The City and Vicinity For Sale-Grub Phone 6525. oak wood. Ind. 8-18-6t At Albany the cost of paving has been a little less than $400 a lot, accord ing to the Democrat. Mrs. George H. Rycraft' received a message this morning saying that her father, in Alsea, is dangerously ill. Mrs. Rycraft and Mrs. Hedrick left immediately for Alsea. For Sale-Washington. 8 room house, Phone 4274. 13th, and 8-18-5t LADIES Attention! RUSSELL The Tailor has just received his Fall and Winter line of 300 Patterns, Suits, separate Skirts, Jackets, long Coats, Divided Skirts and Rubberized Rain Coats, made to your measure in the latest styles; strictly man-tailored; prices right. , Before buying, call and look them over. Lady attendant 132 Second St, Upstairs, Whitehorn Building Judge Denman got a whack at an other drink Thursday afternoon and it cost old boozy $10 cash. He paid. The city is broke, so the officials have to make, their salary some way, and re cently th e police department has been pulling up in good shape. Complete outfits for camping parties at Blackledge's furniture store. 8-3-tf ! Dr. J. A. Harper and Z. H. Davis, who are now looking after the interests of Mannel Knight have found it neces sory to remove him from his home at the corner of 4th and Jefferson and place him with Mrs. W. H. Dilley, who will care for him now. Acme Quality Paints and Floor Var nish that wears at A. L. Miner's. 5-17-tf. Though more than a half -hundred women attended a party in this city this week not one thought of letting the daily know of the event, and knowl edge of the party did not come to hand until three days later. This office wants ALL the news and appreciates any in formation that will enable it to get an item while it is news. Ice cream delivered on thirty minutes notice by Winkley's Palace of Sweets. tf Deans Cordley and Greer and Prof. C. I. Lewis came from Portland last It is said that the property owners on Washington street propose to peti tion the city council to pave that street , from Main to Ninth street. A petition has been or is being circulated and it is I claimed a majority of the property j holders are in favor of the lmprove-!ment. A very pleasant party was given at the home of A. B. Miller last evening in honor of Miss Bertha Beck of Gor vallis, who is spending the summer at Mr. Miller's. About thirty were pres ent. Choice refreshments were served and games and musice helped to make a delightful evening. --Albany Demo crat. To Exchange House and barn with two lots in Eugene for Corvallis prop erty. T. J. Pettit, 416 3rd St. 8-17-d6 J. M. Greear and wife exect to leave next week for Corvallis, where ' they will make their home during the attend ance of their son Harold at O. A. C. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Greear will also accompany them, Claude having leased a large residence in which he will con duct a students' rooming houes. Hills bore Independent. Melons on ice Andrews & Kerr's bakery. 19-t3 Miss Merle Hollister left today for the bay, to be gone a week. The young lady Is going to be seriously disappoint- night. Mr. Cordley enjoyed the meet- j ed if she gets back to Corvallis with- mg of college people at .Portland par ticula rly for the reason that he met there ten or fifteen of his old college mates, graduates of the Michigan Ag ricultural College twenty years ago. These men are now in high estate. Eat Golden Rod Flakes, They are better for breakfast, :' Than old-fashioned corn cakes, : And five minuets time, ; Is all that it takes" ; At Kline's. . , - 6-12-tf Mr. and Mrs. William Webster and son Charles, of Fayette, Iowa, are ex pected to arrive in Corvallis today or tomorrow to visit their daughter, Miss Mae, who came to Oregon over a ye ar ago for the benefit of her health. That out an extra ring on her hand, so elegi bles at the sea shore should take notice. The G.-T. is willing to affirm that there isn't a more lovely dispositioned crea ture west . of the Rockies, and she really isn't a bad looker when the rat produces the proper fluff iness. Flour sacks for sale, 25 cents a dozen. Andrews & Kerr's bakery. 