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About The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1909)
I MIL AJSJTLJL. VOL. I. NO. 98 CORVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1909, PRICE FIVE CENTS WENT WANDERING FACULTY CLUB'S SIGN BOARD TOOK A VACATION UNCLE SAM RETURNED IT Reward Was Offered for the Lost, Strayed or Stolen Name-Plate by Its Anxious Owners Who Prized It Beyond Price. REWARD $15 will be paid for the arrest and conviction of the person or persons who feloniously and maliciously, without our consent or approval, and against our wills, did surreptuously remove, between night, and morning of the 19th instant, one silver-lettered sign from the front porch of the "Faculty Club" building on Fifth street. W. H. Kerr, Mgr. F. Robinson Boone, Brother of Daniel. ary, all the .Laura dean LiiDDy lit erature, hotel guide books and making inquiry of the men who name the Pullman coaches, Messrs. Kerr and Boone had se lected the word "Wandemere" as the most euphonious and at the time the most appropriate for a faculty clubpsendonym, nom-de-plume, or alibi, as the case may be, and this they had painted in real Portland style and hung it just above the entrance to the porch. . CRAZE FOR LAND SEIZES PEOPLE! WANDEMERE This placard posted about the city is the sequel to what was evidently intended as a joke, but which proved to be an action that is about to end up seriously for some one. A short time ago "W. H. Kerr and W. R Boone leased the Harold Woodcock property-on fifth -- streetinBtafled a Chink there as culinary artist nd opened the place as a ' 'Fac ulty Club." These gentlemen, in keeping with the dignity that marks their every movement in life, had painted a beautiful name-plate to hang on the front porch for use as a means of iden tification in case members of the club should happen to come home after nightfall. After searching through the back of the diction- in three inch letters spread in silver over three feet of board looked good, sounded good and was inviting. It was admired by all, and by Kerr and Boone more that any; in fact that visiting card on the front porch was their pet. Messrs. Kerr and Boone went to Seattle and Alaska via the south pole and returned a week or so ago. Before going they did not take their pet in nor arrange tor anyone to give it milk while they were gone, but when they returned "Wande mere" was still there, in good health and to them seemed more charming than ever. Had the faculty club not decided to wan der-more, down to the bay and to Yachats and Waldport and other places, things would probably be all right today. But they went away, and during their absence some pusson or pussons, without artisticsense r sacreligiously-s re moved "Wandemere" from its exalted position. To add insult to injury this pusson or "some other hung in Wandemere's place an exact duplicate of the board, bearing the words: err e seems to be spreading so ra Idly: Sjtiere are all kinds of contagious dis eases floating around these days. Some times it is small-pox, others it is the itch andagain it is something else. The lat est f pidemic that has hit Independence is thekraze for government land. Ever ENLARGED HOMESTEAD ACT NOW sinff the pvernment has gone into the lonspy Dusiness by lorcmg settlers to ATTRACTING ATTENTION HAS LARGE AREA Government Makes Rigid Provisions in Act Which Entitles Settlers to Make Entry upon Land that is now Considered Worthless. FINE IPS FOR Palacejtater Wednesday and Thursday The Two Hoyts The Texas Cowboy or Magician will present an entire change of new and novel features appearing in the char acter of Kit Carson, while Esnanita. by special request, will continue her re markable globe dance act tonight, only, New Motion Pictures " The Birth and Adventure Of a Fountain Pen" An interesting industrial film depict ing the various stages in manf acturing fountain pens; from the crude rubber biscuits to the finished article ready for use. The pen draws sketches which change themselves. Napoleon evolves into Emptror William, then into King Edward and last to Washington. A ped estal lamn changes into a young lady. A loving couple turn into a pair of ducks. From a flower pot a lily sprouts up and blooms.. A plain circle turns into Bridget and after a series of changes becomes a society queen. "Evil Spirit in a Girl's Boarding School' At this select school for young ladies everything is running along smoothly and the .pretty students give their teacher very little trouble for their de portment is perfect and the discipline .of the school is above reproach. The , tranquil aspect of the place is soon changed,however, by the introduction of a vivacious Miss who is bubbling over with deviltry,' and by her many escapades soon earns, the title from her