THE DAILY GAZETTE - TIKIES Published every evening except Sun day. Office: 259-263 Jefferson street, corner Third, street, and 232 Second treet, Corvalhs, Oregon. .. PHONES, 210 4184 Entered at the postoffice at Corvallis, Oregon, as second class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES DAILY Delivered by carrier, per week $ 15 Delivered by carrier, per month...- .50 By mail, one year, in advance 5.00 By mail, six months, in advance ... 2 50 By mail, one month, in advance.. . .50 THE WEEKLY GAZETTE-TIMES Published Every Friday ; SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year, in advance 2.00 Six moths, in advance. 1. 00 In ordering changes of address, sub scribers should always give old as well as new address. N. R. MOORE . . . '. Editor CHAS. L. SPRINGER, Business Mg. THOUGHTS ON OREGON. "A poor crop in Oregon gives as great a yield as a good one in most of the older States." This is the assertion of a patriotic Oregonian, and while it may be considered a little extravagant to those who are hot familiar with the facts, it is to a great extent true, and in many instances alto gether so. Regardless of weath er conditions of . drouth or flood there is no such thing as a "failure of crops in Oregon." There may be a failure of one or two crops in certain sections of the state,' but in these same sec tions, because of the varied pro ductivity of the Oregon &il, and differences of the climate, there are good yields of other crops; , so that entire failure of all crops is not possible in any one locality, while in most sections the greater number of s crops are successful. Notwithstanding the peculiarly "backward" weather conditions in many parts of the state this year, partial yields will be made in those sections, while in the larger part of the great farming "" country full production is likely. The area of Oregon is too great, its crops too numerous and its climate too varied to make such a thing as a "failure of crops in Oregon" possible; and then, as suggested by the above quota tion, "a poor crop in Oregon gives as great a yield as a good one in most of the older states." young wife, had dragged her son down, forgetting or ignoring the fact that he is nearly twenty years the girl's senior and had long been traveling at a rapid pace before he knew her. She declares and presumably believes that a conspiracy exists, with Jerome as its leading spirit, to prevent her son from securing his freedom. It was a cruel, though only too well fitting, ref erence which Mr. Jerome made to- this and to her - published pamphlet when he said that it was plain whence some of Harry's mental weaknesses were acquired. But, even though she be lacking in intellectual quality, that fact makes no difference in her atti tude toward her son. Were she a very Portia for wisdom she would nevertheless make excuses for him and refuse to see him as others do. The only inference the public can draw from the disclosures in the Sutton case is that whether or not the lieutenant committed suicide, he had been previously what is known as a "hard bat," with disagreeable traits that made him unpopular among his asso ciates. His mother ignores all the testimony in reference to' his habits, and makes direct charges against a number of officers of conspiracy to murder her son, basing them chiefly on "intui tion" and a communication re ceived from the lieutenant after his death. It is pitiful, in its way, this blind confidence in the children they have . borne, yet it has its element of beauty verging on the divine. These mothers see their sons, not as the faulty, dissolute, sin-scarred "men whom others see, but as the innocent children they once were, with all the pos ing 01 a 4 well-intentioned but careless reporter with a limber pencil and a disposition to do a ittle "gentle own hook. BUILT ROOMS FOR SPIRIT FRIENDS sibilities of noble manhood. They will not believe that that inno cence and those possibilities have vanished forever, but that they linger in the boys' souls yet, and ;hajt Xall the blackness of their later conduct' is mere surface blemish. Perhaps, after . all, they are right and that their faith is a mortal shadowing of diyine compassion for human frailty. Do we not base our hope of fu ture" life on the belief that the nfinite One knows us better than our lellow creatures Know us, and . understands that with all our imperfections good yet re mains in the hearts of even the worst of us? TWO MOTHERS. Two women attracting a good deal of public attention recently are the mother of Harry Thaw and the mother of the late Lieut Sutton. They are both deserving of pity, as are all mothers whose1 Bons go wrong. For even though the misdoing is often the direct outcome of maternai indulgence and lack of wisdom, the distress of the mother thus to blame she seldom realizes herresponsi- bility in this respect is none the less intense than that of one who has used the best of judgment - and seemingly the wisest methods in the training of her son, only to see him drift into evil ways. , ; But