Flying Age and Air Conquerors i Significant Features and Effect of Louis Bleriot's Flight From Calais to Dover, Across the English Channel. In a Monoplane. :: :: :: :: Plucky French Aviator' Who Is Known as a uareaevii 01 the Air Achieve ments of the Wright Brothers and Other Aeronauts. :: :: :: :: i By JAMES A. EDGERTON. i S the nineteenth century earned ! l the name of the age of steam and electricity, so the twentieth promises to win the title of the flying age. Already a man has flown across the English channel, which may be as much of a inilepost in its way as Marconi's achievement of sending a wireless message across the same turbulent neck of water a few years ago. Marconi's feat was the first marked success that called the world's attention to the fact that telegraph ing without wires was an accomplish ed fact, a triumph that was speedily followed by the greater victory of flashing the messages of the air across the Atlantic. It was but yesterday that these things happened, yet so ! way, it is not without interest that it wiftly do we move in this era of sci- j was exactly a decade which pafesed be ntiflc enchantment that today wire- ! tween the two triumphs, Marconi scor less telegraphy is in commercial use 1 Ing his success in 1899 and Bleriot in In all parts of the earth. " i 1909. "Was ever any age in the history Louis Bleriot's feat of flying across of the world so packed with marvels? Either of these deeds in a former time would have been sufficient alone to have made a whole age illustrious, yet In this day, when the.drivers of the car of Progress could be arrested any time for overspeeding, we jam both of them into ten years- of time and prepare our selves for the next wonder that our inventors may perform! Only a few days after the channel bert Latham, plunged into the sea in trying to make the same crossing. So take it all in all the first flight across the English channel is sufficiently notable despite the previous triumphs of the flying Wrights, Farman, Santos Dumont and all the rest. Ten Years From Marconi to Bleriot. Returning to the initial comparison with Marconi in sending his first wire less across the channel, the query nat urally suggests itself: "Will aerial nav igation go forward by the same leaps and bounds in the next ten years that aerial telegraphy has experienced in the ten years that have passed since the first message was flashed from England to the continent? .And by the SCHOOL'SMODELFLAT Practical Housekeeping. Ing It, indeed, no more than a summer breeze, it Is no wonder that the dwell ers on the "right little, tight little" isle ate disturbed. Their boasted isolation has departed. Their water wall" has melted like a mist. They are suddenly UqW Chicago GiflS Are Taught uiuuguL uu a. icvci niiu viud jj.v .j. It is just as easy for an aeroplane to fly over their roaring and terrifying channel as it Is to fly over an equal stretch of French meadows. ' No wonder that the Britons are frantically playing 'An Englishman's Home" and tremblingly scanning the heavens for the next flock of French aeroplanes or covey of German dirl-, gibles that are on their way to drop infernal machines all over London. "Thus conscience doth make .cowards of us all." John Bull, when he remem- FIVE MINIATURE ROOMS USED Pupils Divided Into Classes of About' Thirty Each Every Class Has to Learn Proper Care of All Rooms. Real Meals Are Cooked, No School girl Delicacies. Arithmetic never cooked a meal and bers the mean things he has done to spelling never washed a dish, but there other nations, depending on that "wa ter wall" of the English channel to protect him, cannot understand why the other nations do not get even, now that the beginning of the flying age has brought them the opportunity. He knows that he would have revenge if the shoe were on the other foot It Is this uneasy feeling, no doubt, that has spread the terror over England that is bo mysterious to the rest of the world. John Bull knows that he has richly earned a licking, and now that every body else has learned to fly he sits in chattering terror lest some of them give him his deserts. the English channel is an even greater accomplishment than that of Marconi, yet it is not so startling, since the Wright brothers and others had al ready conducted longer flights. For -example, only a few days before the crossing of the channel, Henry Far "dan, an Englishman, had flown from 3halons to Sulppes, France, a distance -of forty miles, thus breaking Bleriot's s own previous record of twenty-five I passage Orville Wright in America miles from Etampes to Orleans, the ..