The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, August 10, 1909, Image 3

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The City
and Vicinity
Complete outfits for camping parties
at Blackledge's furniture store. 8-3-tf
Acme Quality Paints and Floor Var
nish that wears at A. L. Miner's.
Ice cream delivered on thirty minutes
notice by Winkley's Palace of Sweets.
For Sale Kitchen range in good
order. Call at once, 429 Sixth street.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thomas and fam
ily went to Newport yesterday for a va
cation. Mrs. C. F. Richards and son were
here from Beaver Creek over Sunday
"visiting friends.
G. O. Bassett, manager of the Occi
dental Lumber Company, spent Sunday
in Portland, returning home yesterday.
For Rent Six-room house; bath and
electric light equipment; pleasant loca
tion. Address P. O. Box 168, or phone
2134. 8-10-tf
Teachers examination will be held in
this city to-morrow. All those whose'
certificates have expired and others who
desire to teach have to appear
before for the board. This is an awful
trial in August.
Eat Golden Rod Flakes,
They are better for breakfast,
Than old-fashioned corn cakes,
And five minuets time,
Is all that it takes . ''
At Kline's. 6-12-tf
A letter from Miss Mayme Cauthorn,
now in San Francisco, says that she is
enjoying her work with the celebrated ,
teacher, Mrs. Mansfield. She finds San j
Francisco a city of great interest, i
Miss Cauthorn will return to Corvallis ;
about Sept. 1st to take charge of her
class in music.
Mrs. W. H. Davis and little daugh-j
xer, ana sister, miss ecu L.roucn, nave ifornia sell by the wagon ioad for less
arrived here from Sacramento, Cal., toj money than a half.dozen of the taste
join Mr. Davis who has been in Corval- j less elongations that pass muster in
ns to secure a nome, it oeing me mien- rj0rvailis at 75 eents Der. The Wabash
j and White river bottom lands of Indiana
: produce tons of watermelons fifteen
j inches in diameter the short way, with
meat as red as blood, sweet as sugar,
WANTED 1UU prune piCKerS TO piCK . bvuu uuuuguuub, iuiu liiiij uuu wiiai b
150 acres of prunes at Benton County j the use! We can raise fruit on the
orchard at Granger.- 9c a box 11c to ; coast, but when it comes to melons,
those staying to finish the picking. Pick- there are other spots on the globe.
ing to begin about Aug. 20th. Ladders
and buckets supplied; good camping
place; good water and wood. Applicants
send names and addresses - to WV N.
Sayre, P. O.Box 521, Corvallis.. 8-7-7t
: Mrs. Chas. W. Skeels, of Pullman
Wash.,, is looking for her son, a young
man aged 25 years,, who disppeared
from Spokane, Wash., -July 6th. Last
October he suffered a severe injury
which may have affected his mind.'. He
may ask for work' as a barber, office
man or can fill a position of trust.
Young Skeels has a" wife and family
anri all arp flppnlv nnnrpmor? fm Hm'
He weighs 110 pounds, has dark hair,
blue eyes, two upper front teeth- miss
ing, is 5 feet 7 inches' high and is ex
emplary in his habits. 50 reward is
offered for information : leading to his
.' W. A. Jensen, secretary to Pres. W.
J. Kerr, ia at his desk again after a
month's vacation spent in the inter
mountain region.
Linn county has some real boosters.
According to the monthly report of Dr.
W. H. Davis,: county health " officer,
there were 28 births and but 8 deaths.,
Dr. and Mrs. Flint are at home from
the New Era campmeeting of Spirit
ualists. An epidemic of influenza
struck the campmeeting and the Flints
did not escape, both being considerably
inconvenienced " at this . time. Mrs.
Flint taught during the time she was
there and had large classes. She has a
number of excellent photos . of the
campmeeting and takes pleasure in
showing them to interested friends.
Actual surfacing on the first block of
Roseburg's street paving was begun
Monday afternoon, opposite the S. P.
depot. The two blocks there will be
finished in two or three days and one or
two blocks on Jackson street are to be
completed this week. Next week the
paving company ' expects to finish up
Jackson street and probably the two
blocks on Douglas, making eight of the
18 blocks under contract.
A. R. Brenner and family have ar
rived from Kansas and will occupy the
T. H. Crawford residence at the corner
of 8th and Adams. Mr. Brenner was
here some time ago, bought that prop
erty and returned to Kansas to close up
his affairs. On the trip to Corvallis
this time a little son of Mr-Brenner
had the misfortune to get the fingers
of his right hand caught beneath a
falling car window, and the boy's hand
was badly cnt.
An Albany man hauls California
melons to Corvallis and they are eaten
largely by Iowans and Missourians.
"Hoosiers" from Indiada, the only peo
ple who know what a real watermelon
is, turn up their noses at the California-.
Albany article, and "Suckers" from
Illinois are saving their stomachs for
corn. We are willing to wager a Con
federate shinplaster against a twice
used stamp that back in Indiana at the
present time watermelons treble the
size of the kind brought here from Cal-
tion of Mr. and Mrs. Davis to reside in
this city permanently. Miss Crouch
will visit here for some time and then
return to California.
