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About The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1909)
The City and Vicinity For Sale Grub oak Phone 6525. Look for "Owners' gains City Homes" For Sale 8 room house, Washington. Phone 4274. wood. Ind. 8-18-6t ad- "TwoBar-8-13-tf 13th and 8-18-5t is visit- Miss Grace Moon, of Drain, ing friends here this week. t Complete outfits for camping parties at Blackledge's furniture store. 8-3-tf Acme Quality Paints and Floor Var nish that wears at A. L. Miner's. 5-17-tf. Ice cream delivered on thirty minutes notice by Winkley's Palace of Sweets. tf Should you need glasses to correct the vision, consult Dr. Rowley, the oculist. , 8-18-d-lt-w-3t For Rent six room furnished house at 1st and Harrison. Inquire 102 N. 8th street; phone 3225. 8-12-tf Prof, and Mrs. J. A. Bexell return tonight from a three weeks' stay at Seattle and northwest points. I Mrs. Frank Dinges, guest of Rev. and Mrs. S. M. Wood, returned to her home at Junction City tonight. For Sale An Oliver typewriter. New, used less than two months. Perfect condition. Cheap for cash. -Get Your MEAT -OF- Hubler Bros, We have our own special delivery and deliver to any part of the city. Try us nd you can't quit It will become a habit. Call for the Western Market PHONE 1288 For Sale Or will trade for real estate, piano and piano player and music. " For particulars phone 343 8-17-3t For Rent Six-room house; bath and electric light equipment; pleasant loca tion. Address P. O. Box 168, or phone 2134. . -8-10-tf At the meeting of the Auxiliary to morrow afternoon, Mrs. Gene Simpson will act as hostess. All members are urged to be present as special matters will come up for consideration. Eat Golden Rod Flakes, ' .They are better for breakfast, Than old-fashioned corn cakes, And five minuets time, . . Is all that it takes At Kline's. 6-12-tf Within the past few weeks as many as a half-dozen ladies havo spoken of the dearth of peddling wagons and be wailed their inability to get satisfac tory vegetables, melons, small fruits, or fruits- of any kind, at the various grocery mores. ine writer aoesn t know anything about this, whether the kick is really a legitimate one, but it's a certainty that any peddler with fresh vegetables and fruits would'find a lib eral patronage in this city. The wo men have frequentlv protested to this office that they are tired of over-ripe and bruised tomatoes, tough beans, corn that isn't corn, musk melons that taste most like a mixture of squash and carrot, and they object to paying high prices for inferior fruit. The writer knows it is easy to kick, and it may be that the ladies are . unduly exorcised, but We would not ' like the job of con vincing them. If some enterprising groceryman would start out a wagon with vegetables and fruits while they are fresh, it might prove worth ( while.. E. M. Beals,- of Alsea, was in town yestesday, on business. To Exchange House and barn with two lots m Eugene for Corvalhs prop erty. T. J. Pettit, 416 3rd St." 8-17-d6 Wanted 5 room bungalow or four house keeping rooms, unfurnished. Phone 6935 or leave information at this office. Must know within a week. 8-18-6t Yesterday at 5 p. m at the home of Rev. S. M. Wood, that divine united Miss Lulu Newton to Oliver Brisbin in the presence of relatives and friends. The bride is a daughter of Bither New ton, of Philomath, and the groom an easterner who has been in Benton about a year. They are said to be popular young people of the Philomath vicinity, with many friends who will wish them well. There is a strong belief here that Philomath uses more of . Corvallis's mountain water than it should. Re port comes from there that they use it for all sorts of purposes, up to irrigat ing two-acre garden spots. It is claim ed that many Philomath citizens use the water lavishly, absolutely without regard to waste. The Gazette-Times , has no way of knoVing the exact facts in the case, and can only suggest that officials should take means to find out the truth, and remedy any awkward situation there. Philomath is entitled to all the water contracted for, but it must be remembered that Corvallis built its pipe line to serve Corvallis first. . .. . . " .' ftingling Bros., among the keenest of all big showmen,' have passed Eugene by this year on account of the big in terest which is being taken in the forthcoming District Fair to be held there Sept. 7th till 12th. The Fair is being so well advertised and the prizes and premiums are of so alluring a na ture that even a circus wouldn't be much of a card to divide the honors, hence the field is left elear to make the District Fair with its races and other entertainments a huge success. The comties represented in .the Second Southern Oregon District are Lane Douglas, Coos and Curry and One Thousand Eight Hundred dollars is furnished the management to be used exclusively for premiums. We Use Scien- tific Instruments To determine the needs of your eyes There is no guess work about - our examinations. They are just as- ac curate as trained skill and experi ence can make them. They cost you nothing so you certainly ought to have the benefit of them, if you have any eye trouble at all. They mean the proper' glasses, the only kind you can afford to wear. IE, W, S, PRTT, Jeweler and Optician Miss Edith Wood went to Junction City today to visit friends. Misses Ella and Alice Wakefield, of Portland, are visiting relatives in this city. Melons on. ice Andrews Kerr's bakery. 