THE DAILY GAZETTE-TIES Published every evening except Sun day. Office: 259-263 Jefferson street, corner Third street, and 232. Second treet, Corvallis, Oregon. PHONES, 210 4184 Entered at the postoffice at Corvallis, Oregon, as second class matter. nrrnrtnn TrvrTAW D A TTf C DAILY Delivered by carrier, per week $ .15 Delivered by carrier, per month .50 By mail, one year, in advance .. 5.00 By mail, six months, in advance.. . 2.50 By mail, one month, in advance.. . .50 THE WEEKLY GAZETTE-TIMES Published Every Friday SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year, in advance.... .$2.00 But moths, in advance. 1.00 In ordering changes of address, sub cribers should always give old as well as Hew address. N. R. MOORE . . . . Editor CHAS. L. SPRINGER, Business Mgr, FIX UP YOUR PROPERTY A tenantable house is a very difficult thing to get at present in ' Corvallis, those with modern im provements and the only kind the maioritv of the people want nowadays. Property owners will find that the time has gone by when most any kind of a ramble- shack of a place will rent Peo le of this time and asre are not satisfied unless their place of res idence is provided with all the conveniences that modern times provide, and they are going to have them no matter what the cost. You will find that a ma- . A ! J - jomy 01 our newcomers preier to rent a house rather than to buy one at the present time as they prefer to see for themselves how they like the country, before they make any investments. At this season it is nearly impossible to rent a farm and as a conse quence they are forced to rent town property. People who have city property could find good renters if they would just loosen Up and put some money into cir culation in repairs. President Taft will be made the center of a big demonstra tion when he comes to Portland October 2. There will be no private entertaining for the big President, but he will be on view by the public throughout his visit. There will be a big parade in the President's honor, in which he will ride, and where he may be seen by the thousands who will want to have a iook at the nation's executive. Presi dent Taft will be asked to make an address at the Armory in the afternoon and attend a banquet at the Commercial Club at night on October 2nd. Plans for Sunday, which will be spent here, are not made up yet, but the President will probably at tend church and spend the re mainder of the day resting. Mayor Simon has named a pro minent! committee of Portland people to arrange the President's entertainment. On a tour of the Northwest to get material for a series of letters to his paper; the Chicago Record-Herald, William E. Cur tis, probably the best known correspondent in the world, was a Portland visitor during the past week.. In discuseing the Rose City, he said: "Portland is the best city on the Pacific Coast and I would rather live here than in any other city of which I know. Portland is farther a long than any other city on the Pacific Coast; by that I mean it is more mature than any the big cities of the West' These are strong words, coming as thev do from a man who ATHER OF AMERICAN BICYCLE Career of Colonel A. A. Pope, Manu facturer and Good Roads Advocate. Colonel Albert A. Pope, the noted bicycle and automobile manufacturer, who recently died at his summer home in Cohasset, Mass., was born in Bos ton May 20, 1843. When he was nine years old, his father having failed in business, he obtained employment on a farm, and thereafter until he was nine teen he peddled vegetables, acted as clerk in a store and sold machinery, going to school during the winter months. In 1862 he was commissioned second lieutenant in the Thirty-fifth regiment Massachusetts volunteers, which had been, organized in response to President Lincoln's call lor isou.uuu volunteers. As a soldier he served in the princi pal Virginia campaigns, with Burnside in Tennessee, with Grant at Victsburg, with Sherman at Jackson, Miss., and commanded Fort Hell at the attack on Petersburg. He was commended for bravery, and in recognition of his serv ices he was several times promoted. He was brevetted major "for gallant conduct" in the battles at Knoxville, Poplar Springs Church and in front of Petersburg. . " When the war was- over Colonel Pope returned to Boston and settled down to business in the manufacture of shoe supplies. This business pros pered to a large extent, and in 1877 he became interested in the bicycle, and, realizing the possibilities in the devel opment of its use, he determined to employ his energies and capital in that direction. -A company was organized, and in the following year he perfect ed his plans for the manufacture of bicycles 'on a large scale. He . over came the widespread prejudice against the new machine and witbin a few years created a market which not only kept his company . working to its full est capacity, but resulted in the or ganization of scores of rival compa nies. As the bicycle craze spread over the United States he became known as "the father of the American bi cycle." Colonel Pope was one of the pioneers in the movement for good roads and for several years delivered speeches on the subject before chambers of commerce, boards of trade and other organizations. He carried his cam paign to such an extent "that in 1892 he began an extended correspondence with the