DAILY PTE VOL. I. NO. 86 CORVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON; WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1909 PRICE FIVE CENTS Trir ir IME A. K. RUSS TALKS OF EXPOSI IN CORVALLIS MERCHANT THINKS IT NO BETTER THAN PORTLAND OREGON NOT BEST AT FAIR Mr. Russ Says California Exhibit Bet ter Than Oregon Showing, Bnt Is In Doubt Whether California's Is Bet ter Than Canadian Exhibit A. K. Russ. president of the Corvallis Retail Merchants' As sociation, whose return from Se attle was chronicled in yester day's daily, agrees heartily with the editor of this paper in his es timate of the comparative worth of various state exhibits. In an interview Mr. Russ said: "I really did not see much dif ference between the Portland and Seattle fairs, so far as exhibits are concerned. The Seattle fair is a beautiful little fair and I en joyed it very much, but the man who saw the Lewis and Clark fair, saw all that is worth while at the A.-Y.-P. E. As for state exhibits, I think California's is best, though it's a stand-off be tween that "state , and Canada. The Canadians 'certainly have made a fine showing, out Califor nia has her exhibit put Up and j: i j j j-i j that's what counts. While the to show people, and is undoubt edly interesting a great many, the exhibit has not the dressing and is not displayed as attracuve- lv as the California exhibit, to say the least. . - Interest In Streets. Mr. Russ was more interested in the cities of Seattle and Tacoma i 1 1 il. J? . TT 1 J i nun np wn in t np th r n m kpiii. V . . i ' ' J n iwiuprvu n r tva tin iimv hmii the width of streets and curbs. dence district, he found the paved streets but twenty six feet wide and some of these carrying two tear tracks. At Tacoma he found (that the paving in the residence district is but 24 feet wide, this Ibeing the rule long established. In the Mt Tabor district, Port land, the paved portion of the streets is to be but 24 feet wide. Mr. Russ is confident that the re cent decision on the part of Cor vallis was wise. Saw the Ships. While at Seattle, Mr. Russ went out to the Bremerton navy yard and this was the crowning joy of his travels. . He found there a half dozen or more fight ing vessels Washington, Ore gon, etc. etc., and he spent some time on the former seeing how they manipulated the big guns. Having never seen one of these floating forts, Mr. Russ was charmed. With the rest of 'em, the Cor vallis merchant left some money on the Pay Streak. His tendency was in the line of aerial naviga tion as represented by the scenic railway. He rode on this until he got ashamed and then decided to come home. He was afraid that if he got used to going fast he wouldn't feel at home when he got back to Corvallis. ; While in Seattle, the Russ fam ily roomed with the McCauslands, who formerly lived here. BOY'S BOOZING COSTS HI LIMP AS A RAG, YOUNG MAN IS ' CARTED TO JAIL WITH OTHERS, "STOLE" BEER Chief Wells Oat After People Let Him "Steal" It Officials Have gleagainstf poverty No Consideration for Those Who Pat GBEA T FOR THE VALLEY This Year Will Show Splendid Harvest Aroand this Section Oregon Pro daces New Variety of Crops. Palace Theater Wednesday . and Thursday Special Attraction in Motion Pictures and Illustrated Songs. ' ' The Lion Tamer" A nature film protraying the best melodrama of years, a story dealing with love and jealousy. ' Each scene is tartling in its realistic intensity and lovelty of action. It's well worth see- ng. . "Secret of the Locket" A picture story that is rich with in erest from start to finish, full of fas- inating situations and powerful scenes kith acting of the highest quality. Friday "and Saturday ' Ten Nights In a Barroom' tainrhent. There will be an eh tirelynew set of films displayed tonight and Thursday, the open ing ohe being "The Lion Tamer, " which met with such approval at Portland that it had to be repeat ed. iThe pictures portray an in tensely powerful story of love and jealousy that for novelty of and melodramatic situa uons wouia De nara to surpass. Another exciting pictorial pan tonine will be "The. Secret of the Locket," a series of views " rich with interest and full of scenic strength and excitement, the Who storvLunfoldinc- the tracnV. sfnio-. ' : o o o and the fas cinatirig climax of reunion. These pictures, together with Intoxicants In Way of Yonng Men. Miss Spangler's popular illustrat ed songs, make up' a program that is certain to please all who Chief Wells landed a nineteen may go to the Palace. year old boy in the city bastile last night on a charge of drunk enness. This morning he paid a fine of $10. The young fellow was so drunk about 7 p. nu yesterday that he was as limp as rag and the officials had to take him to jail in a wheelbarrow, His tongue was loose, and this joy-rider expressed the ' belief that he was on his way to New port JAME&FINCH WILL BE HUNG MURDERER OF FISHER IS TURNED DOWN BY SUPREME COURT. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT VALID TWO PROCEEDINGS In the Estate of Samuel J. Irvin - . A Peculiar Case Hardly Probable that Finch can Carry His Case any Further Judge Re views Every Phase of Finch Papers and Does not Sustain a Single Count. With summer at its high noon, a" spIendioThaf vest" may safely oe predicted. The buzz of the threshing machine is heard throughout the land, and when the grain sown last fall is finish ed, there are hundreds of acres of spring sown grain ready for the machine, while the hay balers, although busy: for many, weeks, are still compressing clover, vetch and cheat into condensed forms for shipping. From all the countryside has come an urgent demand for labor ers, and at the farms it is no un common sight to see women or children of ten . years following plows and using other farm ma chmery necessary to keep the home place going, while the man of the family goes to the assist ance of his neighbor in the midst of harvesting. Every year has seen some new crop introduced successfully in Oregon. The present one ranks high because of the unparalleled success in growing kale, the great; cow feed that resembles cabbage, but produces heads weighing up wards of a hundred pounds on a single stalk.. Alfalfa is a recent introduction that bids fair to re main, while ' the old standard grains of wheat and oats look well despite the adverse weather that prevailed early in the sea son. Potatoes will break all records in the matter of quantity and size, the July rains having given them an impetus