The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, August 11, 1909, Image 3

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    The City
and Vicinity
f 'Miss Clara Baker has gone out to
Alsea to join the family for a week.
Acme Quality Paints and Floor Var
nish that wears at A. L. Miner's.
For Sale Kitchen range in good
order. Call at once, 429 Sixth street.
Eat Golden Rod Flakes,
They are better for breakfast,
Than old-fashioned corn cakes,
And five minuets time,
Is all that it takes
" At Kline's. 6-12-tf
Spencer Bicknell sold a cow and
a registered animal with good pedigree
and the heifer is her daughter. The
buyer, who lives near Albany, took the
animals almost without looking at
them. It pays to keep first-class stock.
A break in the water main on Fifth
street, in front of Dr. Pernot's resi
dence, made it necessary to cut off the
water supply yesterday afternoon about
5 o'clock and the Fifth streeters were
without water until this morning, while
a section of new pipe was being put in.
Mrs. J. Fleser and family leave tomor
row to join Mr. Fleser in Montana. These
people came to Oregon'from Michigan
orginally, arriving here from the east
ern part of the state about three years
ago. They like Corvallis very much
but feel that the altitude is too low
for them.
One half of the primary school build
ing soon will be on its foundation in
Job's Addition. It is now off of Mon
roe street and is being taken down
through the orchard a half block west
of the German Lutheran church. The
same trouble with the half remaining
down town is not anticipated.
Wanted 100 prune pickers to pick
150 acres of prunes at Benton County
orchard at Granger. 9c a box 11c to
those staying to finish the picking. Pick
ing to begin about Aug. 20th. Ladders
and buckets supplied; good camping
place; good water and wood. Applicants
Bend names and addresses to W. N.
Sayre, P. O. Box 521, Corvallis. 8-7-7t
The hop grower of Oregon has come
into his own again. It is expected
that the hop crop in this state alone
will bring a return of over $3,500,000
this year. Oregon will produce about
70,000 bales of hops and hops are now
selling at 21 cents a pound. . The price
- will feo to the 30-cent mark in a few
' weeks and optimistic growers look for
an even higher market price.
S. L. Kline, a member of the Trans
. Mississippi Congress, soon to meet in
Denver, has just sent his regrets. Mr.
Kline has been a member of the organi
zation several years and paid his dues
regularly but business has not permit
ted his presence at the annual conven
tion. . All railroads west of the Missis
sippi river have made reduced rates
for the twentieth annual session of the
Trans-Mississippi Commercial : Con
gress. The rate from Pacific Coast
points, to Denver and return has been
fixed at $55 for the round trip, and a
corresponding reduction from intermedi
ate points. .
Mrs. P. T. Starr left today for
Missouri. -. : :" v
' lone Stroud was granted a divorce
fro ai Isaac" Stroud this morning. The
charge was desertion.
Sheriff Gellatly has symptoms of ap
pendicitis and he may be taken . to
Portland tomorrow for an operation.'
Creed C. Hammond, widower of Eu
gene, and Stephanie Schuecker, widow
of Alsea, have been granted license to
Mrs. J. F. Porter went to Portland
today. She was accompanied by her
daughter,. Iva, who will go on to
Mrs. J. H. Musgrave, who has been
seriously ill at her residence, 610 North
Third .street, is now convalescent,
much to the gratification of her many
Wanted two or three nicely fur
nished rooms with a refined family, or
would rent a furnished cottage. Man
and wife. Address, "Permanent," care
Gazette-Times. 8-ll-4t
At the Commercial Club tonight a
short program will be rendered, this
being ladies' night. All members of
the Auxiliary and the Club are invited
and urged to be present.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Walters, of Boise,
Idaho, are the guosts of Mrs. H. E.
Wetherla.- They are old friends of
other days. Clarence Van Walters is a
member of the Corvallis Marine band,
having been here several monthSi.
Mrs. Blanche Prather was pleasantly
surprised at her home yesterday by a
number of ladies of the Christain
church, the occasion being her birth
day anniversary. The guests presented
the hostess with several dainty gifts,
and ice cream and cake concluded a
very pleasant afternoon.
