The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, August 26, 1909, Image 3

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    The City !
and Vicinity
For Sale Grub
Phone 6525.
wood. Ind..
William Davidson spent yesterday in
Albany attending to business matters.
Look for "Owners" ad- "Two Bar
gains City Homes" 8-13-tf
F. O. Gray and family returned yes
terday from Newport and went on to
Sherwood and Portland in their auto.
For Sale An
New, used less
Perfect condition.
Oliver typewriter,
than two months.
Cheap for cash.
C. A. Gerhart left today for New
port, where he will take a good long
Complete outfits for camping parties
at Blackledge's furniture store. 8-3-tf
The Albany Herald says that Heney
was in that city a short time yesterday
and that "He was met at the depot
here by Prof. E. R. Lake, of the Ore
gon Agricultural College, who accom
panied the prosecutor to Portland.
The two will return to Salem today to
inspect an orchard. "
Best bargain on earth, brand new
seven-room house east front, concrete
foundation, sidewalks, mountain water
and woodshed 14x16. No. 728 North
12th St.G. A. -Whiting, 710. 11th and
A. Sts.
The population of Roseburg, accord
ing to the new city directory, soon to
ba issued, is 5323. The 1900 census
gave Roseburg a population of 1690,
which would . make a gain in the
past nine years of almost 215 per cent.
That's growing some, but it cannot
equal the remarkble progress made by
Acme Quality Paints and Floor Var
nish that wears at A. L. Miner's. ,
Hop picking will begin in this vicinity
very shortly. The crop will be from
niieen 10 iwenty-nve per cent snort,
.though the quality of the hops is par
excellent. The shortage results from
lesser acreage and the fact that hop
vermin has done some work in yards
not well cared for. J. C. Hammell,
who has about 35 or 40 acres will begin
picking the first of the month,
. Eat Golden Rod Flakes,
They are better for breakfast,
Than old-fashioned corn cakes, .
- - And five minuets time,
Is all that it takes -
At Kline's. 7 - "v 6-12-tf
The change of program put on at the
T)Qlorta " ln4- Z .1
"Espanita," by request repeated her
globe rolling dance and Mr. Hoyt had
several new tricks of slight-of-hand
and magic which caught with the large
houses. The motion pictures are all
good but "The Birth and Adventures
of a Fountain Pen" showing the whole
process of manufacture from the time
the raw material is received to the
time the completed pens are placed on
the market. This film is one of the
most instructive . ever seen here. An
other good one is the "Magic Fountain
Pen." This is a trick film and is ex
ceedingly funny. The bill will be re
peated tonight. . - -
The Tailor has just received
his Fall- and Winter line of
300 Patterns,
Suits, separate Skirts, Jackets, long
Coats, Divided Skirts and Rubberized
Rain Coats, made to your measure in
the latest styles; strictly man-tailored;
prices right. Before buying, call
and look them over. Lady attendant.
132 Second St, Upstairs,
Whitehorn Building
Frank Hughes was a buiness visitor
to Albany yesterday.
For rent or sale Choice 15 acre
poultry place: Box 113 Turner, Ore
gon. , 8-26-lt-dw
I J. T. Alton, . of Portland, passed
through here yesterday on his way
home, after a visit to G. A. Flood at
i Albany.
' W. W. Sears shipped another carload
I of green prunes to the East today and
has two more cars packed ready for
shipment. '
! Mrs. H. E. Wetherla has returned
from Portland and is now arranging
for the opening display of beautiful
i -millinery which she ordered while there.
John A. and Miss Rosina Bauer,
nephew and neice of Mike Bauer, wHo
i have been visiting here during the sum
' mer, left today for their home in Lin
coln, Neb. .
J Ice cream delivered on thirty minutes
i notice by Winkley's Palace of Sweets.