-longest cross country flight of an aero plane up to that time. - The Wrights . and most other aviators have never at-' ' tempted cross country hikes, but have - confined themselves to prescribed ' courses, returning to tbeplace of start ing. The flight across the channel Is a Striking and dramatic thing in itself, even if longer flights above land had broke all records for a two man flight by remaining in the air over one hour and twenty minutes In his govern ment trials at Fort Myer. Our Ameri can pioneers of the aeroplane are not yet outclassed. They it was who first made flight in a heavier than air ma chine a practical success, they it was who have been copied by the French and other inventors, and so It Is but poetic justice that whatever triumphs ji lip 8 lililfi x- rgggE7 THItEE CONQUERORS. OF THE AIR AND TWO OF THEIR FLX- ING MACHINES. are several hundred girls In Chicago, pupils at the Dante vacation school, who will be trained as model house keepers as well as in reading, 'riting and 'rithmetic before the summer is over. And while the girls are learning to cook, sew and keep house the boys are learning future occupations in the manual arts and crafts departments. . A Real Little Flat. A model five room flat in miniature has been installed in one of the class rooms., it really is a little flat, with : walls and partitions and all the furnl- i ture and fittings that are to be found in a real apartment. The flat is in He is probably safe. The other lands charge of a teacher of domestic science are so busy perfecting their air craft that they have no time to bother with craven who can extract no higher sentiments for the wonderful time now dawning than an unreasoning and unmanly fear for his own personal safety. While all other lands are en tranced in the day dawn of a new era, he alone is grieving that his walls of exclusion are melting away and his mastery of the seas will not serve him in an age when the air is to become the highway of the world. He has gone on building Dreadnoughts while other nations have built biplanes, mo noplanes and dirigibles. let Him Get Used to It. John Bull may be depended on to get over his fright at the new wonder, even as the old family horse grows ac customed to the railway and the auto mobile. When Dobbin finds that each train and auto is not bent on his indi vidual destruction, but goes on regard less of his very existence, he In time becomes reassured. And when Mr. Bull discovers that the flying age ar rived not with intent to bring about his destruction and that It goes se renely on Its -way as If no such portly and beef eating gentleman were on the planet, he may become as reassured as Dobbin. He will have opportunity as, the Bleriot machine Is followed by successors, first in singles and next 4n flocks and droves. Then Mr. Bull may familiarize himself with the airship in all its aspects, and the panic will dis appear. - But there is no gainsaying that he is scared now. The flying age Is here. On Aug. 22, at Rhelms, France, Is to be held an in ternational tournament of fliers in and the several hundred little girls are divided into classes of about thirty each. It is' the task of each class to take care of one room of the flat on a given day. In the parlor there is the furni ture to be dusted and polished. In the bedrooms there are the beds to be made. In the dining room there is the table to be decorated and arranged and the linen and dishes to be cared for. In the kitchen most important of all there are meals to be cooked real .meals and not schoolgirl delica cies. Then there is a bathroom to be cared for in the most approved sani tary way. Plan Seems to Be a Success. When each' class has completed a "one room" course to the satisfaction of the teacher it is assigned to an other room of the flat and so on until every class has learned the proper care of every room and has a good founda tion knowledge of practical housekeep ing.' -..-' .'The plan seems to be a great suc cess," declared Assistant Superintend- j ent William M. Roberts the other day. j 'Mr. . Shoop, supervisor of vacation ; schools, and I were Invited out to the i school for luncheon a day or two ago. We. Inspected the model flat and it j was model, . too and then the chilli dren served luncheon of their own1 cooking. I don't remember the menu, but it was a good luncheon." THE WRIGHT AEROPLANE. Description of Machine In Which Or- t ville Set a New Mark. Orville Wright's aeroplane. In which which records will be broken ana may- he broke all records by steering a pas- already been made, and it is made jnore striking and dramatic because of a few attendant incidents. One of. these was that Bleriot at the time was crippled from a previous flight and left behind him a pair of crutches as be mounted his machine to fly into lame. "If 1 cannot walk, I will show . them I can fly," he said. He showed them. Another thing that made this - vent remarkable is that it was done with a monoplane weighing only 600 pounds and having wings that fold up until the machine Is no larger than an automobile. The Wright machines and most of the other successful- ones are biplanes. The peculiarity of the .monoplane, which is almost exclusive ly a French development, is that it has greater speed than the biplane, but less stability, that is, It is more easily over balanced by unexpected air currents. "Set another significant feature of M. Bleriot's achievement is the speed with -which the flight was made. From Calais to Dover, where the crossing . was made, the English channel Is twenty-one miles wide, making about twenty-three miles from landing place to landing place. Yet the entire trip -was made in a half hour, making an average rate of oyer forty-five miles an hour, which attimes was said to have been sixty miles. Yet a further circumstance that adds to the pic turesqueness of this first aeroplane trip