THE DAILY GAZETTE-TIMES Second Published every evening except Sun dav. Office: 259-263 Jefferson street, corner Third street, and 232 atreet, Corvallis, Oregon. PHONES, 210 - 4184 Entered at the postoffice at Corvallis, Oregon, as second class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES DAILY Delivered by carrier, per week $ 15 Delivered by carrier, per month... .50 Bv mail, one vear, in advance 5-o By mail, six months, in advance...- 2 50 By mail, one month, in advance..... .50 get really "huffy", if you refuse. No one has ever yetr met him without his supply of longs and shorts. He has them made to order in Havana and they are popularly supposed to cost him during the course of a year as much as' he draws in salary from Uncle Sam. THE WEEKLY GAZETTE-TIMES Published Every Friday SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year, in advance $2.00 Six moths, in advance In ordering changes of address, sub scribers should always give old as well as new address. N. R. MOORE . . CHAS. L. SPRINGER, . . . Editor Business Mgr. The Valley Kecord, Ashland, of August 4th, comes to this office a 24-page illustrated edi tion, printed on good paper and containing: about 100 cuts of local' business houses, street scenes, mountain views, and a fine map of - Jackson county. Descriptive matter is well put up, and as an advertisement of industrial conditions and oppor tunities in about Ashland the edition is very creditable. Kaiser is a rustler and in this latest work shows considerable enterprise. COUNCIL IS AWAKE That the city council proposes to protect the people of this city in their improvements is eviden ' ted by the refusal to permit' a certain cement walk contractor to lay any more walk. A num ber of walks laid in this city in recent months are very poorly constructed and already are un sightly. The work is of the ''slip-shod" kind and gives evi dence that it will not long with stand the elements or usage. The officials called the attention of the contractor to his unsatis factory work and finally refused to grant him a permit to lay any more walk. This is exactly as it should be. Any man taking contracts at such a price that he can net do a first- class piece of work should be put out of business before he fails, . and the few people who are will ing to put up with cheap, low grade wonc, in order to save a penny temporarily, should be forced to meet a standard that is acceptable. The whole people are interested in these cement walks and no individual property owner nas a ngnt to put in a cheap and worthless walk. It is the intent of the counci to revise the specifications for cement walk, and to employ a supervisor who will give all his time to seeing that the specifica tions are carried out strictly. This will enable the people to get the worth of their money and Will result in sightly walks. Be it said to the -credit of some of the contractors they are now lay ing some very fine walks. SUCH IS FAME. BOOSTERS tion or two of railing it no longer serves a purpose and is extreme ly unsightly. It tells a. story of carelessness- or ignorance, tex treme poverty or stinginess, lazi ness or general cussedness. It's bjound to be one of these. There area number of fences in this city in such a condition, even worse. Would it not be a splen did thing for some member" of the family to remove that tumble-down fence and use it for kindling wood? Fences are relics of the days when cattle and other animals were permitted to roam the streets, and were a necessity. In towns the size of Corvallis they are not a necessity, and no man with any sense of the artis tic will say that .a long row of pickets, posts and stringers, even 1 s 1 1 ' wnen in nrst-ciass condition, is sightly. When permitted to rot down fences get into an extreme- y bad condition. Pride should cause any family to remove any fence that it can not or does not desire to keep in good condition. on her long tramp. The bulk of the carero is. however, safe. in her hold. -The McCusker cargo was consigned to Boston. The Elvira Ball is a compara tively new - schooner, having been built jn 1907, and at the time of her abandonment was on, her way from Savannah to Boston with a cargo of hard pine lumber. For the past ten months the schoner has drifted. She A was sighted several times by passing steamers, but always at a dis tance. On a number of occasions tugs were sent in search of her, ut were unable to locate her. On her last trip she was in charge of Capt. Louis Stanton, and it is he who will have charge of her on the journey home. Fine Tract For Sub-division WHO THEY IRE Abandoned Vessel Drifts Into Port For paint-'ng, plumbing, wiring, furn ace, chimney 'and plastering house. All bids separate. Hand to J. R. N. Bell by r.txt Saturday night, Aug. 14. Complete outfits for camping parties at Blackledge's furniture store. 