. tf
: and Mrs. John Howard, a son. Grandpa
George Fuller is proud of the new ar
rival and is walking around town as
though he owned the earth and then
J. C. Hammell, who has between 35
and 40 acres of hops a few miles above
this city, states that they are now in
very good condition and that he will be
gin picking next week. ' '
Walter Corbett, the genial dispinser
of mail at the general delivery window
in . the Corvallis post-office has gone
down on the Big Elk for a two weeks
visit with his friends, Frank Thompson
and Charles Overland. He expects to
havea royal time while away, v - :
Prof. E. R. Lake, of O. A. C. and
Francis J. Heney,. the noted prosecutor
went -to Salem yesterday to inspect
some orchard property. Mr. Heney
came out from Newport and was joined
here by Professor Lake, the two going
down to the Capital by way of Albany.
A party of twenty-five Corvallisites
Were guests oi Mrs. S. Carver on a
trip to the end of the C. & A. " yester
day. They took along plenty " of . grub
and had a delightful time in the dell up
where the ; big timbers grow. All had
a very pleasant time. The Editor, who
comprised one of the party, finds him
self disabled beyond ability to con
tinue this write up farther, at this
time. It's awful to g jt ple:.ty to ett
i when one isn't used to it.
jWe Use Scien
tific Instruments
To determine the needs of your eyes
: There is no guess work about our
examinations. They are just as ac
curate as trained skill and experi-
ence can make them. They cost you
nothing so you certainly ought to
have the benefit of them, if you have
any eye trouble at all. They mean
the proper glasses, . " the only kind
you can afford to wear. ,.
E W, S. PRTT, Jeweler and Optician
These Garments for - Ladies and Misses
v ... are of, excellent quality. The styles speak
for themselves and the prices ..are really
less than the cost of material, and, making.
Henlile & B&vis
B. F. Jones was up from Indepen
dence today oh a brief business visit.
'.. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Glaize arrived
today from Roseburg to visit Coryallis
friends." ' ' '
Prof. F. Berchtold went down to
Portland today to meet his family upon
their return from Bellingham, Wash."
A patent has been issued to A. C.
Gaines, a well know St. John's man,
on an expansion wheel for autos and all
kinds of vehicles.
The bids were opened this afternoon
for the construction of the new Presby
terian church building, but the trustees
have not yet decided who will get the
Dr. C. H. Newth, the Philomath
phyician, is going East in a short time
to take a post-graduate course at
one of the prominent medical col
leges. While away he will go on over
to England for a visit to the scenes of
his boyhood. He expects to be away
about three months. -
The regular August business meet
ing of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the
Commercial Club will be held in the
club rooms tomorrow afternoon at
three o'clock. Mrs. E. R. Bryson will
preside at this meeting. Business of
great importance is to be transacted
and a full attendance of this visiting
committee is desired. As plans ; for
fall and winter work will be discussed
and perfected at this " meeting it is
hoped that every member will be
present.. '
There -is an almost unprecedented
demand for houses to rent.' with but
few vacant residences in town to meet
requirements. Five houses were rent
ed yesterday to parties who have come
here to live and agents say the --call
from strangers for homes is now con
tinuous. The workmen in the . new
sawmill will require a dozen or more
houses and it is expected that these;
will have to be built in order to accom
modate the men and their families. t
Chief Wells picked up an unlicensed
itinerant peddler, out in the suburbs
this morning and when the offender
was haled before Judge Denman there
was quite a controversy as to whether
he should be given five days employ
ment on the streets or his stock con
fiscated in lieu of fine and an order
issued for him . to leave town. ? The
latter course was finally -decided upon
and now the chief has a well assorted
line of optical good which, he is willing
to - dispose of - at less than bargain
prices, it being his desire to close out
the stock befors he goes off. on that
big hunt. " - -
Speed Contests Between Aero
planes Planned For Saratoga.
'Twas a Glorious Victory. .
There's rejoicing in Fedora, Tenm A
man's life has been saved, and now Dr.