from France to England is the character of the aviator. Bleriot is known as a daredevil of the air. He seemingly fears nothing. His Nerve Unshaken. All sorts of hairbreadth escapes havft not shaken his nerve. In the past he has had innumerable accidents and his friends have always predicted that he would kill himself as surely as the - parks fly upward. Tumbles with him have become a habit. One of his prac tices is to throw himself on a wing of Ills machine as he falls. This breaks the" wing but saves the man. An oper ator with that audacity and cool cour age should fly far, and that is just -what' Bleriot has done. And a final attendant happening, or rather pair of happenings, that sets off this daring . frenchman's feat is' the fact that just toefore and just after Blerlof s remark able flight another French-aviator, Hu- are accomplished by others they should yet play the star engagements and score the record triumphs. Navigating the Fogs. It has lon been suggested that the fogs across the English channel are heavy enough to navigate, and perhaps Bleriot's feat may be taken as proof of this. On the same theory the vicinity of London should be ideal for biplanes, monoplanes and any other sort of a plane that could sail around, in or on a fog. With such meaty, ponderous and substantial fogs as those of London It would be impossible for anything so light as an airship to fall through. The channel Is a historic body of water that has been the graveyard of more ships than any equal stretch of sea on the planet. Perhaps its tur bulence has done more than British fortifications to protect John Bull from Invasion. William the Conqueror man aged to break across it, but Napoleon could neer send over anything more formidable than a large scare. Relying on the diabolical disposition of the English channel, J. Bull has grown chesty and shaken his fist at the world. Now that people are learn ing to fly and can thus ignore his old channel the portly gentleman has sud denly lost his cocky air and has grown flabby from fear. The mere mention of an airship is sufficient to give the whole English press a spasm and to cause the ministerial benches of par liament to fairly reek with gloom. A few weeks ago the British were scared to death of the Zeppelin dirigible bal loon that had been flying about to amuse people at the German fairs, and now the panic shifts the cause of its being to Bleriot's monoplane. - That a British Dreadnought should be afraid of a monoplane of the Bleriot type is like an elephant throwing a fit at sight of a butterfly. English Channel Ont of Commission. The thing that really disturbs our British friends In all this Is that they no longer hav the .natural depravity of the English channel to fall back on, They had counted, on that as a shield and a defense Tforever. Now that vehicle has been found that can fly nbove the ' raging, churning, uncertain and treacherous neck of water, hee3 be machines and necks also' Glenn H. Curtlss, the man who won the prizes at the Morris park races In New York city and that afterward flew for fifty-two minutes at Hempstead, will represent America. Mr. Curtlss has a biplane, but perhaps the lightest ma chine of them all, weighing only .550 pounds with the operator. The motor on Mr. Curtlss' aeroplane is said to be a marvel' of lightness and power. Aeronautics has today become a rec ognized department of human thought and activity. In every leading govern ment large sums are now set aside for the pursuit of the science, aerial navies are being organized, thousands of the world's best inventors are wrestling with the problem and perfecting the for the space of about twelve feet. By vehicles of flight, and In a few years more it will become plain to all that a new day has arisen for humanity and that the kingdom of the air is at hand. senger carrying flying machine around the Fort Myer parade ground at Wash ington for one hour, twelve minutes and forty seconds, consists of two planes, one five feet above the other and measuring thirty-six feet from tip to tip. The seat for the operator is placed In the-enter of the lower plane. off to the left of the motor. The pas senger sits on the -other side of the motor. -r . . The motor itself Is a product of the Wright brothers a four cylinder thir ty' horsepower water cooled gasoline engine. : The gasoline is pumped di rectly Into the intake pipes, there be ing no carbureters. The tips of the planes are flexible WONDER ROSEBUSH. Horticultural Wizard Working on On to Bear a Hundred Varieties. One bush containing a hundred vari eties of roses! That Is the ambition of George Shlma, better known as the Two propellers about nine feet In dla California "potato king, one of the meter and revolving In opposite di- means of a lever they can be turned in a curve resembling a heliocoid, the wings moving in opposite directions. A second lever controls the twin rud ders, which are supported by a brace ten feet from the rear of the planes. By working the two levers together the equilibrium of the machine Is maintained. . - Ten feet in front of the operator's seat two planes resembling a box kite about fifteen by three feet are used for controlling the ascent and descent. wealthiest Japanese In the state. And Shlma's dream may come true. With infinite care Hugo Lilienthal, Berkeley (Cal.) horticulturist and land scape gardener, founder of the Juve nile Horticultural society, is pruning, trimming and grafting in an effort to produce .the wonder bush. - Lilienthal has promised Shlma that he will pro duce a rosebush that. will grow 100 varieties In red, yellow and snowy white. Shlma recently built a magnificent home in College avenue, Berkeley. He commemorated the event by writing a check for $100 for the University of California to furnish a students' room in the university sanitarium. When he began the planting of a garden Lilienthal was employed.'