press, legislators, educators, writers and all classes whose influence he desired to obtain for the advance ment of his project. He kept up the educational campaign through the dis tribution of literature until finally more than half of the states of the "Union were advocating better high ways. . . He was one of the first American manufacturers -to recognize the Impor tance of the automobile, and as the bicycle lost In popular favor the com pany of "v which he was . the founder and for many years the active head began the manufacture of the horse less carriage. - Colonel Pope was a member of sev eral societies. - - The Newport Excursions (Continued from page one ) besides he would have been li able to arrest and "a heavy fine for his infraction of the law, slight though it might have been. If there is neglect or careless ness, the application of the in spection laws in their most rigid form should be demanded of the Yaquina bay masters that sooner or later there is not a disaster like the General Slocum horror of a few years ago. Marine BICYCLER IKES SUGGESTIONS Mitchell Girl At Waldport (Continued) from page one ) ing apparatus on these boats, as your correspondent would insin uate in his letter. The writer knows that oh the harbors of Washington the most rigid in spection is given the steamers and if things are not found up to the specifications demanded by the United States laws, the boat under inspection is tied up until the requirements are met. - As It is Done Up North Just to show how strict the regulations are a case will be cited where the captain of a 2 - little maU steamer, running from nmp R-hW11.fiQW m-i South Bend, Wash to Nahcotta, her and because of the discovered after he had made notoriety attained by her during about six miles of his run that the Holy Roller crugade and the ui license unuer which iie was final kming. of her sweetheart operating would expire at noon and brother, saw in her appear of that day. He had mail and ance the basis for a great story. passengers auuaru auu was Ti.ft -pH--:-!., i,gl1 hek under contract to deliver the mjii vi ,w . AUlUll gill 1U VV UllUCl mail at Nahcotta at a certain ful coiorsas a hanger-on in hour. Sighting a gasoline Chinese dens. ' launch in the distance he signal- ' led her, and transferring mail 1 and passengers to the smaller J X N UN Hr ME j i i i j i il crait ne put aDout anq return ea i to South Bend and wired the in- 1 Bids for Presbyleriall Church & pec luis ai ocatLie. xiiaLiiigiib ( they arrived and he insisted they j go to work and inspect his ship that night, which they did and ' the next morning he was on his regular run. This little illustra tion may be .foreign to the sub ject of Yaquina bay steamers,, but it is cited to show how the masters of that part of the Northwest look at the inspection ; laws. The master of this ; steamer, knew positively - that if he had continued his run after knowing his license was about out, he would have lost his license for the boat and his own as master of steam vessels, and Editor Daily Gazette-Times: Your article last week concern ing bicyclists suggested to me something which I think should be better understood. When bi cyclists pass each other or pedes trians there is, invariably, more or less confusion, and very often angry words. It seems to me that a few sim ple rules would stop all this. I would suggest that these rules be: First, that when a bicyclis passes or. meets a pedestrian that he (the bicyclist) ride on the out side of the walk. Second, that, when a bicyclist meets a bicyclist that both par ties turn to the right. And third, that when a bicy clist passes a bicyclist from be hind, that the one passing take the outside of the walk. Hoping that you think this worth printing. A Bicyclist. How About i That Fall Suit Come and get a PRINCETON" College Cut Suit. The latest de signs in fabrics and styles. A K. RUSS Dealer in all Men's Furnishings We sell cheapest' because we sell for cash. CORVALLIS. - - OREGON Will Received up to Thurseday be Notice The time for receiving and opening bids for the construction of the new Presbyterian church has heen extended to noon, Thursday, August 26. Con tractors desiring to submit bids for this work will please take notice and have their sealed proposals at the office of Virgil E. Watters on or before the time above mentioned. 8-23-3t Advertising and prosperity walk hand in ..hand if . you use The Daily Gazette-Times. Bargain plums for every day are advertised in The Daily Gazette-Times. Don't fail to read the ads. . - The Gazette-Times 50c per month. My wife, Maude Hamlin, having left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, I hereby forbid any one trusting her in my name as I shall pay no debts contracted by her after this date. R. W. Hamlin, Dated Aug, 23, 1909, 8-23-30 Fine Tract For Sub-division The best tract of land in or around Corvallis to be sub-divided into small 1 tracts. A chance to make a big thing within the next six months. See A. L. Stevenson, 8-3-tf . Real Estate Man. MASCOT FOR LATHAM. Daring Monoplanist Given Live Pigeon by Fair Lover of Aeronautics. That Latham has twice failed to cross the English channel is not due to the neglect of the fair lovers of aero nautics. They have been on hand at both of the important flights and have given him every encouragement. The aviator has been waiting