The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, August 30, 1909, Image 3

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'The Tailor has. ju$t received
his Fall and Winter line of
- 300 Patterns,
Suits, separate Skirts, Jackets long
Coats, Divided Skirts and Rubberized
Rain Coats, made to your measure in
the latest styles; strictly man-tailored;
prices right. Before buying, call
and look them over. Lady attendant.
132 Second St, Upstairs,
Whitehorn Building
The City
and . Vicinity
Mrs. E. Belnap arrived home Satur
day from a visit at the coast.
Miss Mary Thompson returned Sat
urday from an extended visit at Port
land. ; '.,.'.
'Two Bar
Look for -' 'Owners'
gains City Homes"
George Brown has entered Lady Mal
com - in the 2:25 trotting races at Scio to
day.' For . Sale An Oliver typewriter.
New, used- less than two , ; months.
Perfect condition. Cheap, for cash.
Mr.- and Mrs. T. H. Wellsher and
daughter, Vivian, returned Saturday
from an extended outing at Newport.
J, Mr Cummings and family are at
home from their coast camping" trip.
They were very lucky in angling for
the! finny tribe, and 'had some great
sport. .
Portland firm wants to trade monu
ment for. horse and buggy. Address
Monument, care Gazette-Times office.
. ; , ; 8-27-3t ;
J. M.' Rolens and family leave im
mediately for Salem. They came to
locate, and .really liked the situation,
here, particularly the friendliness and
sociability of the people, but they 'are
looking for a larger city.
Complete outfits for camping parties
at Blackledge's furniture store. 8-3-tf
Miss Ethel Berman has. returned
home from her vacation at Newport.
1 Mr. Ralph Caves' left Saturday for
Newport where he will spend his vaca
tion, j. ''.' -
For rent or sale Choice 15 cre
poultry place. Box 113 Turner, Ore
gon. -'..."". 8-26-lt-dw
O. C. Veatch, a young merchant of
Condon who has lieen visiting " here,
left for home Sunday. ' ' -
Mark Rickard arrived home yester
day in his big auto from a trip to Cas
cadia where he went last week..
Ice cream delivered on thirty minutes
notice by Winkley's Palace of Sweets.
' .-. tf ;
' Misses Vera Means and Anna Kenni
burg returned last evening-from an
outing of several days at Newport.
Mrs Danneman and daughters, Bes
sie, and Mary have ..returned jfrom "a
stay of several weeks at. the coast.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. True and f amily
and Miss Mae Russell have recently re
turned from an outing at Newport. '
I Acme Quality Paints and Floor Var
nish that wears at A. L. Miner's.
. . : ; , ' . ' -. .' 5-17-tf.
.7. Dr. B. A.' Cathey was called to Eddy
ville Saturday to attend Mr. Wake
field, of that place, who is ill with ty
phoid fever.
R. S. Bryson,.. recorder Of Eugene,
was . in Corvallis yesterday .with ' his
wife, who had stopped with Mr. and
Mrs. E. E. Bryson en route from New
port. lr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Webster and
children, of Fayette, Iowa, Dr. and
Mrs. Guthrie and family and the Spring
boys made up a merry party which
left here Saturday for a trip to Mary's
Peak. ': :: j
. Wanteds-Young man about 25, with
$250, as partner in good" paying busi
ness; Experience not necessary,' but
must be a hustler. For information
inquire "at the Gazette-Times office.
' . ' . 8-28-3t.
Mr-. and Mrs. .Glenn Winslow , and
little daughter leave, today for numer
ous Oregon and Washington points en
route East where Mr. Winslow will
study for a year. They were over-Sunday
guests of relatives, in this city,
having arrived Saturday evening from
an ; outing at, Newport, - Both are old
0. A. C. 8tudents,Mrs. Winslow form
ierly residing here and is better known
to Coryallis people as Jennie Clark.
J. R. N. Bell came in from Newport j Mr. , and Mrs; Amos, S.:, Parkinson,
yesterday s where he had spent two of." Wagner, - Oklahoma. 'arrived here
weeks cavorting on the sands of the . last night to spend several days ,;with
' i " - mL-i i 1 J t 1 i : i i i j a: .1 .. u t
sea shore.
time is attested, in the appearance of
his left eye, which looks' like it had
been kicked' by a whale.
Eat Golden Rod Flakes,
They are better for breakfast,
i Than old-fashioned corn cakes,
And five minuets time," .
