The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, August 27, 1909, Image 3

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    The City
and Vicinity
The Primary building is bowling
meiyily along toward the Job's addi
tion foundation. It is now at the 8th
street crossing.
For Sale Grub oak wood. Ind.
Phone 6525. ' 8-18-6t
Scott Prindle is in from the Five
Rivers country to ship out a lot of
machinery for the new sawmill which
he is now installing there.
For Sale An
New, used less
Perfect condition.
Oliver typewriter,
than two months.
Cheap for cash.
The Tailor has just received
his Fall and Winter line of ,
300 Patterns,
Suits, separate Skirts, Jackets, long
Coats, Divided Skirts and Rubberized
Rain Coats, made to your measure in
the latest styles; strictly man-tailored;
prices right. Before buying, call
and look them over.. Lady attendant.
132 Second St, Upstairs,
Whitehorn Building
' Mrs. J. Mason returned today from
an inspection of the newest millinery
styles in Portland. She placed her
orders while there for large line .of
goods, for the coming season here.
Lost, strayed or stolen again! One '
three-foot board bearing the word
"Wandemere.V Missing since yester-,
day. Anyone having information, or I
thinking they have, please call up Fac- '
ulty Club.
; Complete outfits for camping parties
at Blackledge's furniture store. 8-3-tf
The Corvallis Young People's Christ
ian Union will hold a social this even
ing in the basement of' the M. E. 1
church. The object of this social is
for the promotion of good fellowship
and all interested are cordially invited
to be' present.
The prune packing plant on First
street, south of Jefferson, is a very
busy place just at present 78 women
and girls and men and boys are em
ployed there now. Four or five cars
oi prunes naa Deen snipped up to yes
terday. Some of the fruit is excep
tionally fine.
Eat Golden Rod Flakes,-
They are better for breakfast,
- Than old-fashioned corn cakes,
And five minuets time,
Is all that it takes
At Kline's. 6-12-tf
-J. A. Bexell went to Selam today to
see about the publication of a text book
on "The' Business Side of Farming."
The farmer boy is to be given the kind
of business -training that will enable
him to keep closest track of the money
side of his business.
t Acme Quality Paints and Floor Var-
nicli that nraam of A T aM'i-nnB'n" . J. i
VTJ.9 &lf XX. Jt iUIUCi O. ' I i
- 5-17-tf. (
- L-apt I. A. Kobinson received a' let
ter yesterday evening that his wife
would arrive In Portland today from a
visit to friends in Washington and the
news was so welcome that the Captain
donned his best suit and hurried down
down to the Rose City this morning to
welcome her back.
' Look for "Owners" ad- "Two Bar
gains City Homes" 8-13-tf
A boy" in Kemp's bicycle factory 'had
his face badly cut yesterday afternoon
through the breaking of a grindstone
on which he was sharpening a tool.
He was making the grindstone - go
around at a pretty good rate when a
wSaaa J J. 1 i; 1 1
yicve new uu huu sirucn mm near tne
eye cutting quite a gash.. . .
For rent or sale Choice 15 -acre
poultry place.. Box 113 Turner, Ore
gon. 8-26-lt-dw
Portland firm wants to trade monu
ment for horse and buggy. Address
Monument, care Gazette-Times office.
;; . "' v .-; 8-27-3t
The latest news rom Barber Patrick
Stewart and the : land hunters with
him is to the effect that they were
either stuck or broken down on Sand
mountain. This may dampen their
determination to go ahead after that
Crook county land.
Ice cream delivered on thirty minutes
notice by Winkley's Palace of Sweets.
- tf
If the story comes straight, W. H.
Savage will soon retire from the real
estate business and travel for himself.
He has just discovered a means of pro
tecting glass and household furniture
from the obnoxious fly. After the re
cipe has been copyrighted he will go
over the United States selling county
rights. The Gazette-Times is not fa
miliar with the details, but is assured
that the Savage recipe works like a
Should you need glasses to correct
the vision, consult Dr. Rowley, the
oculist.- 8-18-d-lt-w-3t
Gene Simpson, is about to ship a car
load of Chinese pheasants from Coryal
lis to the state game warden of Idaho,
the first carload of ring necks ever
shipped. Simpson is the only man in
America who could do that. He pass
ed through Albany on . his way home
from Salem where- he had been to ; se
cured the proper permission, Albany
"Fall grain is nearly all threshed in
the Halsey district, oats going from 50
tt 75 bushels per acre. From a small
acreage one farmer sold his vetch crop
ofl50sacks for a little over $1000,
netting him $4.50 a sack. , Wheat is be
ing held for higher prices generally.
