THE DAILY GAZETTE-TIMES Published every evening except Sun day. Office: 259-263 Jefferson street, torner Third street, and 232 Second treet, Corvallis, Oregon. PHONES, 210 4184 y Entered at the-postoffice at Corvallis, Oregon, as second class matter. or eight months, would have last ed several weeks and in the end the young man would have had an excellent chance to escape with a punishment - no more se vere than a brief incarceration in an insane asylum. But they do things differently in England and in this one re spect at least they do them very much better than we do here. Like most of our sensational murder cases in the United States i the fact of the killing of these GREA I OPPOR HIES HER E m WEEKLY GAZETTE-TIMES Published Every Friday SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year, in advance ..2.oo Six moths, in advance.. ..... i.oo SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 -DAILY Delivered by carrier, per week. $ 15 Delivered by carrier, per month...- .50 K2S irmrthTivancr:.: ,2 two distinguished Englishmenby By mail, one month, in advance .50 the young Indian student was not disputed In London that was enough. The young man did not deny that he fired the shots. There was I testimony to show that the shoot ing was premeditated, and that was sufficient. There was only a brief refer ence allowed to the fact that the shooting was caused by political In ordering changes of address, sub- not hv nersnnnl cnoers anoum always give oxa as wen as . , ,vF 4CQt,,M-v oMr,ia Bew address. . ... , ,. , . or aemenua max were nox even mentioned, In America the condition of the young man's mind the fact that he believed it to be his duty as an Indian to protest in this man ner against the treatment ac corded his people by the British government and a whole lot of similar rot would have kept the best criminal lawyers in the land busy for as long a time as the money of his friends and sym pathizers held out, British justice is harsh at times, but it has a way of discouraging capital crime which we might N. R. MOORE . CHAS. L. SPRINGER, ... . . Editor' Bnsiness Mgr. PINCHOT OR BALLINGER? Gifford-Pinchot, in charge of the U. S. forest reserves, is be ing made the subject of attack by Secretary of the Interior, Ballinger, because their ideas concerning the conservation of the people's interest are at vari ance. ' 'There' s a reason. " That reason is that Pmchot is very well copy. fully conversant with the gene ral science of forestry; he is ac quainted with the topography, timber, natural resources, water sheds; in fact with every essen tial detail connected with every forest reserve in the country indeed most of . the reserves have been set apart under his administration and through his efforts. . V -.. . - Now while Pinchot knows all about every subject and phase a Mi -frtroor rpsprvps: Rallino-pr centiy. it is wortn the while 0 - knowst a little less than nothing all who use cigarettes, CIGARETTES KILUEECHES At the request of a local mer chant, the Gazette-Times re prints the f ollowing article which has been going the rounds f or-what knowledge he thinks he possesses is in the form of dis torted representations made to him by parties and interests that for purposes of personal profit desire the disintegration of the reserves and their restoration to 'You smoke thirty cigarettes a day?" . - 'Yes , on the . average. " 'You' don't blame them for your run-down condition?" The physician shook his head. Ten years ago a man wanted to borrow $1500 on 100 acres of land in the Yakima Valley, and couldn't get it from a loan com- pany Decause tne security was not considered sufficient: the careful money lenders . doubted whether the land ' was really worth $15 ah acre. The man got the money elsewhere, somehow, and today one acre of it is worth all he tried to borrow 10 years ago on 100 acres Fruit. He doesn't need to borrow any money now. The money lenders would be glad to lend him $50, -000 on the same land that they couldn't see $1500 in 10 years ago." : ' " '-' ' The same thing, practically, if not in quite so great a degree in many cases, is true in numerous localities in Oregon. And it isi not always fruit, either. -It may be . vegetables, if near a good- sized, growing town, or , alfalfa or vetch. In the course of a year, The Journal, always .on the watch for these accomplish ments, mentions probably . a hundred veritable . instances where a person has made., from $500 to $1000 in a single year off a single acre of strawberries. An acre of cabbages, or onions, may yield from : $100 to $300. So with other things which we city folks want "and pay cheer fully whatever is asked. There are 10,000 opportunities in a hundred localities in this splendid Pacific northwest to do what is herein indicated; :. to get more every year off a small piecei"of land than one has to pay for it. And many people are finding this out. The wonder is that enough young men stay in the towns to do the business necessary to be done, at small salaries, when the glorious country holds out such opportunities of j becoming independent and fairly, wealthy with a small investment and not very hard labor.. 0 BUSHEL OF FINE WHEAT was raised, and name of person entering it . Each bushel on receipt will be given a number, and the name and location of raising will' be kept absolutely secret - until judges'decision is rendered. Each spipment made should be plainly addressed, "Pacific Northwest Wheat Contest, The Dalles, . Oregon," with name of sender on . the tag Then full details by mail same day, stat ing how shipment was made, sent Phillip S- Bates, Secretary, The Dalles, Oregon. $25 second prized $15 for third, and $5 each for fourth and fifth. How About That FalliSuit Come and get a PRINCETON College Cut Suit. The latest de signs in fabrics and styles. A. K. RUSS Dealer in all Men's ' Furnishings We sell cheapest becausejwe.sell for cash. CORVALLIS. - - OREGON In order to stimulate interest among the wheat growers of the state of Oregon in carefully se lecting and grading the grain, and also for the purpose of gath ering together in one great state wheat show, a number of the finest samples of this marvelous state ' product, to be entered thereafter in the national show at Omaha, a phenomenal offer of one hundred dollars in gold for the best bushel of wheat grown in Oregon this year has been made. ; '' ' ' " :; ; In addition to that remarkable offer, there will be various other small prizes amounting to one hundred dollars more. : - The contest wiirbe open to the entire state and will ake the character of a great wheat show to be held in The Dalles, during the week of the meeting of the State Threshers' Association December 2nd and 3rd.' There will be no entry fee. All entries must be, sent to The Dalles, in a standrad two bushel grain sack, so that they may be displayed as received in uniform manner. : . Each bushel must be accom panied bylsigned statement giving township and county in which it 'Twas a Glorious Victory. There's reioicine in Fedora, Term. A man's life has been saved, and now Dr. King's New Discovery is the talk of the town for curing C. V. Pepper of deadly lung hemorrhages.; "I. could not work nor get about," he writes, "and the doctors did me no good, but, after using Dr. King's New Discovery three weeks, I feel like anew man, and can do good work, again." For weak, sore or dis eased lungs, Coughs and Colds, Hemor rhages. Hay Fever, LaGrippe, Asthma or any Bronchial affection it stands un rivaled. Price 50c and $1. Trial Bottle free. Sold and guaranteed by all drug gists. - Acme Quality Paints and Floor Var nish that wears at A. L. Miner's. 5-17-tf. CHEW CADILLAC and KING CORN TOBACCO Always Good; not made by the Trust. Sold at JACK MILNE'S For Sale Numerous household goods range, garden hose, dining table, refrigerator, fruit jars . boy's saddle, etc. 121 Fifth street; phone 472. ' 8-20-2t-w KlltLTHE COUGH and CURETK&LUiiGS lEl'JBJSCOVtuV UUliHa r,oiCJ50&$I.OO mWmvm mmm, mm m uri- DLDa V TRIAL BOTTIE FREE FOR AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES GUARANTEED SATSFACTORr O? MONEY REFUNDED. Dr. VIRGINIA V. LEWEAUX. Osteopathic Physician At Corvallis Hotel Mondays,. Wednesdays and Fridays? At Albany Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays-16-17 Brenner Building FOR RENT, ROOMS For Rent Three furnished rooms, two of them suitable for light house keeping; all down stairs; outside rooms. Inquire at 800 Fifth Street PHOTOGRAPHERS PICKEVS STUDIO, 430 SECOND- Street. Phone 4209. lo) JU nn 1 M PHYSICIANS G. K. FARRA, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND" Surgeon. Office in Burnett Block, over Harris' Store. Residence corner Seventh and Madison. Office hoars: 8 to 9 a. m.; 1 to 2 p, m. Phonesr Office, 2128, Residence, 