Is all that it takes
'At Kline's. 6-12-tf
Councilman Wm.: Bogue and family,,
with Mrs. Preston, of Portland,' have
returned from Cascadia. They spent a Lodge, he being a representative from
vacation there very delightfully i and Oklahoma. , Mr. Parkinson finds that
Councilman Bogue is so full of soda, Corvallis has changed some in thirty-
water that he feels like a soda pop all three years, ' and he admits 1 that
the time. - He is enthusiastic over that : it is j for the better. Indeed, . -h is
resort as a place for recreation. ' ' pleased to see such a charming little city.
relatives and old time friends.? He is a
cousin of A.- H. Campbell, and Mrs. J.
Mason and a nephew of Mrs.;i S. " A.
Kisor, who left here thirty-three years
ago, At the present time Mr. Parkin
son is president of one of the. Wagner
banks, owner of the .largest lumbering
industry in that city,' and for nine years
has been a director in. the State Lum
bering , Association. . He is past grand
master of the I. 0. 0. : F. lodge and
just now is en :. route to . Seattle to at
tend a meeting of the Sovereign Grand
- -
I ,. . -' -. ..." . -' , .
We Use Scien
tific Instruments
To determine the needs of your eyes
There is no guess work about our
, examinations. They are just as ac
curate , as trained skill and experi
. ence can make them. ; They cost you
nothing so you' certainly ought to
have the benefit of them, if you have
any eye trouble at all. . They mean
the proper glasses, ... the only kind
you can afford to wear.. ' -
IE: W, S; PR ATT, Jeweler and Optician
ir. i-- iSl
This season's styles em
brace ! the very hest that can
be produced and I have sever
al dozen beautiful trimmed
hats how ready to display suit
able for street and dress w?ar,
in all the leading and most be
coming modes. . ; ,; - a
To please 'my natrons I'.
have secured the services of
an experienced and artistic
trimmer who; has been for
many'years at Gage's, Chica
go, and in other large cities.
The ladies are. invited to
call and inspect the new styles
now made up, the first to be
shown here. . .
Third and Monroe Streets
Ready-to-Wear '
1 hese Garments tor Ladies and Misses
are of excellent quality. The styles speak
for themselves and the prices 'rare v really
less' han the cost of material and 'making.1
He hide & Daiio"
J. P Gregg of Monroe, was a Corval
lis visitor Monday. - - . ' -
Sam Hartsock left this mornmg for
Eeastern Oregon on a vacation, to last
indifinitely. .
Men wanted at the new armory at.
the coljege, Wednesday morning. F.
A. Erixson, Contractor. 8-30-2t -
Mr. A. Ci " Beals and son, Glenn, ' re
turned Sunday : from a week's visit at
the A.-Y.-P. Exposition. "
Mrs. . J. B. Patrick and children. ; of
Roseburg, arrived Saturday for a
week's visit at the Beals home. :
Oswald West, who has taken excel
lent care of his hop crop in this county,
says hops' are in as good a condition as
ever, if not better. He thinks neglect
of yards by growers who expected low
prices ;s responsible for the lice and
honey . dew, .that is, prevalent, the
yards ; about Salem. He blames ; the
weather less and careless and neglect
ful growers more, and ; says it will be
the growers' fault entirely ; if they do
not get top notch prices for their out
put. - ;' ' .; ' .-. ";
It is just eight more days till the
Lincoln County Fair and Festival says
the ; Toledo Leader. , The committees
are all gettingtheir work in good, shape
and before the time ..'is up . everything
will be in .readiness for :.wJiat prom
ises to be the biggest gathering of peo
ple ever assembled. in the county. :., The
people are taking the desired interest
and exhibits of everything produced in
the county will be on exhibit. : There
will be" many prominent visitors from
the different sections ' of the state.
Benton county day will, bring a special
train, load .from Corvallis and other
Benton. , county towns. Everybody will
be entertained and profited by the
Sol King, grizzled veteran of many
summers in the Willamette, is one of
theJbig boosters for Dr. Manns,: the
chiropodist. ;- About a " year ago Mr.
King had one of the sorest toes that
any man ever looked at and his expres
sion to the Gazette-Times man is to
the effect ; that he , thought - his foot
was n going to I rot off. He had been
in that shape several weeks when Dr.