Harvest of spring grain has barely'
commenced, with prospect of a bounti
ful yield.
J. F. Briggs, ' tinner for Houston,
was at the E. P. Pernot farm a few
days ago, and was surprised to find a
native of his home state, Ohio. While
the two men did not know each other
each knew people that the other had
on his list, and so they had quite a visit.
Mr. Briggs was enthusiastic oyer the
quantity and quality of prunes on the
Pernot farm.
We Use Scien
tific Instruments
To determine the. needs of your eyes
There is no guess work about "our
examinations. They are just as ac-
: curate as trained skill and experi
ence can make them. - They cost you
nothing so you certainly ought to
have the benefit of them, if you have
any eye trouble at all. They mean
- the proper glasses," the only kind
you can afford to wear.
E, JJvV S, PR ATT, Jeweler jand jfeian
' C, E. Robinson is quite ill with" a
kidney difficulty,
Mrs. C. A. Murphy returned from
Eugene last night. - - - :
: George Bennett and family, of Phil
omath, with eastern friends,- are on
Mary's Peak rusticating. : '.".-
Earl Edwards, son of Joseph Edwards
of Monroe, is just now recovering from
a seven weeks' siege of typhoxd. .
Sheriff Gellatly continues to improve
at- a Portland hospital and will be able
to return to Corvallis in about ten days.
H.'E. Spencer, who formerly lived
on the Yates farm, is in Corvallis today
from Lebanon. He says he has never
seen as much grain uncut at this time
of year. .. ' fJ-' : ,
Miss Helen Yockey, formerly of the
Gazette,, now chief scribbler on the
Medford Daily Tribune, is in Corvallis
today enroute home from a trip to Se
attle. Lisle Yockey, formerly of the
Gazette, is married and living at Rose
burg. . . - .-.
Washington's Plague Spots
Lie in the low, marshy bottoms of the
Potomac, the breeding grounds of ma
laria germs. ' These germs cause chills,
fever and ague, biliousness, jaundice,
lassitude, weakness and general debility
and bring suffering or death to thou
sands yearly. But Electric Bitters never
fail to destroy them and cure malaria
troubles. ."They are the best all-around
tonic and cure for malaria lever used,".
writes R. M. James, of Louellen, S. C.
They cure Stomach, Liver, Kidney and
Blood Troubles and will prevent Typhoid.7
Try them, 50c. Guaranteed by all drug ;
gists. : .... . ' .". -
Sister's Academy
Opens Sept. 7th
The Academy of Our Lady of
Perpetual Help will re-open on
September 7th. By means of the
new addition and the remodeling
of the building the school is now
equipped with all modern im
provements, and with a corps of
competent teachers may be de
pended upon to do thorough work
both in the grades and high school
course. -' - ; '' ', :, .. -' 1
..... For particulars apply to Sister
Superior, 225 West Ninth St.,
Albany, Oregon. 8-19 vto 9-19.
' Letter List,
. The following letters remain uncalled
for in the Corvallis Ore. P. O., for the
week ending Aug. 21, 1909 : . -
Mrs. Ada Cummings, Mrs. - B. C.
Jones, Mrs. A. R. Leverich, Herman
Overstreet, Miss Alice Taylor. -
- B. W. Johnson, Postmaster.
Advertising and . prosperity walk
hand in hand if - you use The Daily
Gazette-Times. Bargain plums . for
every day are advertised in The Daily
Gazette-Times. Don't fail to read the
ads. " '"i ' .
The Likeness. .
"Would you call Senator Smugg a
grafter?" " '-.' '. : ..
"No. I should prefer to say that he
bears a marked resemblance to a Bus
Elan grand duke, except in the matters
of uniform and whiskers." Puck."
These Garments for Ladies and Misses
are of excellent quality. The styles speak
for themselves' and the prices are really
less than the cost of material and making.