Miss Kathleen ' Daniels, of Tacoma,
Wash., was in Coryallis yesterday, en
route to McMinriville to visit .relatives,
from ' Klamath Falls where she had
been the guest of her brother, Ivan.
Miss Daniels formerly resided in Cor
vallis and many friends here were glad
to see her again. While here she was
the guest of Mrs. Agnes Thompson.
Contractors wanted $500 for digging
the basement for the Presbyterian
church. F. L. Miller did not want to
pay that amount so has undertaken
the job himself. He has already sold
400 loads of dirt from the church site
at 50 cents per load delivered and has
about 500 more loads to sell. He
thinks he is going to save the church
people practically all of that $500.
Country Merchants
Ship Your Produce to SMITH.
He Will Pay You
lie for Dressed Pork.
10c for Dressed, Small Fat Veal.
15c for Live Spring Chickens.
14c for Live Hens. .
Immediate payments. No com
mission charged. - . . -
"Fighting the Beef Trust," .
Portland, Or.
We Use Scien
tific Instruments
To determine the needs of your eyes
There is no guess work about our
examinations. They are just as ac
curate as trained skill and experi
ence can make them. They cost you
nothing so you certainly ought to
have the -benefit of them, if you have
any eye trouble at all. They mean
the proper glasses, the only kind
you can afford to wear.
E W, S, PRATT, Jeweler and Optician
Ice cream delivered on thirty minutes--
notice by Winkley' Palace of Sweets.
- . - tf
The three-year old son of Mr- and
Mrs. William Earnest, of, Alsea, died
yesterday and was buried today. - v
For Rent Six-room house: bath and
electric light equipment; pleasant loca
tion. Address P. O. Box 168, or phone
2134. 8-10-tf
Wanted from two to five acres
within one or two miles of College.
Good land, good water, fruit. If "im
proved, - small but good buildings.
Address, Val Rosa Farm. R. F. D. 1.
Newburg, Ore. 8-ll-2t
Circuit - Court was m session but an
hour this morning. In the case of the
State vs. M. S. Woodcock, the defend
ant was given 15 days in which to file
papers and the prosecution 10 days
thereafter to file a reply. This is the !
case in which O. A. C. is endeavoring
to get land from Mr. Woodcock by
condemnation proceedings. Court ad
journed to meet again Aug. 21. -
C. W. Adams has decided to open a I
storage room at the corner of 9th and
Monroe. He owns the house there, has
nothing in particular to do, finds that a
storage is a badly needed institution, !
hence will utilize his building. He will
make a specialty of storing and caring
for pianos, household goods and furni
ture and will prepare goods for ship
ment, guaranteeing the greatest care.
It is said that the County Court has
decided to fill up the ravine east of the"
front walk past the court - house. This
will come as pleasing news to a great
many, as the . improvement has been
suggested to the court by several of
those interested in the better appear
ance of the grounds and street in that
vicinity. This and the south ditch are
rather deep ones but can be filled and
leveled off at no great cost.
An insurance agent and a comely
widow without a marriage certificate
became too friendly at one of the hotels
in this city a day or so ago and were
invited to leave Corvallis. The woman
agreed to go promptly, but the male
specimen begged for time to close up
some deals. Chief Wells gave him about
one hour, time to catch the next train,
and the insurance man decided to get a
hustle on.
F. L. Price, who lives on the .Philo
math road near the .city limits, is a
man of the right sort. He believes in
sprinkling and is agitating the idea of
having the Philomath road sprinkled to
a point not far from the covered bridge.
He has spoken to three or. four about
it and these have agreed to put up - a
little cash to carry out the idea.' Mr;
In Incident of the Days of Stage
coach Holdups.
The Trick by Which the Old Time
Mining Man of Colorado Saved Him
self and Sacrificed His Fellow Trav
elers and the Story Sequel.
