The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, August 14, 1909, Image 3

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The City
and Vicinity
Complete outfits for camping parties
at Blackledge's furniture stpre. 8-3-tf
Acme Quality Paints and Floor Var
nish that wears at A. L. Miner's.
T. H. Welscher and family went
down to Newport this morning for a
two weeks stay.
. For Rent six room furnished house
at 1st and Harrison. Inquire 102 N.
8th street; phone 3225. 8-12-tf
For Rent Six-room house; bath and
electric light equipment; pleasant loca
tion. Address P. O. Box 168, or phone
2134. 8-10-tf
Miss Madeline. Nichols, a popular
teacher in the Monroe schools, is visit
ing at the home of Mrs. and Mrs. Geo.
A. Waggoner.
Mrs. Geo. A. Waggoner and daugh- j
ter, Miss Laura, will accompany their j
guest, Miss Madeline Nichols, to her ',
home out near Bellfountain for a brief
-Get Your-
Hubler Bros,
We have our own special
delivery and deliver to any
part of the city. Try us
and you can't quit It
will become a habit. Call
for the
Western Market
PHONE 1288
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wiles were Al
bany visitors yesterday. - -
Born Thursday, August 12, to Mrs.
Will Horning, a daughter. - -'
Mr and Mrs. Charles Hansen return
ed last night from a visit to Seattle
fair. -'
Miss Lulu Hackett returns to Elgin
Oregon today after visiting
Missionary Work
For Panama Canal
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. L. Spring
leave tomorrow to visit fnenus a
old home in Montesano, Wash.
Gooch Bros, have beafun the r
of a large hall at Shelburn. It
pected it will be finished by
When completed the hal be one o
largest in that section. ,' .
Henry Ridders' harvest crew
Some otherwise well informed people
still entertain the notion that the Pan
ama republic is somewhere to the south
west and that the canal zone is a nnhli.
relatives .! work that win perforate the isthmus
- for the greater benefit of nations other
tian our own. They do not realize
tuat the Panama canal is on a line with
Buffalo, N. Y., and that ships carrying
Trans-Mississippi products, if they sail
fiom. Galveston, travel directly east,
and if from New Orleans the line of
travel is southeast. The Panama canal
is a highway in which the Traiw-Missis-
sippi states are more directly interest
n(ii,e a ed than almost any other section of
Ice-cream deiivered on thirty minutes
notice by Winkley's Palace of Sweets.
Mrs. Vance Taylor and Mrs. Ethel
Dennis spent yesterday in Albany
visiting Mrs. Stalhmacker.
Wanted two or three nicely fur
nished rooms with a refined family, or
would rent a furnished cottage. Man
and wife. Address, "Permanent," care ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shennifield and
Gazette-Times. 8-ll-4t Claude Swann will leave tomorrow for
The concrete foundation for Mrs. a two weeks outing at Tidewater and
Cady's new house, at the corner of 12 Newport.
and Van Buren streets, is about finish- There will he a reo-nlar mmmlmira.
tion of Corvallis Lodge No. 14, A. F.
and A. M. next Wednesday evening,
August 18, and all members are re-
record Thursday when thev drov. ;ito country, for it is here and in tha
the field of John Swatky and thresheu : Latin-American states that the greatest
1500 bushels of grain and pulled out of benefit will be bestowed. All this and
the field in two and one-half hours. ; other interesting matter connected with
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Cummin j-, of j he zone win be displayed in illustrated
this city, and Mr. and Mrs. John S. I1?0'63 by government experts at the
to i August session of the Trans-Mississippi
commercial Congress, to be held in
Denver. This city is the e-eoeranhiaal
center of the
A Blankholm and F. Bleid, of Port- and it is here that the government prc
land, were m the city today, en route i p0ses to do some missionary work, and
Newport icr a lew days' ouung. Mr. i if possible awaken the commercial
Blankholm is an experienced pressman mind of the weoen ct,tD u
I . . n oicia ia Lur i.i t
Goins of Albany, started Thursday
drive overland to Yachats, where they
will camp out for a couple of weeks.
ed and Contractor McHenry will start
the frame work 'as quickly as possible.
Eat Golden Rod Flakes,
They are better for breakfast,
Than old-fashioned corn cakes,
And five minuets time,
Is all that it takes
At Kline's. 6-12-tf
Miss Harriet Renz, of Dunkerton,
Iowa, and Miss Lila Lockwood, of
Fayette, Iowa, arrived Thursday and
are guests of their old school-mate,
Miss Margaret Fowells. They are en
route home from a visit at the Seattle
Miss LaVern Johnson, who had been
in a Portland hospital the past
months, is now improving radidly, apd
it is expected she will soon be able to
return to her home in this city. This
will be good news to her many friends
. Contractor McHenry' began ;. the
frame work on the Barzee house, at
the corner of 11th. and Jackson steets,
yesterday and will rush the work to
completion. When finished this house
will be one of the nicest in that part of
the city. ' ..