H entile & Davis
Trite and True.
It taketh an age " i
To make man a sage.
The wise ones no longer doubt It
The older he grows
The more he knows,
And the less he brags about It.
Chicago News.
" No Postscript. .
He Why Is It the average woman
dislikes to send a telegram? '' "
She I guess It's because a postscript
cannot be added without extra charge.
Detroit Free Press. ;'
The Pioneers. ..'
The straw hat is a fearsome thing.
Man's timid about daring it
So very, early in the spring,
, But braver for the girls, by. Jing, "
AlresJdy are a-wearing it!
" ' Indianapolis News.
A City With All the Finish of a Paris
or a Berlin.
Buenos Aires, the capital of the Ar
gentine Republic,- is iu some respects
the most cosmopolitan city in the
world. No important European nation
but has contributed its capital and its
people to the upbuilding of this great
metropolis. It also has the distinc
tion of being the second city of Latin
population in the world, being larger
than the largest, cities in 'Italy and
Spain. - - ..
There is perhaps no city which -ex-.
hibits a greater variety of pleasing
contemporary styles of domestic ar
chitecture. The city council tries to
encourage beautiful building by- an
nually offering a gold medal to the ar
chitect who is found to have planned
the most attractive facade and by
freeing from the building tax the
building thus favored.
The outward aspect of Buenos Aires
is rather that of a European than of
an American capital.' It has "all the
finish of a Paris or a Berlin. The ab
sence of the irregular sky line, caused
in North American cities by ' the ex
treme height of some business build
ings as well as the fact that the
ground of the city is quite uniformly
built upon, even" in the more outlying
regions, keeps the city from present
ing that unfinished appearance which
even our largest cities have. World
T - A Comparison. ; '
"In the case of the donkey anyhow,"
averred; Uncle Allen Sparks, "the oice
certainly affords a pretty fair index as
to the character of the animal." Chi
cago Tribune.- - ,'. "'-v; "..' ...v';-.-;
- ' ' Don't Forget It.
One chore treads on another's heels.
A new one looms In sight.
The pan beneath the" Icebox soon
. Will be our care each night.
' Detroit Free Press.
Blissful Tour. : " " '
Pearl They say Switzerland is an
ideal country for honeymoon tours. '
Ruby It must be. There Is a tunnel
twelve miles long. Town Topics.. "
.Agricultural" Advances.
Now is the happy seed time.
Behold each tiny row. : ;
But soon it will be weed time.w
. And "whack" will go the hoe. -.
. Boston Globe. "
A Poor : Place For the Man Who
. Doesn't Want to Work. -
Switzerland is not a place for tramps,
because the man out of employment
and who makes no effort to And work
is not tolerated for a moment in that
country. . The district authorities will
secure him a 'job at hard labor and
little pay, and such an offer can be re
fused only under the penalty of going
to a penal workhouse. . These institu
tions are under military discipline, the
work severe, the wages a penny or
threepence per . day. - and release is
granted only upon the advice of those
in charge. No difficulty is experienced
in determining between beggars and
unemployed, because all legitimate la
borers have papers given them by the
district in which they live containing
information concerning the position
they have held. '
In every part of Switzerland are es
tablished "relief in kind" -stations for
the exclusive use of respectable unem
ployed. Only those are admitted who
have had regular , work during, the
previous three-months and have been
ont of employment for at least . five
days. These men must be on the look
out for work and accept any situation
that is offered, , because the chronic
loafer is soon detected by the police
and his papers are marked so that he
can never again seek refuge in a "sta
tion." Exchange. v
"Old Hickory.", '
The following story, is told" of how
General Andrew Jackson got his title
of. "Old Hickory." Captain William
Allen, who was a near neighbor of the
general, messed with him during the
Creek war. During the campaign' the
soldiers were moving rapidly to sur
prise the Indians . and were-' without
tents. - A cold March wind came on,
mingled with sleet, which lasted for
several days. General Jackson got a
severe cold, but did 'not complain, as
he tried to sleep In a muddy bottom
among bis half frozen soldiers. Cap
tain Allen and bis brother, John, cut
down a stout hickory tree, peeled off
the bark and made a covering for the
general, who was with difficulty per
suaded to crawl under it. The next
morning a drunken citizen entered the
camp and, seeing the tent, kicked it
over.- As Jackson crawled from the
ruins the toper cried: "Hello Old Hick
ory! "Come out of your bark and jine
us In a drink." Detroit News.