"When the passengers In the old
coaching days found themselves In the
clutches of the 'road agents' they In
stinctively hurried, during the short
time that driver and guard were be
ing put In a proper state of helpless
ness, to secret money and valuables in
the first safe place that suggested it
self," said a -veteran Colorado mining
man. "But such precautions were use
less, for there was small time and
smaller opportunity of place to hide
anything In a mere shell of a coach.
If a man was found without money,
they stripped him and searched the
fltage as well."
"The experience of Pat Clohesy, an
old time mining man of Colorado, is
historic. One afternoon he took the
stage from Silver Cliff camp, bound
for the railroad, sixty miles away. In
the coach were a dozen other passen
gers, none of whom knew him. . As
they reached the narrowest part of the
gorge that leads out of Wet Mountain
valley a loud command of 'Hold up
your hands!' brought the stage to a
sudden standstill and every passenger
In ft to a swift realization that unless
quick action was taken he 'would go
broke. One crammed his wad of bills
down his boot leg; another thrust his
roll down the back-of his neck; a third
took off his hat, put his wallet inside
and set it back on his head. Every
man Jack of them attempted to se
crete his money except Pat Clohesy.
and Pat sat perfectly quiet .
"In a few moments a rifle barrel ap-H
peared at the window, and there came
the order, 'Hands up and all out? Out
the passengers tumbled and stood In
line with lifted hands. Pat at the far
end. When the searching highway
man went through the first man he
found nothing Irritated at this, he
started through the second, with the
same lack of success. Angry at this,
the bandit turned to his fellow robber,
who stood covering the line with bis
" They have been tryln to hide
their -stuff, d n 'em!' he exclaimed.
We'll just make 'em strip, and then
we'll go through the stage. They'll
pay for puttin' us to all this trouble T
"Then up spoke Pat Clohesy from
the far end of the line. 'Gentlemen,
he said,; addressing the highwaymen,
'1 know you're in a hurry, and I know
I'm' a noor miner with all mv DroDertv
Price says that road is going to , be ln the WOrld just the-$15 I've got In
"TT-TT? crTJr"i-YT rr? vt tat ttvi
Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon 3 3 A. P. Armstrong, LL.B., Principal
Old in years, new in methods, admittedly the high-standard
commercial school of the Northwest. Open all the year. More
calls for help than we can meet position certain. Class and
individual instruction. Bookkeeping from "written forms and by
office practice. Shorthand that excels in every respect. Special
penmanship department. Write for illustrated catalogue.
Occidental Lumber Co.
v Successors toj
Corvallis Lumber Co.
are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please
call on J. B IRVING for information and prices. And take
notice that if we have not got exactly what you want we will
get it for you.
G. Q. BASSET r, Local Mar.
S The
Best Paint
There is no better paint made for appearance and
durability than
Acme Quality Paint
Specially prepared for exterior and interior use.
Second Street, Near Palace Theater
sprinkled and he expects td have the
wagon out there very shortly. Considr
ering the benefit this will be to the
city as a whole, which gets most of its
dust from the ' Philomath and Oak
Creek roads, the city might very well
help in this sprinkling in any way pos
Jersey Cows and Heifers For Sale.
These Garments for Ladies and Misses
are of excellent quality. The styles speak
for themselves and the prices are' really
less than the cost of material and making.
Henlzte & Davis
I will offer my entire herd of Jersey
cows and heifers for sale, on Septem
ber 1, on the fair grounds of the Linn
County .Fair Association, the last-day
of the fair. . 1
The herd consists of 12 cows which
have been registered, 5 cows which are
full bloods but have not been registered
and the balance, 19 head, are all high
grades.' The cows range in age from 4
to 8 years and the whole herd is either
fawn or steel gray in color. In milk
test the cows range from 4 to 5.3 per
cent DUtter-iat. six two-year-olds are
now giving milk and give promise of
becoming excellent cows. All of the
above have been bred to J. G. Holt's
premium bull "Landseer's Koffee" No.
79370 and will freshen from September
15 to October 15. Also, 10 yearling
heifers and 5 spring calves all daugh
ters of "Rebakah's June Bov."
Iam selling because I contemplate
quitting the dairy business and, besides
the herd is too large for my small farm.