for the op portunity to emulate the feat of Ble riot, and the tedium is relieved by the lively Interest of the women who flocfe from Calais and the other nearby towns. As a mascot one of the young women the other day presented to the daring monoplanist a live pigeon. She did not share the popular supe..' stltion that a pigeon is an unluck '" bird. She took the view that with t. -guidance of one of these fliers thai cross the channel repeatedly Latham may be spurred to success. Latham, a true gallant, promised that the pigeon would from a silken ribbon show him the aerial road to Dover when he next attempts to cross the International gap. COMFORT BOTTLED BAIT TO LURE FISH: Connecticut . Man by Novel Scheme Made Record Haul. All piscatorial artists who enjoy bass and pickerel fishing will be interested in the way D. J. Coffey, a member of the Winsted (Conn.) fire department, who recently spent a week's vacation on the Highland lake fishing grounds, managed to break all previous records there for big catches. Here's how he did it. He placed a number of shiners, or live bait, and one or two small frogs in glass bottles of two gallons' capaci ty and then suspended the bottles in deep water from a small raft. : As the big bass and pickerel tried in vain to get the little fish in the glass inclosure, Coffey, wno fished from a rowboat nearby, dropped 'his baited line close to the buttles, -and the assembled fish were caught as fast as they could be pulled in. The Hudson Trio. - What though tardy may be renown? Fame and honor are sure to crown. Flags will fly and the bells be rung, Speeches made and the craises suns. Though three centuries long have passed. Hudson comes to his own at last. Thriftily do we twine the bay, Double duty we make It Day. For with the Half Moon's captain brave we hail another who tamed the wave. And where the stately steamers speed Robert Fulton will have his meed. - Safe is your glory, William G. : Three more centuries soon will flee. Then on the stream of Dreams Fulfilled Folks will srather the great to tild. - ; Cheering tie shades of the Hudson erew, uuason, Denton and McAdoo. New York Times. Warmth Without Weight "Sound sleep in cold fresh air saves more lives than Science." Sir Joseph Lister, Famous English Surgeon. . " . ' '. . v Maish Comforts Mith Sleep Possible It means more to you than warmth and lightness. It,means "purity" as well. Commencing Thursdays We shall put on sale dozens of fresh new patterns of Maish Comforts. see these: Come in and Lot 18723, SPECIAL. Five dozen full size Silkoline Comforts, many M f new designs-,-.-... q l.UU Lot 33233. Fifty Winter Weight, Pure Cotton Down Comforts, full 'do ff size, 72 by 81 inches. - PAJU Lot 34233. Fifty Medium Weight, extra size Comforts, size six feet d0 CA wide by seven feet six inches long - r P '"" Lot 43233. Thirty-six Winter Weight, pretty designs in Oriental and $0 7C Floral Designs Lot 13233. Four dozen Superfine Laminated Down Comforts, size fiJO AA 72 by 81 inches'. - tyO.W Lot 14233. Thirty-six Extra Size Superfine Laminated Down, six gO gQ feet wide by seven feet six inches long- . pJJH, Sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday See Window Display Ladies' Home Journal Patterns CHEW CADILLAC and KING CORN TOBACCO Always Good; not made by the Trust. Sold at JACK MILNE'S Dr. VIRGINIA V. LEWEAUX. Osteopathic Physician, At Corvallis Hotel Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays At Albany Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 15-17 Brenner Building FOR RENT, ROOMS For Rent Three furnished rooms, two of them suitable for light house keeping; all down stairs; outside rooms. Inquire at i " 800 Fifth Street PHOTOGRAPHERS PICKET'S STUDIO, 430 SECONJ Street. Phone 4209. ATTORNEYS j. f. Yates, attoeney-at-law. Office Rooms 3, 4, 1st Natl Bank Bldg. Only set of abstracts in Benton County PHYSICIANS G. E. FARRA, M. D.," PHYSICIAN AN Surgeon. Office in Burnett Block . over Harris' Store. Residence corner Seventh and Madison. Office hours: 8 to 9 .a. m.; 1 to 2 p. m. Phones: ' Office, 2128, Residence, 404. J. B. MORRIS. M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Corner Third and Mon roe Streets, Corvallis, Oregon. Office hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; I to 4 p. m.; 7 to 8 p. m. Phone in both office and res. denee. VY.T. ROWLEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Special attention given to the Eye. Nose and Throat. Office in Johnson Bldg. Ind. 'phone at of See and tesidence. UNDERTAKERS M. S. BOVEE, FUNERAL DIRECT or and . Licensed Embalmerf Suc cessor - to Bovee & Bsuer Corvallis, Oregon. Ind. Phone 45. Bell Phone 241. Lady attendant when desired. BLACKLEDGE & EVERETT, Li censed embalm ers and funeral direct ors. Have, everything new in coffins,, caskets and burial robes. Calls ans wered day and night. Lady assist ant. Embalming a specialty. Dajr phones, Ind. 117 and 1153, Bell, 531 z night phones, Ind. 2129Jand 1153. E. E. WILSON Attorney At Law Zierolf Bldg. Corvallis, Oregcna JOSEPH HWILSON Attorney at Law Office: Burnett Building, Corvallis, Oregon Phone 1333 Farmers ! See S.S.HENKLE (Successor to Smith Bros.) CORVALLIS, OREGON The Place to Buy Right, Handles, Harness, Saddles, Robes, Whips,. and Gloves Does Repairing Neatly and Promptly First Door North of Gerhards. has travelled all over the world.