Country Merchants
Ship Your Produce to SMITH. 1
He Will Pay 'You ' '
; 11c for Dressed Pork.
10c for Dressed, Small Fat Veal.
15c for Live Spring Chickens. ,
14c for Live Hens. J .
Immediate payments,
mission charged. : .
No com-
"Fighting the Beef Trust,"
Portland, Or.
We Use Scien
tific Instruments
To determine the needs of your eyes
There is no guess work about our
examinations. They are just as ac-
curate ; as trained skill and experi
ence can make them. They cost you
nothing so- you certainly ought to
. have the benefit of them, if you have
any eye trouble at all. They mean
the proper glasses, the only kind
you can afford to wear. .
E W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician
These Garments for Ladies and Misses
are of excellent quality. The styles speak
for themselves" and the prices are really
less than the cost of material and making.
Henlzle & Davk
Mrs. C. I. Besse is at home from a
Visit with relatives north.; .-'
' Miss Clara Baker came in on the
evening train yesterday. ?
Ralph Erwin and his camping party
are back from the Three Sisters coun
try. ':'" , -;' J ,;
Bert Thompson-and family returned
yesterday from a week's stay at New
port. L -
Circuit Court convenes tomorrow at
9 o'clock, Judge Burnett, of Salem,
presiding. . y
Papers covering the estate of Geo.
Garrison,' of Alsea, have been filed for
probate. C. W. Davis, of Philomath,
Is named as administrator.
A. K. Russ came home yesterday
from a trip to Seattle. He had a de
lightful vacation and will talk for Gazette-Times
readers tomorrow.
A post card from the Bexells, at
Victoria, B. C, says that they had just
met Prof, and Mrs. McKellips home
ward bound. Mr. Mc. is sick for a
sight of his launch the "Weinerwurst. "
Mrs. McKellips is in excellent health
and enjoying her trip immensely.
J. C. Morse, wife and daughter, Miss
Mabel, recently arrived from Longmont,
Colo. They have purchased the Spenr
cer Bicknell farm north of town and
will take possession soon. Mrs. Morse
is a sister pf Mrs. C. L. Tallmah. Mr.
Morse was in the hardware business at
Salem Statesman :-E. D. Horgan, who
until two years was one of the lucky .
ones to live in Salem, was in the city
yesterday. E. D.,as all will remember,
is a doctor of law, and is now located
at Corvallis, but took a trip to the ; city
to look up his old friends. E. D. says
that he is only up here to get the latest
styles and recite a few phrases of law
before a learned judge. v
The fake telegram about Caleb Davis
Jr. winning third in the big land draw
ing was fixed up for Jack Dawson's
benefit in particular, and ' despite the
chicken man's denial, he swallowed the
bait, say those who were in the game.
Ever since Jack went north and regis
tered for land he has been telling the
boys what he proposed to do with his
winning. - He 'expected to draw down
the capital prize and had planned to do
some wondrous things. Jack is a
pretty good jollier and he had ' lots of
fun crowing over the other fellows and -that
was his undoing. Davis induced
Ernest Miller to rig up a telegram an
nouncing his success, and , then the
news was carried to Dawson. . That
personage is said to have turned green
two or three times before he could
begin to feel good over the other man's
good fortune, and some of the crowd
tried to 'Tub it in" on him by "referr
ing to his tall talk during the past few
weeks , After the fake was exposed
Jack tried to let on that he was onto
the game all the time, but the boys had
their fun at his expense. just the same.
Theater Presents Film
Thrills All Beholders.
Albany's Fire
Losses Paid
The moving picture program
advertised by the Palace theater
for last night and tonight is one
of the strongest bills put on by
the management in a long time.
The film, "The Escape From
Anderson ville," is very realistic,
showing Union prisoners in the
famous old prison pen and some
of the indignities to which thev
were subjected. The tunnel has
been dug and watching a favor
able moment the little band of
dare-devils overcome the sentry
who is patroling their beat, and
taking him with them into the
tunnel, they make their getaway.
How they captured a locomotive
and are pursued by another en
gine manned by Confederates is
a mater of history, and this part
of the film is as true to life as
actor folks can make it on the
stage. The pursuing engine
finally breaks down an d . then
word is wired ahead for work
men -to blow up a long trestle,
and just after the engine bear
ing the escaping Union soldiers
crosses the trestle, the explosion
takes place, however, without in
juring any of the men. The
last picture shows the return of
the men to their homes and the
wild enthusiasm with which they
are received. - The whole picture
is good and is "way above the
average for clearness.
"A Priest of the Wilderness,"
a story of a priest among the
Iroquois Indians in the Sixteenth
century, is another good film,
full of action and very clear and
with excellent stage setting.
"Madri Gras in Havana," is a
picture of the street parade of
this celebrated pageant during
the last celebration in the capi
tal of Cuba, showing the differ
ent floats and " the . . immense
crowds on the streets watching
the spectacle. .