19-t3 Mrs. G. A. Nichols, of Minneapolis, Minn., is here visiting Chas. Colbert and family. Lewis & McLyman have secured the contract to paint the woodwork of the new high school building. W. A. Jensen, secretary to President W. J. Kerr, came home last night from a-week's trip to Seattle and Victoria. A basso prof undo arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Moore yester day. Mr. Moore is one of the new men at O. A. C. Mrs. Clarenc e Tedrow is very ill at the family home. Her brother, Dr. Locke, of Portland, will arrive tonight to take charge of her case. Misses Lila Lockwood and Harriet Renz, who have been the guests of Margaret Fowells the past week, left today for their home in Iowa. The concrete foundation for Mrs. Cady's new house, at the corner of 12 and Van Buren streets, is about finish ed and Contractor' McHenry will start the frame work as quickly as possible. Some good cows and horses will be sold at the Farmers' Feed Barn, Second and J ackson streets, on Tuesday, the 24th. I. A. Folks has some good stuff he wants to get rid of and A. L. Stev enson is going to auction it off. . " v Flour sacks for sale, 25 cents a dozen. Andrews & Kerr's bakery. 19-t3 Mr. Chester Gammell, of Heppner, j Ore., and Miss Daitsy Mclntyre, of; Adams, Ore., were united in marriage at the home of the aunt of the bride, ; Mrs. L. G. Pickel, Wednesday evening, Aug. 18, at 7 o'cloek, Rev. flubbell, of the Christian church, officiating. Mayor Watters and Coun oilmen Skelton, Osburn and Johnson returned last night from a tour of investigation, in which they sought information about paving. They visited Dallas, Salem, Oregon City and Portland, but were not. subject to interview to-day. : - Mr. Kaupisch, the Corvallis cream ery man, was out in his auto last Sun day, taking a look oyer the country, when about three miles south of .town the .machine broke down and he tele phoned in to town for help. H. Hirschberg took his auto and went out and pulled jiim - into town. Indepen dence Enterprise. Ji A. '- Gilkey and daughter Beulah leave in the morning for Seattle to spend some time with relatives and at the fair. Mr. Gilkey has a son there, and years ago he was a student at the University of Washington. He expects to meet some friends of thirty years ago. Mrs. Gilkey and other members of the family returned from the fair several days ago. Carver and Oliver at the Palace thea ter last night pleased large audiences in their new skit, ' 'Rosea vs. Overalls, ine motion picture . program is a very good one, the film "The Necklace" be ing a very pathetic story and one which shows the result of coveting something be yond one's means. The rest of the films are average and Miss ' Spangler's song is all that could be desired. The bill will be repeated tonight ' An informal reception was given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Gam mell at the residence of Mrs. Sarah Cau thorn Wednesday evening. ' Only relatives and a few immediate friends were present. Afte coversation and light refreshments, Mrs. Fred Buchan an and Miss Lillian Ranney furnished instrumental music. Miss Hettv Lilly favored the company with -a solo. Be fore dispersing all joined in sinsrine Auld Lang Syne," and wishing the bride and groom much happiness in their new home in Portland. pa if ed p TV Mnnr - nmiMn unii.n un i, ifiunc rftvniu (Continued: from page one ) blocks of Front street with bitu lithic pavement. This is only a beginning of the paving that will be done. , . The price received by the Warren Construction Company to be is $2. 35 Der sauare vard. Blome & Company bid $2.66 per square yard on granitoid and the Oregon Hassam "Paving Company bid $2 on Hassam with extra charge of $1. per cubic yard for excavation. Besides letting : the paving contract the Council adopted a resolution ordering 30 blocks of the city added to the cement sidewalk district. Work will be gin on these improvements at once. Two Bargains in City Homes Two corner lots, with one house of 7 rooms under construction. Bath, pantry, large closets to each bed room,' linen closets, halls up and down stairs, fire place, basement full size of house, which is 24x36 feet, plumbing and electric light complete, septic tank, con crete sidewalk and small barn. Also one inside lot and 7-room house, bath, pantry, sewing room, closets to bed rooms, halls up and down stairs, basement 24x36 feet, full size of house, electric light complete, some plumb ing, concrete walks. This property is in good location, two blocks