19-t3 The Palace put on one of the best all-round programs last night that the patrons of that place have , had the pleasure of witnessing for some time. The vaudeville skit by Carver & Oliver is "Henpecked," a lively sketch that is chock full of fun from the first word, to the last. The motion picture film, "The Lost Invitation," is a comedy film, full of action and the play is well and acted. The other, film, J. F. Ralston Gone Wrong (Continued! fromi page one ) seen of Ralston and Van Cleve passed up the matter and return ed to Corvallis. No Doubt of Crimality But for the fact that Ealston forget the Bicknell note, it might be believed that Corvallis would see . him again, but that act queers him. Mr. Bicknell will not lose the $80.40, nor will Van Cleve lose the amount of his note if Ralston ' has secured money on it. The company will lose the value of . the check Mr. Bicknell paid Ralston and also lose the commission paid him for the policies to be issued to Bicknell and Vancleve. In a letter to Mr. Bicknell, the Oreg on Life admits that it has paid the full commission on this note, so all told, Ralston is perhaps $125 or $150 ahead, if his opera tions have gone no further. Both Mr. Bicknell and Mr. Van Cleve, and others who knew him, say that he appeared to be any thing but a real sharper, being too crude to be an old hand at the business. Ralston hails from North Carolina, so he said, and came here properly credentialed by the Oregon Life, which does not deny his official connection. stroyed by fire last Friday morn ing, --- . Mrs. A. A. Meek has returned after a visit with her parents at Coburg. THE SUCCESS FUL TEACHERS Of forty two applicants for teacher's license, thirty were successful in passing the recent examination. The official re turns of the Examining Board is as follows; NAME ADDRESS CERT. PERCENTAGE Lena Tartar Corvallis first 94 Bessie Thorp " " 93 Myrtle Langley " " 90 8-13 Roy Cannon Philomath " 90 Mildred Buchanan Corvallis Second 95 Ethel Price Wren .. ' " 90 Mildred White Philomath " 89 Hubert Tadlock CorvalliaR. R. 2 " . 87 Laura Waggoner Corvallis s " 87 Eva Eooco ' " 87 Cora Berreman Philomath " 87 Laura Trachsel Summit " 86 Chas. Stahl Philomath " E6 Jessie Vincent Corvallis . ' ' 85 4-11 Pearl Erwin Philomath " 802-11 Mabel Moore Albany R. E. 4 " - 80 Edith Sneak Philomath Third 931-11 Carrie Buchanan Corvallis " 93 Mina Merrick Philomath " - 92 Dell Baldwin Corvallis " 91 Eva Cummings Philomath " , 90 Ethel Harpole Junction City" 894-11 Ernest Castle Philomath " 87 Sadie Bell Corvallis " 86 George Winters Alsea " 83 7-11 Olive Whitney Alsea . - 83 4-11 xMary Nail Albany R. R. 4 " 83 - Maggie Daniel Corvallis R.'R. 2 " 81 Edith Buckingham Lents " 79 8-11 Kate Tadlock Corvallis Primary 88 3-4 xfJot valid till applicant becomes 18 years old. COLLEGE TIES VERY STRONG Classmates of Will D. Sutton Organize to Render Assistance. SERVICES AT THE CITY CHURCHES Where to Worship in Corvallis Tomor row Morning and Evening. That college ties are strong is evidenced by the following letter received by Secretary W. A. Jen en yesterday: ' ' '09. W. the naxents will he snmrispd at' the ; hsmtro in their rtmicrhvi ia a nertainifTr 1 St&g6(l Mr. Webster is a brother of Mrs. i "The Tefy f Maudbn," 'jf a nc.h t t?ii p a st. story of jealousy and murder and is fcnnthp visitor mov rWirlo rn r. full of tragic Situations. mainhpr -j be repeated tonight. The bill will At the Star to- i night. At the Star tonight Manager Wanted: Man and wife. German Dre- Small will have several good things terred, for general ranch work: p-ood ' the way of moving pictures to offer the place and steady job. P. O. B. 20-t2 patrons of that cozy little theater. We Use Scien tific Instruments To determine the needs of your eyes There is no guess work about our examinations. They are just as ac curate as trained skill and experi ence can make them. They cost you nothing so you certainly ought to have the benefit of them, if you have any eye trouble at all. They mean the proper glasses, the only kind you can afford to wear. - Portland, Aug. 18, A. Jensen," O. A. C, Corvallis. Oregon. Dear Friend: Yesterdav. Will u. button, a member of our class. tell trom a trestle at Oswega and was very seriously injured.-- The members of our class who are in Portland wish to make it possible tor all the class to help him in his misfortune If vou could have the Registrar nreDare a list with addresses of the members of the Senior class of this year. it would greatly aid us. 1 hanking you for any trouble you may take and with best per sonal regards, I am Very respectfully yours, R. R. Clark. As the Gazette-Times published yesterday, young Sutton died from his injuries and his. remains were sent to his old home m South Carolina. The intention of Clark and Sutton's classmates was certainly of the best, and the only regret is that the young man was past their help in any way, IE W. S, PR ATT, Jeweler and Optician MONROE AND THAT VICINITY STRICTLY STYLISH Ready-to-Wear SUITS, SKIRTS and WAISTS These .Garments for Ladies and Misses are of excellent quality. The styles' speak for themselves and the prices are really less than the cost of material and making. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY BUYING HERE NOW . . . . Hen Ida l Oavis Mrs. Mary Barclay has returned to her home after a visit to the A. Y, P. Mrs-Anna Martin is visiting at Newport. . Mr. Cissen and family have the diphtheria. Miss Florence Zierolf and Mrs, Mamie Hall made a business trip to Corvallis Thursday.: , The threshers in the neighbor hood have quit until the spring grain ripens. Miss Grace Watkins, who has been visiting with her parents the past few days, left yesterday for Seattle where she intends visiting for some time. Mr. Bexford's barn was de 'inVrfiBitifi Two Bargains in City Homes Two corner lots, with one house of 7 rooms under construction. Bath, pantry, large closets to each bed room, linen closets, halls up and down stairs, fire place, basement full size of house, which is 24x36 feet, plumbing and electric light complete, septic tank, con crete sidewalk and small barn. Also one inside lot and 7-room house, .bath, pantry, sewing room, closets to bed rooms, halls up and down stairs, basement 24x36 feet, full size of house, electric light.complete, some plumb ing, concrete walks, i This property is in good location, two blocks from College, four blocks from public school. No agents. . Call on or address OWNER, 320 North Tenth Street, Corvallis, Oregon. 9 UNION SERVICES Union services of all the young . peo- pie's societies at 7 p.' m'. Leader, from the; Baptist church. The union service will e held tomor- fow'evening in the tent on the corner of 6th and Jefferson streets, Kev. Guy Phelps preaching the sermon. .Miss Weldon, of California, will favor the congregation with special music. UNITED EVANGELICAL Evangelical Church, corner of Ninth and Harrison streets. : Sunday School tomorrow at 10 a. m. ; preaching at 11 a. m., when Rev. A. A. Winter, the acting president of Dallas College, will speak. In the evening all will take part in the union services. : Beulah Chapel: Sunday School at 2 p. m., ana Kev. A. A. Winter, acting president of Dallas College, will preach at 3 p. m. K. L. C. E. at 8 p. m. CHRISTIAN , Bible School at 9:45 a. m. in the base ment of the Christian church. Be prompt. 11 a. m., preaching and Com munion service in the Presbyterian church. Subject of sermon, "Raising the Standard." Miss Weldon, of Cali fornia, will sing. Everybody welcome. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Evan P. Hughes, the minister, will return from his camp on the Yaquina river and preach tomorrow morning, 11 a. m., in the First Congregational church, corner of Third and Jefferson streets, August 22, on the theme, "The Potency of Fact vs. Fiction." Bible School convenes at 10 a. m. and the re maining services will be of a union character and held in the big tent. All are very cordially invited to attend. SPECIAL SALE Twenty per cent discount on all go carts this week. . -You can still get an extension dining table, at the right price; going fast. Don't wait: Schultz the furniture man, 125 second St, Corvallis. 8-17-19-21 - Washington's Plague Spots Occidental Lumber Co. Successors toJ Corvallis Lumber Co. We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please call on J. B IRVING for information and prices. And take notice that if we have not got exactly what you want we will get it for you. "" G. O. BASSET r, Local Mer. & ;f'l iJiUJP IHN JM" I i it ii I 'I Hi I'tf II ijipi The Best Paint There is no better paint made for appearance and" durability than Acme Quality Paint Specially prepared for exterior and interior use. "FLOOR VARNISH THAT WEARS" WALL PAPER AND PAINT STORE Second Street, Near Palace Theater r Benton County Lumber Co. -' Manufacturers of all kinds of Fir Lumber, Mouldings, Cedar Posts, Sawed and Split. Cedar Shakes Dealers in Doors, Windows, Lime, BrtcK, Cement, Shingles, etc J J Glass Jars, All Kinds, at HODES GROCERY COOPER & HEM- HARDWARE CD. Successors to MELLON & PINKERTON Second Street, - - Corvallis, Oregon Dealers In Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream Sepa rators, Graniteware, Tinware and Builders' Hardware. Sole Agents for Congo Roofing and Quick Meal Ranges ' Lie in the low, marshy bottoms of the Potomac, the breeding grounds of ma laria germs. These germs cause chills, fever and ague, biliousness, jaundice, lassitude, weakness and general debility and bring suffering or death to thou sands yearly. But Electric Bitters never fail to destroy - them and cure malaria troubles. "They are the best all-around tonic and cure for malaria lever used," writes R. M. James, of Louellen, S. C. They cure Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Blood Troubles and will prevent Typhoid. Try them, 60c Guaranteed by all drag gists. v- , WHEN YOU WANT SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT Phone Your Orders To No. 7, THATCHER & JOHNSON'S GROCERY Where They Wffl be Promptly FUled. Fine Line of Crockery, Glassware, Cut Glass, Haviland and China ware, LAMPS ETC.