more docile companions, as the evil ' spirit. This is a colored film, showing in perfect and life-like detail every W, C. Allen, an old resident of Corvallis, and now connected with the United States Land Office at Roseburg, is here on a visit to relatives and friends and since his arrival he has had num erous inquiries about the federal requirements govering the tak ing up of land under the en larged homestead act. In an interview with him the Gazette-Times is enabled to tell those who want to know that any person who is a qualified entryman under the homestead laws of the United States, may enter by legal subdivisions three hundred and twenty acres, of npnmineral, nonirrigable, unre- servea ana unappropriated sur-, veyed public lands which do not contairfeerChantablemb ocated in a reasonably, compact body, and not over one and one- half miles in extreme length, provided that no lands shall be WEINERWURST INN rnagine the horror of the faculty club at finally discovering this exchange! People in that neigh borhood say that the members were so angry that one of them bit the Chinese cook and both came near dying before the chop suey antidote could 'be fished out of the woodbox. The other got so hot that he took a bath and wrote home for money. He had to get even with somebody, couldn't hope to do it with his tailor, so gave the "old man" a solar plexus. When tranquility was somewhat restored it was de cided to eat the weinurwurst and have another Wandemere name- plate painted. This they did and just as this was oeing hung up at the old stand, the postman brought Messrs. Kerr and Boone the original sign bearing $1.82 worth pf stamps. Kerr had a fit and Boone fell in it. Hence the Reward" at the head of this column. The faculty club will be glad to have the perpetrators of this crime, dead or alive, scalped or otherwise. A VERY SUCK I Now comes the story that Ralston, the insurance man who depared hurri edly a few days ago, after doing a few awkward tricks, hoodooed a waitress of one of the restaurants, induced her to quit her job so that she could have more time to talk to him, and then succeeded in getting away with a dia mond ring valued at from $50 to $150, The lady's name is not at hand, hence these statements are hot verified, ' but it is not difficult to believe such things of a man who forges notes, and for subject to entry under the pro visions of this act until such ands shall have been designated by the Secretary of the Interior as not being, in his opinion, sus ceptible of successful irrigation at a reasonable cost from any known source of water supply. Most Cultivate Crops. Another provision requires that at the time of making final proofs as provided in section twenty-one hundred and ninety one of the Revised Statutes the entrymen under this act shall, in addition to the proofs and affi davits required under the said section, prove by two credible witness that at least one-eighth of the area embraced in his entry was continuously cultivated to agricultural crops other than native grasses beginniner with the second year of the entry, and that at least one-fourth , of the area embraced in the entry was so continuously cultivated beginning with the third year of the entry, ... Cannot Commute Entry. The government still further provides that nothing contained in th,e act shall be held to affect the right of a qualified entryman to make homestead entry in the States named in section one of this act under the provisions of section twenty-rtwo hundred and eighty-nine of the Revised Stat utes, but no person who has made under this act shall be en titled to make homestead entrv under the provisions of said sec tion, and no entry made under this act shall be commuted. Residence Required Five years residence upon the land sought to be entered as a homesterd under this enlarged act is absolutely required the same, as in all : government land except in the State of Utah. , -The following from the Inde pendence Enterprise is very per gamble for a piece of land by law, the craie has sent thousands of people for evefy 160 acres that was thrown open settlement. Now that excitement has ended in a bubple, somebody, probably some agent of the railroad company and the stage lines that run into that country, have beei circulating reports about the great opportunities that are to be grabbed by jtaking up desert land in Harney county, where there have been about 59,)0 acres of government land thrown open for settlement under the desert actfcn July 4th, of this year. This tradt of land was filed upon several yeajs ago by what is known as the Hasiey Valley -irrigation Company, the stocji holders of which were the owners of lirge tracts of land in that country wh were interested in the stock rais ing usiness . They laid the proposij