A Wide and Expensive One.
"Isn't: there a breach between that
young engaged couple?" ' . , " v
"Yes, breach of promise. She got
$5,000." Baltimore American.
Poor Girl.
She doesn't take the ball games in, ,,.
Although 'twould make him glad.
For fear she'd trump her partner's ace
Or something Just as bad. -! i Journal.
; '.: ' The Retort Erudite. '.
" A famous scholar, whose hobby was
the derivation of words, had occasion
to store his furniture while proceeding
to the continent in quest of the origin
of the term "juggins." During his re
searches in Berlin be received from
the warehouse company the following
letter: "Sir We have the honor to In
form yon that the mattrass you sent
to our store had- the moth in it. Since
the "epidemic would expose the goods
of other, clients to' injury, -we have
causedyour mattrass to be destroyed."
The Scholar "replied: "Dear Sir My
mattress may, as you say, have had
moth in it, but I am confident that it
had an 'e' in it also." London King. -
Two Bargains in City Homes
Two corner lots, with one house of 7 rooms under construction.
Bath, pantry, large closets to each bed room, linen closets, halls up
and down stairs, fire place, basement full size of house, which is
24x36 feet, plumbing and electric light complete, septic tank, con
crete sidewalk and small barn.
. " Also one inside lot and 7-room house, bath, pantry, sewing
room, closets to bed rooms, halls up and down stairs, basement
24x36 feet, full size of house, electric light complete, some plumb
ing, concrete walks.
- - This property is in good location, two blocks from College, four
blocks from public school. No agents. Call on or address .
OWNER, 320 North Tenth Street,
Corvallis, Oregon.
xj muMM, mjtmmmmM i.pi.-imiiiih.i.iii. i ii.i.i. iU.mWl..fTM , , M , ,u,,j,Uii,.ii.iiui.iiui,k ssj
Occidental Lumber Co.
Successors toj
Corvallis Lumber Co.
We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please
call on J. B IRVING for information and prices.- And take
notice that if we have not got exactly what you want we will
get it for you. r
G. O. BASSET 1 Local Mcr.
,'U-I ri
The Best Paint
There is no better paint made for appearance and
" durability than
Acme Quality Paim
" Specially1 prepared for exterior and interior use.
s - j- Xi- Miner
Second Street, Near Palace Theater
Bentoii County Lumber Co.
Manufacturers of all kinds of
fir lOffier, Mouldings Cedar Posts,
i tt Split. Cedar Shakes
Dealers in
, Windows, Lime, BrtCK, Cement,
Shingles, etc
- A Good Listener. '
The Mistress Katie, yon should not
talk so much. -
' The Maid No, ma'am. - -
"No. You should understand that It
is "your : place to listen." - , -"I
do that, ma'am."
"I never , saw you when yon were,
then." , . -.- i .. '; '
'N6, ma'am Lyon never saw me when
I ' was listening because I was on the
other -side of the keyhole, ma'am."
Yonkers Statesman.
Glass Jars, All Kinds, at
. , Successors to
Second Street, - Gorvallis, Oregon
s .. " Dealers In
Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream Sepa
rators, Graniteware, Tinware and Builders' -
, , Sole Agents for
Congo Roofing arid Quick Meal Ranges
Reproved Again.
"1 "am told that there are some fine
scores to! the -credit of Herr Batontap
per," ventured Mr. Cumrox during a
lull in :the artistie conversation;'-: - 7
- -"My-dear," said his wife, ''we were
discussing . music, not baseball.
Washington Star.
t " "' " Aft Optimist.
"Pa, what Is an optimist?" ' ".'?.. u
'An optimist my son. Is the man
who makes himself believe it will not
rain tomorrow because he doesn't pos
sess an umbrella." Cleveland Plain
; Phone Your Orders ; To No. 7,
Where They Will be Promptly Filled.
Fine Line of Crockery, Glassware, Cut
Glass, Haviland and Chinavvare,