Elliston himself," she replied. . And so she was. It was a singular story she told me how, having been obliged to make her own wayin the world, she had found skirts disadvan tageous and finally donned man's at tire. Having made enough to give her several thousand dollars a year In come, she gladly resumed her proper attire, but not until she had left the, proximity of those who had known her as a .man. I had always regarded my partner as young and boyish looking, without a beard and with a Tbusical voice. In woman's dress Margaret Elliston that was her. name was transfigured into a very attractive woman. I re mained in Chicago a week, at the end of which time it was arranged that I should return to Minnesota, sell the business and we should go abroad as husband and wife. Come and get a PRINCETON College Cutf Suit The latest de signs in fabrics and styles. .. A. K. RUSS Dealer in all Men's Furnishings We sell cheapest because wesell for cash. CORVALLIS, OREGON CHEW CADILLAC ' and -KING CORN ' TOBACCO Always Good; not made by the Trust. Sold at JACK MILNE'S Dr. VIRGINIA V. LEWEAUX Osteopathic Physician At Corvallis Hotel Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; At Albany Tuesdays, Thursdays andSaturdays; , 15-17 Brenner Building FOR RENT, ROOMS For Rent Three furnished rooms, two of them suitable for light house keeping; all down stairs; outside rooms. Inquire at 800 Fifth Street PHOTOGRAPHERS PICKEL'S ' STUDIO, 430 SECOND" Street Phone 4209. PHYSICIANS G. B. FARRA, M. D., PHYSICIAN ANI Surgeon. ; Omce in Burnett Block, over Harris' Store. Residence comer Seventh and Madison. Omce hoursr 8 to 9 a. m.; 1 to 2 p. m. Phonesr Office, 2128, Residence, 404. J. B. MORRIS, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Corner Third and Mon roe Streets, Corvallis, Oregon. Office hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 4 p. m.; 7 to 8 p, m. Phone in both office and residence. W.T. ROWLEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Special attention given to the Eve. Nose and Throat. Office in Johnson Bide. Ind. 'phone at of- Rn. 3 . : J .1 V.D BUU IC0JUCUU3. UNDERTAKERS M. S. BOVZE, FUNERAL DIRECT or and Licensed Einbalmer. Suc cessor to Bovee & Bauer Corvallis, Oregon. Ind. Phone 45. Bell Pbon 241. Lady attendant when desired. BLACKLEDGE & EVERETT, LI cens ed embalmers and funeral direct ors. Have everything new in coffins, caskets and burial robes. Calls ans wered day and night Lady assist an t. Embalming a specialty. Day phones, Ind. 117 and 1153, Bell, 531; night phones, Ind. 2129'and;il53. ATTORNEYS J. F. YATES, ATTORNE Y-AT-LA W. umce Kooms 3, 4, 1st jau nann mag, E. E. WILSON Attorney A Law , Zierolf Bldg. Corvallis, Oregon Farmers! See S. S. HENKLE ; (Successor to Smith Bros.) CORVALLIS, OREGON The Place to Buy Right, Handles,. Harness, Saddles, Robes, Whips,, and Gloves Does Repairing Neatly '., and Promptly First Door North of Gerhards. KILLTHSCOUGH ahd GURETKELUnSS 9i fOUGHS ISOLDS 50 a $1.00 TRUl 80TTIE FREE HD All THROAT AND IUM TROUBLES GUAffANTESD SATSFACrOftX