King's New Discovery is the talk of .the
town for curing C. V. Pepper of deadly
lung hemorrhages. VI could not work
nor get about," he writes, "and the
doctors did me no good, but, after using
Dr. King's New Discovery three weeks,
I feel like a new man, and can do good
work again." For weak, sore or dis
eased lungs, Coughs and Colds, Hemor
rhages. Hay Fever, LaGrippe, Asthma
or any Bronchial affection it stands un
rivaled. - Price 50c and $1. Trial Bottle
free. Sold and guaranteed by all drug
gists. - . -
Sister's Academy
Opens Sept. 7th
The Academy of Our Lady of
Perpetual Help will re-open on
September 7th. - By means of the
new addition and the remodeling
of the building the school is now
equipped with all modern im
provements, and with a corps of
competent 'teachers may be de
pended, upon to do thorough work
both in the grades and high school
For particulars apply to Sister
Superior, 225 West Ninth St.,
Albany, Oregon. 8-19 to 94.9. ':.
Sewing Circle
At Manse
Famous Running Track to Become
Arena For Aerial Competitions Next
Season' Prominent Aeronauts In
dorse the Project.
"We intend to move with the times,"
said George A. Farnham at a meeting
recently held in Saratoga, N. Y for
the organization of the Saratoga Aero
plane and Dirigible Balloon Racing as
sociation, in moving the temporary or
ganization of the body. An associa
tion "to promote races and competi
tions In aviation and ballooning was
formed, "and a committee of forty, rep
resenting business and professional
men of Saratoga, with Mr. Farnham as
chairman and C. A. Marshall as secre
tary, was appointed to complete plans,
which contemplate exhibitions in aerial
navigation covering two months of
next summer. "
The place of the exhibition is to be
the Saratoga race track, with the con
sent and promised aid of the officers
of the racing association, the track
to be turned over to the aeroplanists
and balloonists in July and September
and used for horse racing in August.
As outlined in the discussion of plans
by the organizers of the Aerial Racing
club there will be contests of speed
for aeroplanes and long, distance
flights for dirigible balloons.
Cash Prizes Planned.
The feasibility of conducting such an
exhibition has been under considera
tion for some time and in preparation
for the organization of an association
to carry out the plans. Mr. Farnham
and others have been in correspond
ence with noted aeronauts and have
received such assurances of support as
to induce them to go on with their
plan of organization. . They propose to
raise funds by subscription for the
1 prizes, which, it was suggested, should
range from 5,000 down to $2,000.
Mr. Farnham, who is proprietor of
the American Adelphi . hotel, said of
the general plans of the organization:
"The growth of public interest in
aeronautics and the swift development
of the aeroplane convince us that
aeroplane racing and balloon flights
Very speedily will become a popular
form of sport. " We have had much
correspondence with well known aero
nauts and have been persuaded that a
suitable place for aerial trials and ex
hibitions easily , accessible to large
numbers of people , will be needed very
soon. : " . ' "... . '; -
"We believe the race track here will
be the;: best place' available, and for
all Inovelty , of the idea we hink our
plans, are perfectly feasible and will'
meet with popular -success.. The place
we have selected is admirably fitted
to the purpose. About Saratoga we
have a great expanse of open country,
free of tall buildings and trees, already
equippedwith commodious stands for
spectators, and In a Country that pre
sents .few dangers for aerial naviga
tors. There will be no danger of aero
nauts being blown out to sea in a
country so far inland as this.
Noted Aeronauts Expected to Compete.
"We shall delay making conditions
for the trials until matters are more
settled, and when announced the con
ditions will be governed by the state
of - approaching perfection which the
aeroplane has reached. No actual
race, as ontest of speed, between two
or more aeroplanes has eyer been held,
but the prospect for such a race is
good, and we hope to have such a
novelty he"re next summer. We have
already had correspondence with a
number of noted American and foreign
aeronauts and aviators, and we expect
to have some of them among our com
petitors as well, as the foremost ama
teurs and experimenters."
The -members of the committee are
Spencer Trask, F. M. Waterbury, R. B.
iJohnston, J. P. McGirr, Julius H.
Caryl, . W. B. : Gage, W. P. Butler,
James M. Mingay, Julius Jackson, Dr.