Manns took hold of the- case; That
gentleman trimmed up a terrible
growth on the side of that large toe.
put some kind of goose-grease -on it,
tied a rag around the sore spot and
told Mr. King to leave it, there untih it
came off. :- Mr. King .did- bo. found his
toe healed properly and no difficulty
has developed since. . The job cost him
"four-bits" and has been worth hun
dreds of dollars to': him. : Sol King is
convinced that any man with sore feet
is a fool if he doesn't hustle off to Dr.
Manns' place and let him work on his
feet. - " .. . .
S. B. Bane, grower of vegetables
and fancy chickens, refuses to take a
back seat for any Chinaman, and he
respectfully suggests that if ."House
keeper'' will 'phone him or go to either
of the stores he. supplies -with garden
truck, she will be supplied with as fine
and as fresh vegetables, including
cucumbers, as she ever bought' of any
Celestial. Mr. Bane says he lived in
the midst of Chinese and Italian garden
ers, knows the .tricks of their trade,
and a few. more,, hence he can and does
produce garden truck that is not sur
passed by the Albany-bunch or the
San - Jose bunch.. He isn't peddling
because, he has. demonstraed that at
this time of year it is not worth his
while, , but he does deliver to people
who phone him, and prefers to do that
to taking his truck to the local gro7
eery. Mr. Bane says that if "House
keeper," or any other,, prefers to buy
of a Chinamen, he will disguise -him
self a little more as he has the brogue
and form that will make an ideal Celes
tial.' It ' is evident that instead '-ot
Chinamen, Corvallis needs .grocers and
growers, who., ..will, advertise having
Statue by Rodin to Be Unveiled Trag
ic History of Author's Daughter. -
The dedication ot a statue of ViQtor
Hugo by Rodiu on Sept. 2G, the fif
tieth anniversary of the publication of
the "Legende des Siecles" ("Story of
the Centuries"), is to be made the oc
casion of a week's literary celebration
In aaemorjT of "the great novelist and
poet; There will be a ceremony at the
Pantheon, a ; revival at the Comedle
Francaise of "Le Roi s'Amuse." with
Silvain in the part of Triboulot, and a
ceremony in . front of .- Notre Dame,
with a procession of vagabonds carry-J
ing coiorett torcnes. . ..,
. The loge will be reserved at. the
Comedie ; Francaise for Adele . Hugo,
the , daughter of the poet, whose .sad
and tragic history . aroused ' the sym
pathy of the world. As a girl she, was
kidnaped at Guernsey by. an English
officer. -Her parents searched Europe :
for her without obtaining a trace of
her whereabouts, when, several months
later, . a . girl was found wandering
alone, apparently demented, in the
streets of New York,.;, ."I am. -the
daughter of Victor Hugo",',' was all she
ever , said. She , was sent . back , to
France ( . to, Jier ;pa rents, but she kept
her, lips sealed; and the mystery of her.
-martyrdom, perhaps a . stranger and
more absorbing drama than her father -ever
wrote, was never , revealed. She!
never entirely recovered her . reason
and since the death, of, her father has
lived in his villa, morose, solitary and
alone, seldom speaking, and never of
the past.,: Occasionally she comes , to
Paris to witness from the. back of a,
darkened box the.' reproduction-of one
of her father's plays, but otherwise she
lives in seclusion,..having no friends
and never receiving visitors. .
Children to Contribute Pennies to Shaft
;. on "Miss Santa Claua' " Grave.
The' thousands of children whose
Christmases have been brightened
through the work of Elizabeth A. Phil
lips of Philadelphia,; known as "Miss
Santa Claus." who recently killed her
self by inhaling gas. will have, oppor
tunity to express their love for her by
contributing pennies and aimes - to
ward., a memorial shaft to be erected
on next Christmas day oyer her grave."
;. This, work, will be, directed by the.
Elizabeth A. Phillips, Memorial asso
ciation,, which sprang . into existence
the other day: through the desire of
Miss Rose Weintraup, friend and fel
low worker of rMiss 5 Phillips, to. see
something , done ,ln memory ', of - the
dead woman, which would. be in keep
ing with Miss Phillips maujr -years of
service in the cause of happiness Tor
others. r . .. , ,' ' : , ,
; Miss Weintraub found willing help
ers on every. hand. .,A firm In Philadel-.
phia at her petition, will te the depos
itory for t he fund.;, Albert F. , Maltby,
the Philadelphia manager ;,f or an auto-
nibbHe. company who used to supply
Whatever vehicles "Miss Santa Claus",
needed to distribute:, her;- gifts at
Christmas, will -be treasurer.