The Elite Millinery is hustling things
in order to get into the new location
September 1st. When the Whiteside
building on north Main is finally equip
ped as the Anderson's expect to equip
it will be ideal for the purpose. Some
fine show cases, shelving, rugs, etc.,
are going in there.
Wanted 100 prune pickers to pick
150 acres of prunes at Benton County
orchard at Granger. 9c a box lie to
those staying to finish the picking. . Pick
ing to begin about Aug. 20th. Ladders
and buckets supplied; good camping
place; good water and wood. Applicants
send names and addresses to W. N.
Sayre, P. O. Box 521, Corvallis. 8-7-7t
quested to attend.
Rollie W. Watson sends word from
Tillamook that the favorate valley re
sort there known as Slab Creek has
been platted into a townsite under the
name of Neskowm Park. In this is
sue the place is described at length.
Dr. J. B. Morris returned last even
ing from Portland, having taken Sher
i F W. A. Gellatly to that city Thurs
day. Dr. Morris states that Mr. Gellatly
underwent an operation for appendiei
t's yesterday morning and is doing as
six well as could be expected. '
R. V. Hollenburg and party are
having a good time at Cascadia. They
iwill be joined their next week by the
. Bogues. People there are greatly en
j joying the mountain breezes and the
J pleasures of camp life. There is a
good crowd and all are having a good
; time.
Coun try Merchan ts
Ship Your Produce to SMITH.
. - ' V He Will Pay You'' '
11c for Dressed Perk.
. 10c for Dressed, Small Fat Veal. '
15c for Live Spring Chickens.
14c for Live Hens.
Immediate payments. No com
mission charged. : ...
': ' 'Fighting the Beef Trust, "
. Portland, Or. -v '
W&jMt "'rlV
We Use Scien
tific Instruments
To determine the needs of your eyes
There is no guess work about our m
examinations, iney are just as ac
curate as trained skill ,and experi
ence can make them. They cost you
nothing ' so you certainly ought to
have the benefit of them, if you have B
any eye trouble at all. They mean
the proper glasses, the only ? kind
you can afford to wear. '
E W, S, PRVrT; Jeweler and Optician
These Garments for Ladies and Misses
are of excellent quality. The styles speak
for themselves and the prices are really
less than the cost of material and making.
Henlzle &
and made the Gazette-Times a fratern
al call.
U. S. Deputy Attorney J. R. Wyatt,
of Portland, passed through here yes
terday on his way to Toledo, where he
will attend court. He will join his
former partner, J. K.. Weatherford, in
some cases that have been hanging
fire for a number of years. "-
Aleck Baxter and Mart Ward, of
Silver Lake, Ore., are in the city and
will look over this section with a view
of locating. Mr. Baxter bought the
W arnock farm over in Lincoln county
some time ago and now thinks' he
would like some Benton county hold
ings. Mrs. L. Hardman of Portland, and a
party of ladies and children from Elgin . , u 7 ' - frmed
Ore., and Missouri, who have been on a 2? 6 ?0n Linn county .booth" at
camping trip over at the coast, arrived
here upon their return last evening.
The eastern members of the pary are
highly enthusiastic over . the grand
scenery out in this section. :
The regular teachers' examinations
for Benton county have just closed.
There were 39 applicants for - county
five for state certificates, the intending
teachers coming here from all over the
country to enter . the . lists. The ex
amining board, consisting of Superin
tendent H. L. Mack, Geo, W.-Denman
and O. V. White, is busy today eoins
over the papers. . s .
The manhole to the sewer at the in
ter section of Second and Madison
streets is in such an . exposed., condition
that a bad accident is likely to occur at
anytime if it is not promptly attended
to. The earth has worn away from
the covering leaving it " exposed and
easily displaced. A little work on it
now may prevent injury to some team
and a consequent damage suit.
B. F. Finn, his daughter, Mrs. Rena
Ireland, his granddaughter, Mabel Ire
land, and Albert Ward and wife, all
residing 30 miles east of Eugene start
ed to-day on a novel trip to Seattle to
visit the exposition. They have built a
staunch 22 foot boat in which they will
travel down the McKenzie as far as
Eugene, thence on the -Williamette to
Portland. The party is expected to
pass Corvallis tomorrow.
Dropped Dead
At Newport
John Foshay, one of the best known
pioneer residents of Albany, :, died sud
denly at Newport Thursday evening as
the result of heart failure. He had
been talking with an old friend a short
time before, when he started for a
walk with his daughter. Complaining
of being -tired the old man sat down
for a rest, and expired suddenly and
apparently painless.