8-3-tf Gray's Harbor, Wash., News Jonathan Bourne, the million aire senator from Oregon is, said to be the closest man to President Taft, but that he never talks business with the president. Bourne is a bachelor, thin. smooth-faced and wrinkled, is a lawyer by profession, a million aire by heredity and through good investments, and is heavily interested in lumber in his na tive state and cotton mills- in Massachusetts. He lives at Stoneleigh Court, the swellest apartment house in Washington, and is chiefly famed for giving awajrthe most cigars of any man in congress. . His cigars "are both the -longest and the shortest . known to the trade. Sometimes he will meet you and fish out a smoke that looks like a fence rail. Meet him again, in ten minutes perhaps, and he'll hand you a ci gar that is about the size of a quill tooth pick. , Then again he will thrust upon you one of each or two or. three of each kind, and A costly house, a yard foun tain, cement walks inside, and a whole lot of money, m is not wholly essential in making an attractive residence property. The average run of people are ever pleased to look at elegant p.operties,sbut will more often bestow warmest praise on 'the ess pretentious place well-kept, n towns this size it is unreason aoie to expect to nnd many mansions," but where lawns, nowers ana trees grow with so ittle care, it is but fair to ex pect most properties to have a pleasing appearance. Take W. H. Savage's place at the corner of 8th . and Jackson. The house there isa two-story structure not" built in the pre vailing style, but the property is good to look at. Anyone pass ing would notice the place ;i par ticularly. and y exclaim within nimseit : i ms man . has an ene- getic wife filled with pride, or a man wno taices Keen delignt m his surroundings." Mr. Savage has two lots there and those two lots are not covered with "tal uncut." At the rear are three or four apple trees, and in front tnere is a chestnut and an orna mental tree or two, but most of the lawn is left open and is cared for properly. There isn't much blue grass there, but the lawn is trimmed well, and always about the edges. Ivy climbs the south side of the house, and very fine roses blossom on each side. Pansies and sweet pea beds are beautiful because never neglect ed. And Savage has the right idea about the hedge fence. His residence is set far back and the hedge is kept trimmed low and is never ragged, so that the structure as viewed by the ...pas serby has a setting- of green lawn , that is absolutely necessary to the best appearance of any house. If every residence prop erty in the city, large or small, out-of -style or up-to-date, were kept as the. Savage property, the property value of the city would increase a third or a half within a year. Corvallis would be more beautiful than any city on the coast and it could be made thatT Mr. Savage's property does not cost him much money and he doesn't work . at it before day light; he does get out after six o'clock and he attends to " the work regularly, assisted by the excellent wife who likes to keep her flowers in shape. But it's work they enjoy and work- all would enjoy, if they ; got at it It's work that will add to the life and pleasure of any in dividual. And, by the way, Mr. Savage takes his scythe and occasionally cuts the weeds off the sides of the streets about his property. , . The five-masted schooner Elvira Ball, abandoned last February off Cape Henry and owned by the Gilbert Transportion Com' pany of Mystic, Conn., has just drifted into the mouth of the harbor at Fayal, Western Islands and has been' towed into port. The report of the Ball's safety brings to light the strange tale of a vessel which, without crew or guiding hand at her wheel, has practically accomplished her own salvage, after six months during which her owners had sought vainly for her over the ocean. The Gilbert company has made arrangements for the ocean-go ing tug,s M. E. Luckenbach. to Fayal and take the wandering schooner home. : With the. exception of the loss of four of. her five masts, i the schooner is in good condition