TERMS OF SALE: Cash for all sales
under $25; over $25, notes with approv
ed security, due in 12 months and bear
ing 8 per cent interest .. from date.
Three per cent discount allowed on all
time accounts for cash.
"J. N. Jones,
8-13-2tw. Thomas, Oregon.
Benton County Lumber Co.
Manufacturers of all kinds of
Fir Lumber, Mouldings, Cedar Posts,
Sawed and Split. Qedar Shakes
Dealers in
Doors, Windows, Lime, BncK, Cement,
Shingles, etc
For Sale
Deering Binder almost good as
Price with trucks-$65.00. "T
S. Bicknell, .
8-6-tf w Corvallis, Ore.
For Rent A small desirable farm,
two miles south of town. Inquire 708
Third street; phone-1120 8-6-tf -w
Wanted Hay And Oats
Wanted Five to ten carloads of good
cheet hay and two carloads of oats.
F. O..B. cars, any station on C. & E.
road. Write price to me. R. N. War-
nock, Liveryman, Toledo, Oregon, i
. 7-29-lt-d-2t-w
,my pocket. If you'll leave me that lit
tle roll, I'll tell you where these other
fellows have hidden their swag, so's
you can collect it quick and skip out.
Is It a bargain?
. " 'Sure,' . said the man - with the
guarding .rifle. Fifteen dollars meaut
nothinz to the band compared to the
risk. 'Well,' said Pat, pointing to the
'first ln line, 'that fellow's money Is
. stuffed down his right boot leg.
r "The holdup Investigated and drew
forth a plump roll of bills from the
boot leg. 'That next man,' went on
Pat. 'has eot his money hid under the
hind seat in the stage.' The bandit
found a fat wallet stuffed under the
cushion. 'The next has got his money
in his hat, and the next crammed his
stuff down the back of his neck, and
the next' Pat went down the line of
them, while the highwayman drew
forth money from all manner of places.
Swiftly collecting their booty, they
bundled the passengers back in the
coach, set driver and guard back on
their seats and told them to go ahead,
not, however, before they had given
Pat a twenty dollar bill and a hearty
slap of thanks on his Irish back.
- "The storm that broke over his head
inside that coach after it had rolled a
safe distance from the bandits threat
ened his very life before" he could get
a hearing. Had it not been that the
robbers had disarmed them all and
Pat was a huge man he never would
have got away alive.
"Each of you figure up just how
much you've lost,' he said to his fel
low passengers when at - last they
would listen, 'and I'll pay you back
not only what that Is, but an equal
amount In addition, for the bother I've
given you,'- and he pulled from an in
ner vest pocket a huge roll of bills.
In bewilderment the travelers counted
up their losses. Collectively it was.
about $1,000. Pat peeled off two $1,000
bills from the bulky mass of money
and. banding them to a responsible pas
senger, asked him to make correct di
vision when they reached the railroad.
" 'I'm sorry for the unpleasant quar
ter hour I caused you,' he continued,
'but it was the only thing I could do to
save myself. I have just sold a mine
back In Sliver Cliff for $60,000 cash,
and had no other way to bring the
money out except in my pocket Here
Is the bundle of it,' and he held up the
fat roll, 'When I heard the holdups
outside 1 thought it was all up, for you
can't hide money from those hounds.
But when you fellows pulled out your
money to hide it and I saw that none
of you had any large amount I thought
I would work a game on the road
agents and give you away to the vil
lains in order to save myself. I surely
did! They've got $1,000, but I've saved
my money f" Washington Post
Glass Jars, All Kinds, at
- Successors to
Second Street, - Corvallis, Oregon
Dealers In
Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream Sepa
rators, Graniteware, Tinware and Builders'
v - Hardware.
Sole Agents for
Congo Roofing and Quick Meal Ranges
Am high as we have mounted hi de
light in -our dejection do we sink as
tow. Wordsworth.
Phone Your Orders To No. 7,
Where They -Will be Promptly Filled.
Fine Line of Crockery, Glassware, Cut
Glass, Haviland and China ware,
The Gazette-Times 50c per months
i- Li '-r Z. . ' ' '"