from College, foilr blocks from public school. No agents. Call on or address OWNER, 320 North Tenth Street, Corvallis; Oregon. SHOT THROUGH ? THE HAND TODAY - One of the Mitchells living at 544 N. Third street accidentally shot himself through the hand this afternoon. He was hand ling a revolver not knowing it was loaded. The ball went ei tirely through the hand, but the injury is not considered serious, Dr. Morris attended the case. Occidental Lumber Co. Successors toj Corvallis Lumber Co. t - We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please call on J. B IRVING for information and prices. And take notice that if we have not got exactly what you want we will get it for you. G. O. BASSET T, Local Mer. The Best Paint There is no better paint made for appearance and durability than Acme Quality Paint Specially prepared for exterior and interior use. "FLOOR VARNISH THAT WEARS" J&-m 31. Jk73LGT? WALL PAPER AND Second Street, Near PAINT STORE Palace Theater STRICTLY STYLISH Ready-to-Wear SUITS, SKIRTS and WAISTS These Garments for Ladies and Misses are of excellent quality. The styles speak , for themselves and the prices are really less than the cost of material and making. YOU CAM SAVE MONEY BY BUYING HERE NOW Henlde & Davis Blodgett Booming. A mercantile business is being opened up at,Blodgett by the new firm of Plunkett & Thompson, says the Salem Capital Journal. They have put in a new stock a line of general merchaadise and will buy produce and ship it. Ed gar Plunkett is a native of Kings valley; his father, James Plunk ett, was one of the regulars of Co. D. Fourth regiment, sent from California to Fort Hoskins m the- '60s the " company that' rounded up the Indians on . the coast' and took them to the Siletz. J. A. Thompson was for the past nine years with, the life saving crew on Coos bay, where he help ed take the crew off the Nearconi last March, and also several other ship wrecks. He came in 1889 from Kansas and has been on the coast .ever since. The firm is lo cated permanently and has a fine country to draw trade from. They will be found accommodat ing young business men and will try to grow up wren the coun try" and expand as fast as it needs new lines of goods. They bought out J. A. Wood, who was the pioneer merchant of the place, and has become storekeep er for the C. &E. railroad supply house at Albany, Mr. Plunkett is acting station agent agent and the store also has a fine dance hall, and. both telephone lines Benton County Lumber Co, - Manufacturers of all kinds of fir Lumber, Mouldings, Cedar Posts, Sawed and Split. Cedar Shakes Dealers in, For Sale 2 acres; 5 roomed house, barn and out buildings, young orchard particulars call at Jack Dawson s for Poultry Market. . 8-18-4t S. B. Bane has considerable pleasure these days in offering friends a sample of something that looks like buffalo chip, but which he affirms is jerked venison. The stuff tastes good and is accepted as evidence that Mr. Bane aid actually get two bucks on his re cent trip into the Cascades. He says the party he was with, the Catheys, and Pastor Leech, Went far' beyond civilization ' and into places so steep that ascent was made only by hanging to their horses' tails. The trip was a rough one, but a lifegiver and they en joyed it to the limit. - The Crime of Idleness Idleness means trouble for any one, It's the same with a lazy liver. It causes constipation, headache, jaundice, sallow complexion, pimples and blotch es, loss of appetite, nausea, but Dr. King'B New Life Pills soon banish liver troubles and build up your health. 25c at all druggists. To The Public We the undersigned wish to announce the price tor sawing wood as follows: Oak. ... . .... . . .60 cents per cord Slab . . 7. 60 cents per cord Fir.. , . . .50 cents per cord Ash. . ........ .50 cents per cord Maple. . . . . ... .50 cents per cord Poles ..... . . ..... $1.50 per hour . Smith & Averill W. E. Handy, WH. Dixon, W. R. Hansell. Hathaway Bros. Kemp&Chesley' Link Chambers. L. H. Hawley, Corvallis, Aug. 16, 1909 8-16-6t Doors, Windows, Lime, BncK, Cement, 1 Shingles, etc Glass Jars, All Kinds, at HODES GROCERY COOPER & HEW HARDWARE CO. Successors to MELLON & PINKERTON Second Street, - - v Corvallis, Oregon Dealers In Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream Sepa rators, Graniteware, Tinware and Builders' Hardware. Sole Agents for Congo Roofing and Quick Meal Ranges Newport Property. . Sixty choice lots more or less in New port, Oregon, (one of the most health ful and popular summer and winter re sorts, near the terminal of the Southern Pacific Railway, at the Pacific Ocean) for sale or will exchange for other good property. Property near Corvallis pre ferred. ,,. Address M. S. WOODCOCK, Corvallis, Oregon. ' WHEN YOU WANT SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT Phone Your Orders To No. 7, THATCHER & JOHNSON'S GROCERY Where They Will be Promptly Filled. Fine Line of Crockery, Glassware, Cut Glass, Haviland and Chinaware, LAMPS ETC. V