- Now Shima's garden is rapidly becoming talked of throughout Berkeley, though the college town has always been the home of magnificent flowers. But the wealthy Japanese was not satisfied, He wanted something different from his fellows. So he conceived the idea of a rose bush bearing 100 varieties, "It can be done," said Lilienthal. "Go ahead and produce it, then,' said Shlma. rectlons are used to thrust the aero plane forward. The weight of the machine, includ ing both operator and passenger, Is a trifle under 1,200 pounds. By his achievement Mr. Wright, who was accompanied in his flight by Lieu tenant Frank P. Lahm, exceeds the requirements of the war department's specifications by more than twelve minutes and breaks the' world's rec ord for a flight with a passenger by three minutes and five seconds. Crowless Roosters. Herbert Joyce of Sprlngdale, Wash., has for years been experimenting with a peculiar breed, of poultry which he says he brought from one of the Sand wich group of islands, in the Pacific ocean. , When . he first got hold of the wild birds they made a noise not unlike the hiss of a goose. He crossed his wild birds with variojis types of ! domesticated poultry and has at last obtained a rooster perfect in all re spects with the exception of the crow ing ability. ; REMOVAL SALE By September we will move to our new location in the White side Building, opposite the Pal ace Theater, where we will have a large and complete stock of Millinery and everything in Ladies' Furnishing Goods. A A Store of Ladies' Merchandise The only store of its kind in the city. L. & G. B. ANDERSON Summer Rates East During the Season 1909 via the Southern Pacific Co. from CORVALLIS, OREGON To OMAHA and Return - - $62.60 To KANSAS CITY and Return $62.60 To ST. LOUIS and Return - - $70.10 To CHICAGO and Return - - $75.10 and to other principal cities in the Bast, Middle West and Sooth. Correspondingly low fares. On Sale June 2, 3; July 2, 3; August 11, 12 To DENVER and Return - - - $57.60 x On Sale May 17, July 1, August 11 Going transit limit 10 days from date of sale, final return limit October 31st. . ;: ' v . '. - v These tickets present some very attractive features in the,, way of stop over privileges, and choice of routes; thereby enabling passengers to make side trips to many interesting points enroute. Routing on the return trip through California may te had at a slight advance over the rates quoted. Full particulars, sleeping car reservations and tickets will be furnished by R. C. LINNVILLE, Southern Pacific local agent at Corvallis or WM. M'MURRAY, General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon CQPraGHTtD 1906 B IC HQRT0N MR6 CO. HYDRAULIC WELL DRILLING Powerful and rapid well ma chine run by gasoline engine. Wind mill pump repairing, and drove wells a specialty. Place your orders now before the season's rush work is on. A. N. HARLAN Box 526 Corvallis, Oregon Fishing Tackle and all kinds of Sporting Goods Can be found here at prices that cannot be duplicated for goods of similar fine quality. A good fisherman knows and appreciates good rods, lines, etc. All of which can be had at our estab ishment. Heater & Harrington SUCCESSORS TO M. M. LONG Phone 126 Corvallis, Oregon . Taunton & Burnap Cement Contractors Makers of Best Cement Walks in Town All work guaranteed first class. Corvallis, Ore , Not One Man In This Bank. , .'. "Woman's latest venture Is the Wom an's Savings bank, organized in Toron' to' Canada. It Is conducted on plans Noiseless Typewriter. , Unnroved bv women and managed by A noiseless typewriter Of Vienna con- L .oma of women who constitute its structlon will soon be put upon the president, cashiers, tellers and book market. The inventor guarantees that keepers. Not a. man Is employed In In a room where fifty or more of his ,ia hnk typewriters are operated not a sound can be heard except the typists In coo-1 venation. . The proof of success Is in the ability to hold on to it " GEO. W.DENMAN Attorney at Law CORVALLIS, OREGON Office in Fischer building, over Graham & Wortham drug store ' THE PALM CAFE VTDITO & RIETMAN, Props. Six o'Clock Dinners Banquets, Dinner Parties and Sunday Dinners" Next Palace Theater, Corvallis,Ore. B E. WILSON Attorney 'At Law Zierolf Bldg. Corvallis, Oregon - The Daily Gazette-Times By carrier or mail, 50c per mo. Let us send it to you ZU City Stables Everything new and up to date. Kigs furnished on short notice. Call and give us a trial. Cor. Madison and 3d L. F.GRAY, Manager JOSEPH H. WILSON Attorney at Law ' Office: Burnett Building, Corvallis, Oregon - Phone 1333 -