tionf before Portland and Salt Lake capfal.with the result that they became interested in the scheme to control the , for which they agreed to place water on the land so that it can be put on tie market at $6 per acre. Alter spenaine larere sums ot monev in making surveys, etc., it was discov ered that water could not be put on the lan( for the estimated amount and the company were unable to procure the capital to float the scheme. As a con sequence the land reverted back to the government, and was thrown open for settlement under the desert act. J'V; -: . -The. Law. , " :TSe provisions of the desert act briefly stated, are; Each settler is enS, titled to take up 320 acres,, for which he p'Stys 25 cents per acre at the time of fif pjf and before he can .roye..' up tfotetaBa hfohas. to ehow that he-haa expended $3.00 per acre in improve ments," have forty acres in grain, forty broke, water on forty acres, and - the balance in grass, and upon the payment ot $1 per acre the government will give ONE OF WORLDS GREAT MAP ART ISTS HERE TO GET IDEAS. AGREES TO PRODUCE WONDER R. Caughey, Southern Pacific's Art ist Spends a Day or Two in Corval lis to Get Idea For Maps and Bird's eye Views. poses to produce something that is as beautiful as a dream, yet thoroughly comprehensive and serving its purpose to the fullest extent. The Southern Pacific has given Mr. Caughey free rein in this matter and urged him to do the best possible for Corvallis. The books to be issued will be nothing less than the finest that typo graphical art can produce, and the cover page will a unique de sign done so perfectly as to at tract and hold every casual in vestigator. It is expected that these will be in perfect readiness for the spring Colonist campaign. Other good literature of a differ ent nature will probably be ready for the October campaign. R. Caughey, the Southern Pa cific's map artist, was in Corval lis yesterday looking over the ground preparatory to developing an idea for the fine booklet Cor vallis is to get within the next two or three months. These booklets are guaranteed to be finer than any yet put out under the Sunset plan, hence the com ing of this superior artist to pre pare the maps. Mr. Caughey prepared the bird's-eye view of the A.-Y-P.-E, which has at tracted so much attention and fa vorable comment, and it was he who prepared a like map of Lewis and Clark fair. : After ; consultation with ' the HIT BALER IS BURNED him a patent for the land, as a result of this stampede quite a number of Independence people jumped out in a hurry to get in on the ground floor and this week they have com menced to return, and as everyone is nterested in the prospects for securing and we will give you the opinion of the t Commercial ,Cjub;-ertisH !as.t night," Mr. Caughey ' Will submit Continued on page two drafts of a colored relief map of Western Oregon, in which the Willamette Valley will be played up conspicuously; draft of a county map of Oregon showing relative position of sections and cities; and a detail bird,s-eye view of Benton county looking west from the east side of the Willamette river. Mr. Caughey says he wants to produce his real masterpiece at this time and pro- While Croft, s hay bailer out fit was at work yesterday af ter n6on out on Fisher's farm some chaff drifted into the muffler and without warning the ma chine was quickly all ablaze. A crew of men from the brick yard hastened to the fire and by the hardest kind of work suc ceeded in dragging the baler away from the blaze so that it was but slightly damaged. Three or four tons of baled oat straw were "burned but the : 4-qckswkijf ;theS trewsaved r the greatest portion of that which had been put up. It was hot work while it last ed and but for the prompt action of the men the loss would have been quite serious. Advertising and prosperity walk hand in hand if you use The Daily Gazette-Times. Bargain plums for every day are advertised in The Daily Gazette-Times. Don't fail to read the ads. KLINES PORE FOOD DEPARTMENT FOR GOOD GOODS AND PROMPT SERVICE ' We carry the largest and best line of Staple and Fancy Groceries in the city. TEAS AND COFFEES OUR SPECIALTY Agents for BARERIZED BARRINGTON HALL COFFEE VAN DUZER'S FLAVORING EXTRACT (None Better) MONOPOLE CANNED GOODS (Strictly High Grade.) . Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Always In Stock LOOK AT OUR LIST FRUITS Bananas Oranges Lemons Peaches Pears -Apples Grapes . -Watermelons Cantaloupes VEGETABLES Carrots Turnips Beets 1 Green Beans, Corn, Onions Cabbage -Cucumbers : Summer Squash Pie Pumpkins Fresh Tomatoes Sweet Potatoes Potatoes and Onions Call or Phone Your Orders Direct Connections BELL PHONE RED 153 IND. PHONE 80 ieaiure oi ine srory. gets to pay his bills. tinent just now, when the land