steam having been got up in her boilers and the water removed from her hold with her own pumps. mi . . i 1 1' ine scnooner was valued a: $70, 000 and insured for only $40, 000. The Ball carried 750,000 feet of lumber. Of this amount 150,000 feet was deck load. which was washed away during the storms that she encountered 'Twas a Glorious Victory. There's rejoicing in Fedora, Tenn. A man's life has been saved, and now Dr. King's New Discovery is the talk of the town for curing C. V. Pepper of deadly lung hemorrhages. "I could not work nor get about," he writes, "and the doctors did me no good, but, after using Dr. King's New Discovery three weeks, I feel like a new man, and can do good work again." For weak, sore ordis-j eased lungs, Coughs and Colds, Hemor rhages. Hay Fever, LaGrippe, Asthma j or any Bronchial affection it stands un rivaled. Price 50c and $1. Trial Bottle 15.17 Brenner Building, Albany, Ore free. Sold and guaranteed by all drusr- pi, TnHpnpndent 359 gists. The best tract of land in or around Corvallis to be sub-divided into small tracts. A chance to make a big thing within the next six months. See . A. L. Stevenson, 8-3-tf. Real Estate Man. Newport Property. Sixty choice lots more or less in New port, Oregon, (one of the most health ful and popular summer and winter re sorts, near the terminal of the Southern Pacific Railway, at the Pacific Ocean) for sale or will exchange for other good property. Property near Corvallis pre ferred. Address M. S. Woodcock, Corvallis. Oreeon. thurs. tf Bids Wanted -Get Your MEAT -OF- Hubler Bros. We have our own special "delivery and deliver to any part of the city. Try us and you can't quit It will become a habit. Call for the Western Market PHONE 1288 Patients Wishing Osteopathic Treatment Tuesdays and Saturdays at Corvallis, A.ddrGss ' Dr. VIRGINIA V. LEWEAUX, FOR RENT. ROOMS For Rent Three furnished rooms, two of them suitable for light house keeping; all down stairs; outside rooms. Inquire at 800 Fifth Street Bell -2481 1 For Exchange Fine income paying residence property in one of the best towns in the North west Will be exchanged for residence in Corvallis or small improved farm near this city. t For particulars address P. O. Box 676, C HEW CADILLAC and KING CORN TOBACCO Always Good; not made by the Trust. Sold at JACK MILNE'S 20 Per Cent DISCOUNT In order to clean up our SPRING SUITS We will give 20 per cent discount until all are sold A. K. RUSS Dealer in all Men's corvallis. - - Furnishings OREGON ATTORNEYS J. F. YATES, ATTORNE Y-AT-LAW. Office Rooms 3, 4, 1st Natl Bank Bldg. Only set of abstracts in Bentoii County OWNER, CORVALLIS, OR. 5 d"uu .TjTjTjTruTj"mnnnj"U"inru N avals PHYSICIANS G. R. FARRA, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND" Surgeon. Office in Burnett Block,, over Harris' Store. Residence corner Seventh and Madison. Office hoursr 8 to 9 a. m.; 1 to 2 p. m. Phonesr Office, 2128, Residence, 404. LATEST MODELS UNEXCELLED KEISERS ' Nemo and Royal Worcester and' BONTON CORSETS Queen Heatherbloom Petticoats PERFECT FITTING Newest Novelties Neckwear JABOTS, BOWS, STOCKS BROADHEAD'S 7 Novelty and Plain Dress Goods BLACK AND COLORED GILBERT'S LININGS Sateens, Sunburst Silk SATIN LININGS After a fence has lost half its pickets, several posts and,; a sec- BLANKET SALE SATURDAY i See Windows and tomorrow's Ad. v 71 isurisiruff irri- ". B. MORRIS. M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Corner Third and Tkfon roe Streets, Corvallis, Oregon. Office hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 4 p. m.; 7 to 8 p, m. Phone in both effice and iesi dence. " W.T. ROWLEY, M. D.. PHYSICIAN, and Surgeon. Special attention given to the Eye, Nose and Throav. Office in Johnson Bide Ind. 'phone at of fice and lesidence. UNDERTAKERS M. S. BOVFE, FUNERAL -DIRECT-or and Licensed Embalmer. Suc cessor to Bovee & Bsoer Corvallis, Oregon. - Ind. Phone 45. Bell Phone, 241 . Lady attendant when desired. BLACKLEDGE & EVERETT, LI . censed embalmers and funeral directl ors. Have everything- new in coffins, caskets and burial robes. Calls ans wered day and night. Lady assist ant. Embalming a specialty. Day phones, Ind. 117 and 1153, Bell, 531 J night phones, Ind. 2129 and 1153. PHOTOGRAPHERS PICKEL'S STUDIO, 43 SECONI Street. Phone 4209. L. L. BROOKS' SEED STORE NEW POTATOES-Get my prices before you bay elsewhere Cabbage, Kale Cauliflower Plant Poultry supplies, stock food, plants and garden seeds Get my prices 127 N. 2d St Corvallis