while the mothers of these wayward boys suffer and deserve 1 compassion, they are, , after all not without a source of consols tion, ; a modiher ot tneir woe. which is seldom taken into ac count. They do not hold their son's as guilty as the evidence in dicates and as the common ver dict makes them. If, as in Harry Thaw's case, a crime. is actually committed and can not be denied then the mother maKe3 excuses for the perpetrator. He was led astray; he was a good boy, but ,. the crimes of. others and the wrongs they had committed ex- v 1 1 1 1 - asperated mm oeyona numan en durance. Mrs. Thaw, in her testimony the other day, indicat tapping" on his (Continued from page ono ) upon their return, naie aaueu about twenty small rooms to his house. He firmly believed that the spirits of those who died came back and visited these rooms, and so spent much of his time in keeping them in readiness.- The old man when found hanging was dressed as for the coldest weather, having on three vests, a iumner. two pairs of under clothes and much other clothing.- In the pocket of one vest was $6 silver; another pocket contained $200 in gold. The house was a museum of curiosities, and one looking at the various articles he had purchared for returning spir its to amuse themselves is struck with wonder. A vast lot of shoe strings, several clocks, musical instruments and various articles were there. The collection must have cost him more than $2500. Mr. Hale was 79 years old. A widow and three daughters sur vive him. . forty-fourth Congress, the question of the admission of Colorado and New Mexico was one of the burning issues. Apparently the two Territories must come in together, or stay out in com pany. Separate enabling acts were passed by the House, but were amend ed in a. few minor particulars in the Senate. Unfortunately, just at this juncture a "force bill" was up for de bate. Julius Caesar Burrows, now a Senator from Michigan, but then a mem ber of the house, delivered a fiery phil- lippic, grilling the South in the man ner approved at that period. Stephen B. Elkins was then Territorial Delegate from New Mexico, and had not "yet ac quired the suave and subtle diplomacy .that came to him with advancing years. He was carried away by the vehement oratory of the man from Michigan, and rushed up to congratulate him the moment he had finished. Others to grasp Burrows by the and was effusive in praise of his wonder ful speech. Congressmen from the South took note of Elkins' enthusiasm the merciless . grilling that had been administered them, and were too human to refrain from revenge, when revenge was so easy. When the State hood bills came up, for concurrence in the Senate's amendments, Colorado was admitted, but New Mexico was barred, lacking four votes of the nec essary two-thirds. . A rather costly hand-shake for New' Mexico! Pacific Monthly. To The Public hastened b"' ... J hand, but Elkins reached him first We the undersigned wish to announce the price . for sawing wood as follows: Oak. ......... .60 cents per cord Slab 60 cents per cord Fir 50. cents per cord Ash. .50 cents per cord Maple. 50 cents per cord Poles... ...$1.50 per hour Smith & Averill W. E. Handy, W. H. Dixon, W. R. Hansell. Hathaway Bros. Kemp & Chesley' Link Chambers. L. H. Hawley, " Corvallis, Aug. 16, 1909 8-16-6t How About That Fall Suit Come and get " a PRINCETON College Cut Suit The latest de signs in fabrics and styles. A. K. RUSS Dealer in all Men's Furnishings WeTf sell cheapest because we sell for cash. CORVALLIS.- - - OREGON Card of Thanks We desire to tender our . heartfelt thanks for the many kindnesses shown during the illness and death of our wife and mother. J. R. Rowland and Family. HAND SHAKE QUEERED NEW MEXICO Territory Refused Admission by South erners who Resented Action It may help to a realization of the in justice that has been done New Mex ico, to recall the fact that nothing but the accident of an inopportune hand shake prevented the admission of the Territory thirty-five years ago. 7 In the Fine Tract For Sub-division . The best tract of land in or around Corvallis to be sub-divided into small tracts. A chance to make a big thing Within the next six months. See , ' A. L. Stevenson, 8-3-tf. Real Estate Man. Mrs. Oliver Witham will return home tomorrow from Portland, where she has been visiting friends for - the -last few days. ,:. : ..-vV: v?" " Bids Wanted. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received for the erection of the new church building for- the First Presbyterian Church of Corvallis, by the Board of Trustees, up to 6 o'clock p. m. Monday, August 23, 1909, accord ing to plans and specifications which can be seen at the office of the archi tect, E. E. McClaran, Portland, or at the office of Virgil E. Watters in Cor vallis. A certified check- made payable to First Presbyterian Church of Cor vallis, of five (5) per cent of amount must accompany each bid. Board re serves the right to reject any or all bids. A. J. Johnson. Chairman Board of Trustees. 