to growth that makes a phenomenal yield assured. ; The -season of small fruits is not yet at an end, and the prolonged season bids fair to make the berry crop average up well with that of former years. Turnips are being resown, the first crop having matured suffi ciently ; early to make a second crop possible. Onions for which this section" of the Willamette valley is famous, are now grown to the size often seen in eastern markets as matured,- but will here reach a size akin to the cab bage. Tomatoes are ripening and thejnarketsare now supplied Albany Democrat: There is a very -peculiar situationin refer ence the estate of Samuel J. Irvin, who died recently. On He 'said the jolting was August 5, J. Fred Yates of Cor- about the same as on the C. & E. vallis began the administration train, and occasionally he felt of the estate, with Mrs. Luzena like he was going around a E. Hood, of Philomath as ad curve. In his maudlin condition ministratrix. The estate was he failed to recognize the fact given as $1000 in Linn county that he was in the. grip of the and $2,000 in Benton countv. law and he laughingly called forf Today S. M. Garland, of Leb- Jonnny Wells to take care of anon, began proceeings for the him if he happened to get into a establishment of a will in the X x &uyuiuixMuiAiiiuiiALitt&Bame estate, tneestate-givenas- while he imagined he was good consisting of $1000 worth of prop- j Oregon supreme court looking. This is the latter erty in Linn county and $3000 1 The statement in the affidavit stages of . drunkenness and is in Benton county. Under it all ' as to the excited state of thepub- tIShPrfthat a iS ?6 .Pry W He mind and prejudice against terribly drunk. . : Bessie Boyle of Sodaville, and , , . The young man got his tangle- S. M. Garland is named as execu- ine aeienoanv Dy reason oi m- foot at Mellon & Gendron's shop tor- Tne witnesses to the will nammatory articles ana cartoons according to Chief Wells. - These w0--!' J'w: Burkart appearing in the newspapers, contained notnmg iurtner tnan the mere statement void of any In an opinion handed down by the supreme court yesterday, written by Justice McBride. Jas. A. Finch, who appealed from the circuit court of Multnomah coun ty, where he was convicted of murder in the first degree and sentenced to hang for the killing of Ralph Fisher in Portland, the last thread of hope was severed, the supreme court affirming the judgment of the lower court, and Finch will now be compelled to pay the penalty for the crime. Justice McBride, in writing the opinion, covered every exception taken by Finch's counsel during : the trial and the 14-page article is considered one of the most able ppjnipsshandeddown. J?y . .the. taken to any ruling of the court upon acceptance or rejection of any juror, indicates that a jury believed by both parties to have -been fair and impartial was se cured in the case. The opinion in conclusion saysj "We have thus examined every contention of counsel, and we I find no reason why a new trial should be granted in this case. We are not' unmindful of the terrible consequences of this de cision to the defendant, but they are only such as the application of the law to his own conduct has produced." - Several pages of the opinion are devoted to the contention that the infliction of the death penalty is contrary to the con stitution. The section of - the constitution is copied from the Indiana constitution, where opinions have held it to be not inconsistent with the theory of punishment for reformation. The same point is covered by an early opinion by the Oregon court. PARENTS MAY SLAP CHILD Even Though She Be Grown, Discipline Is Right, Says Judge. nA t n run kegs 6f beer, and, according to mmistration of the estate knew tneir story, the young man and nothing of the will, which will, two or three others under age of course prevail, if established, visited the shop after work last as it undoubtedly will be. night and stole enough of the j beer to make them drunk. All were drunk, but one had .. about twice as much as he could carry. Chief Wells doesn't believe "the boys stole the beer and today has been trying to find evidence to prove what he does believe. It appears that this firm has been getting generous quantities of beer heretofore, but to Chief Wells they say they . propose to cut it out" for good. ... That's strictly their business, of course, providing they drink their beer, do not get drunk, and are not in strumental in getting others, es pecially minors, under the influ ence of the intoxicant. While most people will agree that any man has the personal right to take a; glass of beer, whisky or wine when he chooses, most peo ple think it folly, and ' the senti ment of this city is decidedly against drunkenness and the in discriminate giving away of booze shipped ih here. They are back of the officials who are trying to break it up. No firm that wants to increase its; business in this city can afford to be instrument al in promoting m even a small way the extension of the liquor traffic. attachments tending to show that the alleged conditions existed. The fact that no exception was As long as children remain under the parental roof, no matter how old they be, they are subject to chastisement by their parents. This doctrine of law was laid down yesterday morning in the Multnomah Municipal . Court by Judge Bennett in the ease mercial street, arrested for slap ping his 20-year-old daughter because she persisted in inviting young men to the house and entertaining them until too late an hour. "I had repeatedly cautioned her about it," said Leuder. "I am a working man and must have some sleep. The parlor is near my bedroom and I was kept awake by the merriment of the young people. I want my daughter to have a good time, but there are times and places for such things." Judge Bennett discharged the defendant and commended him for hia action. i Another Change At the Palace We announce the first showing of Fall, 1909, Ladies' Suits LaVOGUE BRAND You can secure the newest designs of the foremost style creators The new est and freshest fashions that are of fered anywhere. You will find them ; remarkably moderate in price. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY The success that has attended the motion '- picture program at the Palace theatre thus far this week has . encouraged the r man agement to continue giving more STANDARD PATTERNS NEMO CORSETS with home grown peaches. of this sort of high class enter-