Two Bargains in City Homes
, , Two corner lots, with one house of, 7 rooms under construction.
Bath, pantry large closets to each bed room, linen closets, halls up
and down stairs, fire place, basement full size of house, which is
24x36 feet, plumbing and electric light complete, septic tank, con
crete sidewalk and small barn. . '"
-' Also one inside lot and 7-room house, bath, pantry, sewing
room, closets to bed rooms, halls up and down stairs, basement
24x36 feet, full size of house, electric light complete, some plumb
ing, concrete walks.
.. This property is in good location, two blocks from College, four
blocks from public school. No agents. Call on or address
OWNER, 320 North Tenth Street,
Corvallis, Oregon. 1
El! SO W 1!iJ5l-V.jn.tri-tl KBi!(l-m
Occidental Lumber Co.
- '. -'",.- - "-. Swecessors toj
Corvallis Lumber Co.
We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please
call on J.- B ' IRVING for information and prices. 'And take
notice that if we have not got exactly what you want we will
get it for yon.
G. 0. BASSET r, Local Mcr.
paint made for appearance and
The Best Pain
; There is no better
l durability .than
Acme Quality Paint
Specially prepared for exterior and interior use.
Second Street, Near Palace Theater
Clergyman Founds Memorial to His
, Own Hymn at Rockland, Me.:
A church .which has as yet not a
single member, and . no congregation
save that drawn by curiosity was re
cently dedicated at Itockland, Me. It
is known as Galilee Temple and was
founded by the Rev. E. S. TJfford as a
memorial to his hymn Throw Out the
Life Line" on the thirtieth anniver
sary of his ordination. . .
It was. built from the pastor's pri
vate funds at a cost; of about $3,000
and has nine memorial, windows, one
contributed by the WVC. T. hon
or of the late Frances E. Willard and
eight In memory of the famous hymn
writers. Worldly schemes of. money
making are .barred by the pastor's an
nouncement.' Talth in God and the
Bible is the creed."'
: Jok on. Senator McLaurin. -
- Senator McLaurin of Mississippi -Is
perhaps the most gallant member of
congress.,.He never lets an opportunity
escape to . say nice things about ..wom
en. ,-They are telling a good joke aoput
him.: in this connection. The senator
andj;;Mrs .. McLaurin- recently; called
upon some friends. There they met a
congressional friend and his wife, The
senator - took occasion . to compliment
the ..woman several times during the
evening upon her good looks, charm
ing gown, etc. The host brought up
the subject of politics and handed the
senator a newspaper clipping in which
reference was made to him. "1 will
take it home with me, if you don't
mind,'' said the senator. "I neglected
to bring my glasses with, me, and I am
practically blind without them."
Two Boy Kings.
One is a sad little Persian boy.
Latest and least of an Inbred line; .
The other Is romping In riotous joy -
Where the bees take toll of the duck-
wheat vine. . !,-..
One has all of a courtier's grace
And speaks with an accent low and
sweet: - - .i .
The "other la Joath to wash his face- : .
And tracks the floor with his muddy
' . feet.
One has a palace all his- own,
With lackeys to meet his every wish;
An old pine stump la the other's throne -
Near the lazy stream where he loves to
fish. , n- - -One
Is pale in his gold and lace,
Cursed with a power he does not crave;
The other Is rough, with a freckled face.
Seldom silent and never grave. - :
.1 ,ri ... , - :
One as he grows will ever fear
The rending bomb and the bravo's knife;
The other will drink while he lingers here
Long and deep of the wine of life.
Two boy- kings, one tame, one wild.
Parted by leagues of rolling sea
One is a sad little Persian child; 1
The other monarch belongs to m.e
C. B. Qulncy la New Vork American. .
Benton County Lumber Co.
Manufacturers of all kinds of
Fir Lumber, Mouldings, Cedar Posts,
Sawed and Split. Cedar Shakes
i Dealers in '
Doors, Windows,' Lime, BrtcK, Cement
Shingles, etc
Glass Jars, All Kinds, at
E - CO.
Successors "to - lU , .
Second Street, - r Corvallis, Oregon
Dealers In
Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream Sepa
rators, Graniteware, Tinware and Builders
", Hardware.
j ',. , - ; ; ... Sole Agents for "
Congo Roofing and Quick Meal Ranges
Phone Your Orders To No. 7,
Where TherWai be Promptly Filled.
Fine Line of Crockery; Glassware, Cut
Glass, Havilajid and Chinaware,
fresh vegetables, v -