8-16-6 For Sale Numerous household goods range, garden hose, dining table, refrigerator, fruit jars, boy's saddle, etc. 121 Fifth street; phone 472. - 8-20-2t-w The Salem Statesman has re cently engaged a man with a very vivid imagination. A few days ago this personage with a crooked pencil and a tendency toward lu ridity presented an article about he Albany fire, ' attributing that conflagration to a cork leg and four prohibitionists engaged in a game of poker in the bank build ing. The article was dressed up ike a professional had hold of it, but it was so manifestly unjust and misleading that the Albany Democrat protested. Now comes this same scribbler with a column article in which he has an O. A. C. processor "knocking" the fruit of "his own' country," (the Willamette Valley) in order to favor Hood River. No name is mentioned (these' fellows never mention names) and various pro fessors, at the college are left un der suspicion of the crime (?) set forth. The Statesman reporter forgets that the Oregon Agricul tural College is not a Willamette Valley institution and that the professors of the school are not knocking" their "own country" when praising Hood River fruit. All sections of the state should look alike to O. A. C. professors and, it would be as - unfair for them to praise the Willamette Valley, fruit to the detriment of Hood River as it would for them to reverse the situation. That such a test as the Statesman names has been made is certain and by the eastern college man located here as stated, but the luridity and inference of the ar ticle is not justifiable. Willam ette Valley fruit will stand the 1 HOUSEHOLD SALE THURSDAY' FRIDAY SATURDAY Snow-white Bed Spreads Spreads for single beds, for three-quarter beds and full-size beds, all made from the finest three?ply; long staple cotton, either plain hemmed, feather stitch hemmed or scolloped and fringed with cut corners. Finest designs in crochet, satin Marseilles, English Marseilles; WHOLE FAMILIES TRADE AT NOLANS Ask For These Numbers For Full-size Beds For Single Beds Number 49 Hemmed Crochet with Marseilles design 89c Number 147 Hemmed Crochet with Marseilles design $139 For 3-4 Beds Number 57 Hemmed Crochet, light weight 89c For Full-size Beds Number 54 Hemmed Crochet, splendid value in Marseilles design "- -. $139 Numbers 56 and 320 Fringed or hemmed Crochet spreads, newest designs $1.85 beautiful $2.29 Numbers 62 and 660 Fringed or. hemmed, quality Numbers 198, and 199 French satin Marseilles, silky fin- ish, either feather stitch, scalloped or fringed $2.79 Numbers 226 and 307 French and English satin mar seilles, either feather stitch, or scalloped hem $3.19 Ladies' Home Journal Quarterly Style Book Latest Models ' Nemo Royal Worchester Corsets - Newest Ideas Hair Barrettes : and Back Combs ' f CHEW CADILLAC and KING CORN TOBACCO Always Good; not made by the Trust. Sold at JACK MILNE'S Dr. VIRGINIA V. LEWEAUX. Osteopathic Physician At Corvallis Hotel Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays At Albany Tuesdays, Thursdays andfSaturdays. 15-17 Brenner Building FOR RENT, ROOMS For Rent Three furnished rooms, two of them suitable for light house keeping; all do wn stairs; outside rooms. Inquire at 800Fifth Street PHOTOGRAPHERS PICKET'S STUDIO, 43 SECOND" Street. Phone 4209. ATTORNEYS J. F. YATE8, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office Rooms 3, 4, 1st Natl Bank Bldg. Only aet of abstracts in Benton County PHYSICIANS G. R. FARRA, M. D., PHYSICIAN ANI Surgeon. Office in Burnett Block, over Harris' Store. Residence corner Seventh and Madison. Office hoars: 8 to 9 a. m.; J to 2 p.m. Phones; Office, 2128, Residence, 404. . J. B. MORRIS, M. D., PHYSICIAN . and Surgeon. Corner Third and Mon roe Streets, Corvallis, Oregon. Office hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; I to 4 p .m.; 7 to 8 p, m. Phone in both office and residence. W.T. ROWLEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN: and Surgeon. Special attention given to the Eye, Nose and Throat. Office in Johnson Bide. Ind. 'phone at of fice and lesidence. UNDERTAKERS M. S. BOVFE, FUNERAL DIRECT or and Licensed Embalmer. Suc cessor to Bovee & Baner Corvallis, Oregon. Ind. Pbone 45. Bell Phone 241, Lady attendant when desired. BLACKLEDGE & EVERETT, Li censed embalmers and funeral direct ors. Have everything new in coffins, . caskets and burial robes. Calls ans wered day and night. Lady assist ant. Embalming a specialty. Day . phones, Ind. 117 and 1153, Bell, 531 . night phones, Ind. 2129fand 1153. Farmers! See S. S. HENKLE (Successor to Smith Bros.) CORVALLIS, OREGOFf The Place to Buy Right, Handles-,. Harness, Saddles, Robes, Whips,, and Gloves Does .Repairing Neatly and Promptly First Door North of Gerhards WHEN AT SEATTLE STOP AT 910BoylstonAve. Phone Ind. A4977 Furnished clean, light rooms. ' Break- , fast served. Direct car line to Expo sition. Convenient to retail district. Take the Madison Street Cable Car ThiaThoase is in charge ot Corvallis people ed her belief that Evelyn, the test, and does not need the boost-