404. i : ' ' the open public domain where He smiled in a vexed way. Then their resources can be exploited, he took a leech out of a glags lor private gam. T . mo h ,m crtTY,0u;r, v - The forest reserve is practically I; - ..t. t under the direction of the . , , , ;. Secretary of Agriculturel; but - me cigarette nena Darea. nis in the exercise of some of his pale arm, and the other laid a proper functions Forester Pin- lean, black leech upon it. The chot has been compelled to enter leech fell to work busily. Its a field wherein it might be tech- hn(, Wa tn RW(lll Thpn muur u r-.i -'- 0f a sudden, a kind of shudder reaimoi tne ueparxmem, oi tue . . Interior, which has charge of convuisea it, ana iz leu xo xne the National Parks, Geological floor, dead. Surveys, etc; which gives Ballin- . "That is what your blood did ger a chance to "butt in." to that leech," said the physi- Pinchot is Chief Forester, not cian. He took up the little corpse because he needs the money, between his thumb and finger. for he is a rich man; but because "Look at it," he said. Quite he was one of the best-informed dead, you see."" -You poisoned it." j 1 . .1 j 1 . - loresoy experts in me cuuuuy, "i guess - it wasn't a very the government i needed just healthv leerh in the first nlace.'? such service as he could render, gd the cigarette smoker, sullen and he was patriotic " enough to iy. x sacrifice his personal interests to "Wnon't hooUv ohr Well the public good and to take m wem rv ae-ain " I - - -mT O hand the formation of this bene ficent branch of the public ser vice. That's why rmchot is Forester. callmgerwas given his as a reward for political services, which marks a big difference. And the physician clapped two leeches on the young man's thin arm If they both die, ' ' said the pa tient, ."I'll swear, off or, at least, I'll cut my daily allowance from thirty cigarettes to ten, Even as he spoke the smaller leech shivered and dropped on his knpo Hoar! anA a mnment A little more than three weeks later f, , mp f hfi -d it M .1 J 1 1 1 O irom tne aay tne crime was com mitted and after a trial which ENGLAND VS. AMERICA. lasted less than one hour, Madar- ial Dhingari, the Indian student, who shot and killed Lieut.-Col. Curzon Wylie and Dr. Cawas "This is ghastly," said the young man. "I am worse than the pestilence to these leeches." "It is the empyreumatic oil in your blood," said the medical "All cigarette fiends have Lalcaca at a reception at the Im- man Derial Institute in London, was lfc- found guilty of murder and sen- "Doc," said the young man re orir.o1 tn h PYPPntd ' sava The gardinsthe three dead leeches VVUVVU v v wwwvv l . 1 Seattle Times. . ' : : thoughtlully, "I half believe you In this country the trial would are right "-West Virginia Schoo probably have been deferred six Journal. UUKtBS - jtJWSffMS Is now located in the handsome new quart ers' in' ihe .. Whiteside Building on . NORTH SECOND STREET With the largest and best selected stock of MILLINERY AND LADIES' FURNISHINGS Ever shown in this city. The new styles in Head Dress are now on display and we INVITE THE LADIES TO CALL And see the latest modes and to make themselves at " home in our new store L. & G. B. ANDERSON WHITESIDE BUILDING NORTH SECOND STREET J. B. MORRIS, M. D., PHYSICIAN" and Surgeon. Corner Third and Mon roe Streets, Corvallis, Oregon. Office- 8 p. m. Phone in both office and residence. W.T. ROWLEY, M. D PHYSICIAIT . and Snrgeon. Special attention given to the Eye. Nose and Throau; Office in Johnson Bide. Ind. 'phone at of fice and tesidence. UNDERTAKERS M. S. BOVEE, FUNERAL DIRECT or and Licensed Embalmer. Suc reeeor fo Bovee & Bauer Corvallis, Oregon. lad. Phone 45. Bell Phone 241, Lady attendant when desired. BLACKLEDGE & EVERETT, Li censed embalmers and funeral direct ors. Have everything new in coffins, caskets and burial robes. Calls ans wered day and night. Lady assist ant. Embalming a specialty. Day phones, Ind. 117 and 1153, Bell, 531; night phones, Ind. 2129nd 1153. ATTORNEYS J. F. YATE8, ATTORNE Y-AT-LA W. Office Rooms 3, 4, 1st Natl Bank Bldg. E. E. WILSON Attorney AlLaw Zierolf Bldg. Corvallis, Oregon JOSEPH H. WILSON Attorney at Law . Corvallis, Oregon Phone 1333 Farmers! See S: S. HENKLE CORVALLIS, OREGON" The Place to Buy Right, Handles. Harness, Saddles, Robes, Whips,, and Gloves Does Repairing Neatly and Prompt Iy First Door North of Ger hards.