A. M. Thompson, H. M. Livingston,
Dr. George F. Comstock. Ij. B. McKel
vey, C. C. : Van Deusen, Frederick
Menges, C. B. Kilmer, E. D. Star
buck, W. D. Eddy, Howard Bullard,
Dr. S. E. Strong, James E. Lester, H.
L. Waterbury, Frank Howland, Barry
Crocker, G. E. Salisbury, A. A. Mar
shall, P. F. Eoohan, Dr. D. C. Mori
arta, John H. Mobett, A. E. Curtis,
E. B. Ashton, W. S. Eobinson, W. C.
Moriarta, J. D. McNulty. F. W. Gar
rant, William B. Milliman, H. W.
Leonard, . George A. Farnham, W. P,
Tarrant and C. A. Marshall, secretary.
A party, at the Manse, at the hour
of two," -
Next Wednesday, and invited are you.
Bring goods, bring thimble,
Bring needle, bring thread.
To make some sort of article,
White, yellow or red
To sew on at leisure,
And when it is made
Donate to the Bazaar
To be held by the Aid.
Mrs. J. R. N. Bell
- At the Manse.
August 26, 1909. . . V . .
For Sale
' Numerous . household goods range,
garden hose, dining table, refrigerator,
fruit jars, boy's saddle, etc 121 , Fifth
' Two Bargains in City Homes
Two corner lots, with one house of 7 rooms under construction. "
Bath, pantry, large closets to each bed room, linen closets, halls up
and down stairs, fire place, basement full size of house, which is
24x36 feet, plumbing and electric light complete, septic tank, con
crete sidewalk and small barn. '
Also one inside lot and 7-room house, bath, pantry, sewing
room, closets to bedrooms, halls up and down stairs, - basement '
24x36 leet, full size of house, electric light complete, some plumb
ing, concrete walks.
This property is in good location, two blocks from College, f our
blocks from public school. No agents. Call on or address
OWNER, 320 North Tenth Street,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Occidental Lumber Co.
. Successors toj
Corvallis Lumber Co.
We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please
call on J. B IRVING for information and prices. - And take
notice that if we have not got exactly what you want we will
get it for you.
G. 0. B ASSET r, Local Mer.
The Best Paint
There is no better paint made for appearance and
durability than
Acme Quality Paint
Specially prepared for exterior and interior use.
Second Street, Near Palace Theater
-' : Flying. Machine Minus Motor.
Professor H. L. Twining, head of the
department - of physics . and electrical
engineering at the Los Angeles Poly
technic high school, began aerial ex
periments the other day with an "ornl
thopter," a flying machine with twen
ty-seven foot wings designed to oper
ate, like, those of an' eagle. Professor
Twining has been studying bird flight
for twenty years and feels confident
his , ornithopter will demonstrate the
correctness of the principles ' he has
evolved. , The machine has no motor.
Instead Professor Twining, has de
vised a system of levers to be operated
with hands and feet. ;
Benton County Lumber Co.
Manufacturers of all kinds of
fir Lumber, Mouldings, Cedar Posts,
Sawed and Split. Oedar Shakes
Dealers in
Doors, Windows, Lime, BncxH Cement,
' Shingles, etc ; -
Glass Jars, All Kinds, at
Successors to
Second Street, - - Corvallis, Oregon
- Dealers In -
Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream Sepa
rators, Graniteware, Tinware and Builders'
Sole Agents for
Congo Roofing and Quick Meal Ranges
- French Fuel From Peat. "
- It Is reported from. France that it ia
proposed to mannfactnre fuel from
peat, nnder a new patented process in
the peaty district on . the borders of
the Charente Inferieure and ' Deux
Sevres departments. The fuel pro
duced experimentally Is said to be of
good quality. - ,
Phone Your Orders To No. 7,
Where They Will be Promptly FUled.
Fine ; Line of Crockery, Glassware, Gut
Glass, Haviland and Chinaware, ;
street; phone 472. - - 8-20-2t-w ,