Mr. Foshay was for many years a
school teacher and after retiring ser
ved the Albany city schools as director
until a short time ago, when he re
fused relection. He was at one time a
member of the wholesale drug firm of
Foshay and Mason of Albany, but had
retired from this concern. .
For the past several years he had
lived in retirement with his daughter.
Phisically extremely weak, his was one
oi tne Dngntest minds m the city, es-
eagerly sought
eral years ago.
- Mrs. Foshay died sev
The Crime of Idleness
Idleness means trouble for any one.
It's the same with a lazy liver. . It
causes constipation, headache, jaundice,
sallow complexion, pimples and blotches,-
loss . of appetite, nausea, but Dr.
King's New Life Pills soon banish liver
troubles and build up your health. 25c
at all druggists.
The Gazette-Times 50c perlmonth.
mendous possibilities
to be opened. -
that are shortly
Fine Quarters
For Boosters
The Albany Commercial Club ' will
move next week into new quarters in the
new Albany State Bank building.
Rooms on the ground floors with an en
trance on Ellsworth street, are being
prepared for the Club. Splendid quar
ters will be maintained, and among
other furnishings the Club will secure
the fixtures, made of 32 kinds nf
the Lewis and Clarke Fair in Portland
- This front, which is a splendid piece
of architecture", will be moved to Al
bany this week. It is thought the
rooms will be completed and the Club
established in its new quarters early
next week.
Two Bargains in City Homes
a corner Iots' one house of 7 rooms under construction.
Bath, pantry, large closets to each bed room, linen closets, halls up
dfownstairs, fireplace, basement full size of house, which is
.24x36 feet plumbing and electric light complete, septic tank, con
crete sidewalk and small barn.
Also one inside lot and' 7-room house, bath, pantry, sewing
room closets to bed rooms, halls up and down stairs, basement
24x36 feet, full size of house, electric light complete, some plumb
ing, concrete walks.
. This property is in good location, two blocks from College, four
blocks from public school.. No agents. Call on or address
OWNER; 320 North Tenth Street,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Occidental '-Lumber Co.
- " Successors toj
Corvallis Lumber Co.
We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please
call on J. B IRVING for information and prices. And take
notice that if we have not got exactly what you want we will
get it for you.
G. O. BA.SSETT, Local Mer.
The Best Paisst
There is no better paint made for appearance and
durability than
Acms Qsi&fiiy Palm
Specially prepared for exterior and interior use.
M A I I DADTD A M f DA I tvi-i- rT-v ri i
Second Street, Near Palace Theater
, : The city council .at: The Dalles has
passed the paving ordinance which has
been postponed from" time to time.
The ordinance provides for the paving
of Second street with bitulithic pave
ment from the east side of Taylor to
the west side of Liberty street. The
estimated cost to . abutting property
owners will be $41,393,55, or not more
than $2.03 per square yard. The ordi
nance provides for grading and specifies
the character of the work. The City
Recorder is authorized to advertise im
mediately for bids in order that the
work may be complefed this Fall.
A Paving Jubilee
At the time of completion of the'pav
ing of 20 blocks of Roseburg's streets
the city will hold a grand jubilee cele
bration and carnival. The exact date
of the celebration has not been settled,
but it will be the latter part of Septem
ber. The city then will be lighted with
a new system of street lights.
Fine Tract
i For Sub-division
The test tract of land in or around
Corvallis to be sub-divided into small
A chance to make a big thing within
the next six months. See
A. L. Stevenson, '
8-3-tf. . Real Estate Jan.
Special Sale of
Dining Tables
Oak, 6-foot extension' $7. 75 to $11.00.
Ash, 6 and 8 feet extension,' $7.50 to
tin HA Tanr A t O 1 , .
pecially m matters affecting school and 9xi2, Ingrain, only $6.00, at Schultz'
Benton. County Lumber -Co.
Manufacturers of all kinds of
Fir Lumber, Mouldings, Cedar Posts,
Sawed and Split. Gedar Shakes
Dealers in
Boors, Windows, Urns, Bc Cement,
Shingles, etc
Glass Jars, AH Kinds, at
Successors to
Second Street, - - Corvallis, Oregon
Dealers In
Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream Sepa
rators, .Graniteware, Tin ware and Builders'
- Hardware.
Sole Agents for
Congo Roofing and Quick fieal Ranges
the interests of children was his advice Furniture Store, formerly Hollenburg &
8-10, e-o-d-3t
Address of W. H. Willis, .formerly
of Meade countv. Kansas. Was last
heard of in Northwest. Newpapers will
confer a favor by publishing above.
Send address to Addison Bennett, The
Dalles, Oregon. -
, Look for Owners" ad- "Two Bar
gains City Homes" 8-13-tfs
Phone Your Orders To No. 7,
Where-They Will be Promptly Filled.
Fine Line of Crockery, Glassware, Cut
Glass, Haviland and Chinavvare,