.Miss Lulu : Spangler has two
new : illustrated songs which
were well received by the large
crowd which attended last night.
The bill will b e repeated tonignt
and is one well worth seeing.
(Continuedj from page one )
trap character of the top of the
building, to blame for the big
gest part of the loss, as when
the fire once got in the garret it
was beyond control. Another
thing that displeases them is the
horrible condition of the ally
back of this block, making : fire
fighting a difficult thing.
But, altogether the insurance
companies have" no complaint
coming. They have taken out
many times as much money, "as
they have paid back, and there
is a big balance in Albany's
favor yet. : :
The Crime of Idleness
Idleness means trouble for any one,
It s the. same with a lazy liver. It
causes constipation, headache, jaundice,
sallow complexion, pimples and blotch
es, loss of appetite, nausea, but Dr.
King's New Life Pills soon banish liver
troubles and build up your health. 25c
at all druggists.
Proposals Invited.
Proposals For Central Agricultural
Building and Green Houses.
beaiea proposals, plainly marked on
the outside of the envelope, "Proposals
for the Agricultural building, and also
for the Green Houses, for the Oregon
Agricultural ' College, Corvallis, Or.
and addressed to the Secretary of the
Board of Regents, E. E. Wilson, at
the college office, until 2 o'clock P. M,
of August 14, 1909., for the construe
tion of a four story agricultural build'
ing, and for the construction of Green
Houses, at Corvallis, Or.,' in strict ac
cordance with the plans, specifications
and instructions to bidders which may
be examined at the office of the. secretary,-
at the college, and . at the
office of the architects, Bennes, Hen
dricks fa , Thompson,-' 67 Labbe Bldg.,
Portland, Or.' " " 6-26 e.o. d..-9t
For an Alliance.
r Two Bar gains in City Homes
Two corner lots, with one house of 7 rooms under construction.
- Bath, pantry, large closets to each bed room, linen closets, halls up
: and down stairs, fire place, basement full size of house, which is
! 24x36 feet, plumbing and electric light complete, septic tank, con
crete sidewalk and small barn.
1 Also one inside lot and 7-room house, bath, pantry, sewing
room, closets to bed rooms, halls up and down stairs, .basement
24x36 feet, full size of house, electric light complete, some plumb
ing, concrete walks. -
This property is in good location, two blocks from College, four
blocks from public school. No agents. Call on or address
OWNER, 320 North Tenth Street,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Occidental Lumber Co.
Successors to
Corvallis Lumber Co.
We are here to snpply your ngeds in the Lumber line. Please
call on J. B IRVING for information and prices. And take
notice that if we have not got exactly what you want we will
get it for you. .
G. O. BASSET r, Local Mar.
The Best Paint
There is no better paint made for appearance and
durability than "
Acme Quality Paint
Specially prepared for exterior and interior use.
Second Street,
Near Palace Theater
Bonfen County lumber Co
' Manufacturers of all kinds of ' " "'
Fir Lumber, Mouldings, Cedar Posts,
Sawed and Split. Gedar Shakes
Dealers in
Doors, Windows, Lime, BrtCK. Cement,
Shingles, etc -
Commenting editorially upon
.the Tuesday Afternoon Club pic
nic on the C. & A. Railway re
cently, the Sunday Journal said:
ulubs 01 the state will be anx
ious to learn the result of Mrs.
Selling's talk on state federation,
for a club saturated with the
club spirit must desire greater
opportunity and the state f edera
tion, stands sadly in need of just
such 1 progressive clubs." This
calls to mind that the state
federation constantly: supplies
worthy young women in need,
with funds to maintain them in
college; yet Corvallis is probably
the only city in Oregon thai; is
not represented in the state fed
eration. With so many first-
class clubs Corvallis might give
the state federation some consid
eration at the beginning of next
year's work. If -the federation
were open to men's clubs, Cor
vallis would be represented in the
state body. This is ominous, for
all know the ladies are more pro
gressive socially than the weaker
sex. -
Glass Jars, All Kinds, at
' Successors to
Second Street, - -
Corvallis, Oregon
Dealers In
Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream Sepa
rators, Graniteware, Tinware and Builders'
, Hardware. -
Sole Agents for
Congo Roofing and Quick F1eal Ranges
Fine Tract
For Sub-division
The best tract of land in or around
Corvallis to be sub-divided into small
tracts.- '
A chance to make a big thing within
the next six months. See
.. ' A. L. Stevenson, , .
8-3-tf. V Real Estate Man. ."
:. For Rent A small desirable farm,
twoi miles south of town. Inquire 708
i Third street,13 phon'e-1120 ' 8-6-tf-w
; Phone Your Orders To No. 7,
Where They Will be Promptly Filled.
Fine Line of Crockery, Glassware, Cut
v Glass, Haviland and Chinaware,
1 I'll I't'i. iTtt 'WTf .-t it.'. . .-.! r-' t , v, . ... ;
-.5 iT-iii.